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  1. BigWaxer

    High Definition TV

    What? if you see rainbows do not get a DLP and they are not the best. The most common thing you hear with DLP is headaches from the rainbow affect. 2nd and 3rd gen supposedly has curred that. For the money I would go with a rear project.. LCD. Although I noticed at Sams last week the Plasma's...
  2. BigWaxer

    Season predictions, short and sweet

    41 or so wins... 9th or 10 place.... Possible 7th or 8th seed at best. Anything better would absolutely suprise and impress me and I definately hope they prove me wrong.
  3. BigWaxer

    Kevin Martin... on fire

    Would like to see KM shoot more. I think this is his breakout season...Not sure it will help much but overall he is probably the 2nd best player that will/can score on our team.
  4. BigWaxer

    Arena vote status

    Okay next time I will ask you ahead of time. To see if you approve of what I am thinking. Oh wait this is a message board, I followed the rules... I will post what I want. It wasn't I told you so, Its the fact that just like the actual team and record so many of you are so un-realistic. This...
  5. BigWaxer

    Arena vote status

    I see you corrected yourself Circa... It has no chance and will go a step further as I called it day one it came out. This measure was doomed from the start. With that said... it should at least lead to a better deal for both sides in the near future.
  6. BigWaxer

    Musselman press conference - Oct. 22

    I completely agree. Now my thoughts; I will say the play by play above sounds like the right things were said. IMO it was a mistake and time to move on and get ready for some BBall
  7. BigWaxer

    Muss Arrested

    nice, I assume he will apologize and own up to it. Thats all anyone should expect... no excuses, just a I messed up, I am sorry blah blah... I do not want to hear the priest got to me or I have a problem or all that. (ya I expect the last part to be deleted)
  8. BigWaxer

    Muss Arrested

    First I did not read through 9 pages... I was at football today and just skimmed. I have a lot to say on this topic, and let me first say a lot of conclusions that people have made about alcoholics are 100% dead wrong... problem is this is not the board to air out my feelings on this. I have...
  9. BigWaxer

    Muss Arrested

    Just broke on KCRA. No details as of yet! They said he was arrested last night at 3am No links yet, please delete if it turns out not true. All they said was that on the Sac Sheriff site it reported that they arrested a Eric Mussleman, that was the same age as the coach. I could not find it...
  10. BigWaxer

    what was the last movie you watched?

    CHL... I never watched Infernal Affairs, however after watching The Departed I read up on reviews to see what others thought about this great movie. Anyone that watched IA said the exact same thing... Everyone liked IA better. But those that didn't watch IA usually came away saying The Departed...
  11. BigWaxer

    KCRA Arena Debate

    I watched that this morning... well I am mixed. I thought the PRO side answered that first question horribly. They could of killed on that question and looking at it objectively the NAY side had a better reply. Second question, when Dickinson answered, he was awesome. A plus for the PRO side...
  12. BigWaxer

    Maloofs Carls Jr Commercial

    I think you were talking to GreenKing but wanted to claify my statement because it would appear to fit into your reply. I am 110% sure they did not create this commercial to sabotage. Especially since this was most likely created before Q&R were even drawn up. My point was the timing was very...
  13. BigWaxer

    Maloofs Carls Jr Commercial

    I don't care about the ad, I could care less how much money they have but I do have a problem with this ad. This is yet another thing that gives the apperance that they are trying to sabotage this measure.
  14. BigWaxer

    what was the last movie you watched?

    Just watched this last night and I have to say this was absolutely one of the best movies I have ever watched. I thought I had it all figured out and then BLAM. Just an amazing movie, I have to go watch it again. This will go down as the years go by and be talked about just like the GodFather.
  15. BigWaxer

    The worst Halloween costumes of all time

    HAHA, they should have worst created by moms!!! One time my mom used a box, cut out a hole for the head and made me go as a stick of Big Red Gum.
  16. BigWaxer

    Kings released Jeter

    Depends on the player and roster spots available... But this is nothing out of the ordinary.
  17. BigWaxer

    Rick Adelman Anyone???

    OMG this is what I was afraid of. Leave it be... Rick was a great coach for us and almost brought us to the finals. He is not here lets not compare. Two totally different styles not to mention completely different rosters. Brick nailed this one... nice post Honestly I liked it better when...
  18. BigWaxer

    RIP Tower Records

    Tower went down because like a lot of companies they refuse or are to slow to conform to the changing online world. I would think combine that with the Walmarts and you have a company that refused to change its model to suit the changing times.
  19. BigWaxer

    30 Rock

    I wasn't into this show... I like Fey, Morgan and Baldwin... that is a great combo but the show was a generic version of Studio60. It was only show 1 so I will give it a chance. There were some funny lines..."pee in the eye" haha. I will continue to watch for the next few weeks. Just didn't...
  20. BigWaxer

    Worries about Ron's offense

    Absolutely unbelievable... were are the trade artest threads? hahah Some of you need to realize that not every player will look good every night. Not every game will be a win. There will be streaks, ups and downs especially with a new coach, new system and some fresh faces. Kings overall...