The worst Halloween costumes of all time

Darn, can't access it from where I am here. Please tell me that they have Kooky Spooks costumes on there. Those were uncomfortable and embarrassing.
I wish the Rubic's Cube was still available - I'd love to give it to my son the math geek - although at 23 he probably couldn't fit into it. LOL
I <3 the Jaws.

So badass.

I'd have to strangle somebody if they ever got me the Scott Baio one. Holy jesus that's bad.
Yeah, you'd definitely be more of a Village People, Flipper or that Dude that says "the plane, the plane!" kind of guy. ;)
HAHA, they should have worst created by moms!!!

One time my mom used a box, cut out a hole for the head and made me go as a stick of Big Red Gum.