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  1. RookieOfTheDay

    [Grades] Grades v. Knicks 2/15/12

    It goes well beyond last night's game though. The Kings almost always look wiped out on back to backs. i'm really starting to wonder if the strength/conditioning staff aren't doing their jobs correctly.
  2. RookieOfTheDay

    Players not contributing

    Tyreke and Thornton DO need to play better. I don't get the mindset that cuts the best players on the team slack but goes after the role players tooth and nail. The best players have to be and should be held to a higher standard because if they don't play well, you simply cannot win. They have...
  3. RookieOfTheDay

    Tyreke's lack of progression

    More nonsense. I never said anything about dumping him for peanuts. I've suggested getting a good player for him while his value is still reasonably high. Your comparison is futile because I never suggested giving tyreke away or trading him for nothing. I also never said it wouldn't be without...
  4. RookieOfTheDay

    [Grades] Grades v. Knicks 2/15/12

    What I want to know is, why didn't the Knicks look tired? They played the night before as well. Why is fatigue such an issue for the Kings? Aren't young guys supposed to have more stamina and endurance?
  5. RookieOfTheDay

    Tyreke's lack of progression

    Lack of reading comprehension is your problem. I've NEVER doubted or questioned Tyreke's talent. NEVER. So spare me the I don't know talent nonsense. Your Tyreke/Wallace comparison is still absurd for several reasons. A, we hadn't seen nearly as much of Wallace at the time as we have of Tyreke...
  6. RookieOfTheDay

    Tyreke's lack of progression

    I'm not suggesting giving up. I'm suggesting a revaluation. I think we're very close to the point where it's safe to say that he isn't the untouchable franchise cornerstone we hoped he would be.
  7. RookieOfTheDay

    Tyreke's lack of progression

    No. I was the guy who said it was a dumb move. I hardly see the point though. Are you REALLY saying that the situations are even remotely similar?
  8. RookieOfTheDay

    Tyreke's lack of progression

    Potential never won anything, ever. You can only wait on potential to blossom so long. Basketball history is filled with players who had loads of potential that never fulfilled it.
  9. RookieOfTheDay

    Tyreke's lack of progression

    What about after you've tried dipping sauce and a dozen other cover ups? At what point do you accept that you just have a bad steak on your hands?
  10. RookieOfTheDay

    Tyreke's lack of progression

    Shouldn't you be passed that point by year three?
  11. RookieOfTheDay

    Tyreke's lack of progression

    Yeah, and sometimes you also have to accept that you just made a bad mix and start over.
  12. RookieOfTheDay

    12 Month Plan (Detailed)

    It's foolish in my opinion to read posts on a fan board as anything more than simply fan's ideas. I don't get why some people act as if this is serious business.
  13. RookieOfTheDay

    Tyreke's lack of progression

    It is frustrating and disappointing. Admittedly he has been better lately but he still has the same problems and still regresses quickly when things don't go his way. He has a one dimensional game. When teams allow him to play his game, he's great. But when they don't, he becomes almost a...
  14. RookieOfTheDay

    Tyreke's lack of progression

    Except that...there IS statistical evidence for us to stand on. Loads of it, in fact. How about the fact that he's worse in every single statistical category (except free throw%) compared to his rookie year?
  15. RookieOfTheDay

    Tyreke's lack of progression

    No doubt this will be labeled a troll thread by the Tyreke excuse makers. I wonder how long it will take before those devoted to defending him realize that the garden variety responses like he's young, he's had poor coaching, etc. have passed their expiration date? I guess it's just too painful...
  16. RookieOfTheDay

    Thoughts on Vets and Leadership

    This is a good point. When I think of vets being important to a team I think of guys like Vlade. You know, guys who actually have leadership skills and can play. I can see young players listening to a guy like that. I can't see why a young player would listen to Salmons, Garcia, or Hayes...
  17. RookieOfTheDay


    Thornton for an 8 week rental of Nash, I don't know. It's tempting but i think I'd have to pass. Nash wouldn't even be around long enough to build chemistry with the team. I'm not crazy abut Thornton either but if I were going to trade him I'd want it to be for a player who'd be around awhile.
  18. RookieOfTheDay

    [Game] Suns @ Kings, 2/11/12

    Terrible idea. Jimmer's defense cost the Kings that game. :p
  19. RookieOfTheDay

    [Grades] Grades v. Suns 2/11/12

    My grade is...I fell asleep at half time. OK, so it was mostly because i was super tired but the Kings didn't help. They gave me nothing to want to stay awake for! Was hoping they'd make another second half comeback but obviously that didn't happen. It sucks, they needed this win to creep a...
  20. RookieOfTheDay

    Whats your take on Keith Smart?

    I think he's the right coach for this team. The team is obviously playing better since he took over (8 and 11 under Smart) and they seem to respect him and have a good relationship with him. Can't really ask for much more than that right now. I hope he sticks around permanently because i'm sick...