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  1. RookieOfTheDay

    [Grades] Grades v. Suns 2/11/12

    Which is pretty much exactly where they were in 2007-2008. Only difference is now they're on an upward trajectory instead of a downward one, so I can live with that. They'll reach the playoffs eventually as long as they don't do anything stupid like blow up the team. Probably won't be this year...
  2. RookieOfTheDay

    Chris Webber on KHTK 1140

    That would be the sensible conclusion if you were confused on the issue. I figure they must have thought the only way an arena gets built is to put it on the ballot and hope it passes, so when they heard it failed to get on the ballot, they thought the deal was dead. I'm sure lots of people were...
  3. RookieOfTheDay

    Chris Webber on KHTK 1140

    He called him a liar?
  4. RookieOfTheDay

    Chris Webber on KHTK 1140

    Another thing. The way the story broke, at least in The Bee was a little confusing. I think is said something like "Arena ballot proposal" failed." If you hadn't been closely following the events and you saw ARENA and FAILED in the same sentence, it'd be easy to get the wrong idea.
  5. RookieOfTheDay

    Chris Webber on KHTK 1140

    Technically, they did have the facts straight, they were just confused about what the facts meant. I have to disagree that it's their duty to research something like this. They're personalities/entertainers whose primary job is to talk about the game, the players, etc. not local politics...
  6. RookieOfTheDay

    Chris Webber on KHTK 1140

  7. RookieOfTheDay

    Chris Webber on KHTK 1140

    Darn I really wish I'd heard it now. First time I haven't listened to Peach's show in like a week and I miss some juicy drama like this.
  8. RookieOfTheDay

    Chris Webber on KHTK 1140

    It seems the whole TNT crew had it wrong, because Cheryl Miller didn't understand that the fail vote was good news for the arena either. You can't expect people who don't even live here to follow this every single day like we do. Their job is to know basketball, not politics. If folks are...
  9. RookieOfTheDay

    Chris Webber on KHTK 1140

    It's ridiculous how so many are acting like it's Webber's duty to stay informed on every development with the arena. It's not. He has no obligation to Sacramento and the support that he does give is out of the goodness of his own heart. I didn't hear the show but if Grant came at Webber in a...
  10. RookieOfTheDay

    [Grades] Grades v. Thunder 02/09/12

    I put 4 and 3 but I wouldn't be surprised if they do better than that because four of the six road games are against bad teams.
  11. RookieOfTheDay

    [Game] Thunder @ Kings 2-9-12

    I know, I'm just saying that they are not incorrect insofar as the proposal to put the parking lease on the June ballot was rejected. Somehow they just didn't get the memo that that's a win for the Kings and the arena.
  12. RookieOfTheDay

    [Game] Thunder @ Kings 2-9-12

    Putting it on the ballot was rejected. They just seemed a little confused about realizing that's a good thing.
  13. RookieOfTheDay

    [Game] Kings @ Wolves

    Comparing Jimmer's defense to the Kings best defender doesn't prove much. I know Jimmer isn't a good defender, I'm not denying that. My point is just that it's being blown out of proportion. People are acting like he's the worst defender of all time and that he should never set foot on an NBA...
  14. RookieOfTheDay

    [Game] Kings @ Wolves

    As a general rule, I am only a jerk to those who are a jerk to me first. I'm not perfect, I probably slip up here and there but for the most part, I treat people as they treat me. I really try and live by that rule.
  15. RookieOfTheDay

    5-4 to keep arena off ballot at City Council tonight

    I'd lose the source of a ton of frustration, too. Sorry, had to be said. I'd rather a team to be frustrated with than no team, though.
  16. RookieOfTheDay

    5-4 to keep arena off ballot at City Council tonight

    I'm aware. I just don't see how that automatically means they're a no vote on leasing the parking as well. Some of them could have had political reasons for wanting to appear in support of a public vote, but that wouldn't necessarily mean they were against the idea of leasing parking outright.
  17. RookieOfTheDay

    5-4 to keep arena off ballot at City Council tonight

    I don't know what you're basing lost McCarty and Pannell on. Seems like just speculation. Just because they didn't like the strong mayor idea doesn't mean they're going to suddenly switch sides on the parking deal.
  18. RookieOfTheDay

    5-4 to keep arena off ballot at City Council tonight

    I don't see how you can just assume that because she voted no on strong mayor that she's now going to vote no on parking. Two entirely separate issues.
  19. RookieOfTheDay

    5-4 to keep arena off ballot at City Council tonight

    Sorry, math fail on my part. Point is though, there's five yes votes and that's all we need.
  20. RookieOfTheDay

    5-4 to keep arena off ballot at City Council tonight

    This was Sheedy's last shot at a game winner, and she rimmed out. The reason she wanted this was because she knew it was her best bet at killing the arena deal. Now that she's done throwing monkey wrenches, we can get down to the business at hand.