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  1. RookieOfTheDay

    Why no Jimmer at the end?

    Why no Jimmer AT ALL is what he should have asked. Poor reporting.
  2. RookieOfTheDay

    [Game] Trailblazers @ Kings - 2/2/12

    You're surprised that I wanna know why the heck a player who's played in every single game and averages 23 MPG suddenly is DNP?
  3. RookieOfTheDay

    [Game] Trailblazers @ Kings - 2/2/12

    I wouldn't bet on it. Most folks around here just THINK they're basketball exerts.
  4. RookieOfTheDay

    [Game] Trailblazers @ Kings - 2/2/12

    Good win but WTF is Jimmer in the doghouse all of a sudden? Doesn't even touch the floor? Really? Weak!
  5. RookieOfTheDay

    [Game] Trailblazers @ Kings - 2/2/12

    Yep, what he did in the distant past is more relevant than what he did in the recent past.
  6. RookieOfTheDay

    What kind of player do you see Tyreke Evans as, 5+ years from now?

    Thanks for the player info. I'm not seeing what i'm expecting that's unrealistic though. Just because other players have struggled in their 3rd years doesn't mean we should settle for that with Tyreke because plenty of players haven't struggled in their 3rd years as well. Like Kingster said...
  7. RookieOfTheDay

    Eek! Trade deadline March 15th quickly approaching!

    Yeah, the Hayes signing would have been awesome if it was in addition to a Dalembert signing. And they easily had enough cash to get both too. Having Dalembert and Cousins start with Hayes and JT off the bench would have been a great frontcout.
  8. RookieOfTheDay

    What kind of player do you see Tyreke Evans as, 5+ years from now?

    Again, I said nothing like he has to be so consistent that we can set our watches to him. Obviously no player play well 100% of the time. It's all relative. The best players probably play well about 90% of the time, though. Tyreke is nowhere near that. he's 50/50 at best. I honestly don't even...
  9. RookieOfTheDay

    Eek! Trade deadline March 15th quickly approaching!

    I would have offered Dalembert 3 years/25-30$ million. I believe that's better than the deal he got in Houston. I think that's a bit steep for him but since he was pretty much the best big man FA option available that they had a realistic shot at signing i would have gone ahead and done it if...
  10. RookieOfTheDay

    What kind of player do you see Tyreke Evans as, 5+ years from now?

    I didn't say correct every hitch. I said begin correcting those things or at the very least to show that they're on the path to correcting them. Pretty big difference. I don't expect him to fix all this stuff overnight. I just expect him to demonstrate that he's on an upward trajectory. He...
  11. RookieOfTheDay

    What kind of player do you see Tyreke Evans as, 5+ years from now?

    I hope they come in time but have doubts that they will. I know the team is young and all that, we all do. But that doesn't account for the problems Tyreke has yet to fix in his game like fading away on jumpshots, trying to do too much in crunch time, and lacking consistency. By a player's 3rd...
  12. RookieOfTheDay

    What kind of player do you see Tyreke Evans as, 5+ years from now?

    Consistency and improvement. I really don't think that's too much to ask or that it makes us "Reke bashers".
  13. RookieOfTheDay

    Eek! Trade deadline March 15th quickly approaching!

    I guess he forgot they said they had cap space and we're going to spend it ALL. I guess in Maloof speak cap space must mean the space between where you're at and the minimum salary.
  14. RookieOfTheDay

    [Grades] Grades v. Warriors 1/31/12

    What point? I was only talking about last night's game. I don't see what other game shave to do with it.
  15. RookieOfTheDay

    [Grades] Grades v. Warriors 1/31/12

    I've seen every game this season. I just don't think they played very well in the Warriors game.
  16. RookieOfTheDay

    [Grades] Grades v. Warriors 1/31/12

    This is why I voted for Cousins in the player of the game poll. Tyreke put up better game stats but his late game play was costly, as it has been many times. Indeed. His poise and control out there just goes to show how lame the youth excuse is when used on players with more NBA experience...
  17. RookieOfTheDay

    [Grades] Grades v. Warriors 1/31/12

    The pathetic part was the 4th quarter choke job against the GS bench. This was such a winnable game and the Kings simply pissed it away.
  18. RookieOfTheDay

    [Grades] Grades v. Warriors 1/31/12

    I don't even know what that's supposed to mean. My point was that bad team vs bad team = close game. Basically bad teams make each other look good.
  19. RookieOfTheDay

    [Grades] Grades v. Warriors 1/31/12

    They didn't really play well that i saw. The only reason the game was close is because the Warriors are a bad team too.