Now, about Vasquez...

Sometimes i feel like this board is a Tyreke Evans cult, with Bricklayer as pastor. Seriously any non-kings fan or sane Kings fan will read these last pages and shake their head. You still can't name me one all star that does't have a 42 inch vertical that can only score consistently getting all the way to the rim, and defenses knowing that is his endgame 99% of the time.


Hall of Famer
The FO probably made their decision on Tyreke based on many of the posted points above. Tyreke is a good player but for the money that he's getting, they simply don't believe he's the answer in the long run....not that Vazquez is the answer, but the next big contract they give out, besides Cousins, is going to the guy that they believe can be that guy. Being able to shoot from the outside is a rather big thing when you have Cousins.....theoretically. I'm guessing they are looking for the piece or pieces that will follow that plan. And being able to penetrate is as important but if Reke could hit the mid range jumpers with consistency out to 3 point range, he'd be here still.


Hall of Famer
First post in a bunch that talks about Vasquez and his play at PG. if I'm not mistaken that is the purpose of this thread. Evans is gone and Vasquez is here. Can he play PG? Can he help the team? Of course we can't fully answer that because I don't believe our training camp team is in place yet. Some of the group of IT, Jimmer, MT won't be here next season and an unknown or two will join us. Thanks for posting this.

Bravo! We have been discussing Tyreke for years and even now that he is gone, old habits seem to die hard. I AM curious as to the insights about Vasquez' game and I was hoping to learn in this thread. Perhaps another thread should be started. I have no objection to arguing the difference between Vasquez and Tyreke (ignoring the cap space we still can use) but turning a Vasquez thread into a debate about two players who aren't even Kings may belong somewhere else.


Hall of Famer
EXACTLY. When "HereWeVivek" repeatedly posts retarded, uneducated dribble, it doesn't make it fact. Unfortunately HE is the only one that seemingly doesn't realize this and just continues to spew garbage.
Let's not use the "R" word... we are better than that.
Bravo! We have been discussing Tyreke for years and even now that he is gone, old habits seem to die hard. I AM curious as to the insights about Vasquez' game and I was hoping to learn in this thread. Perhaps another thread should be started. I have no objection to arguing the difference between Vasquez and Tyreke (ignoring the cap space we still can use) but turning a Vasquez thread into a debate about two players who aren't even Kings may belong somewhere else.
I will second this. Vasquez is an interesting subject. I think he may have a role on the Kings going forward.

I AM curious as to the insights about Vasquez' game and I was hoping to learn in this thread.
His pass first style should be fun to watch. it should get McLemore some great looks from 3. and it should make Cousins life alot easier, maybe he will finally know what its like to get the ball at the end of a pick & roll.
also lets hope the passing is contagious

he can also knock down the 3pt shot and apparently has a nice floater.

EDIT: let's also not rule out the possibility that he could be traded. we have no idea if the new regime is content with Thomas at PG, or if they think its a priority to upgrade the PG spot.

also remember that they were trying to move Vasquez in a 3 team deal with Tyreke, until Calderon turned them down
Sometimes i feel like this board is a Tyreke Evans cult, with Bricklayer as pastor. Seriously any non-kings fan or sane Kings fan will read these last pages and shake their head. You still can't name me one all star that does't have a 42 inch vertical that can only score consistently getting all the way to the rim, and defenses knowing that is his endgame 99% of the time.
I feel like the trade made us less talented, but a better team. I think we could've gotten more value out of Evans though. I was content with Vasquez and Lopez.... im a little dissapointed we involved the Blazers. To me that tells me the FO needs every bit of cap flexibility it can muster so they can make something big happen. Hope I'm right.
His pass first style should be fun to watch. it should get McLemore some great looks from 3. and it should make Cousins life alot easier, maybe he will finally know what its like to get the ball at the end of a pick & roll.
Except for the fact that Cousins is never going to see the floor due to constant foul trouble. Vasquez is one of the worst defenders in the NBA right now and our perimeter defense is going to be if not the worst, definitely bottom 3. How is he going to play with Thornton, Thomas or Jimmer? Whose guarding Curry in that scenario? If he is our starting pg, teams are going to be trapping us every night.
Except for the fact that Cousins is never going to see the floor due to constant foul trouble. Vasquez is one of the worst defenders in the NBA right now and our perimeter defense is going to be if not the worst, definitely bottom 3.
i think you might be blowing that one a little out of proportion


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I feel like the trade made us less talented, but a better team. I think we could've gotten more value out of Evans though. I was content with Vasquez and Lopez.... im a little dissapointed we involved the Blazers. To me that tells me the FO needs every bit of cap flexibility it can muster so they can make something big happen. Hope I'm right.
Almost have to be. Otherwise crappy as the trade would have been, Lopez is precisely the type of player we need next year. To gratuitously dump a useful player being offered, and I believe an ender as well (so it wasn't for long term purposes) would just have to seemingly indicate an alternate plan for that money.
Sometimes i feel like this board is a Tyreke Evans cult, with Bricklayer as pastor. Seriously any non-kings fan or sane Kings fan will read these last pages and shake their head. You still can't name me one all star that does't have a 42 inch vertical that can only score consistently getting all the way to the rim, and defenses knowing that is his endgame 99% of the time.

Just want you to know that you're not alone brother. Plus, KF board is usually not indicative of the larger Kings fans sentiment. Case in point, many here loved the Salmons/Jimmer/Hickson trade. Just think of this board as the alternate universe and things will start to make sense. :p

Now regarding Tyreke, he's a special talent, no doubt about that. I wish him the best and maybe he reaches his potential in NO. But I think the Kings are smart to move on without him.

Greivis will be a solid, unspectacular role player. There are certainly holes in his game, but I don't think he has too far to improve to make himself into a bona fide starting caliber PG. If he can improve his 3-pt shooting to say, around 38%, that combine with his passing and his size, will make him a very good role player to have.

Plus, he's big enough to slide to the 2 (in limited mins of course). He allows the coach to go small with two PGs on the floor without actually going that small. There is certainly a lot to like here, he's a huge guard with true passing skill; that alone makes him very unique; and he's one of those pieces that can fit in just about any system. So yay that the Kings have him.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Just want you to know that you're not alone brother. Plus, KF board is usually not indicative of the larger Kings fans sentiment. Case in point, many here loved the Salmons/Jimmer/Hickson trade. Just think of this board as the alternate universe and things will start to make sense. :p
Tis true. We are the elite. and actually know what we are talking least occasionally. For instance, we would have known that there was no Salmons/Jimmer/Hickson trade. It was 2 trades: 1) Beno and our pick for Salmons and the pick who became Jimmer; 2) Casspi and a pick for Hickson. Neither was popular, although Jimmer fans supported the first, and I personally thought the second was a win on talent, if not fit. A point of view that was born out after Hickson left us and went up to Portland to average a double double as their starting center.
I've read some people saying that there must be some kind of problem with Vasquez to cause the Pelicans to trade away a #1 prospect in Nerlens for Holiday. I think the only problem they had was with Nerlens' knees, not with Vasquez.

I don't think we've had a guy average this many assists since Reggie Theus. He will be the reason why Cousins averages 20ppg this year. He'll keep us from having those stagnant games where we can barely score 75. Guys will be involved and it will be contagious to where they realize that sharing the ball will actually come back around and get them easy buckets.

I like Tyreke but if they didn't feel like he was worth $11mil, then it's best we got a player with some value out of the deal rather than nothing. We've been terrible for all 4 of Tyreke's years and while he's a talented player, sometimes you just gotta roll the dice and change it up. I think this guy is going to be good for us and Isaiah can come off the bench as a scorer and do what he does best against the other teams backups.
I've read some people saying that there must be some kind of problem with Vasquez to cause the Pelicans to trade away a #1 prospect in Nerlens for Holiday. I think the only problem they had was with Nerlens' knees, not with Vasquez.
i could see that, i personally didnt want the Kings to take the risk on Nerlins, and i was SOOOOO happy New Orleans took him at 6 so he didnt drop to us
Almost have to be. Otherwise crappy as the trade would have been, Lopez is precisely the type of player we need next year. To gratuitously dump a useful player being offered, and I believe an ender as well (so it wasn't for long term purposes) would just have to seemingly indicate an alternate plan for that money.
Na, since he wasn't waived, the last 2 years of his deal became guaranteed. Still, 2yrs/10 million for a solid role player like Lopez is far from the worst thing in the world.


Hall of Famer
Almost have to be. Otherwise crappy as the trade would have been, Lopez is precisely the type of player we need next year. To gratuitously dump a useful player being offered, and I believe an ender as well (so it wasn't for long term purposes) would just have to seemingly indicate an alternate plan for that money.
I'm on the cliff dude. tell me something to pull me back


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
No actual penalty, but the teams creditability would be gone period. NO ONE would ever trust us in a deal.
You think backing out of a terrible deal would hurt our team's credibility? I think it's far worse if we don't. Not only is the team now in a position where they have to spend a huge chunk of money to meet the minimum salary requirements and nobody left on the market deserves it, but every team in the league is going to be looking at us as the likely sucker in their next lowball offer.
It's not like you can just back out the deal that you agreed to and say "Whoops. Sorry. Guess we should of thought that one through!" It just doesn't happen. You agree to a deal with multiple teams involved with multiple players, you are commiting to these people. It's pretty much your word you put on it and once that's gone there's not much left. It's nothing going to happen. It's time to move forward.
You think backing out of a terrible deal would hurt our team's credibility? I think it's far worse if we don't. Not only is the team now in a position where they have to spend a huge chunk of money to meet the minimum salary requirements and nobody left on the market deserves it, but every team in the league is going to be looking at us as the likely sucker in their next lowball offer.

You think it's better that the FO break their verbal agreement? No team does this because it's essentially suicide. Nobody would talk to them again. How is that better?

Getting to the minimum salary requirements would not be hard at all if Cousins is given the max as expected.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member

You think it's better that the FO break their verbal agreement? No team does this because it's essentially suicide. Nobody would talk to them again. How is that better?

Getting to the minimum salary requirements would not be hard at all if Cousins is given the max as expected.
Cousins' max contract wouldn't kick in until next year.
Tis true. We are the elite. and actually know what we are talking least occasionally. For instance, we would have known that there was no Salmons/Jimmer/Hickson trade. It was 2 trades: 1) Beno and our pick for Salmons and the pick who became Jimmer; 2) Casspi and a pick for Hickson. Neither was popular, although Jimmer fans supported the first, and I personally thought the second was a win on talent, if not fit. A point of view that was born out after Hickson left us and went up to Portland to average a double double as their starting center.

Hickson's 12 pts and 10 rebs in Portland is a far cry from the second coming of Al Jefferson that some people proclaimed him to be. Well, he's still young enough, so you guys can still be right. His accomplishing a double/double is pretty much what everyone predicted, and no, that still doesn't justify the trade, in talent or otherwise; because he was a soon-to-be free agenct and the astute always knew he was not staying in Sac and how he played while with the Kings (not much) is ultimately the only thing that counts.

But you're a legend in your own mind and I'm sure you'll find ways to justify whatever justification is needed whenever that may be.

With that said, I will for sure check out some Pelicans games this coming season. I can go on and on about Reke but the man is gone now, so let's hope he finds his grove in NO and always have terrible games against the Kings.


Hall of Famer
You think backing out of a terrible deal would hurt our team's credibility? I think it's far worse if we don't. Not only is the team now in a position where they have to spend a huge chunk of money to meet the minimum salary requirements and nobody left on the market deserves it, but every team in the league is going to be looking at us as the likely sucker in their next lowball offer.
If you ran a car lot and offered to sell me a one year old Mustang for 5k and we shook on it. Then when I came over to give you the cash and get the car you said sorry you just checked the blue book and the deal was off, I might not blame you, but I would never deal with you again and neither would anyone I know.