Defend adequately, run the floor adequately, shoot an average % from the floor for your position, show up every night, don't be stupid on/floor, be clutch and don't sabotage down the stretch, help your team reach the next level, have some kind of trade value so we wouldn't be bidding against ourselves - at least some of that I need to see before I hear the term max associated with him
the fact that he and his agent are talking max extension before new ownership/management/coaching has made a single player personnel decision is a great sign. so you ink that max deal and you don't think twice. it's a risk, but if you want to win in a small market, you have to take a few risks. i'll bank on the center with superstar potential eleven times out of ten, especially given the state of the nba...
the league is shrinking. you can count the number of quality starting centers on less than one hand. he's not playing in an era of big men. shaq's long gone. duncan's nearly retired. howard's overrated. marc gasol and roy hibbert are excellent, but that's about it for DMC's competition. he will very likely become the best center in the league, and it likely won't take that much prodding to help get him there...