Dominoes startng to fall and other latest news, rumors, etc.

Bryan May ‏@BMayNews1044m
Just talked to George Maloof in lobby of Dallas hotel. Told me he's ready for this to be over but doesn't know if it will be tomorrow.

but when he talked to Seattle Reporter :

George Maloof, one of the members of the family that owns the Sacramento Kings, said again today their desire is to sell the team to a Seattle group led by Chris Hansen and Steve Ballmer.

Maloof is in Dallas in advance of the NBA Board of Governors meetings tomorrow, and in a brief interview as he walked through the lobby, reiterated the family’s long stance about selling the team to the Seattle group.

“We have a binding agreement,” he said. “That’s our commitment, to Chris and Steve. We want to see it through.”

Maloof said he couldn’t make any other real comment other than to say he was “here to see what happens” tomorrow when the BOG is expected to cast a final vote on the Seattle/Sacramento tug-of-war over the Kings.

Two faced slime ball!!!!
Translation : I dont care who Someone give me a huge check Please!!!!

He's under contract, can't say much else... The tweets today, especially from KJ have been positive
Forget what I said earlier. If the Kings move, I will step on GEORGE'S balls, steal his grandma's car, run over his dog, and just for good measure, throw him in the middle of Sacramento Downtown.


Super Moderator Emeritus
As much as I detest and loathe George Maloof, there was really no other answer he could give.

Had he said, for example, "We still support Chris and Steve but hey, if that doesn't work we have no problem dealing with Sacramento" he would have opened himself up to a lawsuit from Hansen and Ballmer. They do have a binding agreement, at least until tomorrow, so even if they're hedging their bets behind the scenes, they're not going to admit it.

We've known for years that it's easy to tell when the Maloofs are lying ... their lips are moving.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Forget what I said earlier. If the Kings move, I will step on GEORGE'S balls, steal his grandma's car, run over his dog, and just for good measure, throw him in the middle of Sacramento Downtown.
We're better than this, aren't we? I know you're young but come on.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I stole that punishment from a writer twice my age. :confused:
It's an empty threat and IMHO just looks silly. It's kind of like the stuff you see on soncisrising and maybe I'm just prejudiced but I personally think we as Kings fans as much better than that. Just sayin'...


Super Moderator Emeritus
I thought it was funny...
Maybe so. As I said, it just looked to me too much like some of the SR crap.

EDIT: And I think what really bothers me is it's so totally not anything Vlade would say, yet it's right next to a big picture of Vlade. I'll be quiet now.
As much as I detest and loathe George Maloof, there was really no other answer he could give.

Had he said, for example, "We still support Chris and Steve but hey, if that doesn't work we have no problem dealing with Sacramento" he would have opened himself up to a lawsuit from Hansen and Ballmer. They do have a binding agreement, at least until tomorrow, so even if they're hedging their bets behind the scenes, they're not going to admit it.

We've known for years that it's easy to tell when the Maloofs are lying ... their lips are moving.
Exactly. George is obligated to support H/B until the vote otherwise he's risking his last bit of wealth. What George says tomorrow will be be interesting for Kings fans. What he says today is not.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Exactly. George is obligated to support H/B until the vote otherwise he's risking his last bit of wealth. What George says tomorrow will be be interesting for Kings fans. What he says today is not.
Any bet that at some point AFTER the relocation vote, the Maloofs come out with a statement along these lines:

"We dealt with the Hansen/Ballmer group in good faith. However, since the NBA has voted against our request to relocate the team and sell it to Hansen/Ballmer, we are glad that Sacramento was able to bring a group together to both purchase the team and secure their future in Sacramento. We have always had the utmost respect for Kevin Johnson and the fans and are grateful for the time we spent as owners of the Sacramento Kings. We wish them all every success in the future."

Of course, what' they're really saying is, "Ha, suckers! We found a shill to jack up the price and get you fools to pay us optimum money! Later!!!"
Any bet that at some point AFTER the relocation vote, the Maloofs come out with a statement along these lines:

"We dealt with the Hansen/Ballmer group in good faith. However, since the NBA has voted against our request to relocate the team and sell it to Hansen/Ballmer, we are glad that Sacramento was able to bring a group together to both purchase the team and secure their future in Sacramento. We have always had the utmost respect for Kevin Johnson and the fans and are grateful for the time we spent as owners of the Sacramento Kings. We wish them all every success in the future."

Of course, what' they're really saying is, "Ha, suckers! We found a shill to jack up the price and get you fools to pay us optimum money! Later!!!"
Nah, it will be a statement attempting to save face. Something along the lines of "After numerous attempts to secure a future for the team in Sacramento, we had no choice but to pursue a sale to out of state interests. The Sacramento community finally stepped up and came together with a viable alternative to keep the team in town and the NBA, after evaluating the alternatives, decided that the team should not be relocated. We are very happy blah blah blah, grateful blah blah blah... some chest thumping about contributions to the community... blah blah blah... Congrats to Sacramento and Kings fans blah blah blah..."

In essence, it will still mean "Ha, suckers! We found a shill to jack up the price and get you fools to pay us optimum money! Later!!!" - but they'll present it as if they had tried SO HARD to work it out in Sacramento and had no choice but to take the outsider's offer. Because, after all, it is OUR fault and not theirs.
Any bet that at some point AFTER the relocation vote, the Maloofs come out with a statement along these lines:

"We dealt with the Hansen/Ballmer group in good faith. However, since the NBA has voted against our request to relocate the team and sell it to Hansen/Ballmer, we are glad that Sacramento was able to bring a group together to both purchase the team and secure their future in Sacramento. We have always had the utmost respect for Kevin Johnson and the fans and are grateful for the time we spent as owners of the Sacramento Kings. We wish them all every success in the future."

Of course, what' they're really saying is, "Ha, suckers! We found a shill to jack up the price and get you fools to pay us optimum money! Later!!!"
Yeah, it will either be some statement like this (which regardless of motive signals concession) or George is going to take it to a level of crazy beyond what any of us can imagine.
Yeah, it will either be some statement like this (which regardless of motive signals concession) or George is going to take it to a level of crazy beyond what any of us can imagine.
Yeah, but the best part is that it will no longer matter what they say. THAT's what I'm looking forward to.


Hall of Famer
Any bet that at some point AFTER the relocation vote, the Maloofs come out with a statement along these lines:

"We dealt with the Hansen/Ballmer group in good faith. However, since the NBA has voted against our request to relocate the team and sell it to Hansen/Ballmer, we are glad that Sacramento was able to bring a group together to both purchase the team and secure their future in Sacramento. We have always had the utmost respect for Kevin Johnson and the fans and are grateful for the time we spent as owners of the Sacramento Kings. We wish them all every success in the future."

Of course, what' they're really saying is, "Ha, suckers! We found a shill to jack up the price and get you fools to pay us optimum money! Later!!!"
I guess it depends on weather or not they decide to play nice in the hope that some day their BS will be forgotten by some sports league and they may get a piece of some NHL team. OR if they decide "Hey we are done in sports anyway and Ballmer is paying the freight so why no take a shot at another $65 mill with a law suite.


Hall of Famer
Bryan May ‏@BMayNews10 4m

I asked George, if BoG votes down 65%, wouldn't they also vote down 20%. "I can sell to whoever I want to."

I REALLY HATE hearing that. I will try to stay in the hear and now but it sounds like things may not be completely over tomorrow.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bryan May ‏@BMayNews10 4m

I asked George, if BoG votes down 65%, wouldn't they also vote down 20%. "I can sell to whoever I want to."

I REALLY HATE hearing that. I will try to stay in the hear and now but it sounds like things may not be completely over tomorrow.
George can any anything he likes. He's rapidly on the road to total irrelevance. The Maloofs will not own the Kings much longer.
Bryan May ‏@BMayNews10 4m

I asked George, if BoG votes down 65%, wouldn't they also vote down 20%. "I can sell to whoever I want to."

I REALLY HATE hearing that. I will try to stay in the hear and now but it sounds like things may not be completely over tomorrow.
If he believes this, it points to being delusional (which has been suggested before). The Kings are an NBA franchise. Therefore, the NBA does have some significant say in who owns the franchise. Does he really not understand that owning an NBA franchise is different than owning an independent business?
If he believes this, it points to being delusional (which has been suggested before). The Kings are an NBA franchise. Therefore, the NBA does have some significant say in who owns the franchise. Does he really not understand that owning an NBA franchise is different than owning an independent business?
God i hate Rick Bucher. He is basically saying the same thing on 95.7 right now. And he is just trying to rip apart everything the SAC group has done and how we would not be financially viable due to the concessions being made. He is clueless.
Bryan May ‏@BMayNews10 4m

I asked George, if BoG votes down 65%, wouldn't they also vote down 20%. "I can sell to whoever I want to."

I REALLY HATE hearing that. I will try to stay in the hear and now but it sounds like things may not be completely over tomorrow.
What reality does the Magoofs live in? They can not sell to who ever they want! It needs to be approved by the BOG.

The sac group should put a time frame on the price they are willing to pay. If the magoofs do not agree to sell the team to sac group within 3 days, of the Bog relocation vote, then the price goes down $10million per day, capped at $400 million total valuation.

There you go Georgie, you can sell the team to whoever and whenever
you want! Just not Hansen and ballmer!
Bryan May ‏@BMayNews10 4m

I asked George, if BoG votes down 65%, wouldn't they also vote down 20%. "I can sell to whoever I want to."

I REALLY HATE hearing that. I will try to stay in the hear and now but it sounds like things may not be completely over tomorrow.

George = Veruca Salt
Ballmer = enabling rich Dad

Stern is about to send them both to the incinerator
Bryan May's Most Recent Tweets

“Just had the longest talk I've had with George Maloof in over a year. He said they've never said they wouldn't sell to Sac group”

“George also told me Chris Hansen "still has a shot at this. A very real shot."

“When I asked him how he thinks tomorrow's meetings will go, he said quick. "It's going to be a lot to talk about, bap, bap, bap."

“George said he has only met Vivek once, and still hasn't talked to Sacramento ownership group.”

“George said what all of NBA has been saying, that expansion is not likely. "It's very complicated. Very, very complicated."

“I asked George why they agreed to 20% backup offer. "It's a way for them (H/B) to get into the league."”

“I asked George, if BoG votes down 65%, wouldn't they also vote down 20%. "I can sell to whoever I want to."”

“George said he doesn't think he will sit in on Sacramento presentation during BoG tomorrow.”

“George: "If it's only a matter of a few million, that's one thing, but if the offers are far apart it's a different story."”

“Bottom line from my conversation with George Maloof, I don't think this thing is over tomorrow. Maybe some resolution, but not all.”

“Let me say again, George was very adamant that they never said they wouldn't sell to Sacramento ownership group.”
Bryan May's Most Recent Tweets“I asked George why they agreed to 20% backup offer. "It's a way for them (H/B) to get into the league."”
HBN can go ahead and buy Vivek's portion of the Warriors if they so want to get into the league...

AFTER the Kings are sold to Vivek.


Super Moderator Emeritus
HBN can go ahead and buy Vivek's portion of the Warriors if they so want to get into the league...

AFTER the Kings are sold to Vivek.
I have a feeling if HBN don't start mending fences immediately, it will be a very cold day before they're allowed to even think about investing in a team.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bryan May's Most Recent Tweets

“Just had the longest talk I've had with George Maloof in over a year. He said they've never said they wouldn't sell to Sac group”

“George also told me Chris Hansen "still has a shot at this. A very real shot."

“When I asked him how he thinks tomorrow's meetings will go, he said quick. "It's going to be a lot to talk about, bap, bap, bap."

“George said he has only met Vivek once, and still hasn't talked to Sacramento ownership group.”

“George said what all of NBA has been saying, that expansion is not likely. "It's very complicated. Very, very complicated."

“I asked George why they agreed to 20% backup offer. "It's a way for them (H/B) to get into the league."”

“I asked George, if BoG votes down 65%, wouldn't they also vote down 20%. "I can sell to whoever I want to."”

“George said he doesn't think he will sit in on Sacramento presentation during BoG tomorrow.”

“George: "If it's only a matter of a few million, that's one thing, but if the offers are far apart it's a different story."”

“Bottom line from my conversation with George Maloof, I don't think this thing is over tomorrow. Maybe some resolution, but not all.”

“Let me say again, George was very adamant that they never said they wouldn't sell to Sacramento ownership group.”
George is still being George. If I have the sequence of events right, both sides will give a closing argument presentation to the board. The BoG will then vote on the relocation, which should be rejected. At that point, the Kings are no longer a mobile franchise. They're a team that has to stay in Sacramento.

if Hansen/Ballmer don't withdraw their offer, the BoG votes again, this time on the sale itself. We'll assume the sale is also turned down, which will then make the HBN offer moot.

Only at that point, does the Sacramento offer enter the picture. Since the team is no longer mobile, which has already been determined, then the fair market value of the team is not the artificially high amount set forth by HBN and matched by Sacramento in their counter-offer. It is most likely much less, but that will not even be considered. Sacramento has an offer on the table to buy the team at an amount that the league has deemed equal to the Seattle offer. George will not really have any more bargaining left to do.

I hope this comes to an end tomorrow and a part of me hopes it ends with David Stern calling for a vote from the BoG to approve the Sacramento offer. If the Maloofs don't go along, I hope he has the paperwork ready to enforce the sale with the "best interests of the league" clause.