Maloof Plan B rumors and other news, etc.

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The guy said he's a kings fan but actually supports the team moving to seattle. Maybe that was A TAD INFLAMMATORY!!! He said this on a KINGS SITE!!!!
Cmon VF, your gonna get mad at people getting mad at this guy? Who's the one being unreasonable here?

Im at alot of team sites. What was said to Mr. Thin-skin was tame compared to 90% of other team sites. If that was enough to run him off then so be it.
Well, I actually agree with VF21 on this one. I mean, yea he's a Kings fan, but honestly I know a FEW casual Kings Fans(which is what he might be), and they aren't totally sold on Sacramento's ability to finance this down the road(although I disagree) as well as other reasons, so because of this, they kind of have a, I can take them or leave them attitude. Plus, I think he also said that he doesn't even live in Sacramento, so he's not going to be as passionate about the city as we are here....Anyway, his opinion may not be a popular opinion, but we should still respect him regardless......
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This is the one part that gives me pause. I'm not sure how they force the sale to sac without doing something like this but it would require the league to not only pass on extra money from the Seattle sale but also cost them money. We're really banking on their absolute desire to be keeping a team in sac, no matter the cost. It would be an unprecedented win for the little guy, which would be a great story.
That might be a big part of it, but I'm also banking on the fact that KJ and the Sacramento group have worked with the NBA/David Stern every step of the way while Hansen and the Maloofs have turned up their noses and acted outside the rules. At the end of the day, I just cannot see any way that Stern or the rest of the BoG will reward the kind of behavior that's been shown recently by the Maloofs, Hansen, their hired stooges, etc. It would be a PR nightmare at this point.


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I wouldn't call it character assassination but character check reality. He's a public figure so subject to such assessment and opinion - besides it's been out there before. There is no comparison to Chris Webber since the point is about true loyalty. Basically, it's about a Johnny come lately to the Kings Here We Stay movement and trying desperately to hang onto it for dear life if not claiming huge credit for it ever getting launched. What total BS by two-faced Napear!
Sorry, but it comes across as you having some personal issue or something with Napear. Just sayin...
In all honesty "In the best interest of the league clause" sounds overly encompassing and so vague that it may well not survive an actual court challenge, so it makes a better threat than a hammer. As VF21 pointed out the league's nuclear option is to just NOT schedule games for a team. But there is a, sub-nuclear option of not scheduling any HOME games. That's right folks 82 road games. And if the NBA needs a fig leaf STA is sub-standard due to neglect and you have the season to make upgrades. So there are various levels of pressure the NBA can use, but no matter what they need to press hard and fast.
I don't think it would be "fair market value." My best guess is that if the NBA steps in, they pay the Maloofs the price they agreed to accept from Seattle, get them out of the way, and then sell the team to Vivek for the amount he agreed to pay.
Again, I don't understand how the Maloofs can successfully complain that only getting amount of the original Seattle deal is unfair because of league meddling--the only reason Seattle raised its bid is because (according to them) the league meddled and allowed Sacramento to match!
I really don't catch much of Napear's show anymore due to work schedule conflicts, but I did run into him a couple of years ago in Rocklin, and he was a super nice guy. He didn't blow me off like I may have expected... Sometimes I think he yells at people who disagree with him for entertainment value, LOL I know it sounds strange, but I think it's possible....


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In all honesty "In the best interest of the league clause" sounds overly encompassing and so vague that it may well not survive an actual court challenge, so it makes a better threat than a hammer. As VF21 pointed out the league's nuclear option is to just NOT schedule games for a team. But there is a, sub-nuclear option of not scheduling any HOME games. That's right folks 82 road games. And if the NBA needs a fig leaf STA is sub-standard due to neglect and you have the season to make upgrades. So there are various levels of pressure the NBA can use, but no matter what they need to press hard and fast.
But again, we don't know the exact verbage. If, for example, there are certain actions that are identified as being contrary to "the best interests of the league," and if there are provisions for the NBA to vote to take control of the franchise if it is guilty of said actions, then it would stand up in court.

But we're all trying to count the angels on the head of a pin at this point. This whole scenario has never come up before and will most likely never happen again. My money remains on David Stern and the NBA doing what is best for them - and I don't think there is a soul alive (with the possible exception of the Hansen cultists) who would think that having anything further to do with the Maloofs in any way, shape or form is best for anyone.
The Maloofs don't have any interest in keeping the team another year. The Maloofs will get paid no matter how this plays out. I don't think they really care where the team plays anymore. This is Hansen's plan B. He's using the Maloofs against the league to try to force his way in. All he has to do is tell the Maloofs there is an extra few million in it for them if they play along and they're sold. As much as I despise the Maloofs, I think that all the dirty we've seen over the last few months is being driven by Hansen. I can't imagine the league will want to replace the Maloofs with Hansen, who is smarter and richer, but appears to be just as dishonest and destructive.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Again, I don't understand how the Maloofs can successfully complain that only getting amount of the original Seattle deal is unfair because of league meddling--the only reason Seattle raised its bid is because (according to them) the league meddled and allowed Sacramento to match!
Agreed. There might well be some adjustments - such as mitigating some of the $100+ million the Maloofs owe the NBA - just to grease the skids, but the Maloofs are only passengers on this ride at this point. They've gone all in and they're hoping David Stern won't call. When he does, their final bluff is exposed and they leave the table once and for all.
But again, we don't know the exact verbage. If, for example, there are certain actions that are identified as being contrary to "the best interests of the league," and if there are provisions for the NBA to vote to take control of the franchise if it is guilty of said actions, then it would stand up in court.

But we're all trying to count the angels on the head of a pin at this point. This whole scenario has never come up before and will most likely never happen again. My money remains on David Stern and the NBA doing what is best for them - and I don't think there is a soul alive (with the possible exception of the Hansen cultists) who would think that having anything further to do with the Maloofs in any way, shape or form is best for anyone.
I have to believe that the league looked at all possible scenarios prior to pushing forward with the Sacramento bid. I have a feeling that this move was anticipated and the meeting on Monday is to invoke whatever safe-guard they had against the Maloofs and Hansen trying to pull this one.


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Best tweet of the night:

Tim Rosales ‏@TimRosales 50m

It's probably about time for Commissioner Stern & the other NBA owners to stop being polite to the current Kings owners.


Super Moderator Emeritus
More from Twitter (read from bottom up):

Carmichael Dave Carmichael Dave ‏@CarmichaelDave 1h

After HBN is slapped aside, Maloofs will be told "No leverage. No sponsors. No attendance. Can't move. Good luck finding buyers at 525." Fun

Carmichael Dave Carmichael Dave ‏@CarmichaelDave 1h

I am absolutely going to love Stern and the NBA taking the world's biggest dump on all these shenanigans on Wednesday. Get your popcorn!

Carmichael Dave Carmichael Dave ‏@CarmichaelDave 2h

SOURCE: NBA meeting on Monday to sort out "Latest Maloof BS". They are soooo tired of this circus at the BOG 3 years running.
The Maloofs don't have any interest in keeping the team another year. The Maloofs will get paid no matter how this plays out. I don't think they really care where the team plays anymore. This is Hansen's plan B. He's using the Maloofs against the league to try to force his way in. All he has to do is tell the Maloofs there is an extra few million in it for them if they play along and they're sold. As much as I despise the Maloofs, I think that all the dirty we've seen over the last few months is being driven by Hansen. I can't imagine the league will want to replace the Maloofs with Hansen, who is smarter and richer, but appears to be just as dishonest and destructive.

Which is on the Maloofs.. You can count on a couple of fingers the ownership groups in the NBA that would put a few tens of millions of dollars over the collective fanbase of their team and their reputation.. unfortunately we are stuck with one which is why this situation won't end easily
Which is on the Maloofs.. You can count on a couple of fingers the ownership groups in the NBA that would put a few tens of millions of dollars over the collective fanbase of their team and their reputation.. unfortunately we are stuck with one which is why this situation won't end easily
Agreed, but Hansen is enabling them. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm learning to despise Hansen as well.
Oh yes, this IS about positioning for a law suite. The threat here is that if the sale and move are not approved, then the Maloofs will sell to H/B and keep he team. And no doubt THAT sale will be refused. Now the anti-trust suite begins, and the BM are free to take 'earnest money' from H/B in the mean time. This virtually dares the league to take the team away by using the "Best interest" clause which may be thin in court, begging another law suite since it has never been challenged before. I will not go out on a limb here about possible out comes but I will say the process WILL be ugly.
The problem I see in all of this I don't think the Maloofs can afford to sue the NBA. A lawsuit of this sort would take a lot of time and money, of which the Maloofs don't have either. The longer this process lingers, the closer the value of the Kings returns to what it was originally. If the Kings sell for that price, the Maloofs would basically come out with nothing after re-paying what they owe to the League and Sacramento. While the Maloofs have shown themselves to be beyond stupid in all of this, that would be a HUGE risk to take. Meanwhile, H/B would have almost no risk if the Maloofs choose this route. I think they have already burned their bridge with the NBA with what they have done with their handling of this whole process.
They don't have anything against the fans of Sacramento. They have something against missing out on $75 million dollars. Don't forget that they're facing some serious financial troubles after the Madoff scandal.
There is more to it than that. There have been a few offers to buy the Kings from the Maloofs (keeping them in Sacramento) the past few years with the Maloofs always claiming they weren't for sale. Then they turn around and make a deal to sell them to H/B while still maintaining publically that they didn't want to sell the team. This makes it very clear to me that they do not want the Kings to remain in Sacramento at any costs.
I actually drove up to Sac today and spent the day on J street, enjoying the weather. What a nice afternoon, aside from the heat. But little did I know during that short time the Maloof stupidity would come to the forefront again.

How Hansen doesn't see that aligning himself with these idiots and again going behind the NBA's and Sac's back won't be looked at in positive light is beyond me. This douche might very well screw Sea out of a team for the decade, if not longer, or at the least ensure he'll never be an owner.
There is more to it than that. There have been a few offers to buy the Kings from the Maloofs (keeping them in Sacramento) the past few years with the Maloofs always claiming they weren't for sale. Then they turn around and make a deal to sell them to H/B while still maintaining publically that they didn't want to sell the team. This makes it very clear to me that they do not want the Kings to remain in Sacramento at any costs.
They have never wanted the Kings to remain in Sacramento.
I think I come from a different perspective as I'm not from Sacramento and am merely a Kings fan. As a fan of the team and not necessarily the location I see the Hansen/Balmer organization and relocation as being much better for the team than I do them staying in Sacramento. The Hansen/Balmer team has already shown they are willing to invest a ton of money into the team, can get Phil Jackson who brings clout to the organization, and it could turn into a very great move for the franchise. I know the owners in Sacramento are pulling through with a deal but they don't seem as big on investing a ton of money into the team as much as they are just wanting to be owners and scrapping some cash together. I could see the Seattle team being in the top 10 in terms of salary cap each year, and can see the Kings staying near the bottom of the barrel in terms of team investment with the Sacramento owners.

So I would say I think overall in terms of me being a fan of the team, I think the Seattle deal is MUCH better for the future of the team. That being said, I wholeheartedly understand why the majority of this board hates the Maloofs (I do as well) and despises Hansen.
The problem with this thinking is that selling the team to Seattle effectively ends this franchise as we think of it. They would become the Sonics franchise with THEIR history. If you went to one of their games, you wouldn't see the jerseys of Webber, Vlade, Big O, Archibald, Lacy, etc. up in the rafters. The franchise known as the Kings/Royals would be dead.
There might well be some adjustments - such as mitigating some of the $100+ million the Maloofs owe the NBA - just to grease the skids
I'm probably giving the sellers too much credit here, but perhaps this latest stance is a calculated move to get the NBA to forgive some of their debt in order to rid themselves of this headache sooner than later?
The problem I see in all of this I don't think the Maloofs can afford to sue the NBA. A lawsuit of this sort would take a lot of time and money, of which the Maloofs don't have either. The longer this process lingers, the closer the value of the Kings returns to what it was originally. If the Kings sell for that price, the Maloofs would basically come out with nothing after re-paying what they owe to the League and Sacramento. While the Maloofs have shown themselves to be beyond stupid in all of this, that would be a HUGE risk to take. Meanwhile, H/B would have almost no risk if the Maloofs choose this route. I think they have already burned their bridge with the NBA with what they have done with their handling of this whole process.
The first thing you/we need to accept it that this is HANSEN"S plan and the Maloofs now seem fully dedicated to being his cat's paw in the fight he has picked with the NBA. And we need to accept that Hansen is NOT stupid and he does have a plan. This is not just a last gasp. He is going scorched earth, and treating this as the ONLY shot he will ever have to get a team. So even if the sale(s) are denied by the NBA, and they will be. The Maloofs could still take a sizable chunk of earnest money from Hansen to file suite against the NBA for denying the sale. Essentially they already got 30 million to go this far so why not give them another 50-100 million (refundable if they have to sell to other buyers) Hansen would pick up the legal fees and and they are already ahead of where they would be selling the team at market value before the offer. (about 40-80 million after paying their bills and relocation fees) There are a few scenarios that could play out but I think we have to expect that Hansen and the Maloofs are doing this because they plan to transfer ownership to Hansen and move the team one way or the other regardless of the NBA's wishes.

The Maloofs only have to accept less cash when the choose to accept less cash until or unless compelled by courts to actually do so. I assume Hansen has made assurances for a minimal pay out to get the BM on board.

Any alternate take on what the Maloofs and Hansen are up to need to at least have a good idea of what Hansen's end game is and how he may paln to get there. I believe that he not only wants but NEEDS a team in Seattle ASAP and will do anything and risk anything to make it happen. Expansion or waiting for another team to come up is not an option for him and certainly acts that way.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm probably giving the sellers too much credit here, but perhaps this latest stance is a calculated move to get the NBA to forgive some of their debt in order to rid themselves of this headache sooner than later?
I can't even begin to guess what is in the mind of the Brothers Maloof and, to be honest, I wouldn't want to know. I don't think they're even getting letters from sanity at this point.
The first thing you/we need to accept it that this is HANSEN"S plan and the Maloofs now seem fully dedicated to being his cat's paw in the fight he has picked with the NBA. And we need to accept that Hansen is NOT stupid and he does have a plan. This is not just a last gasp. He is going scorched earth, and treating this as the ONLY shot he will ever have to get a team. So even if the sale(s) are denied by the NBA, and they will be. The Maloofs could still take a sizable chunk of earnest money from Hansen to file suite against the NBA for denying the sale. Essentially they already got 30 million to go this far so why not give them another 50-100 million (refundable if they have to sell to other buyers) Hansen would pick up the legal fees and and they are already ahead of where they would be selling the team at market value before the offer. (about 40-80 million after paying their bills and relocation fees) There are a few scenarios that could play out but I think we have to expect that Hansen and the Maloofs are doing this because they plan to transfer ownership to Hansen and move the team one way or the other regardless of the NBA's wishes.

The Maloofs only have to accept less cash when the choose to accept less cash until or unless compelled by courts to actually do so. I assume Hansen has made assurances for a minimal pay out to get the BM on board.

Any alternate take on what the Maloofs and Hansen are up to need to at least have a good idea of what Hansen's end game is and how he may paln to get there. I believe that he not only wants but NEEDS a team in Seattle ASAP and will do anything and risk anything to make it happen. Expansion or waiting for another team to come up is not an option for him and certainly acts that way.
I understand that Hansen is using the Maloofs to try and help him get what he wants. But the ones who will be hurt the most if they try to take this process to it's logical end (that they are implying) is the Maloofs. Hansen may very well promise to fund their lawsuits in all of this. In the end, they will still end up losing money next season (no attendance or sponsers), and end up selling the team for far less money. I also wouldn't be surprised if Hansen left them high and dry once he realized they had no chance of winning any of the lawsuits.
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