As incredible as my recap was...
I urge everyone to listen to the Shirey interview. I think it will answer a lot of questions and doubts about the legitimacy of this whole thing.
If anybody in Seattle listened to that interview, they would be very, very concerned. Here we basically have:
-An arena deal in place, no legal red tape to go through
-A legit bid in to buy the team that the NBA has promised to consider
-KJ has announced incredible corporate support (50 million!)
and has pre-sold over 5,000 season tickets (some have lumped the season tix in with the 50M, but those are separate figures)
-NBA and the Kings have full support of the city council...
The only reason left to take the Kings away from Sacramento is the fact that Seattle doesn't have a team... and that's simply not a good enough reason. Sorry. Well, that, and just wanting to have a guy worth 20 billion vs two guys worth a total of 5 billion... still does not qualify as a good enough reason to move a team and eliminate a franchise. Now, maybe if our city council had staunchly refused to put any public money toward an arena while simultaneously doling out over 300M each for NFL and MLB stadiums (the NBA's two biggest competitors), and in the course of the debate a city council member scoffed that the players should pay for it (*cough* Seattle *cough*), then yeah, maybe that would be reason enough to take the team...
This is such a no brainer, I honestly don't know why there's even a debate anymore.
This isn't "game on" as was described in a recent national press article. It's game over.