[Game] Kings @ 76ers 2/1/13

It wasn't sarcasm. I don't like Smart either but I think sometimes the bashing goes way over the top. This is not a good basketball team. I don't care who is coaching.
so do u believe me yet that they will only win 4 more games this year, or u still think there gonna win close to 30
I mentioned this a few days ago. Jimmer misses one shot and gets jerked. If that is the standard in that ya gotta hit 100%, then don't put him in.

It's not crucial but it's what happens. Hit it or get jerked.
It's Smarts coaching philosophy. Try out all your players and see if one has a hot hand, if they don't try someone else.


Hall of Famer
So Keith Smart doesn't get any credit for the comeback? He's only responsible when
things go south?
I agree to a certain point and that ought to make you fall off whatever you are sitting on. The problem is that there are so many screw ups. He is learning how to coach and has now reached Div I college level.
I mentioned this a few days ago. Jimmer misses one shot and gets jerked. If that is the standard in that ya gotta hit 100%, then don't put him in.

It's not crucial but it's what happens. Hit it or get jerked.
IT has missed 9 times and not pulled. This coach has to have something against Jimmer. There is no other explanation.
IT has missed 9 times and not pulled. This coach has to have something against Jimmer. There is no other explanation.
yes once again he shot too many shots. he shot too many contested layups. and he played a lot worse than the box score indicates. he got 6 free throws off of 2 dumb 3 point attempts
It wasn't sarcasm. I don't like Smart either but I think sometimes the bashing goes way over the top. This is not a good basketball team. I don't care who is coaching.
This team, as it is currently structured can be and should be the 8th playoff team in the West.
Right now, that team is Houston.

Let us compare:
Houston's five best lineup: Lin, Harden, Parsons, Patterson and Asik.
Sacramento's five best lineup: Tyreke, Thornton, Salmons, Thompson, Cousins

Reke vs. Lin? Reke wins.
Harden vs. Thornton? Harden wins.
Salmons vs. Parsons? Draw.
Patterson vs. Thompson? Thompson wins.
Asik vs. Cousins? Cousins wins.

That is 3-1-1 in favor of Sacramento. See why I say we should be the 8th playoff team? We aren't even taking into account a players like IT & Jimmer who can be quality bench players.


This team, as it is currently structured can be and should be the 8th playoff team in the West.
Right now, that team is Houston.

Let us compare:
Houston's five best lineup: Lin, Harden, Parsons, Patterson and Asik.
Sacramento's five best lineup: Tyreke, Thornton, Salmons, Thompson, Cousins

Reke vs. Lin? Reke wins.
Harden vs. Thornton? Harden wins.
Salmons vs. Parsons? Draw.
Patterson vs. Thompson? Thompson wins.
Asik vs. Cousins? Cousins wins.

That is 3-1-1 in favor of Sacramento. See why I say we should be the 8th playoff team? We aren't even taking into account a players like IT & Jimmer who can be quality bench players.
You forgot to mention how horrible our bench is. Also, Harden is a star. We have none. Their team is also well built and balanced. Not the case with us. We have a bunch of selfish, one on one chuckers.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
They would need to go 11-23 the rest of the way. That's less than their current winning percentage.
Yeah, but only 11 of our remaining 34 games are against losing teams. And 5 of the 6 games we have against losing teams are on the road, 3 on the second night of a back-to-back.
This team, as it is currently structured can be and should be the 8th playoff team in the West.
Right now, that team is Houston.

Let us compare:
Houston's five best lineup: Lin, Harden, Parsons, Patterson and Asik.
Sacramento's five best lineup: Tyreke, Thornton, Salmons, Thompson, Cousins

Reke vs. Lin? Reke wins.
Harden vs. Thornton? Harden wins.
Salmons vs. Parsons? Draw.
Patterson vs. Thompson? Thompson wins.
Asik vs. Cousins? Cousins wins.

That is 3-1-1 in favor of Sacramento. See why I say we should be the 8th playoff team? We aren't even taking into account a players like IT & Jimmer who can be quality bench players.
Parsons is better than salmons, they have a better bench and most importantly their team is better constructed in terms of its parts (not that I love the Lin/harden backcourt).
MT does nothing, why he is still on the floor????? because he is Smart's boy???

reke MT Jimmer Cisco JT, WHAT is this???? Cisco on 4?? u gotta be kidding me Mr. Smart
reke MT Jimmer Cisco JT, WHAT is this???? Cisco on 4?? u gotta be kidding me Mr. Smart
ya pretty bad. out of that group only Tyreke and maybe Garcia(only because his defense helped the comeback) should have been on the floor.

basically this means that tonight there was 2 separate occasions where smart threw the game away with a dumb lineup.

easy win if it wasnt for the first 6 minutes of the 2nd and this group in the 4th


Hall of Famer
Again, Reke didnt have much help. Plus Smart should of rested Reke for 3 min then put him back in. O well
One problem of many.

Reke either plays all 24 2nd half mins, or about 12. There's no inbetween in Smart's mind.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Smart couldn't count from 12 to 24 without encountering a few problems.
Let's say Jimmer takes 17 shots in this game. The Kings win. I want to pull for the Kings, but IT didn't lead me here. I believe I'm done with it. Good luck guys...I really do hope you see a brighter future and get to keep your team.

edit: 18 shots
Y'all are missing my point. I am talking about TALENT. A good coach can fix chemistry problems. Any coach in America would prefer talent over fitting pieces. Give me talent everyday. Sometimes you play three guards, sometimes you play two centers, sometimes you do weird lineups to focus on your strengths.

The point I am making is that coaching and maybe 1-2 moves to balance out our roster is all this team needs. This team hasn't had a formidable coach since Rick. And as we know, Rick was light-years ahead of just being formidable.

My point is that the talent in Sacramento is ahead of the talent in Houston.

Also, Cousins IS a star. Look at the talent, and even look at the numbers per 48. If Cuz got 40 minutes per game, he would pull in 20-12-3 in his sleep. Give Tyreke a coach that calls the occasional iso play for him and allows him to get 40+ minutes, he would be an 18-5-7 player. If Thompson ever found his way again, he is a solid 10-9 player. Maybe switch Salmons for Garcia depending on who compliments the lineup better. Heck, throw T-Rob in Thompson's place, at least you know he plays hard while he is in.

I guarantee if Doug Collins had this team (the Sixers coach), they would be at .500 right now. Philly is not a better team than Sacramento is handled correctly.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
no he doesnt get credit for the talent of DMC and Tyreke bringin the kings back and attempting to mask his horrible coaching
There was a little more to it than that. His sub of Cisco for JT flat worked and helped key things, and out of that same timeout IT became a passer for a few minutes for the only time of the game. Somebody must have said something.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Well, they were in Philly; Evans' posse may have threatened to meet him out back.

Speaking of which, if something happens to Smart after the 22nd, I may be in need of representation.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Interesting little note at the bottom of the yahoo story wrap up:

Sacramento coach Keith Smart said the absence of a "paint protector" is a big reason the Kings have allowed an NBA-worst 103.1 points a game
Course too late now, and that ship has already sailed. But interesting to hear Smart admit it, just in that it may go somewhat to where decisions like Hayes over Dalmebert and Robinson over Drummond were actually coming from.
if Smart knew how to use a single player consistently we would be much better off....no inside presence....maybe he should give someone that job.....