[Game] Kings @ Wizards - 1/28/13


Hall of Famer
I wish Jimmer could get some run with the other starters.
No kidding. I wouldn't be surprised if he got no minutes the second half. He was on a decent rhythm and then pfft!, minutes are but and now he's on a minute by mibute bases: if he doesn't produce, he doesn't play. And before I get a complaint about that last concept, Jimmer has shown he has improved a great deal this year. It is since his minutes have been screwed with that he has fallen off. For those of us who saw him in college, we know how well he shoots.
I wish Jimmer could get some run with the other starters.
Well since IT is the Kings perfect pg, I want to see Jimmer traded to a team that knows what he can do. He will become a success in the NBA but not with the Kings. After he is gone, the Kings will have what they deserve in IT as their future.


Hall of Famer
Well since IT is the Kings perfect pg, I want to see Jimmer traded to a team that knows what he can do. He will become a success in the NBA but not with the Kings. After he is gone, the Kings will have what they deserve in IT as their future.
That assumes the Maloofs don't sell and Smart remains the coach. Don't plan on it.
Well since IT is the Kings perfect pg, I want to see Jimmer traded to a team that knows what he can do. He will become a success in the NBA but not with the Kings. After he is gone, the Kings will have what they deserve in IT as their future.
You sound bitter. I just want to know if Jimmer really can play. It is hard to know what kind of player he is when he is running with T-Rob (when he thinks he is an offensive player) Chuck Hayes, Marcus Thornton (who just ignores Jimmer) and bunch of other role players with no offensive system. If he is out their with talented players the offensive system isn't as important and those guys are much more willing passers than IT, MT T-Rob or James Johnson.


He's been crap since the Suns game.

Dude needs a mentor. Or a good coach. Or both. He just loses focus and drive way too easily.
Nah he needs to stop being so mentally weak all the time, ethier you want to play for the Kings or you don't if your going to play 1 quarter a game than don't even show up.
You sound bitter. I just want to know if Jimmer really can play. It is hard to know what kind of player he is when he is running with T-Rob (when he thinks he is an offensive player) Chuck Hayes, Marcus Thornton (who just ignores Jimmer) and bunch of other role players with no offensive system. If he is out their with talented players the offensive system isn't as important and those guys are much more willing passers than IT, MT T-Rob or James Johnson.
You're probably correct...I don't know if bitter is the word, but I did become a Kings fan because of Jimmer so I am very disappointed. I have watched all of the games and truly pull for this team, but I am totally convinced he has way more to offer than IT, Brooks or Thornton. He is capable of helping Cuz and Reke be the best they can be with his court sense and team attitude. No question he is great shooter and can spread the floor.He is being wasted away on the bench.