Seattle rumors/comments - post them here!

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nope not at all.... if i had children (for example) and wanted them to support an NBA team i whould like them to go to my local team (which whould be lakers no (?) )... also helps the lakers have amazing history

i know it whould be a hard desision but its one i suspect its one some fans will take.....
The closest team geographically to the Kings is The Golden State Warriors. They are an hour and a half away
Is there any chance a local group or a Burkle led group could come in the 11th hour and there bid would be more favorable to the Maloofs due to the debt owed to the city in a move?

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
... But because it is THIS group, because the palns are to buy this team and magically turn them into the Sonics...the whole franchise will basically end unless/until in some distant future a similar maneuver is pulled with it. The team will be in a different city, with diffeernt owners, wearing different colors, with a different name. Likely even a new front office and coach. The only point of continuity might be a few players. Cousins could become their new franchise guy. But he'll do it wearing a different uniform for a different organization almost as if he was traded.
I suppose that I compartmentalize these things differently than other fans do: to me, Oklahoma City is still the Supersonics, no matter what Thunder fans or the talking heads say. Or even disenfranchised Sonics fans, for that matter. When this team gets to Seattle, it doesn't magically become the team that won a championship in 1979, or that Payton and Kemp and Allen played for, or that Rashard Lewis scored 50 against the Clippers in back-to-back games with.

That whole "the records and the history stay with the city" business is cute, and everything, but my living memory says otherwise.
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nope not at all.... if i had children (for example) and wanted them to support an NBA team i whould like them to go to my local team (which whould be lakers no (?) )... also helps the lakers have amazing history

i know it whould be a hard desision but its one i suspect its one some fans will take.....
I'm sure someone who cares about soccer can correct me. But what you suggest is like having liverpool move then tell their fans they should root for manchester.
The great difficulty here is this: the franchise will be gone. Just moving to a new city would be a huge stretch for many/most fans, especially the oens in Sacto. New owners woudl help, so at least it woiuld not be the guys who ruined the franchise in the Maloofs, but then again the newowners would also be the ones who stole the team to another city. But because it is THIS group, because the palns are to buy this team and magically turn them into the Sonics...the whole franchise will basically end unless/until in some distant future a similar maneuver is pulled with it. The team will be in a different city, with diffeernt owners, wearing different colors, with a different name. Likely even a new front office and coach. The only point of continuity might be a few players. Cousins could become their new franchise guy. But he'll do it wearing a different uniform for a different organization almost as if he was traded.
personally, i find myself in a bit of an awkward position. my wife and i just took a road trip to seattle this last fall. it was my fifth time visiting, and her second. we both love the pacific northwest, and we'll be considering relocating that way in a few years, should the winds of our respective careers allow for such a move. now, i grew up in the sacramento area. i don't have much attachment to it, to be perfectly honest, and i never thought i'd be back after finishing my graduate education, but my wife got a job working for the state, so here we are. regardless, i always figured i'd be a kings fan no matter where i found myself living. i've never really considered legitimately throwing my support behind any other team, except maybe the portland trailblazers, because, like i said, i've got love for the pacific NW. should the kings move to seattle, and be renamed the sonics, happenstance may actually see me following their relocation. it's difficult to know how i'd feel about that, should the above scenario play out as such. it'd feel wonderful to be able to root for what i consider to be my team in a new city, but at the same time, it'd also be hard to imagine it feeling the same. that said, who knows if my wife and i will ever make it to seattle. so i, like many, will have a decision to make: support a different team? the warriors? the clippers? the blazers? or follow the kings/sonics to seattle? or just swear off the nba entirely? i think we'll all have to be neck-deep in it to know how we'll respond, ultimately. initial reactions will vary, as emotions are running high...
I'm sure someone who cares about soccer can correct me. But what you suggest is like having liverpool move then tell their fans they should root for manchester.
no i understand i whouldnt have used lakers if i didnt think they were the closest team.... however in soccer with promotion and relegation and different leagues you can set up a new club and start again (happend before with a team being relocated)... what im saying is whould you support anouther team or whould you support the sonnics or whould you throw the NBA out the window
No it's not 99% done.

It has to go through the league. My guess is the league will let the Sacramento group come in with their offer and will tell Seattle you will get an expansion team.
It's been reported that it's first and goal at the 1. That's 99% done. It's over. No one is going to pay more than 500 million for the team. I don't even know how the Maloofs managed to sell them for more than the Warriors.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
no i understand i whouldnt have used lakers if i didnt think they were the closest team.... however in soccer with promotion and relegation and different leagues you can set up a new club and start again (happend before with a team being relocated)... what im saying is whould you support anouther team or whould you support the sonnics or whould you throw the NBA out the window
It seems to me that people who would quit watching the NBA altogether if the local team left, probably didn't like the NBA that much in the first place. NTTAWWT.
A while back I had some disagreements with some people on this site and decided to leave for a while. Id like to take this time to appologize to those (vf, and others) the details of those arguments dont matter today. All that matters today is that we Kings fans are heart broken. The bad news has brought me back to the site. Such a sad day, as it looks next season I will be an NBA fan with no team to cheer for. I am sorry for those residents of Sacramento, as I know this hurts you all much more than it hurts me (as I am all the way across the country in VA). I just want to say thank you to all you guys who have been loyal to this site, and this team over the years. May there be better days ahead of us all. #KingsAllDay


Super Moderator Emeritus
It seems to me that people who would quit watching the NBA altogether if the local team left, probably didn't like the NBA that much in the first place. NTTAWWT.
I don't think you can possibly understand. I have loved the NBA since 1963 and right now I do not know if I'll ever watch another game. My heart is beyond broken.


Super Moderator Emeritus
It seems to me that people who would quit watching the NBA altogether if the local team left, probably didn't like the NBA that much in the first place. NTTAWWT.
I don't think you can possibly understand. I have loved the NBA since 1963 and right now I do not know if I'll ever watch another game. My heart is beyond broken.


Hall of Famer
I moved to NorCal in 94 from NY, and Richmond quickly became my favorite player and the guy who got me into basketball. I grew up being the only Kings fan I knew in the bay area and hated the Warriors. Hated them. I could never root for them.

I'd still follow them if this goes through, but it'll never be the same. Never. Makes a potential move to Europe for me for awhile a little easier. Following from afar is following from afar.

But this f'ing sucks. Still holding out hope a local investor steps in and Stern gives us a chance. But damnit this sucks. Put up with the worst owners in pro sports for years while they show zero commitment to being even competitive, only to be rewarded by having our hearts ripped out, franchise relocated and our history erased. SMH.
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rumors on twitter that stern pushed the clowns into selling to Seattle... to make up for what he did to them :( if true it whould rule out any chance of them staying
It seems to me that people who would quit watching the NBA altogether if the local team left, probably didn't like the NBA that much in the first place. NTTAWWT.
i know quite a few people in sacramento who share this view. the kings have been the only game in town for a couple of decades, and, for many, the natural response has been to root for them because... well, they're here, so why not? however, much of that contingent has already become jaded enough to emotionally distance themselves from this team, and from the nba, in general. it's always been a component of the small town/big town tension in sacramento. there are plenty of people prepared to shout "good riddance!!" while the kings make their exit, and it might be enough for the nba to justify the approval of the team's relocation, as well as the denial of a future nba franchise. if sacramento ever decides to fully commit to modernizing, then perhaps the nba would change its mind, but, in my opinion, brick's been spot-on in his assessment of the local fanbase: refusing to support the team was always going to result in the advancement of an agenda in which sacramento is left without a professional sports franchise...


Hall of Famer
no i understand i whouldnt have used lakers if i didnt think they were the closest team.... however in soccer with promotion and relegation and different leagues you can set up a new club and start again (happend before with a team being relocated)... what im saying is whould you support anouther team or whould you support the sonnics or whould you throw the NBA out the window
I'm sure that your now aware that the Warriors are the closest team to Sacramento. I was a Warrior fan prior to the Kings moving to Sacramento, and thats probably where my attention will go now if this comes to pass. I do think there are more hurdles that have to be crossed before this deal could be done. So far, I've heard nothing from Kevin Johnson, or the league. We all know that the Maloofs can agree to sell to anyone they want, but its immaterial if the league doesn't approve the sale. As far as I know, every team thats been sold has had to go through a process of approval, and in some cases the sale has been turned down by the league.

I assumed, and I'm sure many of you have done so as well, that the league wanted to keep the team in Sacramento. It appeared that there was bad blood between the Maloofs and Stern. The only reference to the league, is in the one report that said with league approval. I question that, but its possible. Seattle may appear to be a more stable situation to the league than Sacramento, unless someone steps up (Burkle, Johnson) and intervene's. I would hope that the city, and prespective ownership, would put up some sort of fight. For PR benefits if nothing else. I realize that this just happened, so I'm willing to wait till the smoke clears for some sort of reaction.

I'm not throwing in the towel just yet. This all seems too neat and clean on the surface. This could be a ploy by the Maloofs to show any potential buyers, that the $500 million they're asking is very viable, and thats what its going to cost if you want to buy.
If all of this is true (500mil for the team plus 500mil for the arena plus moving expenses) then we are looking at 1.2 billion to get a basketball team. I hope they can afford the tickets over there.
If the cost is $500 Million. Add in the $75 Million to the league, $77 Million to City of Sacramento and $75 - $100 Million relocation fees/cost/rebranding etc and the $300 million they are putting into the arena are we looking at $1 Billion dollars total here?


Hall of Famer
Indeed, sources close to the situation told PBT that there are still many hurdles for this deal to overcome, and that Sacramento still has willing, reputable buyers ready to meet or beat Hansen’s offer in order to keep the franchise in town.

Can we kick off the lurkers so the server doesn't crash?

Kevin Johnson ‏@KJ_MayorJohnson
Bottom line Sacramento: it's not over... #keepthefaith #playingtowin
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What are the chances this sale and relocation doesn't happen???

I know 500 million is a really hefty pricetag, but how could this potentially not pan out? Is anyone allowed to outbid the Hansen group? Also, can't the NBA just block the relocation in general? What are the chances of this happening?
I'm so sad guys.....fighting back tears. I just barely got to take my kids to their first game. This hurts.
Sorry for the tears this video may produce.
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It's been reported that it's first and goal at the 1. That's 99% done. It's over. No one is going to pay more than 500 million for the team. I don't even know how the Maloofs managed to sell them for more than the Warriors.
Who says that he's will to pay $500 for the Kings? The real amount hasn't come out. What if the BoG tells Hansen if he passes on the Kings then he will get an expansion team that will cost $250 million less?

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I don't think you can possibly understand. I have loved the NBA since 1963 and right now I do not know if I'll ever watch another game. My heart is beyond broken.
Well, of course I can't understand. I wasn't trying to pass judgement, or hold myself up as better, so I apologize if that's how I come across.

VF, you, more than anybody else here, know enough about my personal background to know that having a feeling of provincial territory about things such as this are completely beyond my understanding, and why. But, as I said, I feel bad for the people who are getting screwed by this; I just don't grok the notion of "Well, I guess that's it! Fifty years of following the NBA, but I'm done, now!"
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