[Game] Kings vs. Hawks 11/16/12

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
it could be that the goofs are sandbagging the season as payback to the fans who scorned them. plus these empty nights are going to help them with the relocation case. they dont really care whether the arena is empty or not, they cash the fat revenue sharing checks and make a profit regardless.
You've got your cause and effect backwards. The fans have turned away from the Maloofs because the Maloofs sandbagged the team and sandbagged the arena deal. People legitimately hate the Maloofs, and they're not willing to give them any more money. I guarantee you that if the team sold, the arena would be sold out for the next game, and maybe the rest of the season.
You really think that Cousins or Thornton would listen to them?
with broke owners we will never know, I think a tough vet who can still play a bit like camby would be a good mentor for big cuz, certainly better than no one, coaches can only connect so much. I think thornton would learn well from a guy like Jason Terry, those are two guys we COULD have picked up, sure we would have overspent a bit but with all that crap about "clearing cap space for max guys" for 6 years from the magoofs you would think we could overpay a little for them.
You've got your cause and effect backwards. The fans have turned away from the Maloofs because the Maloofs sandbagged the team and sandbagged the arena deal. People legitimately hate the Maloofs, and they're not willing to give them any more money. I guarantee you that if the team sold, the arena would be sold out for the next game, and maybe the rest of the season.
I completely agree with what you said, I was speaking from the goof boys prospective.
I'm not sure we've seen Tyreke yet tonight. He was doing nothing but standing around in his first stint.
our mishandling of tyreke is beyond belief, he NEEDS the ball in his hands, Petrie should have realized long ago and surrounded him with shooters, He will probably end up on a team that will maximize his skills and turn him into a terrific player.