Summer League Kings Vs. Bobcats Gameday Thread

At this pace, MKG looks like he's on his way to being the next Scottie Pippen by the All-Star break. Summer league means absolutely nothing.
So again, why are you watching? Why are you in a forum talking about a summer league game? Why do NBA teams put out summer league teams? I guess we should tell them all to go home, summer league means absolutely nothing.
"It's just Summer League." Is a fine excuse if the team looks uncoordinated, and has trouble running offense, and makes bad passes due to not playing with each other much. That's not what people are worried about here.

The problem seen is Jimmer showing no improvement and being incapable of handling ball handling duties, and TRobb being played like a SF. The problem is "guys playing in positions that don't work to their strengths." This is a front office issue. It's a continuous problem.
Why are you in this thread, for a summer league game... if you do not want to discuss what is going on? Currently they are playing like a mess. If they were playing awesome, we would be talking about that.
Like you, I want to see how some of our younger guys look. But I put absolutely no stock into stats or how they look now will be indicative of anything they will do during the NBA season. Summer league is dominated by the superior athletes and always has been.
At this pace, MKG looks like he's on his way to being the next Scottie Pippen by the All-Star break. Summer league means absolutely nothing.
I know they should just all go home imho.... :)

Summer League doesn't mean absolutely nothing just ask the guys who get signed because of it and it changes their lives. It also gives us clues about players who don't get regular season minutes and if they made any progress in their personal skills if not in their teamwork.

I don't see why we don't go low block to 13 feet every time with Trob WS and Dblock.

Jimmer looks the exact same, versus lesser competition

Lee is playing the Outlaw role. Just jack it up if you're open. Has made some.

TRob is playing partly the Cuz role, and partly the Reke role, lol. In the halfcourt, we're not posting him at all. At all. just iso-ing him 18ft away while everyone proceeds to stand and watch. When Jimmer gets any pressure at all, TRob turns into the ballhandler and does better breaking the pressure, as Reke did next to Jimmer.

Hassan still looks like he's rather be anywhere but a basketball court. Dude just doesn't show any enthusiasm.

Our philosophy looks eerily similar to what we saw all year under Smart, just with lesser talent. Rarely see a pcik & roll close enough to do something positive, as the pressure is forcing Jimmer too far away. No posting up. No cutters. All our success is in transition while our halfcourt offense is absent. I don't care about the score or missed shots. It's the philosophy. It's just run and gun, shoot the first good shot.
Agree. Different players, same kind of organization on the court. I guess the consistency is positive thing...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Well that was underwhelming.

Jimmer is just not an NBA point. The light still hasn't gone on with Hassan. Rob Kurz is still the worst player in, or out, of the NBA, and TRob is playing like TWill's less talented younger brother. And hey, if we want to go with a TWill/TRob platoon at SF this year at least we'll be athletic, but our shooting will be horrific.

On the other hand Darnell looked like the same guy. Underwhelming, but knows what he is about.
"It's just Summer League." Is a fine excuse if the team looks uncoordinated, and has trouble running offense, and makes bad passes due to not playing with each other much. That's not what people are worried about here.

The problem seen is Jimmer showing no improvement and being incapable of handling ball handling duties, and TRobb being played like a SF. The problem is "guys playing in positions that don't work to their strengths." This is a front office issue. It's a continuous problem.
Agreed 100 %
It may mean nothing, except for getting a look at our young guys... but it ain't good so far.

Seriously, as a fan... who wouldn't like to see our guys at least look hopeful? If TRob competed and Jimmer or Hassan could break out, it'd be something nice.
Like you, I want to see how some of our younger guys look. But I put absolutely no stock into stats or how they look now will be indicative of anything they will do during the NBA season. Summer league is dominated by the superior athletes and always has been.
This makes no sense. You just said it means nothing, what's the point of seeing how younger guys look if nothing meaningful can be taken from it. I don't see anyone talking about the stats guys are putting up right now, rather the skill sets and positioning.
Like you, I want to see how some of our younger guys look. But I put absolutely no stock into stats or how they look now will be indicative of anything they will do during the NBA season. Summer league is dominated by the superior athletes and always has been.
Who here cares about stats? Who really cares if we win or not? I sure don't. Doesn't mean you can't make observations based on what we know about players and how they're being used.
Not sure why Robinson is handling the ball so much for us and playing out on the perimeter like a guard.

I'm also confused as to why Charlotte is running a full-court press in summer league. It is a big part of why we look so lost on offense. Definitely a little lame when you've got what amounts to your starting lineup and head coach playing balls-to-the-wall in summer league.
I am about 4 more summer league games away from annointing Robinson as my starting SF candidate, but for now.. I will say that he would EASILY be the best ball handler and rim attacker than any SF we've had since Ron Ron.
Not sure why Robinson is handling the ball so much for us and playing out on the perimeter like a guard.

I'm also confused as to why Charlotte is running a full-court press in summer league. It is a big part of why we look so lost on offense. Definitely a little lame when you've got what amounts to your starting lineup and head coach playing balls-to-the-wall in summer league.
Kind of feels he is playing how players play when they think/are better than everyone else. They take it upon themselves to try and score from anywhere on the court because they realize the other guys are not as good. It may lead to more points and a win but doesn't help in the slightest long term.
Jimmer playing like a wuss is totally concerning. He, like Kemba is doing, should be dominating right now
It is. It's early(game 1) and it's only summer league, but an NBA PG should not being having this much trouble advancing the ball. Jimmer can't even set up the offense. Can bare;y get it across half court.


Hall of Famer
the way things are looking at the moment. I would have gladly gave JT another 2 mil a year. JT will start at PF all year. Jimmer will NEVER be able to be a pg in the NBA. Jimmer is Adam Morrison part II. Whiteside looks like the rookie.


Hall of Famer
We can't guard the 3 and can't play D. It's like the regular season never ended.

MKG looks great, same with Taylor.

Robinson is trying to do way to much.