Organized protest last game of season?

Or black arm bands. Even simpler and eloquent at the same time, symbolizing our mourning for the death of the arena deal. Add in the standing moments of silence and I think we might be on the right path.

Is it evil that a part of me actually hopes they're dumb enough to show up?
According to the FB protest page, they're going to be at the game tomorrow.

Each Kings fan will have to decide for himself/herself what action, if any, he/she is going to take. I do think personally that not showing up is the worst thing we could do. The players on the court deserve our support and have done nothing wrong, except try to play under conditions that are uncomfortable at best. I still firmly believe the best course of action is to show up and cheer for the team but make a kind of silent protest, such as standing and turning our backs to the court at a given moment, would make more news.

With all due respect VF I just disagree. We are the ones who should who should be shown support. Times are tough. Maybe one of them could show me and you some support by reimbursing us for the last 27 years of support and money that we have pumped into this franchise. I know its not the players fault, but I am not going to cry about them because I am pretty sure they are more than happy with their life. Its us Kings fans that are losing out here and have been for years.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
According to the FB protest page, they're going to be at the game tomorrow.

If this is true, are they incredibly stupid, or only kind of stupid in an almost savvy way?

I can almost see them trying to go out to "explain their side" at halftime, getting booed off the court, and then using that as an excuse to do what they wanted to anyway. "Oh, look, the fans have turned on us, we have to move!" Not that it would score them any points with anybody, but I can see them doing it on purpose.


Super Moderator Emeritus
With all due respect VF I just disagree. We are the ones who should who should be shown support. Times are tough. Maybe one of them could show me and you some support by reimbursing us for the last 27 years of support and money that we have pumped into this franchise. I know its not the players fault, but I am not going to cry about them because I am pretty sure they are more than happy with their life. Its us Kings fans that are losing out here and have been for years.
Not a problem at all. We're all seeing things from our own perspectives and I'm pretty sure no two fans see everything exactly the same.
i never got round to it but leeds united anouther football team also had protests against the owners

there owners had been in charge for 7 years and they entire stand left 7 minuets before the end just leaving a big banner explaining why outher people left aswell from outher stands but the really vocal crazy stand with the major fans all left it was amzing to see and really got the message across that they wernt going to put up with 7 years of lies

i cant find anything about it but i was at the game so i will try to find vidios or somthing


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
AV has an interview with Joe in the Bee today, he said they are coming to the game.

So what happens now?

We've had our ups and downs like every owner, but we're profitable now, one of four or five teams making money. We have to make some moves this summer and get a high draft pick, and fix our team. We have to get our team better. But we are not going to fold. We are resilient. We're coming to the games. We'll be there (today). We're not outsiders anymore. It's our team, our city. Everything in life is timing."
Read more here:
AV has an interview with Joe in the Bee today, he said they are coming to the game.

Read more here:
The Kings may be their team, but Sacramento is NOT their city. He better watch his mouth...and his back (just kidding, but not really ;-). They wanted to drum up some drama for Adriennes show last year at the final game, I promise you they won't need to drum up anything this year.

How about a protest march? Everyone park in an agreed upon location. Then everyone marches to the game single file. Signs would say we support the Kings but not the Maloofs.
Everyone could walk around the concourse one time telling people not to purchase anything from food stands. We will not put money in the Maloofs pockets until they agree to an arena.
Points of clarification.

If you check our our facebook page, the date of the event is clearly for April 26th against the LA Lakers.!/events/230489533725931/ I just don't want folks to be confused. The good news is that 36 people are comitted and we have 8 that might. I know a few others that are not on facebook but plan to attend. Would love to see this number increase and we still have plenty of time (8 more days) to spread the word.

Also, I have pasted the description of the event below. The instructions are pretty clear.

"I am arranging a protest for the last home game of the season, Kings v. Lakers. Folks are encouraged to dress in Kings' gear so that we are not confused as an anti-Kings group. Instead, we are loyal "Sacramento" Kings fans that want the team to stay and recognize that the Maloofs are unable and/or unwilling to committ to keeping them in our fair city. We will break into small groups at the main intersections surrounding Power Balance Pavilion. Some will hold a large banner reading "Honk for NEW Owners." Others will distrubute a one page summary of our disatisfaction with Maloof ownership and ask that fans at the game chant "Sell the team" at the start of each quarter--so our message is clearly audible via TV and radio broadcast. Local media will be invited to cover our cause. This is NOT a request to boycott games, as we need individuals to attend so that the "Sell the team" chant can reach "Arco Thunder" sound levels! Please spread the word of this event to your family and friends. We can make a difference, but only if we stand together ..."


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I will be leading a mass Kings fan streaking protest at this upcoming OKC game. I really think it can make a difference. All those who really care about keeping the Kings in Sacto should arrive at the top of Section 2-01 in between the 1st and 2nd quarters and strip starkers and start running willy nilly through the arena for the start of the 2nd quarter. If by some chance I am late, make sure to just start without me. Its the protest that matters, not who leads it. Come on peeps, we are looking for a big turnout for this one -- this is how you draw attention to a problem.

P.S. don't worry if you think you are too old, or too fat for such hijinks. This is supposed to be a protest! We are mad! So the uglier it gets the better!
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I will be leading a mass Kings fan streaking protest at this upcoming OKC game. I really think it can make a difference. All those who really care about keeping the Kings in Sacto should arrive at the top of Section 2-01 in between the 1st and 2nd quarters and strip starkers and start running willy nilly through the arena for the start of the 2nd quarter. If by some chance I am late, make sure to just start without me. Its the protest that matters, not who leads it. Come on peeps, we are looking for a big turnout for this one -- this is how you draw attention to a problem.

P.S. don't worry if you think you are too old, or too fat for such hijinks. This is supposed to be a protest! We are mad! So the uglier it gets the better!

Instead of highlighting personal problems, why don't you think of something that will highlight the ownership problem?
Well, I'm not going to join any pretend funeral. One, my team hasn't died and I haven't lost them yet. I'm not in mourning, I'm pi**ed as he** at the Maloofs. The only thing I want to lose is the Maloofs. Any manner in which I protest cannot be misconstrued as lack of support for my team. That's just giving ammunition to the Maloofs for a request to move.

I will continue to go to as many games as I can afford, in order to support the team I love and continue to show the league we are a valuable market to the league and should keep our team.

I also am not going to be silent at a game for any part of it. Are you kidding me? I'm not going to let the Lakers fans be the only ones heard in PBP. That thought makes me absolutely want to vomit.

I have not given up. I won't give up as long as the Kings are still here. Anything I do to protest has to be clearly aimed at the fact we have rotten owners in the Maloofs. I'm not sure what manner of protest that would be, but I haven't seen a good suggestion yet.

I can just see some people thinking the funeral is for burying this miserable season. Lakers fans would love it. I won'y give them an inch of satisfaction. Screw that.

Personally, I'd rather see a mass petition to the league of some sort. Maybe a full page add in the Bee, too, although that's expensive. Still, the ad could be a request to the Maloofs to sell the team for the sake of the fans and the city of Sacramento.That we deserve to have owner(s) who can partner with the city in a new downtown arena, without ridiculous, outrageous demands. That we deserve to have owners who can invest in a quality product on the court. That Sacramento simply deserves better than the Maloofs are giving us.
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Will you be protesting the decline in the Maloof's fortune due to the downturn in gambling? They were highly regarded until their fortunes declined. Maybe, you should take up a collection...that would be more productive...and enlightened.
Will you be protesting the decline in the Maloof's fortune due to the downturn in gambling? They were highly regarded until their fortunes declined. Maybe, you should take up a collection...that would be more productive...and enlightened.
lol Are you serious? No, it has nothing to do with f'n gambling. It has to do with the fact they've sabotaged 2 arena deals, are almost underwater on the team, can't afford to pay a good coach and add veterans to help our young guys, and have been trying to covertly move the team for the last 2 years, and possibly laying the ground work since way before that. Maybe instead of insulting everyone's intelligence you could try to use your brain and understand why we're mad at these lying scoundrels you call owners.
Will you be protesting the decline in the Maloof's fortune due to the downturn in gambling? They were highly regarded until their fortunes declined. Maybe, you should take up a collection...that would be more productive...and enlightened.
That's the most ridiculous drivel. As a member of #FANS who has worked hard over the last year to get an arena deal, I resent your comments.

As far as I'm concerned the Maloofs have only themselves to blame for their financial decline. They clearly have no business sense. To sell a practically recession-proof business (beer distributorship) to try and save a casino in foreclosure (definitely NOT recession-proof) was sheer stupidity. They inherited tons of money and assets built up by their father and have done nothing but driven them all into the ground. They have not been successful at even one single business, including owning the Kings. I have zero sympathy for them. If they don't have the money to be competitive owners in the NBA, then admit it and get out.

My point is, I'm not going to do anything that could be interpreted as lack of support for the guys that go out and play for Sacramento. It's the Maloofs I want to protest against. I want them gone, not my team.

Or are you just pretending to be obtuse?
lol Are you serious? No, it has nothing to do with f'n gambling. It has to do with the fact they've sabotaged 2 arena deals, are almost underwater on the team, can't afford to pay a good coach and add veterans to help our young guys, and have been trying to covertly move the team for the last 2 years, and possibly laying the ground work since way before that. Maybe instead of insulting everyone's intelligence you could try to use your brain and understand why we're mad at these lying scoundrels you call owners.
Thank you.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Will you be protesting the decline in the Maloof's fortune due to the downturn in gambling? They were highly regarded until their fortunes declined. Maybe, you should take up a collection...that would be more productive...and enlightened.
Last warning. Knock it