News from the NBA BOG meeting - April 2012

Public self implosion is what I just saw.
Exactly. In a sick way I'm somewhat encouraged right now. They could not have presented themselves in a worse light publically than they did just now. How could anyone walk away from that thinking "You know what, these are reasonable businessmen with valid points"? And as they said it's basically the same presentation they gave to the BOG.
As bad as it is, I don't think the deal is dead. Basically, if the mayor can finesse issue of "reopening negoitations with Maloofs," it could get back on track. The pre-development cost due of $3.26 million surely could not be the ONLY thing holding this up!?!
I don't see how the mayor backtracks from his "we will not renegotiate this deal."
So if Stern says the NBA will cover the pre-development cost that seems to be driving Fredo nuts here, then what else is he going to throw up as the deal killer? Probably the AEG revenue sharing part?
I feel vindicated for my years of Maloof hate.

It's now on.

4 home games to go. You should not go to any of them, but if you already have tickets and you don't chant "Maloofs must go" you suck.


Hall of Famer
Fox 40 just said the Maloof econ expert is the econ advisor for the city of Anaheim?!?!? Wtf!!!!
They still want to move to Anaheim.

The Maloofs are pathetic and moronic. They're like a stupid little kid who has a pet dog, but doesnt feed it. Then when the dog starts starving to death, they start bugging other people to feed the dog.

Wish there was a way to force them to sell. I hope Burkle just says **** it and gives them an offer they cant refuse. Sucks when you have to pin your hopes on an unlikely savior scenario though.
I'd like to point out again that the Maloof's own economist said that the current arena plan is beyond the King's financial means and, in his opinion, the city's. He said it when he went into his spiel about how you build a house plans based on how much money you have, not make the plans first and then find the money. I wonder if there's a transcript somewhere...
Why was it a mistake? Because:

Didn't focus on core negotiation problems. Opened it up to "why we are done with Sacramento" presentation from economist. Probably should have dropped that part but left it in from yesterday BOG presentation. Really bad idea. Then George should have not spoken. The more he opened his mouth, the more he sounded like a liar. You know how when someone is not telling the truth how they tend to over explain their reasons. Then just bringing Arco back into the picture with renovation was about as insincere as you can get.
Oh hey, anyone remember this?

March 27th, 2011

"The Maloof family has rejected an 11th-hour plan to keep the Sacramento Kings from relocating to Anaheim, reports the Sacramento Bee. A plan to renovate Power Balance Pavilion (formerly known as ARCO Arena) while a new facility was built unfolded over the past five days. But the agents behind the idea -- several of which were involved in bringing the Kings to Sacramento in the 1980s -- failed to convince George Maloof, Jr. on Friday that the plan was feasible."

From Sac Bee same day:

"A representative of the Maloofs listened to their plan in depth, but they do not have the financing in place and a renovation of the existing structure is not an adequate solution," the team said

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Im pretty sure George just outright calling the mayor a liar won't help things. JB's right. This whole PC was a complete mistake. Or it was meant to kill this whole deal.
I'd like to point out again that the Maloof's own economist said that the current arena plan is beyond the King's financial means and, in his opinion, the city's. He said it when he went into his spiel about how you build a house plans based on how much money you have, not make the plans first and then find the money. I wonder if there's a transcript somewhere...
The economist from Anaheim? It's his opinion.
Oh hey, anyone remember this?

March 27th, 2011

"The Maloof family has rejected an 11th-hour plan to keep the Sacramento Kings from relocating to Anaheim, reports the Sacramento Bee. A plan to renovate Power Balance Pavilion (formerly known as ARCO Arena) while a new facility was built unfolded over the past five days. But the agents behind the idea -- several of which were involved in bringing the Kings to Sacramento in the 1980s -- failed to convince George Maloof, Jr. on Friday that the plan was feasible."

From Sac Bee same day:

"A representative of the Maloofs listened to their plan in depth, but they do not have the financing in place and a renovation of the existing structure is not an adequate solution," the team said

Read more here:
Because... liars do lie!
Yes, but he's speaking on behalf of the KINGS, and said that the current plan is beyond the KINGS' own financial means... in other words, they don't have the money to do what they said they would.
Slip of the tongue regarding his comments about the Maloofs finances.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Just went and re-watched this video to confirm that it actually happened.


Someone should have played that back at the Maloofs as their question.