This is definitely a black mark on Petrie's record. He's susposed to be the guru of judging talent, and somehow he missed big time on Hickson. Bottom line, we took a mid first round pick from Houston and turned it into Casspi. We took Casspi and a future 1st round pick, barring a miracle, and turned it into nothing. There's no way to step around, or over that mistake. Whether 90% of the posters on this fourm thought it was a good deal or not, is irrevelant. We're not the one's getting paid to make informed and intelligent decisions on these matters. Petrie is! I'm not going to condemm him for life over this one deal. But his recent record has been less than stellar, when it comes to freeagency and trades.
Let me ask you all something. Would this team be a better team right now, if we had Beno still on the team. Now I mean no disrespect to Jimmer. I like Jimmer and think he'll be a good player in the league. But whom would you rather have right now. Brandon Knight, or Jimmer? Klay Thompson, who is starting for the Warriors at SF, or Jimmer? Alec Burks, another SF, or Jimmer? How about Kawhi Leonard, a SF, who is starting for the Spurs, or Jimmer? Or are you happy as a clam with John Salmons and Jimmer?
I think I know the answer to most of those questions, and we had everyone of those options available to us. Yeah, hindsight is 100%, but you and I aren't getting paid the big bucks. They don't pay you a dime for hindsight. They pay you big bucks to judge talent, and pick the best of the litter. Again, this is not an attack on Jimmer. I thought the Kings were going to pick him prior to the draft based on everything I was hearing, and I happened to be right. But he wouldn't have been my pick at number 7, which was our original spot.
Yeah, I know, its reported that Westphal fell in love with Jimmer, and also lobbied for the Salmons trade. Maybe we can blame the Hickson deal on his as well. Like I said, it appears that the tail is wagging the dog.