[Game] Game Thread, Bucks at Kings, 1/5/12

So instead of cruising out to a big lead, the Bucks have chipped away bit by bit. Would be nice if our players could hit a shot. At least Evans is having a good game.
The problem is ball movement and players knowing where they need to be. They find themselves getting in unfavorable spots and settle with a bad shot. We're shooting 33% right now vs. the Bucks 61%. 2/10 from the 3pt line. Something I think that Smart will be coaching in (hopefully) as he's already more active coaching then the previous coach ever was
I see huge positives. Any other night where we are hitting shots we would be right in this. I see plays being set, logical substitutions, hustle, and ball movement. That's all I wanted.
The right idea is there. Both Reke and DeMarcus are looking great. DMC needs to fix his foul problems, we need him out there. If we could defend better or if someone could hit a jumpshot, this game is much closer.
Definitely see some positives already, but I'm not going to grade Smart good or bad since he had absolutely no practice time and the team is absolutely exhausted after playing 3 in a row.
We're really not playing bad. We're just not knocking down any of our shots. I like the ball movement, the screens, our guys making the extra pass. They'll cool down and we'll heat up eventually.
Seems Thornton, Jimmer and Salmons all have trouble hitting the catch and shoot play. I do prefer that though instead of dribble dribble shoot. They actually LOOK much better already though. Although we are down like 20+. lol wow.
Tyreke can't bail out on giving those kickouts for three. Eventually they will fall.

This is pretty much the same mess but with more energy. Smart admitted that he was giving the team a free pass on this game and not instituting anything until after this game. So it's not a surprise that we see a lot of 1on1 and forced, bad shots. Cousins getting into foul trouble seemed to be the start of things falling apart. He was having a good game still until he forced up that shot against three guys. Then he blew a layup. Team needs so much work in the details and techniques of how to do things.

I can't even begin on the fast breaks. Well I can, poor spacing, followed by reluctance to pass when they do have good spacing. Jimmer should be leaking out for the three, Reke needs to make decisions at a higher point in the court while he still has passing angles. Nobody is teaching them that your passing angles go away if you get too deep.
This thread is disgusting. I'm reading, lots of positives and improvements....we're down by 24 to a bottom feeder without it's best player. Give me a break. This team is pathetic, they came out and put it on the line for 6 minutes and reverted back to it's old chucking and terrible D
This thread is disgusting. I'm reading, lots of positives and improvements....we're down by 24 to a bottom feeder without it's best player. Give me a break. This team is pathetic, they came out and put it on the line for 6 minutes and reverted back to it's old chucking and terrible D
The dude just took over this morning and you are expecting a major change already without practice AND on a 3 game back to back? Get a grip.
In high school we played against oak hill Brandon Jennings senior year. Dude dropped like 50 on us. Crossed me up once and swished a three from like 5 steps behind the line. After the game Brandon told me "never stop ballin". I know it's irrelevant to the game and all it's just I think about that every time I see him in the NBA.
This thread is disgusting. I'm reading, lots of positives and improvements....we're down by 24 to a bottom feeder without it's best player. Give me a break. This team is pathetic, they came out and put it on the line for 6 minutes and reverted back to it's old chucking and terrible D
I hear the Lakers are accepting new fans.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Tyreke can't bail out on giving those kickouts for three. Eventually they will fall.
Always my fear in his first year, but I think this is an older and wiser Reke who's banged his head into the one man gang wall too many times and will stick with it now, especially with a new coach reminding him.

Anyone btw notice that Donte is not with the team for personal reasons? I would say might as well give his shooting stroke a chance at things, but apparently that's not an option.
I hear the Lakers are accepting new fans.
You can't say anything encouraging from that half in my opinion, I'm not saying it's going to happen over night, but everyone needs to stop making excuses. Everyone plays an agonizing schedule, Grant tries to make an excuse for Francisco when he drops a ball, Francisco has been warming the bench.
Always my fear in his first year, but I think this is an older and wiser Reke who's banged his head into the one man gang wall too many times and will stick with it now, especially with a new coach reminding him.

Anyone btw notice that Donte is not with the team for personal reasons? I would say might as well give his shooting stroke a chance at things, but apparently that's not an option.
Grandma died....back home in Baltimore.