Cousins SENT HOME????


Hall of Famer
The fact that management went along with this reinforces that it is time for Petrie to go. If I was more cynical then I might say that Petrie is setting up Westphal to fail but it doesn't seem like Petrie rolls that way. If it is spun as Westphal vs. Cousins where Keith Smart is left out of it they might be able to fire Westphal, promote Keith Smart, and Cousins will be OK. At the same time the front office tries to get across the message that Cousins will be punished for insubordination.
I don't know if Petrie is setting up Westphal to fail, but I think he did cover all his bases. Westphal wanted John Salmons, so he got him John Salmons. Someone said that Westphal wanted Hayes. Don't know if thats true or not, but we got him. I'd really be interested in knowing who hired Keith Smart, Petrie, or Westphal? If it was totally a Petrie hire, then I'd say that Petrie was preparing for what he thought might be inevitable. He could always look Westphal in the eye, and say, hey, I got your everything you asked for so you have no one to blame but yourself. Certainly don't blame me! Oh, and by the way, I have Smart in my back pocket here. Bye bye!

Hey, I can dream, can't I?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
per Jason Jones twitter:
mr_jasonjones Jason Jones
Westphal says Cousins has asked to be traded twice, hasn't decided if he will go on road with team this week.

That does explain the sarcastic tone of the postgame remarks. it could have reacehd that point after 1 week's worth of games would be intriguing if it had happened to anybody but us. I would imagine what this actually plays out as is something like Cousins questining Westphal's system, and Wetphal criticizing Cousins' play and telling him to do things different, so Cousins yelling back if you don't like the way I play trade me now! Or something.
Yeah, none of this makes any sense. If Petrie backed Westfail on this one, why was it released to the public? Even when we've benched players in the past, we've never released statements like this.

And then they KILLED his value with this. Just killed it.

Because this is them trying to put this back together. They aren't trying and aren't going to trade Cousins otherwise they wouldn't have released this. They're sending a message that the coach is the coach until he isn't the coach.

Now, the question needs to be asked, should he be the coach? :mad:


I hate to say it but this was the reason DMC fell in the draft. If he was a good kid, without all his immaturity, he probably would have gone #1 or 2. It's a joke that we as fans have to deal with all this crap. It's no fun.

That does explain the sarcastic tone of the postgame remarks. it could have reacehd that point after 1 week's worth of games would be intriguing if it had happened to anybody but us. I would imagine what this actually plays out as is something like Cousins questining Westphal's system, and Wetphal criticizing Cousins' play and telling him to do things different, so Cousins yelling back if you don't like the way I play trade me now! Or something.
yeah, i'm kind of afraid to read anything else that surfaces about this's just plain ridiculous
The Maloofs may be crooked but i honestly don't think they're stupid enough to lose their best player prospects to appease a losing coach.
Never underestimate their ability to be mesmerized by sweettalk. Hell, they just about signed the entire franchise to a guy down south because of a nice sales pitch.
Without knowing all of the facts yet...

... and knowing that talent is going to trump a middling coach any day....

If we're going to build around Cousins we're going to need to get him to respect leadership and not act like a petulant child (perhaps this stunt is a last gasp attempt at that??). However, I'm worried about anchoring ourselves to a perpetually immature player who thinks he's already as good as his potential.

What a mess.
I would love to think that the franchise wasn't planning on trading Cousins. But this whole fiasco has shown they have lost their minds, something we already knew.
So is the Arena in Sacramento looking like it might actually happen causing the Maloofs to look the other way on all this as they try to mimic the plot of "Major League" and get the team run out if town for being a mess? ;)


Never underestimate their ability to be mesmerized by sweettalk. Hell, they just about signed the entire franchise to a guy down south because of a nice sales pitch.
Yep, and remember they hired Mussleman because he had a nice handout and presentation.
So is the Arena in Sacramento looking like it might actually happen causing the Maloofs to look the other way on all this as they try to mimic the plot of "Major League" and get the team run out if town for being a mess? ;)
Speaking of the Arena, I am now wondering if now with this mess, will the people still be in favor of the arena or change their minds.
... and, given that you NEED DMC to mature at some point, can you even go and can Westphal? That sends the completely wrong message to your mercurial young player who needs to do a lot of growing still.

All smacks of desperation on Westphal and the Kings' part though.
DMC, weren't u the same guy that said its cowardly to leave ur team and u would fight your way up with the team you started with?

I'll wait till more info comes out... but I was not opposed to firing PW even before this trade me thing came out.

Do the Maloofs see that our team can't even run a pick & roll? When our guys set a pick, they just pick & never roll. Even when that side of the lane is all clear.

That does explain the sarcastic tone of the postgame remarks. it could have reacehd that point after 1 week's worth of games would be intriguing if it had happened to anybody but us. I would imagine what this actually plays out as is something like Cousins questining Westphal's system, and Wetphal criticizing Cousins' play and telling him to do things different, so Cousins yelling back if you don't like the way I play trade me now! Or something.
That's exactly how it came down. Or something.
... and, given that you NEED DMC to mature at some point, can you even go and can Westphal? That sends the completely wrong message to your mercurial young player who needs to do a lot of growing still.

All smacks of desperation on Westphal and the Kings' part though.
You most certainly can, and will at some point. This is response time. If they don't respond to this, including Cousins, then there is a clear option here. This is probably in all seriousness the only way that this team with Westphal as coach can be saved at this point.
This reminds me of the Jay Cutler (player)/Josh McDaniel's (coach) thing in the NFL a few years ago. Basically Cutler pouted his way out of town and then the fans basically ran McDaniel's out soon after.
When we took a chance at Metta World Peace (the formerly known Ron Artest) Kings fans mostly howled but they clapped as he drove the team straight into the playoffs. Then the FO took yet another risk by drafting DeMarcus Cousins (aka: Boogie, Cuz, DMC) with predicable pattern of fines, insubordination, fight with a teammate, etc. Now that this nonsense remains as much of the childs story as it is the childs potential, something has to give. Arguably the situation with Cousins is worse than all the shennanigans with Artest while he was in Sactown. Something has to give but I'm not sure what that something is.
When we took a chance at Metta World Peace (the formerly known Ron Artest) Kings fans mostly howled but they clapped as he drove the team straight into the playoffs. Then the FO took yet another risk by drafting DeMarcus Cousins (aka: Boogie, Cuz, DMC) with predicable pattern of fines, insubordination, fight with a teammate, etc. Now that this nonsense remains as much of the childs story as it is the childs potential, something has to give. Arguably the situation with Cousins is worse than all the shennanigans with Artest while he was in Sactown. Something has to give but I'm not sure what that something is.
At this point, it seems pretty clear that this team is going to have another fairly bad season and end up with another high draft pick.

If Cousins indeed is not worth the trouble, why not keep it quiet and look for a near equal value trade? Maybe even an additional high draft pick?

Announcing things really seems like it ties our hands -- at least for the short term. Perhaps a sign that we're not ready to give up on our investment, but....

Worst case, DMC needed "disciplining", you hold him out, announce that a matter is being dealt with internally and keep the rest of the trade stuff quiet....

The way this was handled just really limits our options it seems like.


Hall of Famer
Demarcus isn't the only one that is questioning the coaches game plans. Every fan of the kings are. The other players are to just not to his face. Demarcus isn't the problem he just speaks his mind. I mean who plays Jimmer guarding a SF? Who plays Outlaw with no output for 4 games. PW is an idiot.


Hall of Famer
Sell to Burkle and restructure the FO and get a new coach. That's the solution. Simple. It sure doesn't seem to me that the Maloofs can afford to have a team and there are times I quesition there ability to run one dating back to when they openly courted Phil Jackson when Adelman was under ontract. After that, Adelman wanted out.

Daly wanted out. Crawford signed elsewhere for less money than we offered. The problem is bigger than an immature stud having a fit with his barely competent coach. How much money are we under the cap? What are they saving it for? These continuing comments that nothing can be done if players don't want to come here is gettimg old. Maybe the reason they don't want to be here is because of management. We are beginning to look like a circus with the clowns running the show. Players talk among themselves and any deficiencies of the FO is certainly known by any player even considering coming here.

This latest flurry of negative advertising isn't going to help us.

Even if you don't know the details, you know it is a community that has to have a gun put to its head to build an arena, the team tried to move to Anaheim and that is still an option, and now one more bit of news.
I'm not too concerned with Cousins "demanding" a trade. If Cousins' agent is saying that DMC didn't demand a trade, then it seems like this was just heated words said in an argument.

There are two things that are more concerning to me: (1) DMC's continued immaturity, (2) Westphal's inability to communicate with his players.

As far as concern 1, DMC is still relatively young. Some of his immaturity may be attributable to the fact that, well, he's still a young man - and emotional young man at that! On the other hand, as these outbursts recur, it indicates that DMC is not learning to manage his emotions effectively. I am beginning to wonder if DMC is the new Ron Artest.

Concern 2, is also a big concern and it appears that the problem is extending well beyond the current DMC "trade demand' scenario. Westphal is losing the team, and may be losing the fan base. Tyreke's comments indicate that the communication and system is not reaching the players. The fan base is becoming increasingly frustrated about Westphal's odd coaching (e.g., telling Jimmer to guard Batum, the small-ball lineup with Jimmer and Isaiah, the apparent incompatability of an Evans, Thornton, Salmons line-up, etc.).

I don't think panic is ever an appropriate response (although it's sometimes tempting!). I'm frustrated over Westphal's statement. It seems that he is throwing DMC under the bus. There is no reason to release a statement like that to the media. To see this type of bickering in the media reflects very poorly on Westphal's professionalism.
When we took a chance at Metta World Peace (the formerly known Ron Artest) Kings fans mostly howled but they clapped as he drove the team straight into the playoffs. Then the FO took yet another risk by drafting DeMarcus Cousins (aka: Boogie, Cuz, DMC) with predicable pattern of fines, insubordination, fight with a teammate, etc. Now that this nonsense remains as much of the childs story as it is the childs potential, something has to give. Arguably the situation with Cousins is worse than all the shennanigans with Artest while he was in Sactown. Something has to give but I'm not sure what that something is.
We can look at it as the bad behavior child in Cousins'. However I prefer to look at it as we should fix the underlying issue of Westphal. I think DMC has finally had enough of P.W.'s idiotic coaching. This team hasn't improved in 3 years now - even though one could argue our personel has. I look at this as a player finally having the balls to say enough is enough with this failed coach. None of the players seem to care anymore. Do we have a roster filled with discontent because we continue to have a front office backing a coach that has never had any idea what he's doing in the Pro's?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
At this point, it seems pretty clear that this team is going to have another fairly bad season and end up with another high draft pick.

If Cousins indeed is not worth the trouble, why not keep it quiet and look for a near equal value trade? Maybe even an additional high draft pick?

Announcing things really seems like it ties our hands -- at least for the short term. Perhaps a sign that we're not ready to give up on our investment, but....

Worst case, DMC needed "disciplining", you hold him out, announce that a matter is being dealt with internally and keep the rest of the trade stuff quiet....

The way this was handled just really limits our options it seems like.
That's all jsut unnecessary. Tehre is atime tested solution to these sorts of conflicts between assets if unequal value.

You fire the coach. End of subject. See ya. Have a nice retirement. Bye.

Trading DeMarcus Cousins is one of those moves that could seriously SERIOUSLY go down as the single worst move in the entire history of the franchise. Its a move that you could still be wailing about 20 years fo losing later. You just can't unless he absolutely forced you to, and maybe not even then.

Keith Smart would also surely have to be the guy the rest of the year, and you can do that and see if we improve and the players get behind him. If not I would seriously pursue Van Gundy (Jeff), although the way SVG played us might make all sides reluctant. He's a coach I ahve felt was always overrated by the fans in these parts, neer as good as Adelman, and he's apt to look at Petrie's all offense/no defender taller than 6'6" team with complete and utter disgust. But that said he has stature, which is going to be needed to control Cousins. And he, as Riley's disciple, is one of the last true big man coaches in the NBA. He loves them, as everybody from Riley's school does, and we are the one team other than the one coached by his brother who could present him with a nice young shiny one under the tree.
CWebb would like to talk. ;)

But in any case, its not about Cousins being right in his actions. Its about pure practicality. Cousins is a great talent. Westphal is an old failing coach with the worst record of any coach in the sad history of the Kings. There is only one play here. And the sooner the better.
This is what doesn't make sense. Why is Westfail still on this team? Theus went through less and he was canned without even a 2nd chance.
I'm not too concerned with Cousins "demanding" a trade. If Cousins' agent is saying that DMC didn't demand a trade, then it seems like this was just heated words said in an argument.

There are two things that are more concerning to me: (1) DMC's continued immaturity, (2) Westphal's inability to communicate with his players.

As far as concern 1, DMC is still relatively young. Some of his immaturity may be attributable to the fact that, well, he's still a young man - and emotional young man at that! On the other hand, as these outbursts recur, it indicates that DMC is not learning to manage his emotions effectively. I am beginning to wonder if DMC is the new Ron Artest.

Concern 2, is also a big concern and it appears that the problem is extending well beyond the current DMC "trade demand' scenario. Westphal is losing the team, and may be losing the fan base. Tyreke's comments indicate that the communication and system is not reaching the players. The fan base is becoming increasingly frustrated about Westphal's odd coaching (e.g., telling Jimmer to guard Batum, the small-ball lineup with Jimmer and Isaiah, the apparent incompatability of an Evans, Thornton, Salmons line-up, etc.).

I don't think panic is ever an appropriate response (although it's sometimes tempting!). I'm frustrated over Westphal's statement. It seems that he is throwing DMC under the bus. There is no reason to release a statement like that to the media. To see this type of bickering in the media reflects very poorly on Westphal's professionalism.
+1 completely agree. I think this does seal Westphal's fate more than DMC's. Still a "star's" league (inasmuch as DMC is a star on this team). I am not optimistic about DMC learning to manage his emotions effectively however. Dude needed the sort of smackdown he's getting now (which rarely works in the NBA unless your coach is Phil Jackson) far earlier in his development.
We can look at it as the bad behavior child in Cousins'. However I prefer to look at it as we should fix the underlying issue of Westphal. I think DMC has finally had enough of P.W.'s idiotic coaching. This team hasn't improved in 3 years now - even though one could argue our personel has. I look at this as a player finally having the balls to say enough is enough with this failed coach. None of the players seem to care anymore. Do we have a roster filled with discontent because we continue to have a front office backing a coach that has never had any idea what he's doing in the Pro's?
You may be entirely right but did you just hear Westphal pre-game interview with G-Man? He was asked if issue that sent Cousins home was one incident at todays practice as reported or other incidents/ongoing situation. Westphal indicated it was NOT the former but the later.
Speaking of the Arena, I am now wondering if now with this mess, will the people still be in favor of the arena or change their minds.
I don't think it has any effect, they want to push this through now regardless of the Kings...the fact the Maloofs might be pulling a 'Major League' would be stupid, btw...I don't think Stern really wants a 3rd team in LA, to compete with one of his cash cows, the Lakers.