Cousins SENT HOME????


Hall of Famer
With all of the scrutiny and controversy this is the last thing that Cousins needs right now, Westphal should know that. Shame on him.
Well, as I try to complete what must be the story going on, I suspect Cuz said something and Keith Smart supported him or vice versa. As Westphal should be afraid he was getting fired, this hit a few more of his fear buttons. He is now showing the fans what the players are seeing on a daily basis - a lack of common sense and perhaps maturity. The coach is supposed to be the mature one. How simple can it be?

As many of us thought Westphal should have been fired last year, we are gettimg another view of the ownership and/or GP. This is very, very bad as if anyone needed my opinion.

Edit: I don't know who Todd is but you can insert his name where I previously said Keith Smart. So it appears there is trouble among the coaches and eventually Cuz gets sent home. Obviously we will never know the truth as that seems to be a difficult concept for the FO.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Yeah, none of this makes any sense. If Petrie backed Westfail on this one, why was it released to the public? Even when we've benched players in the past, we've never released statements like this.

And then they KILLED his value with this. Just killed it.

I don't think killing his value is really importnat, because I don't for a moment believe we'd trade him for anything short of the Dwight Howard rental scenario.
Yeah, none of this makes any sense. If Petrie backed Westfail on this one, why was it released to the public? Even when we've benched players in the past, we've never released statements like this.

And then they KILLED his value with this. Just killed it.
I said it earlier but I say it again...

I honestly don't think they care about his trade value because they ARE NOT trading him. No way. We have control over him for a few more season and then we can match any offer he gets from another team.

They are clearly trying to teach him a lesson, and it won't work .. but that is the intention. Make him look bad so he'll realize he needs to stop it with all this garbage. We tried it before by going public when he got thrown of of practice and it actually worked for a short period of time. This is a bit more serious though, and I don't see it working.

I will be absolutely shocked if Cousins is traded, which makes me think its highly likely Westphal gets canned. We conveniently put his name on the press release too so when he does get fired we can use him as the scapegoat for all of this. He was the reason we picked Jimmer, He is the reason we wanted Salmons, He is the reason we got Hayes .. blame everything on him and Geoff and the Maloofs look fine.
Well, as I try to complete what must be the story going on, I suspect Cuz said something and Keith Smart supported him or vice versa. As Westphal should be afraid he was getting fired, this hit a few more of his fear buttons. He is now showing the fans what the players are seeing on a daily basis - a lack of common sense and perhaps maturity. The coach is supposed to be the mature one. How simple can it be?

As many of us thought Westphal should have been fired last year, we are gettimg another view of the ownership and/or GP. This is very, very bad as if anyone needed my opinion.

Edit: I don't know who Todd is but you can insert his name where I previously said Keith Smart..
Todd was an assistant they picked up before the season started.

Here is the press release of him getting hired:

More importantly here is where Westphal throws Todd under the bus (starts at 1:42ish)
well this sucks im disapointed in cuzins how can he do this to all the fans he has here in sacramento all the jerseys people have bought of him,does he expect to be on a contendor team his 2cnd year??were only 1-3 maybe a coaching change and i think we would do better...i just dont wanna see cuzins in a laker uniform!!!!!! cousins for bynum?or gasol? wat u guys think


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
well this sucks im disapointed in cuzins how can he do this to all the fans he has here in sacramento all the jerseys people have bought of him,does he expect to be on a contendor team his 2cnd year??were only 1-3 maybe a coaching change and i think we would do better...i just dont wanna see cuzins in a laker uniform!!!!!! cousins for bynum?or gasol? wat u guys think
I think its Cousins for nobody.

And Westphal for Smart.
That comment by Westphal is being mis-read in my opinion he's just making a jovial about "you never really know what your gonna get" situations.

he's not calling out that coach for being useless at predicting things.
That comment by Westphal is being mis-read in my opinion he's just making a jovial about "you never really know what your gonna get" situations.

he's not calling out that coach for being useless at predicting things.
The point is that he shifts attention over to his assistant, seemingly putting blame on him.
They aren't going to come out and say... we're siding with our 21 year old player. No one would handle it like that. I suspect the press release is to keep up appearances but behind the scenes I would be surprised if replacing Westphal isn't being considered pretty seriously.
Oh I don't doubt it. However, whether or not firing Westphal is a possibility - this press release just placed the franchise against DMC. Whether true or not, that is the wedge that has been put in place by the statement.
Guarantee if Cousins does get traded, expect the Spurs to be on the top of that list. There's been a flurry of talk about having him as their next franchise player and having an aging Tim Duncan mentor Cousins as David Robinson did to him...
Guarantee if Cousins does get traded, expect the Spurs to be on the top of that list. There's been a flurry of talk about having him as their next franchise player and having an aging Tim Duncan mentor Cousins as David Robinson did to him...
I love that idea to be honest. It would be the perfect place for him.
If the word is put out there he's available every team in the league will be on the phone. And that should tell management something as if they didn't already know.
I don't give a rat's *** how bad a coach is, a second year player should not be pulling crap like this. I can't even imagine a second year LeBron pulling something like this.


Hall of Famer
Are people still wondering why players will accept less money to stay away from Sacramento? It's a circus. Actually there's another phrase that describes it better but ... I DO have some class.
So, obviously you guys aren't Kings fans.
Lol no, Kings fans. Just also sports fans in all aspects. Tim Duncan has been one of my favorite players to watch for a long time. I'm sorry if that offends you :/.

Added backstory: Favorite of mine because Duncan actually used to be a nationally ranked swimmer before he turned to basketball in college, I know coaches who had competed against him, and seen some of his records. So I have a more "personal" connection with that statement.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Guarantee if Cousins does get traded, expect the Spurs to be on the top of that list. There's been a flurry of talk about having him as their next franchise player and having an aging Tim Duncan mentor Cousins as David Robinson did to him...
Yeah, flurry of talk by who exactly? You could bundle up their entire franchise and not have enough to tempt somebody into trading a DeMarcus Cousins. Scrubs up front, old guards, and mediocre SFs? Yeah, obviously all things we need.

Truthfully there are a ton of teams who would love to have DeMarcus. Which is preceisely why its almost inconceivable you would trade him over a dispute with a lameduck coach with the lowest salary in teh entire league.
Lol no, Kings fans. Just also sports fans in all aspects. Tim Duncan has been one of my favorite players to watch for a long time. I'm sorry if that offends you :/.
Offends??? Nah. I just don't like the idea of losing our most talented player to a team that really doesn't have anyone we need, that's all.
Offends??? Nah. I just don't like the idea of losing our most talented player to a team that really doesn't have anyone we need, that's all.

Haha ok. I actually edited and added my backstory to that. I have more personal reasons for being a huge Duncan fan. That being said, I definitely wouldn't like the idea of losing Cousins. I think he could be our big franchise player ourselves.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I don't give a rat's *** how bad a coach is, a second year player should not be pulling crap like this. I can't even imagine a second year LeBron pulling something like this.
CWebb would like to talk. ;)

But in any case, its not about Cousins being right in his actions. Its about pure practicality. Cousins is a great talent. Westphal is an old failing coach with the worst record of any coach in the sad history of the Kings. There is only one play here. And the sooner the better.
FML. Whatever happened or was said in practice is terrible enough as it is. But the the front office putting out that release? I can't grasp how they thought that'd be a good idea. I'm strangely confused and scared.