I guess its on? Players vs. Westphal

Westy is an ***. Read this on Sactown Royalty:

Westphal called out the AC?

by deadenddude on Dec 31, 2011 9:04 PM PST up reply
Who is AC?

"We're like Tim Duncan and David Robinson. But a younger version. I really feel that." - Charlie Villanueva about himself and Chris Bosh.

by kwill on Dec 31, 2011 9:06 PM PST up reply
Sorry. He did call out the assistant coach. He put Todd under the bus.

What an ***.

"We're like Tim Duncan and David Robinson. But a younger version. I really feel that." - Charlie Villanueva about himself and Chris Bosh.

by kwill on Dec 31, 2011 9:07 PM PST up reply
damn i missed the postgame

because the alternate channels Dish is showing the games on cut of like RIGHT when the game is over. I wish Dish would get this squared away and the games back on 409.

by deadenddude on Dec 31, 2011 9:09 PM PST up reply
Without actually quoting:

“Todd told me ‘The guys look ready tonight.’ I told him it does not matter, because when you think they are ready, they’re not. And when you think there not, they are.”

Basically, he pushed the spotlight on Todd. Again, I say, what an ***.

"We're like Tim Duncan and David Robinson. But a younger version. I really feel that." - Charlie Villanueva about himself and Chris Bosh.

by kwill on Dec 31, 2011 9:12 PM PST up reply
it wasn't that bad...

anecdote about Coach Todd saying he thought the team was ready. PW told Todd to never say that because you can’t really tell how a team will play until the game starts.

by Kingstime on Dec 31, 2011 9:12 PM PST up reply
The point is that he shifted the spotlight onto his assistant.

You know from grade school that this is a tactic to made one’s self look better by pointing out the faults in another.

"We're like Tim Duncan and David Robinson. But a younger version. I really feel that." - Charlie Villanueva about himself and Chris Bosh.

by kwill on Dec 31, 2011 9:16 PM PST up reply


Hall of Famer
Telling quote by Reke:

"I just try to get open as I can and create," Evans said. "It's no real set for me, nobody really in the offense. Just pass, cut. We lost; nobody really knows what to do. I think that's what's really hurting us right now."

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/01/01/4156018/slump-grumbling-grow.html#storylink=cpy

Are players not doing what Westphal says? "That's what he's emphasizing after these losses, that we haven't been running his offense," Cousins said. "We've got to do what he says." Asked what the Kings are trying to run on offense, Cousins said: "I mean, we're running the offense that he put in in practice."

Read more here: http://blogs.sacbee.com/sports/kings/archives/2011/12/kings-look-lost.html#storylink=cpy

So is this the crap Westy is running in practice? God this is bad.
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There are so many problems here .. with most of them relating to Cousins.

In my opinion he is the most talented player on the roster. He is the one guy I would never trade.

The problem is that when things aren't going his way he is a total ***. I mean that in the nicest way possible. When he is happy and the team is playing well he just a great funny dude .. he's Boogie.

But in bad times ..times like this, he is borderline locker room cancer. He so mentally weak that he can blow a team up all by himself with his negativity. And Westphal has NEVER been able to control him. I can only blame Westphal so much for that, because if Cousins wasn't the type of guy Cousins is there would be no situations like this .. but If Cousins was a more stable guy he would have been the #1 pick and he wouldn't be on our team... so what do you do?

Westphal was never my guy. I wanted Thibodeau 3 years ago and I would have settled for McHale or Lawrence Frank this offseason but now all 3 of those guys have jobs. It would take a special coach to really keep this roster happy.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that while I don't think Westphal is the right man for this job, he is not the only one to blame for all this garbage. This is just a ****ty group of guys to be around.

Cousins is ***. Salmons is a jerk. Evans is Evans ( who knows ). Everyone loves Jimmer (I'm sure some players resent the attention he is getting). And thats just off the court. The Pieces never fit from the start. Like Brick said in one of his posts in another thread .. not enough roll players.

Before the season started just about everyone on this forum said 'there won't be enough balls to go around to keep everyone happy' well, surprise, surprise we were all right.

And before I send myself into a complete spiral of negativity ... things CAN turn around. I'm not counting on it, but this team has a lot of frontrunners (when things are good, things are gooooood) and if we can get on a roll and sustain it we should be ok, but I'm just not sure how likely that is at this point. One thing is for sure .. whatever dumb system we have or don't have .. the players need to start liking each other. They need to start trusting each other .. they need to start acting like a team.
Things can't really turn around with the roster and rotation as it is now.

I don't really find Cousins to be a cancer here. The Kings have been losing for many years. They've been one of the very worst teams for 3-4 years. You sort of need someone who won't accept that. One kind of cancer is a guy who doesn't meld with with others. Negativity can be a cancer, but quiet acceptance of failure is the problem that kills franchises. Nobody talks about it, but it's there. Minny had it after KG left. The Clippers always had it. The Kings had it once before. I've generally liked the players on the squad that have spoken up about the problems. You can't have acceptance of futility.
Things can't really turn around with the roster and rotation as it is now.

I don't really find Cousins to be a cancer here. The Kings have been losing for many years. They've been one of the very worst teams for 3-4 years. You sort of need someone who won't accept that. One kind of cancer is a guy who doesn't meld with with others. Negativity can be a cancer, but quiet acceptance of failure is the problem that kills franchises. Nobody talks about it, but it's there. Minny had it after KG left. The Clippers always had it. The Kings had it once before. I've generally liked the players on the squad that have spoken up about the problems. You can't have acceptance of futility.
I agree completely. I like that Cousins isn't afraid to speak his mind even if it means shaking things up. That's what Kobe does. Not that I'm comparing Cousins to Kobe but I think he has that same hatred of losing. Nobody likes to lose but not everyone hates it. You want at least one guy on your team that hates losing so much that they'll do anything to change the losing culture of the team, even if it means calling out teammates and coaches.
It's obvious to even a casual spectator that there is no "set offense" so it's going to be obvious to professional players.

I've watched plenty of teams this season and with the exception of the Wizards, we look the most "ugly," It's all 1 on 1; standing there looking at each other.

Other things that annoy me are just common sense plays, Jimmer gets trapped, everyone just stares at him until he loses it or has to chuck it??? Go over and support, move for an angle? That is just effort right there.

I'd rather the players didn't come out and say things but it's hard to bite your tongue huh.
Between this and that Voisin article, it's pretty obvious there's a huge amount of resentment towards Westphal and his "offense" among the players. You can't really blame them.

I think in that video, Cousins starts off very angry and discontent. He kind of pulls it back as he realises that he probably shouldn't be so openly critical. Either way, I'm not sure the Maloofs will fire Paul. They'll probably give him until the end of the season at least, which means a sucky remainder of the season for us to endure, and lots of frustration for our players.
Its definitely on! This is reminiscent of Westphal's last days in Seattle!

Unless something changes drastically, he will be the first coach that gets the sack this season and rightly so. He should have been replaced at the end of last season while they were some good coaches out on the market but our owners are so broke, they can't afford a good coach, let alone a great team.

Its pretty obvious that Westphal has lost the players with his basketball philosophy...you know the bigs have not business going for offensive rebounds and everyone is equal offence.
I'm not a fan of the kings sets the last 4 games. maybe the coaching staff didn't really have enough preparation that would work for the roster considering the Hayes/Dalembert drama and failing to get guys like AK47. IMO, best way to bump up this team would be a trade to release the SF jam and better set plays maximizing the roster's strength like DMC pounding down low but not forcing and proper coordination for outlet passes and better sets for Reke, Jimmer and Thorton.
The problem is there are no "sets," that was a massive problem last year as well and the players voiced concerns then.

the talk this pre-season was of a "new offense" hmmm.
If you've watched any of this seasons games, there is no way you can lay this at demarcus's feet or IMO any of the players feet. This team is a mess and last night was an embarrassment. Im just ticked that last night was my 6 year old daughters first game. "Fans are not suppose to boo our team are they dad?" Oh man.......
This team is listless and the coaching staff and for that matter, petrie, are directly to blame. Petrie should be shown the door along with Westphal. If Westphal is allowed to last this season im afraid he is gonna ruin a lot of these young talented players. This team needs structure!
Having too many SF hasn't been the problem this season. Cisco hasn't touched the floor so you gain no minutes by trading him....
It's not the worst problem of this team but having a $6M healthy vet not playing a single minute in a losing team is a sort of a big elephant in that Kings locker. Westphal better change his rotation, we're being eatin alive by big SFs like Artest, Wallace, Anthony.

Donte is playing more controlled on this Knicks game and I hope he gets playing time. Salmons should only be used as SG off the bench against teams with big forwards. He's good as useless out there on such occasions.

Then better trade Garcia for a vet big and restructure the lineup.

PG - Evans, Fredette, Thomas
SG - Thornton, Salmons
SF - Greene, Outlaw, Honeycutt
PF - Hayes, Hickson, vet big
C - Cousins, Thompson, Whiteside

And please, stop the Thomas-Fredette backcourt when it's clear they'll be matched against players 5"-6" taller than them who can ran at pace with them.

Or maybe get better scouts. I'm not sure if this team's scouts only watch youtube and ignore other team's bench guys who blow us every night. See Harelson, Craig Smith, etc.
Jeff Van Gundy bandwagon, anyone?
First off, several teams contacted JVG during off season about head coach openings and he flat turned them all down. He said being an NBA TV analyst is something he likes a lot. Also, he would demand very high salary if he ever retured as a head coach - not something Kings could or would probably pay.
whats the debate here? The players are indicating that either they dont like the coach, or its the coaches fault, or both. Take it for face value. I think the Coach is 15-20 games away from losing his job.


Hall of Famer
First off, several teams contacted JVG during off season about head coach openings and he flat turned them all down. He said being an NBA TV analyst is something he likes a lot. Also, he would demand very high salary if he ever retured as a head coach - not something Kings could or would probably pay.
And if we are unwilling to spend money, the team will not MAKE money. Fans will stay away. They won't watch it on TV. There are better things to do with life than watch disorganized basketball. I understand the pessimism, of course, but if the Maloofs can't afford a coach, sell to someone who can. That would be the kindest thing they could do to for the fans of this team.

And if they come whining to the league that they can't make money in Sacto and need to move, to hell with them and I think the league may agree with me.
First off, several teams contacted JVG during off season about head coach openings and he flat turned them all down. He said being an NBA TV analyst is something he likes a lot. Also, he would demand very high salary if he ever retured as a head coach - not something Kings could or would probably pay.
I mean, the fact of the matter is that you're going to have to fork out a high salary for a great coach wherever you go.

We've gone for less and less since Adelman. One coach begets another, begets another, so that if we don't pay for an actual coach, we'll get another placeholder.

That was my major problem with dumping Adelman. We got rid of him without a surefire replacement lined up. The management just wanted "change".


Hall of Famer
If your responding to me I'd just like to say that I don't think I'm laying this at the feet of anybody ...

I'm laying it at the feet of everybody. It takes more than one person to create this mess.
It starts at the top Massy, and its not working. For whatever reason. This happened in Westphals first year, It happened last year when the Maloof's wanted to fire Westphal and Petrie talked them out of it. Cousins was doing his best not to say what he really wanted to say. Yeah, Cousins got frustrated in both the last two games, but we were down and out by the time he did. I'm not excusing it, but I certainly understand it. I hear Westphal praising Cisco for his leadership and hard work in the offseason, but he's yet to see any time on the floor. If your a young player how do you interpret that. Answer: Busting your butt and putting in the hard word gets you nothing. Not even a minute of playing time.

Everytime Westphal gets a new toy, that toy moves to the head of the line, and players like Thompson, Cisco, and Greene move down the bench. One of the main culprits, in just coming down the floor and quick shooting last night, was Salmons. Who lobbied for Salmons? Westphal!! He admitted in an interview that he asked Petrie to go after Salmons. I think Salmons can be a valuable player on the right team, but not on this team. I thought so when we aquired him, but I was willing to give it a shot. So far, its not looking like its going to work. But I'm not going to blame Salmons for being Salmons. Evans looks like a confused mess. Hayes is wondering just what the hell he's gotten himself into. Thornton looks angry, and Cousins doesn't know what to believe.

The bottom line is, what you see on the floor belongs to Westphal. When a general loses a battle, they don't fire the army. Personally, I don't want to endure any more of this. Why should I believe that this will turn around. What indicators are there that I haven't seen, that shows progress. I'm generally a positive person, but I don't ignore reality. Westphal has said that he really likes this team. I have serious doubts that this team likes him.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I never saw PW as anything more than a transitional coach who would hopefully get us to our next great coach at the end of his tenure but now all I am seeing is another coaching carousel. Great.
It starts at the top Massy, and its not working. For whatever reason. This happened in Westphals first year, It happened last year when the Maloof's wanted to fire Westphal and Petrie talked them out of it. Cousins was doing his best not to say what he really wanted to say. Yeah, Cousins got frustrated in both the last two games, but we were down and out by the time he did. I'm not excusing it, but I certainly understand it. I hear Westphal praising Cisco for his leadership and hard work in the offseason, but he's yet to see any time on the floor. If your a young player how do you interpret that. Answer: Busting your butt and putting in the hard word gets you nothing. Not even a minute of playing time.

Everytime Westphal gets a new toy, that toy moves to the head of the line, and players like Thompson, Cisco, and Greene move down the bench. One of the main culprits, in just coming down the floor and quick shooting last night, was Salmons. Who lobbied for Salmons? Westphal!! He admitted in an interview that he asked Petrie to go after Salmons. I think Salmons can be a valuable player on the right team, but not on this team. I thought so when we aquired him, but I was willing to give it a shot. So far, its not looking like its going to work. But I'm not going to blame Salmons for being Salmons. Evans looks like a confused mess. Hayes is wondering just what the hell he's gotten himself into. Thornton looks angry, and Cousins doesn't know what to believe.

The bottom line is, what you see on the floor belongs to Westphal. When a general loses a battle, they don't fire the army. Personally, I don't want to endure any more of this. Why should I believe that this will turn around. What indicators are there that I haven't seen, that shows progress. I'm generally a positive person, but I don't ignore reality. Westphal has said that he really likes this team. I have serious doubts that this team likes him.
I'm not suggesting firing the army. I DON'T want to blow the team up .. I don't want to trade Cousins whatsoever. I can trade Evans depending on the deal .. but for the most part, I still like our core.

That being said I think a lot of people are letting the players off the hook here. The offense is bad, but that is just one of our top 3 problems, with the other two being transition defense and free throws.

I can put the offense on the coach. He is supposed to be an offensive minded coach, and the offense has been garbage for 3 years now. But the other stuff .. the free throws and transition defense ( which is mostly effort related ), I'm not putting that on Westphal. I'm putting that on the sour attitude of the team .. the players.

Instead of running back on defense we have players going for dumb steals in the backcourt .. and Cousins constant sulking when he misses a layup or thinks he got fouled is contagious... too much complaining, too much sulking .. when the other team hits one three everyone puts there heads down and acts like the sky is falling. It takes nothing to rattle this team.

Then the free throws .. talk about lack of focus.

I'll say it again. Despite everything I'm arguing for, I believe Westphal deserves to lose his job. I actually never thought he deserved to get this job, but I don't want to let the players off the hook either. I don't want them to feel like they have 'won' when Westphal eventually gets canned. I worry about that a lot. We have catered to the young guys on this team SO much the past two years I worry about all of that stuff.

I remember in Rekes first season, Hawes and Evans both basically said the same thing about not really knowing their roll on the team (or something like that .. my memory about it is a little fuzzy at this point).. Hawes gets suspended and nothing happens to Tyreke. That really bothered me. Then last season with the gigantic Evans and Cousins banners .. and the crazyness that was 20-5-5 .. just too much for my liking. We have made them think that they are more important than everyone else. And they are buying into that concept. Its not healthy.
I'm not suggesting firing the army. I DON'T want to blow the team up .. I don't want to trade Cousins whatsoever. I can trade Evans depending on the deal .. but for the most part, I still like our core.

That being said I think a lot of people are letting the players off the hook here. The offense is bad, but that is just one of our top 3 problems, with the other two being transition defense and free throws.

I can put the offense on the coach. He is supposed to be an offensive minded coach, and the offense has been garbage for 3 years now. But the other stuff .. the free throws and transition defense ( which is mostly effort related ), I'm not putting that on Westphal. I'm putting that on the sour attitude of the team .. the players.

Instead of running back on defense we have players going for dumb steals in the backcourt .. and Cousins constant sulking when he misses a layup or thinks he got fouled is contagious... too much complaining, too much sulking .. when the other team hits one three everyone puts there heads down and acts like the sky is falling. It takes nothing to rattle this team.

Then the free throws .. talk about lack of focus.

I'll say it again. Despite everything I'm arguing for, I believe Westphal deserves to lose his job. I actually never thought he deserved to get this job, but I don't want to let the players off the hook either. I don't want them to feel like they have 'won' when Westphal eventually gets canned. I worry about that a lot. We have catered to the young guys on this team SO much the past two years I worry about all of that stuff.

I remember in Rekes first season, Hawes and Evans both basically said the same thing about not really knowing their roll on the team (or something like that .. my memory about it is a little fuzzy at this point).. Hawes gets suspended and nothing happens to Tyreke. That really bothered me. Then last season with the gigantic Evans and Cousins banners .. and the crazyness that was 20-5-5 .. just too much for my liking. We have made them think that they are more important than everyone else. And they are buying into that concept. Its not healthy.
This stuff about the players thinkin they are more important is all speculation at this point. We weren't in the lockeroom or at practice. We don't know what's going on at that end. We can only judge what we've seen. And what I've seen is sloppy uninspired systemless basketball.
This stuff about the players thinkin they are more important is all speculation at this point. We weren't in the lockeroom or at practice. We don't know what's going on at that end. We can only judge what we've seen. And what I've seen is sloppy uninspired systemless basketball.

Take note, Westphal. This is what drawing up a play looks like.
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Also, the added Standing O we gave Adelman at his first appearance at Arco after getting fired, which the Magoofs were neither present at nor showed on MSE.

Sorry, I just despise them by all accounts. My flatmate knows Burkle through his dad who's an entertainment lawyer, and has had glowing praise for his character. I seriously wish he was owning the Kings right now.
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Hall of Famer
I'm not suggesting firing the army. I DON'T want to blow the team up .. I don't want to trade Cousins whatsoever. I can trade Evans depending on the deal .. but for the most part, I still like our core.

That being said I think a lot of people are letting the players off the hook here. The offense is bad, but that is just one of our top 3 problems, with the other two being transition defense and free throws.

I can put the offense on the coach. He is supposed to be an offensive minded coach, and the offense has been garbage for 3 years now. But the other stuff .. the free throws and transition defense ( which is mostly effort related ), I'm not putting that on Westphal. I'm putting that on the sour attitude of the team .. the players.

Instead of running back on defense we have players going for dumb steals in the backcourt .. and Cousins constant sulking when he misses a layup or thinks he got fouled is contagious... too much complaining, too much sulking .. when the other team hits one three everyone puts there heads down and acts like the sky is falling. It takes nothing to rattle this team.

Then the free throws .. talk about lack of focus.

I'll say it again. Despite everything I'm arguing for, I believe Westphal deserves to lose his job. I actually never thought he deserved to get this job, but I don't want to let the players off the hook either. I don't want them to feel like they have 'won' when Westphal eventually gets canned. I worry about that a lot. We have catered to the young guys on this team SO much the past two years I worry about all of that stuff.

I remember in Rekes first season, Hawes and Evans both basically said the same thing about not really knowing their roll on the team (or something like that .. my memory about it is a little fuzzy at this point).. Hawes gets suspended and nothing happens to Tyreke. That really bothered me. Then last season with the gigantic Evans and Cousins banners .. and the crazyness that was 20-5-5 .. just too much for my liking. We have made them think that they are more important than everyone else. And they are buying into that concept. Its not healthy.
Look, I know what you're saying, but I just don't totally agree with everything. For one thing, can we let up on this Cousins thing. He's been making an obvious effort to not complain this season. And the only place I've seen him sulk is on the bench near the end of losing games. If you don't reward effort, then the effort stops. last season was last season. So far this season, I have very little to complain about with Cousins, other than turnovers and lousy shooting percentage. I do think this team is put together with odd fitting parts, and that could be part of the problem. But the players have looked bad now on this team for the last two years, and it doesn't seem to matter who the players are. The one common denominator is Westphal.

Whats the difference between the 49er's this season and last season? Answer: The head coach! They went from pretender to contender simply by bringing in a coach that knew what he was doing. The truth is, a bad coach can make the players look bad. Not that he's trying to do that, but because he's inept. You have to isolate the main cause of a problem if your going to fix it. To just blame everyone doesn't do the job. The problem isn't Evans, or Cousins, or even Salmons. Its how they're being used. And that falls on Westphal. If he thinks some of the players aren't running the plays he's drawn up, then do something about it. Sit their little butts down when they screw up.

Truth is, its probably too late for that. He's too far down this road to change directions, and I doubt he even knows how. He's running out of answers, and team loyality is running out of gas. I normally don't call for a coaches head this early in the season. But this year is different. Were trying to get a new arena built. The team is trying to rebuild fan support. All the good offseason efforts to rebuild fan support is going to go down the dumper if this kind of play continues. This team needs a shot of fresh air. And while they're at it, how about hiring a big man coach. Please don't tell me that some 6'3" coach is going to show Cousins how to refine his post game.
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Hall of Famer
We had a big man coach...Coachie! He was helping JT with his 3 pointers!

Siiiiiiiiiigggghhh..... I'm sick of the Magoofs, Westfail, and Geoff Pooptrie (ok, that last name change was a stretch).
I'm not suggesting firing the army. I DON'T want to blow the team up .. I don't want to trade Cousins whatsoever. I can trade Evans depending on the deal .. but for the most part, I still like our core.

That being said I think a lot of people are letting the players off the hook here. The offense is bad, but that is just one of our top 3 problems, with the other two being transition defense and free throws.

I can put the offense on the coach. He is supposed to be an offensive minded coach, and the offense has been garbage for 3 years now. But the other stuff .. the free throws and transition defense ( which is mostly effort related ), I'm not putting that on Westphal. I'm putting that on the sour attitude of the team .. the players.

Instead of running back on defense we have players going for dumb steals in the backcourt .. and Cousins constant sulking when he misses a layup or thinks he got fouled is contagious... too much complaining, too much sulking .. when the other team hits one three everyone puts there heads down and acts like the sky is falling. It takes nothing to rattle this team.

Then the free throws .. talk about lack of focus.

I'll say it again. Despite everything I'm arguing for, I believe Westphal deserves to lose his job. I actually never thought he deserved to get this job, but I don't want to let the players off the hook either. I don't want them to feel like they have 'won' when Westphal eventually gets canned. I worry about that a lot. We have catered to the young guys on this team SO much the past two years I worry about all of that stuff.

I remember in Rekes first season, Hawes and Evans both basically said the same thing about not really knowing their roll on the team (or something like that .. my memory about it is a little fuzzy at this point).. Hawes gets suspended and nothing happens to Tyreke. That really bothered me. Then last season with the gigantic Evans and Cousins banners .. and the crazyness that was 20-5-5 .. just too much for my liking. We have made them think that they are more important than everyone else. And they are buying into that concept. Its not healthy.
But they are more important than everyone else. Reke and DMC are the future of the team. Everyone else is supposed to support them. The coach, the FO office, the other players, everyone. They are the pillars. That is how you win in the NBA. The sooner they accept that they are the leaders and best players on the team and start acting like it, the better off the team will be.

Of course, we don't know yet if they have the ability to be the leaders the team needs them to be. Reke seems too easy going and DMC is immature obviously. But I think the team can be successful with those two as the main guys in the near future. Unfortunately, the team is constructed in the worst possible way for those two to succeed. We have no shot blockers to cover DMC. We have no distributors to take some of the PG pressure off Reke so he can do his thing. We still don't have someone to defend the Gerald Wallaces and Carmelos of the league. Ideally, I think we have:

PG: Reke
SG: Pass first distributor, 3 point specialist
SF: NBA First or second team defender/3 point specialist
PF: Shotblocker/garbage collector
C: Cousins

G: Thorton, Jimmer?/Change of pace guard
SF: Solid defender/3 point specialist number 2
PF/C: Hayes and JT/JJ

That gives us a solid 9 man rotation. We can go big, small, have 3 solid man on man defenders in the starting lineup, we can move the ball or iso for Reke. When we go to the bench we have a solid scoring punch and decent defense.

So basically reverse everything we did this summer. At the end of last year we almost had all of the right pieces and we were actually winning some games against some good teams. We still needed the SF defender, the distributor, and Hayes. But instead we traded for a bunch of redundant pieces and now the FO is shocked to find out that having a bunch of 1 on 1 players on the same team doesn't work very well. Hopefully Petrie wakes up from the coma he was in the for the last 6 months and realizes this so that we can trade for the right guys before everyone loses all of their trade value. Unfortunately, I don't have high hopes for this. This is the same GM that though Bibby/Peja/Brad Miller was a solid core.