Sacramento pushing Anaheim ballot measure trying to force team to spend another year

That all well and good but you are ignoring one fact, the every day cost of running a franchise is increasing from year to year. So them making a profit 5 years ago has no significance on their current ability to turn a profit.

The NBA has warned that there is a real threat of contraction in the next 2-3 years if things don't change. Don't for a moment think that Kings are safe because they would be one of the most vulnerable franchises. If not THE most vulnerable!
The Kings have their core players signed for a few more years on rookie contracts, though. They wouldn't have to cough any big bucks for at least a few more seasons. That would allow them to operate well below the cap and still turn a profit for a few years while an arena was being built.
Contraction ain't gonna happen.

Just an empty threat by the commish to scare players to lowering their salaries. That guy is such a tyrant.
Well of you gainsay it, I guess that makes it so, chief.

Orly? Do you have proof of that, or are you just talking out of your ***? Because from what the NBA attendance records say, The Clippers were in the bottom third in attendance during the few years before they got Griffin.

So where’s your proof that he was turning consistent profits in spite of low attendance? Are you his accountant?

Oh so you’re an expert on how to run a business too, I see. Too bad you aren’t an expert of reading comprehension and strawamn arguments. If you were, perhaps you’d have realized that I never claimed that quality alone does it. But it would certainly do for the Kings here in Sacramento. Perhaps you aren't familiar with the team prior to 2007 though so you wouldn't know that.

For the sake of myself and everyone who reads this forum, stop being a dunce.
HAHAHAHAHA. I love it. Absolutely love it. And then you try to deflect facts by saying that you didn't ask for them from someone else. Your unintentional comedy is grand. Keep that backpedaling and sidestepping up, I hear it's great cardio.
HAHAHAHAHA. I love it. Absolutely love it. And then you try to deflect facts by saying that you didn't ask for them from someone else. Your unintentional comedy is grand. Keep that backpedaling and sidestepping up, I hear it's great cardio.
Running an NBA franchise to win the title != running an NBA franchise to maximize profits. Occasionally line up, re: Lakers, most of the time they don't. It's very naive to think winning = successful business in the NBA.
OAbout half the teams in the league lost money lastm year. It was a very bad year for NBA owners. The league offered loans to teams that needed them. The Kings qwere one of the teams that accepted a league loan last year. As far as I know they haven't repiad that loan, but its possible.
HAHAHAHAHA. I love it. Absolutely love it. And then you try to deflect facts by saying that you didn't ask for them from someone else. Your unintentional comedy is grand. Keep that backpedaling and sidestepping up, I hear it's great cardio.
I haven't deflected any facts. If you think I have, you're clearly confused. Yeah, I was wrong about The Clippers profits. BFD! Am i the first person on to be wrong about something? LOL.
Running an NBA franchise to win the title != running an NBA franchise to maximize profits. Occasionally line up, re: Lakers, most of the time they don't. It's very naive to think winning = successful business in the NBA.
No one said it did. I guess i should have been more clear that I was referring to The Kings and Sacramento. A winning team WILL be successful here. History has proven that. Obviously there are teams like Atlanta and Memphis that struggle with attendance even when they're winning. That wouldn't happen in Sacramento, though. You put a good team on the floor here, it WILL pay off.
Good. At least it's something. It may not end up keeping the team here but at least they aren't letting the shady backstabbing Magoofs move the team without a fight. They shouldn't be allowed to walk out on a city that's trying to build them an arena.
1. They're allowed to leave, it's their business.
2. I agree that we should fight for them to stay, but they're not exactly walking out on us. We've known for years that if no arena was built, then the possibility would be very high that they would leave.

Yeah let's dwell on past failures that Kevin Johnson had nothing to do with. What a progressive approach. That's the way to get something done.
3. Part of the problem IS the city. And while Johnson was not part of it in the past does not exclude us from still placing some blame on the city.

Stating the facts is "blaming The Maloofs for everything"? Are you kidding me? What are you, Grant Napear 2.0? Not a single thing you mentioned there has **** to do with NOW. Something could get done NOW if the Maloofs would cooperate.
4. So far, I have quoted every single post of yours chronologically. So far, you don't have many of these "facts" you claim to have or have stated. Besides, your notion of time is very interesting. (note: ad hominem fallacy)

Right. There's a funding problem now. And the only way to eliminate that problem is to have folks at the top dedicated to finding a solution. We have that, more than ever before. They can't do it alone though. They need the Maloofs cooperation and help. The Maloofs have given none. They seem to have adopted the same defeatist attitude that you have that it will never work because it didn't work in the past. That's a quitter's mentality.
5. True, funding is a major problem. However, defeatist attitude=/= realizing that after a decade and more of needing an arena, that leaving would allow them to play in a better arena (note: I am not saying Honda Arena is better, but I am saying that the idea of leaving to go someplace where a better arena is offered, be that kentucky, anaheim, wherever, is a valid solution to the maloofs)

Someone stating their opinion/feelings is "high jacking a thread"? Are you for real? I may be mistaken, but to the best of my knowledge, no one has a gun to their head to reply to my posts.
6. Highjacking a thread is when you post to thread, deliberately trying to change the discussion of the OP's intent. Besides, there are other threads where i have seen almost the same ideas repeated again and again. (note: straw man fallacy)

Exactly. If I were bashing Sacramento rather than The Magoofs, there'd be no problem. God forbid anyone besmirch the precious Magoofs.
7. The problem lies in the fact that you didn't mention Sacramento, which comes across as only having a certain agenda that you want to get across. (note: faulty causality fallacy)

I think the logic in that statement you quoted is flawed. No bad team turns a profit. You don't put a bad product of the floor and then cut costs to the bare minimum to turn a profit. you put a good product on the floor and the profits will take care of themselves.
8. Unfortunately, your logic here is flawed as well. Your logic is: A bad team DOES NOT turn up profit. A good team will have the profits take care of themselves (whether that means breaking even or turning up a profit only you know, as you were vague here). However, there are problems in your logic because: A. Bad teams can and sometimes do turn up profit. and B. Good teams sometimes don't turn up a profit due to very high payroll, poor ticket sales, bad TV deal, poor marketing etc. (note: non sequitur fallacy)

Well of you gainsay it, I guess that makes it so, chief.

Orly? Do you have proof of that, or are you just talking out of your ***? Because from what the NBA attendance records say, The Clippers were in the bottom third in attendance during the few years before they got Griffin.

So where’s your proof that he was turning consistent profits in spite of low attendance? Are you his accountant?

Oh so you’re an expert on how to run a business too, I see. Too bad you aren’t an expert of reading comprehension and strawamn arguments. If you were, perhaps you’d have realized that I never claimed that quality alone does it. But it would certainly do for the Kings here in Sacramento. Perhaps you aren't familiar with the team prior to 2007 though so you wouldn't know that.

For the sake of myself and everyone who reads this forum, stop being a dunce.
9. Not much to say here. (note: ad hominem, straw man, faulty causality)

You're kidding right? You see, in your gun/job analogy, we'd be talking about the SAME PERSON who offended in the past. Thus we'd have reason to believe they may again. Kevin Johnson is NOT the same mayor who failed (offended) in the past. If you're going to make analogies, at least make them consistent with the pertinent facts.
10. However, it still is the same City (Sacramento, that is) that has "failed (offended) in the past."

Well congratulations, Jr. Looks like you snuck onto mommy's computer and OWNED someone by copy/pasting information that you weren't even asked for. Do you want a cookie? I bet you feel like a big man now, don't you? Maybe if you try extra hard, you can PWN3D me next time. Wouldn't that be something to brag about at school?
11. Two wrongs don't make a right. I think the Golden Rule as well would be a good code/rule to follow on forums.

My comments are rarely contradictory. Maintaining consistency is something i always strive for. if you "think" I've said something contradictory it's most likely because you didn't fully read or didn't properly comprehend something that I said. i've bashed the Maloofs but I've bashed Sacramento as well. I've NEVER said the Maloofs were wholly to blame.

I’ve ran several successful businesses in my life and am comfortably self employed at the present. You wouldn’t know that though since you know nothing about me. It’s fun to pretend that you do though, huh?
12. This is where things run afoul. You say that you've "bashed Sacramento as well." Since I have quoted everything you've said chronologically, you have yet to bash Sacramento (in this case, the term bash is meant as criticizing or to perceive negatively).

13. Again nothing to comment about here.

I respond accordingly. A post made in giant bolded letters just for the sake of being a wise *** deserves nothing more than a juvenile response.
14. See Golden Rule

A, I don't have any "agenda". B, you're making a common mistake by assuming that all things apply to all things equally. Saying the past isn't relevant in scenario x doesn't mean it might not be in scenario y. Stop viewing things so narrowly. The world isn't that black and white. Different things apply to different circumstances.
15. You may not perceive yourself as having an agenda, but your comment and the way you word your answers make it seem so. I would advise you not to call the Kettle black, because you just may be the Tea Pot.

Do you know what a red herring is? Didn’t think so.

Thanks, Capt. Obvious.

LMAO. He responded to an argument that didn’t even involve him and posted info I had ASKED FOR. Christ on a bike! Oh and please do put me on in ignore. Trust me, it’s no skin of off of my hide.
16.You must explain, provide evidence, reason, etc. when you make a claim. You can't just state your argument (in this case the "red herring") and expect people to understand or agree with you. You may not have asked for the information, but Dave was responding to your comments and giving you a rebuttal. However, you immediately labeled him "junior" and moved on. Take counter-arguments and rebuttals seriously.

In terms of the arena failures, yes, I’ve said it’s not the answer to blame the past. It’s not relevant to whether Kevin Johnson can get an arena built or not because he wasn’t involved in any past efforts. You can certainly say...well, Sacramento failed in the past so it will always fail, but I think that’s a defeatist mentality and it’s ironic that some of the same folks who think that way are also accusing KJ of throwing in the towel.

I don’t care how stupid I sound to you, or anyone else here. The problem is with you...not me.

There you go again with the claim that I said it was all the Maloofs fault. I’ve said no such thing, ever. That you even would think I had only proves that you haven’t read or haven’t understood my posts.

I always make sense. Whether anyone with sense is around to see it...that’s another story.
17. Using absolutes only makes you seem juvenile. Whether you care about that or not, just remember that some people won't take you or your argument seriously. Also, stating something like that last sentence of yours comes across as a poor sense of humor, and downright arrogant.

Just what is that cause, to prove that L.A. is a viable market for The Kings? I'm sure the Maloofs will appreciate your help.
18. Nothing much here, you are just responding to another poster.

Of course, but that doesn't mean he can't succeed where others have failed. And at the very least, if the Maloofs were really committed to keeping the team in Sacramento, wouldn't they at least give KJ a chance?
19. Nice question that was asked in a serious manner with great tone and good manners. More questions like these would greatly elevate you in the standing of your fellow posters.

The fact that they're actively negotiating a deal with Anaheim instead of cooperating with Kevin Johnson and ICON/Taylor? That doesn't seem consistent with wanting to stay in Sacramento. No doubt Sacramento could learn a few things from Anaheim about getting things done. Let's not forget though that The Maloofs don't owe Anaheim 77 million, haven't made demands to control the arena, etc.

Sacramento is just the name of the region. It really comes down to what the powers that be at any given time see/think. In the past, they haven't seen the importance. Kevin Johnson clearly does see the importance but he can't do much about it when the Maloofs have no interesting in cooperating or negotiating with him.
20. Over the last few posts, you have successfully lowered fallacies (although not entirely) from your argument.
Puhlease. That isn't even remotely accurate. They made profits for years at arco when they actually put a good product out there and even in some years when they didn't. And from what I've read, they're STILL making a profit despite their league low payroll and corresponding league low attendance. With the young upcoming team they have they could certainly turn profits over the next few seasons while the arena was being built.
21. Look at my comment (#8). You have successfully contradicted yourself according to your own logic.

The Kings have their core players signed for a few more years on rookie contracts, though. They wouldn't have to cough any big bucks for at least a few more seasons. That would allow them to operate well below the cap and still turn a profit for a few years while an arena was being built.
22. Only problem, though, is that very soon we will have to sign those on rookie contracts for more money. Can the Kings sign them and still operate successfully?

I haven't deflected any facts. If you think I have, you're clearly confused. Yeah, I was wrong about The Clippers profits. BFD! Am i the first person on to be wrong about something? LOL.
23. You may not have deflected any facts, but you have deflected a few posters that wanted a response from you in which you either brushed them aside or built a straw man to attack.

No one said it did. I guess i should have been more clear that I was referring to The Kings and Sacramento. A winning team WILL be successful here. History has proven that. Obviously there are teams like Atlanta and Memphis that struggle with attendance even when they're winning. That wouldn't happen in Sacramento, though. You put a good team on the floor here, it WILL pay off.
24. See, clarifying yourself makes it easier for everyone involved.
Wow. You must find me very interesting to bother replying to every singe thing I’ve said in this thread. I’m flattered.

1. They're allowed to leave, it's their business.
No kidding?

2. I agree that we should fight for them to stay, but they're not exactly walking out on us. We've known for years that if no arena was built, then the possibility would be very high that they would leave.
They should have given a deadline. Hardly anything ever gets done without a deadline. That is part of why the Maloofs share blame here. They were never very proactive about getting an arena built.

4. So far, I have quoted every single post of yours chronologically. So far, you don't have many of these "facts" you claim to have or have stated. Besides, your notion of time is very interesting. (note: ad hominem fallacy)
Not sure what "ad hominem fallacy" you think you're referring to. But the statement you're responding to wasn't a claim that everything I had posted was a fact. It was a specific reference to things the Maloofs have done that are part of the problem.

5. True, funding is a major problem. However, defeatist attitude=/= realizing that after a decade and more of needing an arena, that leaving would allow them to play in a better arena (note: I am not saying Honda Arena is better, but I am saying that the idea of leaving to go someplace where a better arena is offered, be that kentucky, anaheim, wherever, is a valid solution to the maloofs)
It's never been a question of whether leaving would allow them to play in a better arena. If they're just now realizing that...they're stupid. The question is about how dedicated they are to working with the powers that be to get something done with an arena here. Their dedication to that in the past has been questionable and at present, non existent.

6. Highjacking a thread is when you post to thread, deliberately trying to change the discussion of the OP's intent. Besides, there are other threads where i have seen almost the same ideas repeated again and again. (note: straw man fallacy)
You have the strawman fallacy wrong there. An argument needs to be presented for it to even be possible for there to be a strawman fallacy. Stating opinions, which is what I did in my initial post, are wholly another matter.
7. The problem lies in the fact that you didn't mention Sacramento, which comes across as only having a certain agenda that you want to get across. (note: faulty causality fallacy)
It's a fallacy because of how it "comes across" to YOU? ROTF! I’ve mentioned Sacramento many times. That you didn’t see me mention it here isn’t cause for assuming I must not place any blame on Sacramento.

8. Unfortunately, your logic here is flawed as well. Your logic is: A bad team DOES NOT turn up profit. A good team will have the profits take care of themselves (whether that means breaking even or turning up a profit only you know, as you were vague here). However, there are problems in your logic because: A. Bad teams can and sometimes do turn up profit. and B. Good teams sometimes don't turn up a profit due to very high payroll, poor ticket sales, bad TV deal, poor marketing etc. (note: non sequitur fallacy)
Something cannot be non sequitur if it’s a mistake.

9. Not much to say here. (note: ad hominem, straw man, faulty causality)
Yeah let’s just ignore the post I hade responded to and the role it played in the tone of my post.. That’s very convenient.

10. However, it still is the same City (Sacramento, that is) that has "failed (offended) in the past."
It’s the same name, but it isn’t the same situation, people, resources, ideas, etc.

11. Two wrongs don't make a right. I think the Golden Rule as well would be a good code/rule to follow on forums.
Odd that you’d bring up the golden rule since the post you quoted was an example of me abiding by the golden rule.

12. This is where things run afoul. You say that you've "bashed Sacramento as well." Since I have quoted everything you've said chronologically, you have yet to bash Sacramento (in this case, the term bash is meant as criticizing or to perceive negatively).
So because I didn’t do it in this thread, means I didn’t do it anywhere else?

14. See Golden Rule
I’m not the person you need to be pointing out the golden rule to here.
16.You must explain, provide evidence, reason, etc. when you make a claim. You can't just state your argument (in this case the "red herring") and expect people to understand or agree with you. You may not have asked for the information, but Dave was responding to your comments and giving you a rebuttal. However, you immediately labeled him "junior" and moved on. Take counter-arguments and rebuttals seriously.
I’ve stated no argument without reasons and evidence nor have I not taken any counter argument seriously.

Basically I go tit for tat with folks. If they act like jerks (I’m talking about to me personally, not just in general), I’m a jerk back. That’s how I roll. I’m not a turn the other cheek kind of guy. None of that relates to the actual arguments, though.

17. Using absolutes only makes you seem juvenile. Whether you care about that or not, just remember that some people won't take you or your argument seriously. Also, stating something like that last sentence of yours comes across as a poor sense of humor, and downright arrogant.
The funny thing is, no absolutes were stated in what you quoted so I have no idea what in tarnation you think you’re talking about there.

As for the rest, I don’t give a rat’s patoot how I come across to folks. I’m not here to make buddies, get validation, have my humor appreciated, etc.

I’m just a Kings fan that’s really bummed out and pissed off about what’s going on and my posts reflect that. I’m trying to point out reasons why I think the Kings shouldn’t move but oddly, it seems most people here don’t want to hear that but instead, want to talk about what a great move it will be. That’s bound to cause some conflicts.

19. Nice question that was asked in a serious manner with great tone and good manners. More questions like these would greatly elevate you in the standing of your fellow posters.
If you pay attention, you’ll notice that I always treat folks with good manners when they treat me with good manners. You know...golden rule. If folks are oblivious to that about me, then they probably aren’t the type of people whose opinions of me I’d care much about.

20. Over the last few posts, you have successfully lowered fallacies (although not entirely) from your argument.
As a rule, I don’t engage in fallacious arguments. I make a conscious effort not to. That isn’t to say that I don’t get overly emotional at times and slip up here and there, though. That should hardly be a problem around here though, as there’s no shortage of straw on this board.

21. Look at my comment (#8). You have successfully contradicted yourself according to your own logic.
I haven’t contradicted anything. If you’d actually paid attention to the numerous posts you quoted, you’d see that I already conceded that I was wrong about bad teams not turning profits sometimes.

22. Only problem, though, is that very soon we will have to sign those on rookie contracts for more money. Can the Kings sign them and still operate successfully?
How should I know? Only time will answer that. You could ask the same thing about Anaheim, though.

23. You may not have deflected any facts, but you have deflected a few posters that wanted a response from you in which you either brushed them aside or built a straw man to attack.
As a rule I don’t deflect anything. I may not respond to every singe point in everyone’s post, but other than you, who does? I respond to what I feel is relevant and I can answer. If someone feels I’ve deliberately avoided something, all they have to do is bring it up.
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Contraction ain't gonna happen.

Just an empty threat by the commish to scare players to lowering their salaries. That guy is such a tyrant.
Now this is something we can agree on although it's his job to gain as much leverage as possible. The problem is that it can have a reverse effect meaning fans in small markets could feel threatened and lose interest even though there may have been no chance of contraction in the first place.
What makes them not committed to staying in Sacramento? They've been there for 12 years and they've had to deal with one of the worst run cities in America. Look at Anaheim, a city that is supposedly bleeding money every day(something like 40K a day iirc), but when the oppurtunity came to grab a professional basketball team they jumped on the opportunity and voted unanimously 5-0 in favor of funding $75 million to help with relocation fees and what not. Why can't Sacramento see the importance of a professional sports franchise and try to make something happen instead of sitting on the hands for so many years? If I was the maloofs, I would have left a LONG time ago.
Sacramento city sucks when it comes to helping out.. Not to mention we didn't have the right people in place for the last 10 or so years..

As for the people and the surrounding areas like Elk Grove, Roseville, Rocklin, El Dorado, Folsom, Davis, and many other areas have people that would give up their first born to have the Kings stay here, not to mention the fans who are willing to donate just to do the arena ourselves.
Hahaha. Had to return to this thread.

Turns out RookieoftheDay and I go back about 20 years, and he's one of my favorite people in the world.

And I really disliked him on this forum.

Just goes to show real life>>>>>>E-life
Hahaha. Had to return to this thread.

Turns out RookieoftheDay and I go back about 20 years, and he's one of my favorite people in the world.

And I really disliked him on this forum.

Just goes to show real life>>>>>>E-life
True dat, my old friend. The internet is just evil, lol. The anonymity of it brings out the worst in people, including myself.
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Hahaha. Had to return to this thread.

Turns out RookieoftheDay and I go back about 20 years, and he's one of my favorite people in the world.

And I really disliked him on this forum.

Just goes to show real life>>>>>>E-life
You know, once I realized it was you, I almost deleted my posts. But I left them because I knew you'd have a laugh about it once you found out who I was.


Hahaha. Had to return to this thread.

Turns out RookieoftheDay and I go back about 20 years, and he's one of my favorite people in the world.

And I really disliked him on this forum.

Just goes to show real life>>>>>>E-life
But wait, obviously it would be hard for you to figure out who he was but he must have always known who you were. Why didn't he reveal himself earlier????
But wait, obviously it would be hard for you to figure out who he was but he must have always known who you were. Why didn't he reveal himself earlier????
I'd never seen him post before this thread. Dave is well known around Sacramento so when I first saw him post I figured it was just some dude calling himself carmichaeldave.