[Grades] Grades v. Nuggets 3/30/11

Who's game were you most disappointed with tonight?

  • Cisco

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • Cousins

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • Dalembert

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Thompson

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Greene

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Casspi

    Votes: 2 10.0%

  • Total voters
John Legend disagrees. Cee-Lo Green, too.

As a firm supporter of, and financial donor to, the "dudes that love to see hot chicks in bikinis and various itterations of them in a KF grades thread" contingent, I am semi-ashamed to say that GGG has a good point. John Legend is really good. He was a better wingman than most of my friends throughout my college years :).
You know, Brick - all the Kings analysis aside, I'm realizing how damn good your theme writeups can be, after awhile of you having to deal with such craptastic play and forcing out so many back-to-back we couldn't see some of your more inspiring ones, like this one.

When you have time to prepare, your themes can be informational, historical, entertaining and point people towards solid resources.

Regardless of what happens with the Kings this offseason, I want to thank you for all the time and effort you've put forth during the years, of informing and entertaining KF's.com with the best of your Grades Threads.

Heck, I think it'd be fun for people to vote on a poll to find your Top 10 Best-Of Grade Thread Themes.....

As for this theme, I'm not a big fan of singers (truly don't enjoy listening to screamers like Mariah, Whitney, or Xtina) - they tend to mangle the notes too much.
But some really know how to work within the music, and stay more honest.

I'm glad you included Pink, and thought you might after starting with (as the 40-year old virgin says) ***KELLY CLARKSON!!***

I am not in her demographic either, but have grown to appreciate her and call myself actually a fan now.

I'm also glad you added that Grammy performance, as it should be seen by everyone.
Just. Achingly. Beautiful.
Heck, that entire Funhouse concert is spectacular.
Mariah Carey -- once I made the decision that not everybody had to be under 25, it would be a strange list of this nature indeed that did not include Mariah and her 5 octave range. I intentionally went back to Mariah's early career for one of her more famous performances of one of her more famous songs (does not hurt that she was really hot back then). I don't think she had quite the power of her rival coming up a little later, but her range and control was spectacular at that time, and you can see her just having the crowd eating out of her hands. I have heard that she has rediscovered discipline in recent years after a long period of experimentation and sometimes lazy performances, which is a good thing.
I can't take the time to find it right now, but there's a video of Mariah Carey's first performance on the Arsenio Hall show (yes, Arsenio Hall). She was performing Vision of Love, I think (was 20 years ago, I'm not sure). Started, was clearly nervous, messed up ... asked if she could start over!!! So they took a break, came back, and she did nothing less than knock it out of the park. You usually don't get great performances on this kind of show, even from traditionally great performers -- the acoustics suck in those studios -- but she burned the house down.

It was then that I, even as a youngster, developed an appreciation for a real singer. As such, most of the so-called artists out today simply can't earn their way onto my radio. Rihanna can kick rocks. Even someone on the edge like Christina Milian can't really get any attention (unless she's on TV). These posers wouldn't have gotten past security at an early '90s record label.
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Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Pink -- yes, that Pink. The girl with the punk hairdo and singer of fist pumping pop rock anthems. But there is a helluva more to her than that. I have become an unabashed Pink fan (I started off an abashed Pink fan as I obviously am not the demographic she is aiming at, but the more of her stuff I heard and more I learned the more I became convinced that she was something special, and so I grew un). Lot of good things to be said about her - great songwriter, great sense of humor, fun videos, and a rare honesty in her music. But on top of that she can really sing. If you think the song above was some sort of one time fluke, then let me refer you to this remarkable performance of hers at last year's Grammy's:
Can't Take Me Home is an underrated LP.
you don't have to LIKE Celine Dion, but you can't ignore her voice either...

and while it's more R&B maybe, you should have put Lisa Fischer's "How Can I Ease The Pain." Lady only released one album, and I agree that Whitney/Mariah/Celine are more successful, but that song is something else...