New Plan Could be Gamechanger for Sacramento Kings

Mike will probably be around with a recording of it anytime now.

Don't expect this from me anytime soon as I am flying out to Philadelphia tomorrow to watch and support our SACRAMENTO KINGS on Sunday.

So I expect someone else to keep us in the loop while I'm on the road. :)
Thanks Mike.

Not much new... but it's interesting to hear him respond to, and continue to defend his "report", acknowledging there wasn't anything substantial to report... and also promising to divulge details at some point. His appearance on the show again does thicken the plot in my eyes.
Thanks Mike.

Not much new... but it's interesting to hear him respond to, and continue to defend his "report", acknowledging there wasn't anything substantial to report... and also promising to divulge details at some point. His appearance on the show again does thicken the plot in my eyes.
Yeah there is something being tried and that's all I can ask as a resident of the Sacramento area for nearly all my life. Maybe guys like KJ and RE should just shut it and go help them instead.
CarmichaelDave Carmichael Dave:
Being told privately that @JimCrandell 's report on the Kings is absolutely 100% true.

Via his twitter
More hopeful news. Am I the only one who thinks whoever is behind this plan, wants to keep the Bee out of it completely? If that's the case, I applaud them 100%. The Bee isn't even worthy to use as toilet paper.
CarmichaelDave Carmichael Dave:
Being told privately that @JimCrandell 's report on the Kings is absolutely 100% true.

Via his twitter
Ok well... here's your other media outlet. Bring your journalism school critique all you want, in the real world it's another person putting their reputation behind it, and this guy has no history of trashy reporting. But rather fun, and good interviewing. Granted, the way he phrased it, he hedged his bet a bit... but nonetheless... it is a good sign I'd have to say.
We have some hope still and I need your help.

I am trying to place an ad in the April 3rd Bee to show our support. The cost is $1,500. We have folks telling me they will contribute $1,150. That means we need $350 to make this happen. I am contributing $100 of my own money.

Once I get to $1,500, I will have a Pay Pal account ready so I can pay the Bee and make this happen.

Although I will be out of town I will still check the forum while in Philadelphia. Thanks and Here We Stay!
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I'm curious, but if the chances of this working are better without the bias of the Bee and others, than so be it. I don't need details, just results. The tipping point for me was when I got the feeling that somebody besides the fans were taking some action. When you get to the top of the heap, it's supposed to get tough and risky. If you aren't doing something, then get out of the way and let the people who do get stuff done take over!


Hall of Famer
More hopeful news. Am I the only one who thinks whoever is behind this plan, wants to keep the Bee out of it completely? If that's the case, I applaud them 100%. The Bee isn't even worthy to use as toilet paper.
I'll argue that last point. The problem is the black ink.
More hopeful news. Am I the only one who thinks whoever is behind this plan, wants to keep the Bee out of it completely? If that's the case, I applaud them 100%. The Bee isn't even worthy to use as toilet paper.
not only that, but i think they want to keep KJ and the rest of his merry men out of it as well. if this at all accurate of course :D
More hopeful news. Am I the only one who thinks whoever is behind this plan, wants to keep the Bee out of it completely? If that's the case, I applaud them 100%. The Bee isn't even worthy to use as toilet paper.
Damn right. The ones who know about this plan are the ONLY ONES WHO SHOULD KNOW about this. No one else.
Carmichael Dave said that he's hearing privately that Crandell's report is 100% true, via twitter.

edit: Nevermind, you guys posted it already. Sounds legit though, hopefully it works out.
If I were a media consultant for the Maloofs, I'd want a story like this right about now - to get a little more leverage in the deal with Anaheim. And what Sacto journalist would I be most likely to sell the questionable story to? That's right, Crandell.
That said, as a Kings fan who wants the team to remain in Sacto, I absolutely believe it is possible (and perhaps even likely) for a group of developers to come together at the last minute with a plan to save the marriage. Yes, they would see it as an investment opportunity, but successful developers also understand economics. And they know that the Kings are important for the region's economy.


Hall of Famer
Stating what has been said: it certainly makes sense that the Maloofs wouldn't talk to the public (that's business in the real world), wouldn't talk to the city (sick and tired of them and politicians will take credit or blab inappropriately), and WOULD listen to the people who once got it done (I have whined about the city's apparent unwillingness to deal with the original people for what seems like a century but is probably only a week). Heck, maybe the businessmen don't want to talk to the city.

This is not a definite plan and may be far from it but considering the iffiness I see in going south and the possibility it won't even be possible, I'd listen to these people. These are people who can make it happen and know who needs to be involved. It invariably must involve the city because of the bond but not in a big way. Think of the relief for the Maloofs to be dealing with businessmen and not the city. These are people with the same goals: get something done and make some money.

Crandell's political type is working for a different city and it is not important that he is political. It just makes the news sound more exciting.

That all fits for me.

Crandell, Carmichael Dave, and Voisen saying a variation of the same thing. Hard to ignore.

If a plan cannot be put together within the few weeks left but there seems to be hope, do the Maloofs stay? I have always thought "yes." It's worth joining forces and working on it. At this point, what's a year? The only thing I know is that this will keep the minority partners happy. Moving does not. THAT is not inconsequential.

So, let us assume that there are five people involved and continue to be the 6th man and cheer them on. That's a big part of our job. Mike's Bee ad still needs about $300. Donate. I think it's down to the point where $10 would be hugely welcomed. 30 people with $10. Or maybe people who have donated can check under their sofa cushions and find an extra $10. Let's keep some positivity going. It is an outrageously spectacular skill that the fans of the Kings have always had.

We have two teams to root for now.
Long time member, I don't post here often, but I do lurk a decent bit.

The Bee can be a really nasty paper when it comes to covering the Kings. Generally, their reporting is very good, but when it comes down to their opinion pieces, or stuff that's slanted... they suck.

They posted a story that basically blasts FOX 40 saying they couldn't confirm their report, and 8 hours later they write a story saying it's legit? Seriously?

Considering the The Bee is supposed to be all about legit journalism and getting it right, why the heck didn't they do their research before running that first story and casting a bunch of doubt on the situation? How about a follow up in Ailene's story, saying "Oops! Sorry FOX 40, we assumed you were wrong, you weren't."

Anyway, I'll rant for a bit here. And again, let me state I think The Bee's ACTUAL reporting of the games, players and team is very good. About 80% of the time when I read an opinion piece about the Kings in The Bee, it's negative.

My question is, when did "journalism" become about blasting people and writing a bunch of negative crap and stop being about seeking out the truth and informing your readers of what that is?

Has getting to the truth really been overshadowed by finding dirt to dig up on people? Finding some angle you can tear them down at?

I'm not expecting perfection here, but have some human decency and actually make more effort to find out the truth of the matter before writing a bunch of garbage.
So, let us assume that there are five people involved and continue to be the 6th man and cheer them on. That's a big part of our job. Mike's Bee ad still needs about $300. Donate. I think it's down to the point where $10 would be hugely welcomed. 30 people with $10. Or maybe people who have donated can check under their sofa cushions and find an extra $10. Let's keep some positivity going. It is an outrageously spectacular skill that the fans of the Kings have always had.

We have two teams to root for now.
Thank you so much for the kind words and the positive message too.

We're still $350 short. If I was not visiting Philalelphia this weekend I would have covered the remaining total.

I will continue to check this forum while on the road and will post pictures when I return.

However, please feel free to follow me on Twitter and Facebook as I will be updating my pages with my Kings experience in the City of Brotherly Love.

Twitter =

Facebook = search for me under or Mike Tavares

My picture is the same on all 3 accounts (Twitter, Facebook and Kings Fans site).
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Long time member, I don't post here often, but I do lurk a decent bit.

The Bee can be a really nasty paper when it comes to covering the Kings. Generally, their reporting is very good, but when it comes down to their opinion pieces, or stuff that's slanted... they suck...
Unforunately sometimes it's just all about selling papers.
Unforunately sometimes it's just all about selling papers.
I think this has the opposite effect, personally. Most of the people who read the sports section of The Bee are Kings fans, and they're writing negative stuff about the team? Again, I know sports isn't all roses and puppies, and just because stuff is negative doesn't mean it shouldn't be reported, but how about not crapping where you eat?

Don't get me wrong, I don't think the Maloofs are looking at Anaheim because of The Bee, they're businessmen first, and they have to look after their investment. I hope more than anything that they stay, but I understand if they feel like they have to move on.

I just wish The Bee wasn't so negatively slanted with their opinion pieces, and again, sought out the truth of the situation instead of finding dirt to write about.
Most of the people who read the sports section of The Bee are Kings fans, and they're writing negative stuff about the team?
I just wish The Bee wasn't so negatively slanted with their opinion pieces, and again, sought out the truth of the situation instead of finding dirt to write about.
There's more than just Kings/sports fans. There's also the non Kings/sports fans and they would love it more than anything for the Kings to leave.

I guess you could say they will try to sell a paper to as many demographics as they can regardless of who is the majority, the minority and in between.

Which is why I want to place an ad to show our support. The naysayers can post their BS all they want but at least we're putting our money where our mouths are.
I think this has the opposite effect, personally. Most of the people who read the sports section of The Bee are Kings fans, and they're writing negative stuff about the team? Again, I know sports isn't all roses and puppies, and just because stuff is negative doesn't mean it shouldn't be reported, but how about not crapping where you eat?

Don't get me wrong, I don't think the Maloofs are looking at Anaheim because of The Bee, they're businessmen first, and they have to look after their investment. I hope more than anything that they stay, but I understand if they feel like they have to move on.

I just wish The Bee wasn't so negatively slanted with their opinion pieces, and again, sought out the truth of the situation instead of finding dirt to write about.
I've never been a regular reader of the Bee but the many times I have read it I haven't noticed the degree of anti Kings or anti Maloofs sentiment that people often talk about. Can anyone name any specific stories where they crossed the line or engaged in character assassination? I'm just curious what exactly folks like Napear are referring to when they the say Bee is responsible for turning people against the Maloofs and the Kings.
I've never been a regular reader of the Bee but the many times I have read it I haven't noticed the degree of anti Kings or anti Maloofs sentiment that people often talk about. Can anyone name any specific stories where they crossed the line or engaged in character assassination? I'm just curious what exactly folks like Napear are referring to when they the say Bee is responsible for turning people against the Maloofs and the Kings.
Unfortunately, The Bee's archives for columnists only seem to go back a few articles, but anything written by Ailene Voisin is usually a good place to look. Here's a link to one of her columns.

Go right at the Maloofs.

Give it to them good.

Let them hear who you are, what they would be missing if they left. Make them feel miserable about abandoning a famously loyal fan base at the worst of economic times.

Undeniably, the Maloofs have plenty of reasons to leave, lured to a decent arena and an area with more favorable demographics.

But reading the Maloofs is like scanning tea leaves. They flip-flop more often than a pair of beach sandals.
This is just a recent article, there's a lot more stuff that's been said over the years, a lot of it by Voisin.

Again, these aren't the most damming of statements, at the same time, would you like to read the same things said about yourself in a public paper for everyone to see? The Maloofs are human, and this stuff sucks to read when you're on the receiving end of a verbal beat down that you don't get to directly respond to.

I don't think a columnist should be writing a bunch of hateful statements in their columns. It's fine to have an opinion, but spewing hate... just no need for it.
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Unfortunately, The Bee's archives for columnists only seem to go back a few articles, but anything written by Ailene Voisin is usually a good place to look. Here's a link to one of her columns.

This is just a recent article, there's a lot more stuff that's been said over the years, a lot of it by Voisin.

Again, these aren't the most damming of statements, at the same time, would you like to read the same things said about yourself in a public paper for everyone to see? The Maloofs are still human, and this stuff sucks to read from a major paper.
I guess it all depends on how you interpret it. To me it just seems like she was trying to encourage folks to appeal to The Maloof's emotions and conscience by letting them know how crushed they'd be if they move the team. She's just figuring that if fans make them feel a little guilty, perhaps it would influence their decision. Nothing inherently vitriolic or venomous about that. I'm sure some negative things have been said about them in the past, but doesn't that just go with the territory?
I guess it all depends on how you interpret it. To me it just seems like she was trying to encourage folks to appeal to The Maloof's emotions and conscience by letting them know how crushed they'd be if they move the team. She's just figuring that if fans make them feel a little guilty, perhaps it would influence their decision. Nothing inherently vitriolic or venomous about that. I'm sure some negative things have been said about them in the past, but doesn't that just go with the territory?
Yeah, like I said, these statements weren't that damming, but I could only see about the last 6 columns by Voison and I'd need to go back a ways to find the ones I remember. You can do a Google Search for Voison articles and see what comes up. I don't think you'll have to look too hard to find some bad stuff from her.