New Plan Could be Gamechanger for Sacramento Kings

I don't know why these behind the scene players would allowed Crandell to report on the existence of such a deal but yet forbid him from providing any details. The only real reason I can think of is that they don't want the Anaheim group to come up with a counter offer thats much better. But they should know that the Maloofs will go back and forth to get the best deal anyways so Samueli will be able to up his ante regardless.
Ding! Good points.

If its so hush hush that no facts can be talked about, why go to the press? Also, if you can't get anybody on record ... or report any facts, why spread a rumor? If you run the show, why let him do it.

Jimmy has about 10% of a story, he doesn't want the Kings to leave because it destroys his job, and he's both trying to build hope in town and not be the person that kills the deal. He's being an reckless reporter and overly protective at the same time.
Ding! Good points.

If its so hush hush that no facts can be talked about, why go to the press? Also, if you can't get anybody on record ... or report any facts, why spread a rumor? If you run the show, why let him do it.

Jimmy has about 10% of a story, he doesn't want the Kings to leave because it destroys his job, and he's both trying to build hope in town and not be the person that kills the deal. He's being an reckless reporter and overly protective at the same time.
It's probably a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo that has not been hammered out. The public has a way of killing deals before they happen when things are leaked. I think it's better to stay hush hush on these type of things. I assume we have very powerful people working on it, and I am sure they don't want their names mentioned unless it's a done deal.

I doubt Crandall can give away anything without it being blown out of proportion and killed before it has a chance to happen. It's much much different than the Anaheim deal.


Hall of Famer
Well, good news has been turned to crap. I think the negative notes may be going in the right direction especially since the owner of Fox is pushing the local outlets to get ratings at the expense of facts.

There are a few irksome things being said. This idea that governmental people have to be in Sacramento is the same short sighted and unimaginative way of viewing this problem that has plagued the last 10 years. West Sac got a ball park built and I think it is run by poliical types. There is the board of supervisors. Your neighbor may be a politician somewhere.

The fact that the man who built that freaking arena has never been consulted is just plain odd. His home is in Sacto. He's one of those developer types that has money and friends with money. Nobody likes Voisen and this may turn into a thread about her but she talked to Luckenbill and he seemed bothered by the fact the Kings would leave. They are his baby, really. He's the one with connections and probably knows as much about building an arena in the Sacramento area as anybody. Sure, Taylor builds arenas but he doesn't have the full package of skills to do it in this area. The fact that ICON/Taylor have been asked by the city to do something has the implication it must be in the city. Do you think their study will range any wider? I doubt it.

Perhaps someone thought Rancho Cordova would be just fine.

If this rumor is true and someone took the city of Sacto out of the loop I will give them kudos for using common sense. Just because Sacramento is fixated on building up their downtown doesn't mean the rest of us million or so people on the outskirts care one hoot. A splendid downtown doesn't benefit me at all.
As Jim keeps "standing by his report" maybe somebody should talk to him about the difference between a report and a blind item rummor, his "report" is the later.

Also, if the "money is in place" and "goverment officals are involved" but "KJ doesn't know" he's either got 5 other city counsel members on record but they aren't telling KJ; he's got Brown and a majority of the state reps on board, but nobody else know about it; or a Saudi prince is funding this (some govt right?) ... or the part about the goverment playing a role is mistated, misunderstood, not relevent, or false.

A local group or somebody with a lot of money is trying to make a godfather offer to buy the Kings. Because no private person is coming in at the 11th hour to fully fund a 400 million dollar arena to rent if for a team, they don't own, who would pay at most 300 million in rent over 30 years.

As for the idea a third party coming in to fund in exhange for land being rezoned, unless Jim has 5 yes votes out of 8 (one is not KJ, at this point.) The money is "not in place" it would be a new plan without funding at this point.
Not successful at responding to JB_kings request.
Well, good news has been turned to crap. I think the negative notes may be going in the right direction especially since the owner of Fox is pushing the local outlets to get ratings at the expense of facts.

There are a few irksome things being said. This idea that governmental people have to be in Sacramento is the same short sighted and unimaginative way of viewing this problem that has plagued the last 10 years. West Sac got a ball park built and I think it is run by poliical types. There is the board of supervisors. Your neighbor may be a politician somewhere.

The fact that the man who built that freaking arena has never been consulted is just plain odd. His home is in Sacto. He's one of those developer types that has money and friends with money. Nobody likes Voisen and this may turn into a thread about her but she talked to Luckenbill and he seemed bothered by the fact the Kings would leave. They are his baby, really. He's the one with connections and probably knows as much about building an arena in the Sacramento area as anybody. Sure, Taylor builds arenas but he doesn't have the full package of skills to do it in this area. The fact that ICON/Taylor have been asked by the city to do something has the implication it must be in the city. Do you think their study will range any wider? I doubt it.

Perhaps someone thought Rancho Cordova would be just fine.

If this rumor is true and someone took the city of Sacto out of the loop I will give them kudos for using common sense. Just because Sacramento is fixated on building up their downtown doesn't mean the rest of us million or so people on the outskirts care one hoot. A splendid downtown doesn't benefit me at all.
Yep, I'd be just fine with Sacramento Kings becoming NorCal Kings if they wanted to change the name and have new arena built in Roseville/Lincoln area, Rancho Cordova/Folsom area or even down by Vacaville which was actually mentioned by some Solano County politician over a decade agb when Raiders/A's were being discussed for relocation.
I don't know who this Drew Garrison person is, or what he does, but he claims to know about this supposed new deal:

Just talked to an insider of new #Kings deal "Things are better today then they have been in months." Talks ongoing. $ is there. #herewestay

@Kfippin @sacgirl88 @amishD They speak w/ Maloofs often. Money is lined up 2 keep em. "bottom of the 9th, 2 outs but we got a runner at 2nd"

@Dgarrison6 but no "OFFICIAL" meeting has already taken place?
@Kfippin He said they talk everyday. Not sure how official the talks are but he feels pretty good about it

@Dgarrison6 well, i feel good about him. From what you know does the plan sound workable and solid or crazy and "land swapish"?
@Kfippin Didnt get into the details. But the source is involved is someone who wouldnt beinvested if it wasnt solid.

@Dgarrison6 I'll take it. I can't wait to know more. How long do you think we'll have to wait for that?
@Kfippin It didnt seem like long. They are being very aggressive with their plans. The group is definitely dedicated to keeping them here
Yep, I'd be just fine with Sacramento Kings becoming NorCal Kings if they wanted to change the name and have new arena built in Roseville/Lincoln area, Rancho Cordova/Folsom area or even down by Vacaville which was actually mentioned by some Solano County politician over a decade agb when Raiders/A's were being discussed for relocation.
Same.. Call them whatever the hell they want as long as I can still go to the games I will be happy.
It's not about Crandall so much. I've been around long enough to know who he is and I was here long before he was and can name sports reporters back to Gary Gerould at KCRA 40 years ago. It's about wanting to know if the real players in this town are trying their best to keep what should be kept? The fans have gone above and beyond and cemented into history that we are a great fanbase. This city could use more Gregg Lukenbills with vision, hope and the desire and means to make it become reality. It's not easy to be one of those guys. Thats why there is 1 of them for every 100 who will naysay your *** into the ground with all they have. They never build or make anything better. They just tear you down all the time. That is why those rare few don't stick their heads up much. But doesn't everyone think this is one of those times we need them?
I don't know who this Drew Garrison person is, or what he does, but he claims to know about this supposed new deal:

Just talked to an insider of new #Kings deal "Things are better today then they have been in months." Talks ongoing. $ is there. #herewestay

@Kfippin @sacgirl88 @amishD They speak w/ Maloofs often. Money is lined up 2 keep em. "bottom of the 9th, 2 outs but we got a runner at 2nd"

@Dgarrison6 but no "OFFICIAL" meeting has already taken place?
@Kfippin He said they talk everyday. Not sure how official the talks are but he feels pretty good about it

@Dgarrison6 well, i feel good about him. From what you know does the plan sound workable and solid or crazy and "land swapish"?
@Kfippin Didnt get into the details. But the source is involved is someone who wouldnt beinvested if it wasnt solid.

@Dgarrison6 I'll take it. I can't wait to know more. How long do you think we'll have to wait for that?
@Kfippin It didnt seem like long. They are being very aggressive with their plans. The group is definitely dedicated to keeping them here
Promising, after all the negativity I've heard today. Is it just me or does sacgirl88 pop up everywhere?


Hall of Famer
It's not about Crandall so much. I've been around long enough to know who he is and I was here long before he was and can name sports reporters back to Gary Gerould at KCRA 40 years ago. It's about wanting to know if the real players in this town are trying their best to keep what should be kept? The fans have gone above and beyond and cemented into history that we are a great fanbase. This city could use more Gregg Lukenbills with vision, hope and the desire and means to make it become reality. It's not easy to be one of those guys. Thats why there is 1 of them for every 100 who will naysay your *** into the ground with all they have. They never build or make anything better. They just tear you down all the time. That is why those rare few don't stick their heads up much. But doesn't everyone think this is one of those times we need them?
Oooooooh, I like you. :)
Would you want KJ anywhere near something at this point?
Why wouldn't you? I don't see what KJ has done wrong. At any rate, it also said Taylor knows nothing about it and the maloofs declined comment. It just seems unlikely that there's some big secret that no one can talk about or knows nothing about. And then the odds of them choosing Crandell of all people to break it. Just seems fishy. I want to believe but I don't want to get my hopes up just to find out it's all BS.
Why wouldn't you? I don't see what KJ has done wrong. At any rate, it also said Taylor knows nothing about it and the maloofs declined comment. It just seems unlikely that there's some big secret that no one can talk about or knows nothing about. And then the odds of them choosing Crandell of all people to break it. Just seems fishy. I want to believe but I don't want to get my hopes up just to find out it's all BS.
Because if it's not KJ's plan he wont like it. Someone else coming in and stealing his thunder.
Hopefully it's a rebuild in Natomas like they should have done all along. That would explain keeping the mayor out too since he's so fixated on the downtown thing. The whole thing still seems like a huge long shot to me but we'll see. I sure hope it turns out to be true.
This is why I think they are not ready to bring in the city council yet. They have promoted the railyards to almost the exclusion of any other site. So they would likely oppose this. But they will have to if they have talks on paying off the bonds. And that has to be paid when the Kings no longer play at Arco. (Sorry I don't do arena renames unless I get paid!)
Ok, I have been sort of wracking my head on this and just stopped for a moment - went back and watched the report again. I think I have a different thought about what this might be..

a) At no point in the story do they mention funding for a new arena. So lets assume for the moment that is not part of the plan just for sake of taking this at face value.
b) This is an alternative plan is to keep the Kings in Sacramento.
c) Funding source or money is in place.
d) The Maloofs are listening.

So in the absence of further facts and taking a total leap here that these words were carefully chosen, I think I can make some assumptions that would map back to these "facts".

1) This is not a plan to build a new arena. This is why the city council and ICON-Taylor are not in the loop.
2) So what the heck could keep the Maloofs in Sacramento if there isn't a new arena plan in place? And why would the Maloofs listen to something that doesn't directly involve a new arena?

It sort of hit me that this alternative plan was much more simple than thought. It's a plan to get the Maloofs to delay a move in exchange for quick meaningful help. Something that would draw their interest. So putting myself as the newest Maloof, JB Maloof, I would think hard on this scenario:

Given that I face some high moving costs like paying off the bonds, relocation fees and who knows what kind of litigation over territorial rights. I would hesitate to take that loan from Samueli. A guy well known in his intentions to own an NBA team and could be positioning me to grab my team if I can't repay back whatever bonds, loans, etc. There is lots of risk in this move. But staying in Sacramento means making a profit only if I keep the team salary at the league lowest. Then throw in the lockout and I'm making no money in either city. Moving right now is not ideal, but what other choice?

Enter the other choice... in order to buy extra time and allow for ICON-Taylor and the city to work out a deal, suppose an offer was made to the Maloofs to stay in Sac three years to allow for construction to start on a new arena. In exchange for this, a way was found to transfer the remaining bond/loan debt to another party. Don't ask me how exactly it could be transferred, but I'm a Maloof and I don't care how as long as I don't have to write checks. This would get my full attention. I get immediate relief in expense and some decent leverage in negotiations for the new arena terms. The loan gets paid off and lots of good will on all sides. If the city pisses away those three years under pressure, then nobody blames me for moving my team. Should I be worried about the Anaheim Hornets? I don't think so. The big fish out there to buy a franchise is Larry Ellison. He is totally locked in on San Jose. And despite all this, the only team David Stern really would like in Anaheim is the Clippers.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
This could in fact in the end just being a whole lot of hot air, but the fact is that the very thing that so manyu Sacto fans wiht hurt feelings have been trying to ignore could be playing into this -- the Maloofs may be done wiht the CITY of Sacramento. As in its government. After 10 years of futile and pointless fiddling wiht them, with a number of flat out enemies of theirs dug into the structure, what may turn them off as much as anything is having to deal with or depend on anybody from the city anymore. Your city gov is broke. You the voters might want to start off by giving your mayor some real power, same as the mayors of the great cities around the country have to actually get things done.

But in any case, for our purposes what that could mean is that this group could have intentionally passed them and all their fiddling in order to get the Maloofs interested -- eliminate all these old stale names the Maloofs have seen again and again on the letterhead and that have never produced results, and try to pitch them with an entirely separate group for whom they might still have respect. Maybe. They might not believe anything the city says anymore, but maybe they will believe new voices, with real money.
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I think the money on the table might be paying off the arco thing and maybe fronting them some money to stay in Sac.. I think the Arena is a totally different proposal. If it buys us a year then hopefully these people can work with the Madicks to get something done. If not it's all just delaying the inevitable.

Regardless they are probably playing up the whole "It costs money to move, so why not stay in Sac and we will give you guys money and if something doesn't work out you can leave after a year and we will have basically paid for it".

The Maloofs are hurting financially from what I have read.. It would benefit them to take the money and stay here another year if that's what is on the table.
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This could in fact in the end just being a whole lot of hot air, but the fact is that the very thing that so manyu Sacto fans wiht hurt feelings have been trying to ignore could be playing into this -- the Maloofs may be done wiht the CITY of Sacramento. As in its government. After 10 years of futile and pointless fiddling wiht them, wiht a number of flat out enemies of theirs dug into the structure, what may turn them off as much as anything is having to dealw ith or depend on anybody form the city anymore. Your city gov is broke. You the voters might want to start off by giving your mayor some real power, same as the mayors of the great cities aroudn teh country have to actually get things done.

But in any case, for our purposes what that could mean is that this group could have intentionally passed them land all their fiddling in order to get the Maloofs interested -- eliminate all these old stale names the Maloofs have seen again an=d again on the letterhead and that have never produced results, and try to pitch them with an entirely separate group for whom they might still have respect. Maybe. They might not believe anythign the city sdays anymore, but maybe they will believe new voices, wiht real money.
If this is anything but hot air it has to be a group of non-politicians who know how to get real things done, probably none of whom live in Sac city, but out in Sac county or Placer or El Dorado. For sure power is the issue - how it's used, not used, and misused around here. The city council as constructed makes each member his or her own mayor of their individual district with as much power as the weak mayor - one vote apiece. But even with that power they collectively only hold sway over only what's inside Sacramento city boundries - with its paultry populaton of about 480,000. Thus, surrounding metro area (rest of Sac County, Placer and El Dorado) with an additional 1.5 million people have no say whatsoever to influence the stinking city politics dominated by a tired old boy/old hags network that rule only to jealously protect their pathetic turf. The CITY has no answers, it's the PROBLEM - NOT the outlying county of Sac or surrounding counties. If this was in the Middle East, the locals, the Arab Street would rise up in REVOLT!
If this is anything but hot air it has to be a group of non-politicians who know how to get real things done, probably none of whom live in Sac city, but out in Sac county or Placer or El Dorado. For sure power is the issue - how it's used, not used, and misused around here. The city council as constructed makes each member his or her own mayor of their individual district with as much power as the weak mayor - one vote apiece. But even with that power they collectively only hold sway over only what's inside Sacramento city boundries - with its paultry populaton of about 480,000. Thus, surrounding metro area (rest of Sac County, Placer and El Dorado) with an additional 1.5 million people have no say whatsoever to influence the stinking city politics dominated by a tired old boy/old hags network that rule only to jealously protect their pathetic turf. The CITY has no answers, it's the PROBLEM - NOT the outlying county of Sac or surrounding counties. If this was in the Middle East, the locals, the Arab Street would rise up in REVOLT!
Not to mention extreme norcal and western nevada are all in the Kings area.

Got a feeling this is something that might turn into a Sac city thing vs. a Sac County thing.
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Not to mention extreme norcal and western nevada are all in the Kings area.

Got a feeling this is something that might turn into a Sac city thing vs. a Sac County thing.
You can probably throw Stockton, Lodi, and Modesto in there too. Go much further south than that though and you're probably in Laker territory.
You can probably throw Stockton, Lodi, and Modesto in there too. Go much further south than that though and you're probably in Laker territory.
Those are in our media market.. Weird that Redding, and Yuba/Marysville aren't though. When I lived in reno there was a large following there with games on TV.
Not to mention extreme norcal and western nevada are all in the Kings area.

Got a feeling this is something that might turn into a Sac city thing vs. a Sac County thing.
If it is it certainly is done for. Any plan needs them both plus surrounding counties. The part of this thinking that says maybe a new group with a new plan would be out of downtown- now that seems a likely scenario. We don't have to figure it out. But it all sure makes me curious.
This is all damn interesting. I'll have to lean towards the idea that it does not directly immediately involve an arena. But that there is some plan regarding their debt burden, etc. Just thinking about Crandel's carefully chosen words... "plan to keep the Kings in Sac" that must be what it is... for now... but you've also got to think that the ones responsible for what could be a temporary plan to get more time would have a stake in keeping them here long term and hence and arena deal, or at least be working to move an arena deal along in some way.

And it's refreshing to think that it is coming from outside the friggin govt. Perhaps it's a case of once people get motivated, and the cruched up cogs of a typically dysfunctional govt are circumvented, it's amazing the creativity that can come out from the private sector. Yes I realize this is making me sound Libertarian.

And again, this all if Crandel is not pulling this out of his ***. But we seem to have some corroboration, at least from individuals.
What happened to comments on JB_King's thoughts above. For me it sounds like a plausible scenario. Who knows? If someone comes forward to make it nicer - financially - for the Kings to stay where they are for a couple of years, I could see them going for it.