I'm a little confused. I thought KJ said that the study would go on with or without the Maloofs. If so, then just exactly are the Maloofs needed for. I saw no mention of this having anything to do with the Maloofs handing over documents, or financial statements. It seems to be based purely on whether the Maloofs have decided to stay or not, and just who is paying for their study.
On the surface, since the city is suspossed to be the driving force behind this study, one would assume that they would pay for it. Purely from a business point of view, if you were considering moving your team, why would you fork out money for a study thats not selfserving. The main obsticle seems to be the Maloofs decision, or lack of decision on staying or not. Well I see nothing new on that front. Nothing has changed from a week ago.
We know that the Maloofs are considering a move to SoCal. We know that they asked for an extension on submiting a request to move the team. So we know that they haven't totally made up their minds. We also know that the League has told them not to comment on anything related to moving. We know that there are rumors that Stern and the rest of the league aren't sure that the Kings moving south, is in the best interest of the Kings, or the league. There are also rumors that the Lakers and the Clippers aren't in love with the idea and may try to block the move.
We know that moving won't be cheap, and that the Maloofs aren't as affluent as they once were. Rumor also has it, that they won't have any control over the parking or concessions at the arena. Now rumors are just that, but it appears that there's a lot of things wrong with this deal and that its still very much up in the air. What we could have here is submission by subtraction. Not the perfect conclusion any of us would want, but it would buy time.
I have a question for all of those out there that have conveniently jumped on the hate the Maloofs bandwagon. For a moment, put your hatred aside, and raise your hand, if you think there's a 100% chance, that if the Maloofs totally cooperated, the Taylor groups plan would become a reality. How about a 50% chance? A 20% chance? We have a history here. And its a history of failure. Now failure can be a good thing, if you learn from it. If you don't, you start to sound like the boy that cried wolf. And people stop listening! If your going to be honest, you've got to look at both sides. You've got to understand the other side of the arguement. Compromise is born out of understanding. Emotion has little place in the equation, and in most cases is a detriment. Thats why you don't want me to be the negotiator. I always bring a baseball bat.
I know the Maloofs are convenient whipping boys for those that are frustrated and angry. And they certainly share part of the blame. But so does the city. As they say, its takes two to tango. I don't understand what appears to be extra hate being thrown the Maloofs way over this article. They've done nothing except ask for an extension, hand over some of the requested papers, and kept their mouths shut. This article was generated by the Taylor group, which said it won't continue with the study until it knows the Maloofs decision. Well guess what? Thats not news!!! Wouldn't we all lke to know what their decision is?
Just what if, there's just the smallest, tiniest, wee chance that if they don't know what their decision is, they therefore can't tell you what their decision is. I mean for God's sake, isn't that what this is all about? Them coming to a decision. Conspiricy theories aside, I happen to think its a good thing they haven't made a decision yet. And for those that think the Maloofs are just trying to string along the fans to make a few extra bucks, don't you think they could do a better job of doing it. I could! When asked about moving, I'd say I haven't made up my mind yet. But I love sacramento and the way the fans turned out on monday really had an emotional effect on me. I'm willing to do everything feasible within my power to stay in sacramento. Etc.
If they really were trying to milk the fans for a few extra bucks they wouldn't be doing what they're doing. I believe they asked for the extension because they haven't made up their minds about the deal. Now that may have more to do with the deal itself, than any supossed loyality to sacramento. But I don't care, as long as it eventually gives the Taylor group the time it needs to present a finished proposal. And if that proposal fails, then so be it.