Cousins suspended by the team

Eh... Curry is actually having a better year than Reke.

Thing is, Curry is about maxed out as who he is as a player. Without Ellis, he might average 5 more PPG, but he's never going to be that guy who can carry a team on his back. With luck, dedication, and some good coaching, Reke can be that player down the line.

It would be nice to have Curry's brain in Reke's body though :p
First off, Evans isn't proving to be able to carry a team on his back either. What Curry brings though is better floor leadership, IQ, shooting ability and efficiency. He can be a Nash-type player alongside a legit franchise big. IMO a Curry/Cousins combo is a much better setup for the Kings than Evans is right now.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Eh... Curry is actually having a better year than Reke.

Thing is, Curry is about maxed out as who he is as a player. Without Ellis, he might average 5 more PPG, but he's never going to be that guy who can carry a team on his back. With luck, dedication, and some good coaching, Reke can be that player down the line.

It would be nice to have Curry's brain in Reke's body though :p
First off, Evans isn't proving to be able to carry a team on his back either. What Curry brings though is better floor leadership, IQ, shooting ability and efficiency. He can be a Nash-type player alongside a legit franchise big. IMO a Curry/Cousins combo is a much better setup for the Kings than Evans is right now.
This is, at best, conjecture. It's not as if Curry has demonstrated an ability to play alongside a dominant big (attempts to refer to David Lee as a dominant big will be met with profound laughter).
This is, at best, conjecture. It's not as if Curry has demonstrated an ability to play alongside a dominant big (attempts to refer to David Lee as a dominant big will be met with profound laughter).
Curry hasn't ever had the position of playing with a big man like Cousins, nor has he had extended time with running the offense. He's had to split that role with Ellis. And it's not conjecture to say he'd be a better fit. Evans has yet to show the pick-and-roll play Curry has, Curry is a better shooter which opens up the floor and options off the pick and roll, and he's more efficient than Evans. A pick and roll with Cousins and Curry is far more deadly option.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
It is utter conjecture. This isn't fantasy basketball: you have nothing more concrete than your gut feeling that Curry would be a better fit. There's certainly no reason to believe that Cousins would get along with Curry any better.
It seems as if some fans never can get that learning to play in the NBA is a process that takes years. They want to skip right pask those early years right to veteran status. Maybe I'm just an optimistic guy, but I'm going to wait a few more seasons before declaring Tyreke be traded for what he can't do on the court.


Hall of Famer
i remember smiling but not laughing (then again just saw it once). but is it possible he had that "man sooo close" smile? is it possible donte and tyreke were smiling because they were an inch away from a 15-2 run comeback? i see players smile when they throw up a last second shot that almost goes in at the end of a quarter or half sometimes.

I don't disagree with you. As I said, everyone reacts differently to things. We all have our way of expressing our disappointment. I can also understand where someone else might interpret it differently. I guess I just don't think this is as big a deal as others do. Maybe its because I've been there and done that. And know it happens all the time. Players are human beings. On a team, a players frustrations can build up over time. And often the frustrations are from something that has nothing to do with what causes them to erupt. Donte may play the happy go lucky clown a lot of the time, but don't you think he's frustrated over how he's being used. His lack of playing time, etc. So would it be a surprise if he took all those frustrations out when given a chance. When Cousins stupidly opened that door.

90% of the time, these things are based on misunderstandings or misdirected anger. Sadly, you can't just have a do over. So, you have to pay the piper.
It is utter conjecture. This isn't fantasy basketball: you have nothing more concrete than your gut feeling that Curry would be a better fit. There's certainly no reason to believe that Cousins would get along with Curry any better.
Do you realize what conjecture means?

"the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence; guess"

It's not conjecture what aspects of the game Curry is good at. It's not guessing what he's already proved on the court. If you can't understand what parts of Curry's game can be effective in certain situations, then that's your ignorance, not conjecture.


Hall of Famer
i guess it's bad that i also assume most posters are guys. the only ones i know are female are because their avatars or happen to read some post that somehow mention it (ie against girls theme for losses or want guys in the theme)
I just want everyone to know, that yes, I'm a guy! There! I'm out of the closet...I feel better already..

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
It is conjecture to assume that Curry's skillset would be as valuable to Sacramento as it is to Golden State. Ideally, Martin's game should have complimented Evans, but it didn't. Steve Nash and Shaquille O'Neal should have been great together, but they weren't. Curry's skillset might compliment the Kings players, but it might not. Chemistry is also important, and sometimes a whole is less than the sum of its parts.
It is conjecture to assume that Curry's skillset would be as valuable to Sacramento as it is to Golden State.

I specifically talked about running the halfcourt offense with the pick and roll.

Ideally, Martin's game should have complimented Evans, but it didn't. Steve Nash and Shaquille O'Neal should have been great together, but they weren't. Curry's skillset might compliment the Kings players, but it might not. Chemistry is also important, and sometimes a whole is less than the sum of its parts.
Neither of your examples are relevant, and I don't want to waste time explaining to you why that is the case. Right now, there is little chemistry with Evans and Cousins as it is. So the point about chemistry is moot. I'm talking about the options that Curry can add in the halfcourt, with the pick and roll.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
And I contend that your argument is unpersuasive. It is overly simplistic to assume that the Kings would be better with Curry instead of Evans, on the basis of Curry being better in the pick and roll.
It is tough to say. I think the team may be better offensively with Curry being able to actually run an offense, and the team may be worse off defensively w/o Reke. It's really a +/- in how much more you give up vs how many points you gain.
And I contend that your argument is unpersuasive. It is overly simplistic to assume that the Kings would be better with Curry instead of Evans, on the basis of Curry being better in the pick and roll.
I would make a long, expansive and detailed post why that would be the case, but I'm not because: 1, it's off-topic. 2. If you don't understand the areas which the kings are deficient and what Curry could do for them, then explaining it won't do any good anyway. 3. I have better things to do.


Hall of Famer
Oh jeez.

Sounds like the bigger issue is respect. That the big guy doesn't feel like he gets enough. And quite honestly, I feel that the team should be going to him more in the post, and in general. So purely from that point of view, I get it. Don't necessarily agree with the means, but on the issue, I side with Cousins. And I'm still glad he's showing fire.
Sure, he has fire. And he's got major stupidity and immaturity. What a wonderful combination...:rolleyes:


Hall of Famer
I can't believe the groundswell of support you're giving DMC on this one. You don't demand respect from others by saying you want it. You earn it - something he was well on his way to doing with his recent play. You don't punch a person - ever. That moves you into Artest/Sprewell/Crazy Dude status. Can he come out clean from this? Probably. It's a shame that he went after Donte - the dude was doing all the little things asked of him and not complaining about minutes.
Ditto, ditto, and DITTO.
Can someone get this rookie down to earth again??
No matter if the shot was good or not, a player in a team cannot act like this.
I really hope this was only a one time brain fart from DMC.
I just hope this will blow over quickly. Unfortunately, DeMarcus does not have a good reputation with many in the league or the sportswriters commentators, to listen to them or read them. He is not doing himself any good.

We don't know what penalty Greene will have to pay, for sure, but he doesn't have the other incidents working against him, like Cousins does this year. Greene has seemingly been the good soldier and teammate, despite the fact that he can't be too happy with his role or lack of role.

Cousins needs to learn ASAP that if you have to ask for respect, you don't deserve it. Respect is something that has to be earned. Earned with actions, not words. He needs to understand that nobody in the NBA wants to lose and you need your teammates to be united in that goal, not fighting each other.

Is it maddening that refs don't treat all players equally? Sure, but DeMarcus isn't going to change that until he changes how he behaves. You definitely do not want to get on the bad side of the refs.
I just hope this will blow over quickly. Unfortunately, DeMarcus does not have a good reputation with many in the league or the sportswriters commentators, to listen to them or read them. He is not doing himself any good.

We don't know what penalty Greene will have to pay, for sure, but he doesn't have the other incidents working against him, like Cousins does this year. Greene has seemingly been the good soldier and teammate, despite the fact that he can't be too happy with his role or lack of role.

Cousins needs to learn ASAP that if you have to ask for respect, you don't deserve it. Respect is something that has to be earned. Earned with actions, not words. He needs to understand that nobody in the NBA wants to lose and you need your teammates to be united in that goal, not fighting each other.

Is it maddening that refs don't treat all players equally? Sure, but DeMarcus isn't going to change that until he changes how he behaves. You definitely do not want to get on the bad side of the refs.
Totally agree with your comment.
Seems like the some people around him are blowing up his ego too much.
It all started with the refs and continues with the team mates.
I love him playing but for me the team is more important than the individual.
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Well Donte at least seems to be getting over what happened last night.. he is quoted as saying "we missed Cuz tonight..." and that "..we have got to move on." Hopefully DMC takes a similar approach and it can just be over with and forgotten about.
Yeah, sounds very good. To me, what was even better was this part- "Things happen," he said. "Everybody is not perfect. We try not to let things off the court distract us on the court. It is life. Everybody is not perfect and we've got to move on."
Cousins will make or break the kings. I really hope its make, but signs like this point the other way. Too bad. At least sacramento wont have to deal with the result.