Cousins suspended by the team

I'm curious. Has there been an offical statement from the Kings on Cousins suspension. I've been to their website and to the Bee and can find no report of an official statement from them. The only report that I've heard is from Pro sports daily.
Not yet. Suprisingly, we really haven't heard much from anyone besides Amick. Jason Jones only regurgitated what Amick reported yesterday. Says something about the coverage of our team when we get all our updates from a nationaly syndicated writer.
I'm curious. Has there been an offical statement from the Kings on Cousins suspension. I've been to their website and to the Bee and can find no report of an official statement from them. The only report that I've heard is from Pro sports daily.
Jim Crandell tweeted that "Kings statement on Cousins shortly after 2pm today"

Im just guessing here, but I dont see how he makes it to Phoenix in time for the game, which sucks because its the most winnable game we have had in a while.
From Sam Amick radio interview:

Says Cousins was very upset , shouted something at Greene running off the floor. In the lockerrom Cousins was supposedly backing off the situation but Donte was still upset about what he said. Cousins was apparently saying things at Tyreke too. Greene was defending Reke. They both stand up, square off, punches are thrown and then get separated.

Cisco tried to argue Cousins case on the plane, Westphal tells him its not a fight he's going to win, the call came from Petrie.

Didn't get the sense that anything would carry over on the plane, but more a disciplinary move removing him from the plane.

Says Cisco was trying to rally the team, keep them together, a "we do this all together" thing.

Another radio note: this all happened before the media came in there, so that postgame video comments from Cousins came after.
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Interview with Sam Amick nothing really different from what he's already put out there.

Amick did not witness anything. It all happened in the locker room privately. He was told about things from team connections at a restaurant after the game. It is all second hand info he got.

Apparently, Donte was sticking up for Tyreke and wouldn't let it go and things escalated. DeMarcus was getting on Tyreke and Donte stepped in it.
Now that dish has the games again I watched last night for the first time this season. Demarcus didn't impress me at all. I know one game isn't enough to make a judgment. But I saw what I saw and Mr. Cousins should keep his mouth shut until he learns how to play Basketball.
Now that dish has the games again I watched last night for the first time this season. Demarcus didn't impress me at all. I know one game isn't enough to make a judgment. But I saw what I saw and Mr. Cousins should keep his mouth shut until he learns how to play Basketball.
Then your opinion doesn't mean much.
Tyreke has the worst-looking outside shot in the NBA, at his position. It's embarrassing. Kings need a legit point guard who can pass and shoot. Until Tyreke develops a consistent outside shot, defenses will continue smothering him in the paint. That type of one dimensional scorer is not a go-to player at the buzzer. The Kings players seem to realize this, but Westphal and Tyreke seem clueless.
Come on now, who's clueless here?

When Tyreke and Cousins grow up, get a little experience under their belt, they'll be great, even together. At this time in their career I just feel sorry for what Westphal, Petrie and I have to put up with.
I'm not trying to defend Cousins (cause he was completely wrong getting into fight so does Donte) but I dont have anything against him speaking up about the issue that has been there for quite a while now.
Now that dish has the games again I watched last night for the first time this season. Demarcus didn't impress me at all. I know one game isn't enough to make a judgment. But I saw what I saw and Mr. Cousins should keep his mouth shut until he learns how to play Basketball.
Well first I would say you missed alot. From the time Dish dropped the Kings to now he has been playing some really, really good basketball. Trust me, if he was playing like garbage a lot of these fans defending him wouldnt be defending him.
This reporting from Amick is starting to get muddy, said one thing on the radio now saying another via twitter:


Key clarification regarding Cousins-Greene fight: Source in the locker room says nothing was said to Tyreke Evans.

This was about Cousins accusing Greene of being too "scared" to make the right play. Greene didn't take kindly and reacted.

Sidenote: Donte Greene is joking about the incident right now on his twitter.
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I fully support Cousins in this situation. Wanna know why?

1. Tyreke and Donte were laughing after Tyreke missed the shot. LAUGHING AND SMILING?! Really?! You just lost another game, and you are laughing? Would Kobe be laughing and smiling after missing the game winner? MJ? Cousins is a competitive kid, he hates to lose, he had been fouled on the last play, he thought he should have gotten the ball, and then he sees Tyreke and Greene laughing after another loss? No wonder he got pissed off.

2. From the reports, Cousins began to back off in the fight, but Donte kept going at him. Sounds like Donte wouldn't let it go and that resulted in the fight. Why are we saying "Cousins shouldn't fight a teammate"? Why don't we consider the fact that Donte could have been pushing for a fight more than Cousins was? Of course it was idiotic of both of them to fight, but why is Cousins the only one receiving the blame?

Teammates have scuffles all the time, anybody who has played competitive sports would know that. It happens all the time in the NBA as well, and more losing is only going to instigate it more. Try to look at things from Cousins' perspective: a 20 year old kid who hates losing, who loses again because terrible shot selection by a terrible 3 point shooter (The only 3-point game winning shot Evans has made was a fluke 70-feet shot), witnessing the very player laughing and smiling right after the shot.
Cousins was clearly in the wrong here. But, Donte seems to have escalated things, and it doesn't sound as if things would have gotten physical in Donte hadn't escalated the confrontation in the lockerroom. Will be interesting to see if Donte gets disciplined as well, or this just blows over and Cousins suits up on Tue. The latter of the two would be my guess.
I'm curious as to why only Cousins was kicked off the plane.
According to reports after incident in locker room there was communication by Westphal with Petrie and it was decided that Cousins would be removed from the flight before - another fight? No need for fisticuffs at 30,000 feet up - however remote.
Is it telling to anyone else that Petrie's handling this all alone? Don't you think that Adelman would have been more involved if this had taken place back in the day?
No. That seems the appropriate place for it. Let's wait until the team speaks. To put it in overly simplistic discriptive, what happens when an air head and a hot head speak unkingly to each other?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I'm curious as to why only Cousins was kicked off the plane.
He pretty clearly started this. Anybody who doesn't think he did is rather blatantly biased. The guy who starts something is frequently ready to get over it long before the guy he attacked is. Doesn't change the root cause of the problem. Nor does it change the fact that it was Cousins, aghain, unhappy with the team and causing problems. hard to imagine Dongte beign any sort of distraction to the team on the plane without Demarcus around.

I'm actually rather glad Donte stood up for himself. We are always accusing him of being too easy going, too nice, too happy. its actually a good thing to see that if you press him far enough he will fight back. Just don't want to see it anymore, and if I were Petrie I might actually consider suspending Donte for a game too not because he deserved it, but just to prevent the big child from feelign singled out and picked on. Of course since it would actually cost Donte money, that's not really right, but it might be smart.

P.S. I HOPE Donte is joking about it via twitter. Its the quickest way to defuse this and smooth it over. Now can Cousins laugh at himself? That's a question. Often hard to do when you are yougn and full of self righteous anger.
He pretty clearly started this. Anybody who doesn't think he did is rather blatantly biased. The guy who starts something is frequently ready to get over it long before the guy he attacked is. Doesn't change the root cause of the problem. Nor does it change the fact that it was Cousins, aghain, unhappy with the team and causing problems. hard to imagine Dongte beign any sort of distraction to the team on the plane without Demarcus around.

I'm actually rather glad Donte stood up for himself. We are always accusing him of being too easy going, too nice, too happy. its actually a good thing to see that if you press him far enough he will fight back. Just don't want to see it anymore, and if I were Petrie I might actually consider suspending Donte for a game too not because he deserved it, but just to prevent the big child from feelign singled out and picked on. Of course since it would actually cost Donte money, that's not really right, but it might be smart.

P.S. I HOPE Donte is joking about it via twitter. Its the quickest way to defuse this and smooth it over. Now can Cousins laugh at himself? That's a question. Often hard to do when you are yougn and full of self righteous anger.
Not saying that Cousins deserves any less blame than he is getting right now, but if Donte did truly escalate it into a physical confrontation as some reports suggest, then he deserves to be suspended also. You can't be happy with a player yelling at other players and telling another player that he is too "scared" to do something, but bringing it to something physical is not good at all. Right now it's very hazy what happened after DMC was angry at Donte and yelled at him, but it most likely will be cleared up soon.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Try to look at things from Cousins' perspective: a 20 year old kid who hates losing, who loses again because terrible shot selection by a terrible 3 point shooter (The only 3-point game winning shot Evans has made was a fluke 70-feet shot), witnessing the very player laughing and smiling right after the shot.
Did you see the sequence? The 3 point shot was pretty much the only alternative with a successful option.

Just because he's smiling doesn't mean he likes to lose. Some of us have a different outlook on life. It is, after all, just a game. For those who deal with, or have dealt with, life and death on a regular basis, the game of basketball isn't as severe. Again, just because you don't get pissed about something doesn't mean you're OK with it.
I think it's safe to assume previous strikes counted against Cousins in this.

Why someone would want to go at their team mate is beyond me... fair enough a bit of verbals but throwing punches? Come on.
I'm disappointed that there are people here excusing Cousins' behavior. Even if you think he is absolutely right in his complaints, that is not how you voice your concerns, and that's not even close to how you voice your concerns when you're a rookie. While Cousins has definitely had his moments this year, he is not lighting up the league. He is not even close to having some great rookie season, and yet he's behaving as though he is a franchise player on a winning team. That should not fly with any of you. That is flat out arrogance and a sense of entitlement. He has not earned any of that attitude, and the constant fingerpointing is a very bad sign. Sure, there is a level of confidence you want from a player, but when it evolves into arrogance and zero humility, then you have a huge a problem.
Don't agree, and calling me out as if i didn't watch the game is cheap... I've hardly ever miss a game in years... and now I've watched that last play mutliple times because of this whole fiasco (the vid is up on Tyreke didn't make any play at all other than to put it up. It could of went many different ways, one being a plan to get inside... but Reke was way out on top with no intention of passing. He could have immediately caught and heaved it inside to Cuz who was about 10 feet out back to basket. Reke could of driven in a little closer and put the same prayer up. It could have went lots of ways, but didn't... it ended with the same usual thing I think we have all got to be sick of by now.
No what we are all sick of is this rationale that you and few others spew out here every time we lose and its ALWAYS Tyreke's fault! Maybe you need to take off your blinkers and actually look at this with your hate of Tyreke put aside.

Has he had games where he just flat out sucked late in games?! ABSOLUTELY!

Was this game one of them?! NO chance in hell!

No one with an ounce of intelligence would say what you just dribbled in this post. You might have watched the game but the basketball IQ you displayed in this post is well below zero! Tyreke had the time to pass it in to Cousins with 5 secons left on the clock and Thunder defending the area that Cousins was in very well. If that pass went in towards Cousins and it was picked off (as it had more than 90% chance to be) you would be the first one to come on here and attach Tyreke's basketball IQ and dribble on about yet another late game blunder.

There is not a coach in the league who would have had something negative to say about Tyreke's last 3 minutes in this game, other than maybe that missed FT. He is the reason we were able to get within a whisker of winning this. Like I said, if other players played anywhere near the efficiency that Tyreke played with we would have won this game and it wouldn't have come down to a buzzer beater.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I can't believe the groundswell of support you're giving DMC on this one. You don't demand respect from others by saying you want it. You earn it - something he was well on his way to doing with his recent play. You don't punch a person - ever. That moves you into Artest/Sprewell/Crazy Dude status. Can he come out clean from this? Probably. It's a shame that he went after Donte - the dude was doing all the little things asked of him and not complaining about minutes.

This whole incident hurts my heart. Something like this can destroy all kinds of hard work and chemistry, and for what? IMMHO, Demarcus needs to grow up and realize it's not all about him. I love his game but his pouting reminds me of Brad Miller and his "me, me, me" attitude has never been what the Kings are all about. I agree with whomever it was who said DMC could benefit from some mentoring by Chris Webber. The most talent in the world won't help if you cannot get along with your teammates and be part OF the team.