Cousins suspended by the team

You do realize that a pass into Cousins in the post was an option on this play right? And that there were 6 secodns left to run the whole thing, right? And you do realize that Evans was sitting on 30pts on 11-21 shooting and had been huge in the final minutes of the game, right? And that Cousins was 5-14, and Omri 5-13, and Jason was 1-7, and Beno didn't even want to shoot, and that basically your only other player who had shown an ability to hit anything consistently was Landry, right?

There is indeed stupidity involved in this debate. However its got nothign to do with the coaching.
Do you realise there's a reason why Tyreke was open for the shot, that's because the other team wanted him ( our worst 3 point shooter) to shoot that three. Maybe the coach shouild have drawn up a better play and with some screens to get someone other than Tyreke to shoot that three.
There was a poll, just the other day, on who you would build this team around and the poll showed fans leaning very heavily towards DMC over Reke. The issue is this: Petrie already tied the wagon up to Reke and tried to put DMC adjacent to Reke, but I haven't seen more than one play all year that shows the two players working well together. So what do you do? The rest of the league may already see Reke as a guy you cannot win with as a centerpiece just due to his playstyle. Is that true? Can you build around both? Do you have to choose? Is the FO smart enough to figure it out?
I don't know how many games you've seen, but I've seen several layups that boogie has handed evans in the last month alone. If anything; their games are starting to mesh. We're talking about a rookie and a sophomore. Not many rook/soph duos are knocking the pick n roll out of the park.
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OK... I just watched the last 5sec play again real close. Cuz was open for a milisec or so. Coulda possibly had something. The easy pass was to Tyreke. When Reke caught the inbounds pass Cuz still looked hopeful, and looked for the pass from Reke. Then when the shot went up Cuz still looked positive trying the putback. I didn't see Cuz stress until the it was over. He ran toward our bench bummed while close ups of Reke and Donte showed smiles heading to shake hands with OKC.... I am NOT kidding. Watch it. Smiles like all is good. as in shucks...

This wasn't about Cuz getting more shots was it? It was about Tyrekes late game decision making / ball hogging, and Donte ignoring Cuz inside.
Basically, the coach and team are good with one of the worst shooters on our team jacking a last second 3 from a couple feet behind the line when a 2 would have sent things to overtime.
??? a lot of you are siding with cousins despite the fact he had a poor shooting night and probably couldnt even get the ball. if he wasnt open, you would rather donte force the pass and risk getting a turnover or deflection that would waste more time? then the thread of the night would be "what was that dumb@$$ donte thinking"

if you read this thread you can see alot of these "team cousins" posters and how they think. totally ignoring the fact he was wrong and what he did was wrong and placing blame elsewhere because cousins can do no wrong. well these actions are wrong, just ask sprewell and artest (pre psychiatrist). i cant believe how many people are siding with a rookie throwing punches. im assuming these are fans that were sad when artest left. fire in his belly? happy about what he did? if he was upset, bring it up without punching someone. and those that excuse his actions. the next time you are performing poorly at work or school and your friend comes up and punches iyou in the face instead showing you how you can do better, thank him for being such a team player and caring.


Hall of Famer
I went back and reviewed the last sequence in slow motion several times. Was Cousins open? Yes! Would it have been possible to get him the ball? Yes, but anything is possible. If you watch the last play carefully, its obvious that the Thunder wanted the ball to go to Evans and not to Cousins. Durant, who is guarding the inbounds, is slanted between Greene who is inbounding the ball and Cousins, and is leaving any inbound pass open to the perimiter. So, by inbounding the ball to Evans, we, number one, did what the Thunder wanted us to do, and number two, avoided a risky pass to Cousins where the outcome may not have been any different than the one with Evans.

So I don't fault Greene for passing it to Evans. But at the same time, I don't fault Cousins for being angry at the ending of the sequence. He was clearly being held by Collison on the inbounds. Collison had his arm locked around Cousins left arm. Cousins was fouled again by Collison who once again was holding Cousins when he was trying for the putback after Tyreke's missed shot. I do however fault Cousins for taking it out on his teammates. What I don't understand is the possible supension and the entire incident being blown out of porportion.

Tony Allen and O.J. Mayo got into a near brawl on an airplane, and neither were suspended. And maybe Cousins won't either. Apparently Cisco pleaded with management to let Cousins remain with the team and let the team work it out, and his requests were denied. These kind of things happen more often than people think. I had plenty of confrontations in my time. I called people out. Sometimes I was wrong, and it was in the heat of battle. But it happens. And in most cases, if left to the people involved, they almost always kiss and make up. And in some cases, the bond becomes stronger between teammates.

Cousins was clearly wrong. What I don't understand is why everything he does has to make the national news, where he is the convenient whipping boy. There are ways to get the message across to him without public embarassment to both him and the franchise. The Oakland A's during the days of Sal Bando and Reggie Jackson were famous for locker room brawls between one another. But no one cared because when they took the field, they won. It was just boys being boys. Or at least that was the perception was at the time.

I agree with Cisco. I would have let the players settle it amongst themselves. Maybe when Cousins looks at the game film and realizes that he played one of his poorest games of the year, he'll have a different take on the entire thing. If I were Greene, and I had to choose between Evans and Cousins on that play, I think I would have been leaning toward Evans myself. At the same time, I admire the fire in Cousins, and I don't think he's a selfish player as someone else stated. I just think he wants to win. But that takes more than having fire in the belly. A bull in a china shop has that. At least there's never a dull moment.

I will say this. If Cousins doesn't play tonight, my interest in watching is diminished. Oh I'll still watch, it just won't be as much fun. I guess that means, regardless of everything, he has fan appeal. He just has to be carefull he doesn't wear it out.
We've lost 5 in a row now by close games spured by one player or another (heck even Sammy kept us in a game). I don't care how much Reke kept us in it, we lost again, and it will keep happening as long as our go to guy, Reke, is making bad end of game choices under pressure.
What part of instrumental in a 12-2 run to close the game do you not comprehend? Make the argument about the season and you might have a point. You absolutely don't have a point when discussing this particular game. It's not an "agree to disagree" thing. Your logic is failing.
Do you realise there's a reason why Tyreke was open for the shot, that's because the other team wanted him ( our worst 3 point shooter) to shoot that three. Maybe the coach shouild have drawn up a better play and with some screens to get someone other than Tyreke to shoot that three.
i believe the play was to get omri, beno, and tyreke open with beno and omri going to the sides and tyreke up top. donte got it to the man who was open the most i guess. it wasnt a play where their were multiple screens to just get tyreke the ball. the shot wasnt bad. it was in line just a bit short. beside would you prefer to see a repeat of omri throwing an alleyoop to no one?
??? a lot of you are siding with cousins despite the fact he had a poor shooting night and probably couldnt even get the ball. if he wasnt open, you would rather donte force the pass and risk getting a turnover or deflection that would waste more time? then the thread of the night would be "what was that dumb@$$ donte thinking"

if you read this thread you can see alot of these "team cousins" posters and how they think. totally ignoring the fact he was wrong and what he did was wrong and placing blame elsewhere because cousins can do no wrong. well these actions are wrong, just ask sprewell and artest (pre psychiatrist). i cant believe how many people are siding with a rookie throwing punches. im assuming these are fans that were sad when artest left. fire in his belly? happy about what he did? if he was upset, bring it up without punching someone. and those that excuse his actions. the next time you are performing poorly at work or school and your friend comes up and punches iyou in the face instead showing you how you can do better, thank him for being such a team player and caring.
...I like Reke too, and am not all about your Team Cousins. I'd love our future to be with these two building blocks. I do question what Westphal was thinking entrusting yet another close game by letting Donte inbounding the ball without a better plan... and he played right into OKC's plan of getting it to Reke as far out as possible... but whatever. I'm not siding with Cuz on getting the last shot, just finally someone calling the elephant in the room out. The punches aren't cool, but we don't know who got in who's face... heck Donte could have thrown the first one. Never the less, it takes 2 to tango.
What part of instrumental in a 12-2 run to close the game do you not comprehend? Make the argument about the season and you might have a point. You absolutely don't have a point when discussing this particular game. It's not an "agree to disagree" thing. Your logic is failing.
Christ, I am not picking on everybody's boy Reke's whole game. Just the last play fail.
Don't agree, and calling me out as if i didn't watch the game is cheap... I've hardly ever miss a game in years... and now I've watched that last play mutliple times because of this whole fiasco (the vid is up on Tyreke didn't make any play at all other than to put it up. It could of went many different ways, one being a plan to get inside... but Reke was way out on top with no intention of passing. He could have immediately caught and heaved it inside to Cuz who was about 10 feet out back to basket. Reke could of driven in a little closer and put the same prayer up. It could have went lots of ways, but didn't... it ended with the same usual thing I think we have all got to be sick of by now.
What are you talking about? Cousins went after Donte because Donte didn't pass him the ball as the #1 option on the play. It had nothing to do with Tyreke once Tyreke got the ball. Cousins thought he was open, and the ball should have gone directly to him. You're not even making sense. Your understanding of what took place simply is false.
...I like Reke too, and am not all about your Team Cousins. I'd love our future to be with these two building blocks. I do question what Westphal was thinking entrusting yet another close game by letting Donte inbounding the ball without a better plan... and he played right into OKC's plan of getting it to Reke as far out as possible... but whatever. I'm not siding with Cuz on getting the last shot, just finally someone calling the elephant in the room out. The punches aren't cool, but we don't know who got in who's face... heck Donte could have thrown the first one. Never the less, it takes 2 to tango.
everytime i watch a close game, the last possesion with some time goes to someone at the top of the key or near midcourt where they create. rarely do i see them force a pass down low. you have to get the ball in play. there was nothing wrong with what happened last night except the fact the shot was off by like an inch. the only thing cousins should be complaining about is the foul by collison. now if cousins was complaining about previous games where tyreke made bonehead plays then ok. but he was wrong last night
What are you talking about? Cousins went after Donte because Donte didn't pass him the ball as the #1 option on the play. It had nothing to do with Tyreke once Tyreke got the ball. Cousins thought he was open, and the ball should have gone directly to him. You're not even making sense. Your understanding of what took place simply is false.
Really? Cuz had something to say to both Donte and Tyreke.

samickAOL Sam Amick
Cousins has grown frustrated that the Kings coaches and players don't speak up more about Evans' late-game decision making.
Christ, I am not picking on everybody's boy Reke's whole game. Just the last play fail.
And the last play fail happened immediately after he dominated the game. That's why it wasn't a bad play.

As for him being my "boy". He's very talented, but I prefer basketball designed around passing and moving without the ball. He's not my style of player. Screw Cousins head on correctly and I like his game a lot more.

They both have a lot to learn. They're also very young. The Garnett Boston got in 2007 could teach both these guys a lot about winning. It's unfortunate our best players are our youngest. Nice problem to have, but it's not helping their development at all.


Hall of Famer
I don't care about the whole fight or who took the last shot. But something else needs to be designed. I mean Tyreke is a 30% shooter beyond 5 feet AT BEST. Why in the hell is he constantly taking the last shot. He has made exactly 1 shot all year in the final seconds and that was a 70 foot prayer. I would actually lean toward Beno being the guy taking a buzzer beater in a half court set.
HUH? When did Westphal throw a punch? Sorry but that doesnt hold water. It is the flustrations of a season for Cousins that has been marred by horrific officiating, poor team decision making, and questionable coaching as well. BUT, Westphal just writes up the play. He doesn execute the play, nor can he tell his players how the play is going to unfold. Cousins was flustrated about not being able to take the winning shot. Greene isn't the veteran Cousins should be getting in the face of. Greene has little to no effect on any Kings games. Greene is trade bait which hopefully the Kings will be able to get rid of in the offseason. Cousins is the future of this team regardless of whether the rest of the team likes it or not. He did not handle this situation appropriatly, but he is a rookie. These kind of actions normally STAY in the lockeroom. It shows a complete breech of lockeroom etiquette that we even know of this situation. This was a very POORLY handled situation by the coaching staff, the veteran players, and of coarse Cousins as well. Sure he wanted to win the game. Sure he thought he had an advantage under the rim. He may have even been open on the play. BUT, Evans went for the win. There is no shame in that and it was a good open shot that the offense created. Cousins is too young to be demanding the ball at the end of games EVEN though he SHOULD be getting the ball in those situations. The Refs have unfortunatly taken that option away from the Kings with their horrible officiating with regard to Cousins. He gets hacked on a regular basis. In fact, he is usually fouled at least twice every time he makes a post move, but it just isn't getting called by the NBA refs who seem to have an agenda against Cousins and the entire Kings team. The Kings COULDNT go to Cousins because the odds are he would have been fouled, and he would have missed the shot, and nothing would have been CALLED! That is the REALITY of the situation. Cousins is clearly fed up with getting called for ticky tack fouls on one end and getting hammered on the other end with no whistle. This is a horrible situation that should have been handled IN THE LOCKEROOM! It shows how fragmented the lockeroom is, and how Westphal seems to be loosing control. But to BLAME Westphal for this blowup is not right. Cousins is volitile, and the coaching staff knows this. What Greene was doing trying to get in Cousins face is totally incorrect. Perhaps if it had been Dalembert or Beno, the only veterans ON this team, it would have been different. Cousins is the best player the Kings have right now. Evans has been inconsistent, even though he had a wonderful game. Evans outside shot is NOT reliable. They had time to get it into Cousins and have him make a play or make a basket. That was not how the play unfolded. It is a horrible situation now where Cousins thinks he is being Disrespected when in reality the Refs are very harsh on him and the coaching staff knows this and was trying to run a play to get someone else open other than Cousins on that last play. This whole situation could have been avoided if the Refs were to change their disruptive inconsistent foul calling against Cousins, but that is going to happen for this whole year if history is any measure of how refs disrespect rookies.

But the realities are Cousins is SICK of loosing. He thinks he is a better option at the end of games than a wishful prayer of a shot by Evans from 3. If Evans was more consistent, and he MADE more of those shots, it would not be a problem. BUT, Evans does NOT makes a majority of those shots.

At least to this point, Evans has not shown that KILLER instinct to be able to stick that dagger in other teams and win the game. Until he CAN finish games strong, the Kings need to look at ALL options down the stretch. Their late game execution has been plain awful. Maybe they should stop running plays that isolate Evans on the wing EVERY SINGLE TIME when he can't seal the deal in those situations? I am not defending Cousins for his blowup in the lockeroom after a loss. I understand his flustrations, and he is a very young rookie. If the Kings are ever to get out of this late game collapse rut, they need to be more diverse in their late game executions. And maybe the coaching staff needs to look at their late game play calling to see how they can become more diverse and less predictable at the end of close games. I mean who did not think that somehow, some way Evans was going to take that last shot? He is NOT a reliable outside shooter. Too many times Evans has had the ball in his hands late in games this season, and TOTALLY BLOWN the whole play and failed miserably? It's time for Wedtphal and the rest of his staff to start running plays for OTHER players on the court who can maybe execute the plays down the stretch to win games. Maybe that player ISNT Evans. There are many Very Good players in this league who can execute throughout the game but defer at the end of games because they dont have the Intestinal fortitude to make that dagger shot. Evans has a track record of FAILING at the end of tight games. So WHY DOES THE COACHING STAFF KEEP GOING TO EVANS TO SEAL THE DEAL??? If it is because Westphal is insisting no matter what that Evans be the MAN at the end of games and he fails, then Westphal needs to go. He MUST know at this point that Evans is not a leader yet, and is just a very good player who dont have what it takes to be a finisher at the end of games. Perhaps Cousins believes he IS A FINISHER? Maybe he ISNT afraid to take that last shot?? We may never know as long as all the end game plays run out of time outs are going to go to Evans to huck up a prayer.

This is all part of a deeper problem the Kings have of not enough experienced vets on the team, CBA backups coming off the bench, and having the lowest payroll in basketball. This team plays great considering their league low salary and lack of any serious veteran help. In the offseason, the Kings are looking to bring in good veteran help to solidify this roster. But as it is now, there is no one who can stand up and say he will be a leader because the good players on this team are all rookies and 2nd year players. I believe that Green, Casspi, Thompson, Head, Landry and Jeter are all lower tier players who the Kings should look to trade in the offseason for REAL NBA Veterans who can produce and are NOT affraid to win games in the final seconds. This team MUST have more Talent, Leadership, and above all more poise. That only comes from Veterans, and the Kings do not have any Veteran difference makers. Benching Cousins for complaining about not getting his chance to be the big shot maker at the end will NOT solve this problem. It will only exacerbate the problem. I think that even though PW has done a decent job of getting these young players ready to play, and playing pretty good, he has not been able to create the kind of team enviroment that winning teams have. Westphal must learn to adapt, or next season veteran free agents will not be the only thing that is NEW.
I went back and reviewed the last sequence in slow motion several times. Was Cousins open? Yes! Would it have been possible to get him the ball? Yes, but anything is possible. If you watch the last play carefully, its obvious that the Thunder wanted the ball to go to Evans and not to Cousins. Durant, who is guarding the inbounds, is slanted between Greene who is inbounding the ball and Cousins, and is leaving any inbound pass open to the perimiter. So, by inbounding the ball to Evans, we, number one, did what the Thunder wanted us to do, and number two, avoided a risky pass to Cousins where the outcome may not have been any different than the one with Evans.

So I don't fault Greene for passing it to Evans. But at the same time, I don't fault Cousins for being angry at the ending of the sequence. He was clearly being held by Collison on the inbounds. Collison had his arm locked around Cousins left arm. Cousins was fouled again by Collison who once again was holding Cousins when he was trying for the putback after Tyreke's missed shot. I do however fault Cousins for taking it out on his teammates. What I don't understand is the possible supension and the entire incident being blown out of porportion.

Tony Allen and O.J. Mayo got into a near brawl on an airplane, and neither were suspended. And maybe Cousins won't either. Apparently Cisco pleaded with management to let Cousins remain with the team and let the team work it out, and his requests were denied. These kind of things happen more often than people think. I had plenty of confrontations in my time. I called people out. Sometimes I was wrong, and it was in the heat of battle. But it happens. And in most cases, if left to the people involved, they almost always kiss and make up. And in some cases, the bond becomes stronger between teammates.

Cousins was clearly wrong. What I don't understand is why everything he does has to make the national news, where he is the convenient whipping boy. There are ways to get the message across to him without public embarassment to both him and the franchise. The Oakland A's during the days of Sal Bando and Reggie Jackson were famous for locker room brawls between one another. But no one cared because when they took the field, they won. It was just boys being boys. Or at least that was the perception was at the time.

I agree with Cisco. I would have let the players settle it amongst themselves. Maybe when Cousins looks at the game film and realizes that he played one of his poorest games of the year, he'll have a different take on the entire thing. If I were Greene, and I had to choose between Evans and Cousins on that play, I think I would have been leaning toward Evans myself. At the same time, I admire the fire in Cousins, and I don't think he's a selfish player as someone else stated. I just think he wants to win. But that takes more than having fire in the belly. A bull in a china shop has that. At least there's never a dull moment.

I will say this. If Cousins doesn't play tonight, my interest in watching is diminished. Oh I'll still watch, it just won't be as much fun. I guess that means, regardless of everything, he has fan appeal. He just has to be carefull he doesn't wear it out.
You bring up a good point. Not to downplay what happened, or make excuses for Cousins, but this type of thing does happen behind closed doors on teams. KG has gotten into fistfights with teammates. Barkely has gotten into fistfights with teammates. I remember Artest and Jordan getting into it, resulting in broken ribs. In the 80's it happened more often. It's happened on baseball, football, and soccer teams. Before the age of technology we live in, this stuff did happen, but no one ever heard about it. Teammates fight sometimes.

Again not an excuse. Cousins needs to grow up and get a grip on his emotions. But this wouldn't be the first time teammates have fought, and then seemingly put it behind them a day or two later, if that indeed is what happens here.


Hall of Famer
Boogies just angry, boogies got fire in his belly, boogies sick of losing, it goes on and on. Hes a dam rookie and hes goota respect the game for what it is and just control what he can. He aint no vet, hes putting everything we've gained including our future at risk
There is always someone who can say something in a sentence or two where it takes me a novel. :)
I don't care about the whole fight or who took the last shot. But something else needs to be designed. I mean Tyreke is a 30% shooter beyond 5 feet AT BEST. Why in the hell is he constantly taking the last shot. He has made exactly 1 shot all year in the final seconds and that was a 70 foot prayer. I would actually lean toward Beno being the guy taking a buzzer beater in a half court set.
Now, here's a post that makes a lot of sense.


Hall of Famer
Not to quote myself, but just a further note after some additional research via

FGA/per 48 in the clutch (defined as 4th quarter or OT, less than 5 minutes left, neither team up more than 5):
DeMarcus 26.2 FGA/48
Tyreke 25.1 FGA/48

So we have a rookie with maturity issues going off about lack of respect/shots when he in fact takes more shots than anybody else on the team, AND takes more shots than anybody else on the team down the stretch of games, AND was drawn up as one f the primary options on the play he complained about. There is no defense for this.
Except I don't think the issue had a whole lot to do with that particular play or how many shots he is taking.


Hall of Famer
I went back and reviewed the last sequence in slow motion several times. Was Cousins open? Yes! Would it have been possible to get him the ball? Yes, but anything is possible. If you watch the last play carefully, its obvious that the Thunder wanted the ball to go to Evans and not to Cousins. Durant, who is guarding the inbounds, is slanted between Greene who is inbounding the ball and Cousins, and is leaving any inbound pass open to the perimiter. So, by inbounding the ball to Evans, we, number one, did what the Thunder wanted us to do, and number two, avoided a risky pass to Cousins where the outcome may not have been any different than the one with Evans.

So I don't fault Greene for passing it to Evans. But at the same time, I don't fault Cousins for being angry at the ending of the sequence. He was clearly being held by Collison on the inbounds. Collison had his arm locked around Cousins left arm. Cousins was fouled again by Collison who once again was holding Cousins when he was trying for the putback after Tyreke's missed shot. I do however fault Cousins for taking it out on his teammates. What I don't understand is the possible supension and the entire incident being blown out of porportion.

Tony Allen and O.J. Mayo got into a near brawl on an airplane, and neither were suspended. And maybe Cousins won't either. Apparently Cisco pleaded with management to let Cousins remain with the team and let the team work it out, and his requests were denied. These kind of things happen more often than people think. I had plenty of confrontations in my time. I called people out. Sometimes I was wrong, and it was in the heat of battle. But it happens. And in most cases, if left to the people involved, they almost always kiss and make up. And in some cases, the bond becomes stronger between teammates.

Cousins was clearly wrong. What I don't understand is why everything he does has to make the national news, where he is the convenient whipping boy. There are ways to get the message across to him without public embarassment to both him and the franchise. The Oakland A's during the days of Sal Bando and Reggie Jackson were famous for locker room brawls between one another. But no one cared because when they took the field, they won. It was just boys being boys. Or at least that was the perception was at the time.

I agree with Cisco. I would have let the players settle it amongst themselves. Maybe when Cousins looks at the game film and realizes that he played one of his poorest games of the year, he'll have a different take on the entire thing. If I were Greene, and I had to choose between Evans and Cousins on that play, I think I would have been leaning toward Evans myself. At the same time, I admire the fire in Cousins, and I don't think he's a selfish player as someone else stated. I just think he wants to win. But that takes more than having fire in the belly. A bull in a china shop has that. At least there's never a dull moment.

I will say this. If Cousins doesn't play tonight, my interest in watching is diminished. Oh I'll still watch, it just won't be as much fun. I guess that means, regardless of everything, he has fan appeal. He just has to be carefull he doesn't wear it out.
I suspect it had to do with the fact they were getting on a plane and they didn't want to take a chance on a continuation of the fight as someone mentioned earlier. Cousins is more dangerous than a loaded AK 47. :) The decision was made in a hurry and had to be made in a hurry. We didn't see the punches. It may have been pretty darn scary.

I'm with you, my interets in the next three games is dead.


Hall of Famer
I don't care about the whole fight or who took the last shot. But something else needs to be designed. I mean Tyreke is a 30% shooter beyond 5 feet AT BEST. Why in the hell is he constantly taking the last shot. He has made exactly 1 shot all year in the final seconds and that was a 70 foot prayer. I would actually lean toward Beno being the guy taking a buzzer beater in a half court set.

Careful there... Lets not come back to reality and make sense.. Way too boring!
This is the fourth incident involving Cousins that has gone public. Cousins was fined before the season after a verbal altercation with the team's strength and conditioning coach.

Cousins was kicked out of practice in November after clashing with Westphal. He was also benched for making a choking getsure at Golden State guard Reggie Williams while he was a the free throw line.

Read more:

How many of his incidents didn`t go out in public? I wrote about one, but I became the enemy of the entire Kings community....nevermind, the guy is crazy!


The Game Thread Dude
The whole defense of DeMarcus is getting ridiculous (almost on par with the people who inexplicably thought that Justin Williams was the answer). There probably has been no bigger supporter of Cousins than me BUT in this situation, he was in the wrong. There is NEVER a good time to punch a teammate (unless he pulled a Delonte West and had sex with your mom).


Hall of Famer
I'm curious. Has there been an offical statement from the Kings on Cousins suspension. I've been to their website and to the Bee and can find no report of an official statement from them. The only report that I've heard is from Pro sports daily.
I'm curious. Has there been an offical statement from the Kings on Cousins suspension. I've been to their website and to the Bee and can find no report of an official statement from them. The only report that I've heard is from Pro sports daily.
"Regarding Cousins situation, no official word yet from team. Source says Kings forward was told to meet with basketball president Geoff Petrie on Monday morning at the team's practice facility to discuss the situation further"

I think I read somewhere that Petrie was not in town last night and was arriving back 2 pm local time.