Cousins suspended by the team


Hall of Famer
I think this is spill over from a lot of things. The latest game with the two technicals made me believe he has a target on his back from the refs. He ISN'T getting respect from the officials. Steve Nash and other vets rant and rave and get away with it and Cuz scowls and gets a T. I don't have a clue why he got the last one. Nobody does. (That last technical was rescinded by the league but they didn't restart the game from the point where he was kicked out of the game.) I'd be confused also. Anyway, I don't think it is all team related.

He hates to lose. That's OK with me. I can wait for him to mature. He's made great strides until this. It just may be a hickup on a way to a Hall of Fame career and fairly quickly forgotten. Where some people focus on his mental state, I focus on his skills. I am NOT worried about his future. He certainly won't be boring. :)

I'd be more inclined to have a poll of "what is right with Cuz" but I understand the focus on the negative. That didn't come out right and I'm not picking on the OP. I don't know how to say what I mean.


Hall of Famer
I'll try again: we all know that we can be angry and direct it in the wrong direction. It happens all the time. So why is Cousins angry?

#1 Tyreke is a ball hog.
#2 The refs are picking on him and letting stuff go with other players.
#3 The Thunder were goading him into getting angry by bumping into him and other things, most of which the refs caught.
#4 He doesn't like to lose. VERY much so and we lost.

So he was angry. He directed it at the wrong target.

Was it handled properly? Probably. Will Cousins respond well. Probably based on the way he has reacted in the past.


#1 Therapy? No. He is high strung. That's not what therapy is for. There ar so called "anger management" tools and I actually thought he was doing OK like smiling instead of scowling, etc.
#2 Get the refs off his back. That's Westphal's job and he's been OK. As a team I might write a note to Stern. Probably wouldn't make a difference but Cuz would feel respected.
#4 Get to Tyreke. Tyreke is the golden child for good reason BUT he needs to share and he has a guy on the court with more skills than he has (maybe). Guards get to control the ball by the nature of the game but Tyreke seems to think he is the only stud on the court in crunch time. I am NOT talking of the last shot as I don't think that is the real issue.
#5 A chat or a week with CWebb might be a good idea to get mentoring on emotions and the game. They are very similar in a lot of ways. CWebb likes the Kings and likes Cousins.

This is all about feeling disrespected. Show him respect.

The last thing I want to hear is comparisons to other bad actors, the focus on his facial expressions and not his immense talent, etc. Give him time. He seems to be a good guy and obviously is a great basketball player.

This guy is worth the extra energy.
I think the three game suspension is an assumption in that it is a three game road trip before the All-Star break. This is not the end of the world or the first time two team mates have tangled over the results of play. Cousins' growing process will be ugly at times and the front office needs to be firm, understanding that he is a very young talent that needs help in maturing.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Who knows, maybe Cousins wants to be traded...? I mean how many players have acted out when they wanted out? It's not like he would go to a worse team, right. I mean the only worse team is the Cavs or Wolves, it's unlikely he'd end up either of those places. Many top contending teams would want a piece like Cousins and if they're winning Cousins is happy. I just don't see him staying with the Kings, he has too much heart and will and the rest of the Kings players are laid back and could care less as long as they get their checks and pad their stats (excluding Pooh). This altercation happened right before the trade deadline...what a coincidence too, huh?
Quite an auspicious start for you dude. It's easy to assume that everyone is OK with losing because a hot-head boils over, right?
Maybe it's the rest of the team understanding that they are so close to getting over the hump, knowing that a few moves here or there are the difference between 7-14 in close games and 14-7 in these games.
DMC has been coddled all his life. He was the guy in high school. He went to a program in Kentucky that was a well-oiled machine. Now he's in the NBA where he has to deal with better players. He's been doing a great job of adjusting, but he's not there yet. I agree with the other poster that says he hit the rookie wall emotionally. Keep plugging away and things will get better. Be a malcontent and you're labeled for life.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
You know, I have been DeMarcus Cousins. Or parts of him. Not the petulant child I hope. But I absolutely HATED to lose, when I was a teenager I was pretty much a poor sport when I did, a couple of times when I thought guys were celebrating/taunting too much I even started scuffles. I was also the poster boy for demanding that everyone give me respect, regardless of my age and experience. I got into it with any coach who tried to establish domiance over me becuase nobody established dominance over me. I also caused problems as a rookie teammate and or the one silly time when I was looking at pledging to a frat because I absolutely refused hazing -- I would just flat out refuse that crap. Once when a guy tried to get forceful over it I almost broke his nose so violent was my response. So hating to lose, and demanding respect even though I'm a rookie are completely within the realm of comprehension for me. I'd have taken that little pink backpack they make the rooks carry around and shoved it right up their asses (maybe -- my coping mechanism was a sense of humor about the silly stuff), certainly as I said at the time when BJax trashed Donte's car as a rookie, I would have ****ing pipebombed that *******'s ride in return. No way I take that from anybody. But the flipside of all that was that I absolutely tried to earn the respect that I demanded. I worked hard, I never got into with other teammates unless they were getting into my face, and they never (well almost never) had to worry about me being a distraction or not being there in the trenches with them. I certainly never turned on them or said me me me.

And so this fiasco is almost comprehensible to me. Almost. Until you realize he just got into a fight with Donte Greene. Donte Greene! Are you kidding me? Unitl he complains about lack of respect as a rookie, apparently about shots -- I just looked it up, DeMarcus Cousins takes 21.9 field goals every 48 minutes. That's more than Blake Griffin (21.7). More than LamArcus Aldridge (21.6) More than Zach Randolph (21,6) Its the same number per 48 that Dirk puts up (21.9). Its more per 48 than Tyreke puts up this year (21.6) or put up last year as a rookie (20.9). Are you kidding me about not getting your chances as a rookie? You lead the whole team in FGA/per 48. You may lead all rookies in FGA/per 48. Then you throw in the fact he was having a crappy shooting day (5-14) while Tyreke was having a good one (30pts 11-21 from field at the time), and the fact that the play was drawn up with him as one of the options and...what the bleep is your problem again DeMarcus? He's got no excuse for this. He may have been open there for a microsecond, but the gap was closing, a man was coming from behind, and Donte would have had to have made that decision and pass instantly in order for DeMarcus to catch it and go toward the hoop, and if it had been off even a fraction its a game ending turnover and we bemoan the stupid decision. DeMarcus also would have had to have finsihed it, which he hadn't have been. And they might have fouled him instead, where he had choked off 2 FTs earlier in the 4th. To freak out over this play is ridiculous, and I strongly suspect this isn't about this play, nor is this about Tyreke, about Donte, or about Westphal. This was about DeMarcus. DeMarcus being frustrated by losing, about foul and tech problems (the echoes of no respect coming from the Ts the game before), about suspension, and about being treated like a child. Except he keeps acting like one and leaves nobody any choice. When you let your frustration boil over and become everybody else's problem that's a me decision. That's a selfish decision. And now the mature thing to do is go apologize about it. The petulant thing to do will be to dig in, sulk, and complain about how everybody has it out for you. The evidence does not support that contention DeMarcus.
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Cousins hates losing. He's not a selfish player. Others on the team seem content with losing so give Cousins the ball. Let him LEAD this team.
And have him turn it over 30% of the time? I love his ability and progress as a rookie, but seriously people; he's not a "feed the post" guy yet.

We've got very flawed, but very dominent guys at the G and C position. We need to put both of them in a position to succeed without totally alienating the other 3 guys on the court. It's not about one or the other.
Yea, mediocrity, or in our case habitual losers, is all cool... our guys are so use to it, they don't need emotion, just good sportsmanship.
Emotion != attacking teammates. We lost by 2. Wouldn't we be better off showing our "emotion" by simply winning the game before there's 5s left?
Everytime another negative Demarcus Cousins story comes out, I try and tell myself that all of this, all of the negative bull**** ... This is the reason we have him. If he wasnt an immature selfish baby he'd be on the Wizards/Nets/Twolves/76ers. This is why a guy as talented as him drops in a draft.

Its so frustrating. It really is, but we are so powerless when it comes to solutions. We cant trade him, and we cant keep suspending him because he needs to get better. HE needs to get better. Whatever is going on up in his head needs to get fixed. I dont know how, but thats what its going to take.

Ive defended him plenty of times. I defended him about the choke thing, I defended him about the practice thing, but this one is crazy. This one makes you really wonder if he is fixable. I can understand going at it with a coach in practice. Ive done it, and im sure anyone who has played basketball at any level has done it out loud or vented about it later. That stuff happens, and he could have been right for all I know. But this .. complaining about something that he shouldnt be complaining about. Is he delusional? Like Bricklayer pointed out .. He gets touches. A lot of them. The fact that he would go so far after something so minor is scary.
Boogies just angry, boogies got fire in his belly, boogies sick of losing, it goes on and on. Hes a dam rookie and hes goota respect the game for what it is and just control what he can. He aint no vet, hes putting everything we've gained including our future at risk
There was a poll, just the other day, on who you would build this team around and the poll showed fans leaning very heavily towards DMC over Reke. The issue is this: Petrie already tied the wagon up to Reke and tried to put DMC adjacent to Reke, but I haven't seen more than one play all year that shows the two players working well together. So what do you do? The rest of the league may already see Reke as a guy you cannot win with as a centerpiece just due to his playstyle. Is that true? Can you build around both? Do you have to choose? Is the FO smart enough to figure it out?


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Yeah, let's throw in the towel, because Reke and DMC aren't perfectly meshing after half a season. When (if?) DMC matures, things will go well. They have complementary styles. Winning cures all. We need a third player.
Two Alpha males locking horns. The thing I like about Boogie is he has The Fire and wants the balll and wants to win more than some of these no-balls benchwarmers. Tyreke is selfish and dumber than a box of rocks, judging by what he does on the floor and says off the floor. Personally, I won't watch tonight's Phoenix game because Boogie is the only reason for watching this pathetic group. Westphal's love affair with Tyreke is a complete joke.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
You know, I have been DeMarcus Cousins. Or parts of him. Not the petulant child I hope. But I absolutely HATED to lose, when I was a teenager I was pretty much a poor sport when I did, a couple of times when I thought guys were celebrating/taunting too much I even started scuffles. I was also the poster boy for demanding that everyone give me respect, regardless of my age and experience. I got into it with any coach who tried to establish domiance over me becuase nobody established dominance over me. I also caused problems as a rookie teammate and or the one silly time when I was looking at pledging to a frat because I absolutely refused hazing -- I would just flat out refuse that crap. Once when a guy tried to get forceful over it I almost broke his nose so violent was my response. So hating to lose, and demanding respect even though I'm a rookie are completely within the realm of comprehension for me. I'd have taken that little pink backpack they make the rooks carry around and shoved it right up their asses (maybe -- my coping mechanism was a sense of humor about the silly stuff), certainly as I said at the time when BJax trashed Donte's car as a rookie, I would have ****ing pipebombed that *******'s ride in return. No way I take that from anybody. But the flipside of all that was that I absolutely tried to earn the respect that I demanded. I worked hard, I never got into with other teammates unless they were getting into my face, and they never (well almost never) had to worry about me being a distraction or not being there in the trenches with them. I certainly never turned on them or said me me me.

And so this fiasco is almost comprehensible to me. Almost. Until you realize he just got into a fight with Donte Greene. Donte Greene! Are you kidding me? Unitl he complains about lack of respect as a rookie, apparently about shots -- I just looked it up, DeMarcus Cousins takes 21.9 field goals every 48 minutes. That's more than Blake Griffin (21.7). More than LamArcus Aldridge (21.6) More than Zach Randolph (21,6) Its the same number per 48 that Dirk puts up (21.9). Its more per 48 than Tyreke puts up this year (21.6) or put up last year as a rookie (20.9). Are you kidding me about not getting your chances as a rookie? You lead the whole team in FGA/per 48. You may lead all rookies in FGA/per 48. Then you throw in the fact he was having a crappy shooting day (5-14) while Tyreke was having a good one (30pts 11-21 from field at the time), and the fact that the play was drawn up with him as one of the options and...what the bleep is your problem again DeMarcus? He's got no excuse for this. He may have been open there for a microsecond, but the gap was closing, a man was coming from behind, and Donte would have had to have made that decision and pass instantly in order for DeMarcus to catch it and go toward the hoop, and if it had been off even a fraction its a game ending turnover and we bemoan the stupid decision. DeMarcus also would have had to have finsihed it, which he hadn't have been. And they might have fouled him instead, where he had choked off 2 FTs earlier in the 4th. To freak out over this play is ridiculous, and I strongly suspect this isn't about this play, nor is this about Tyreke, about Donte, or about Westphal. This was about DeMarcus. DeMarcus being frustrated by losing, about foul and tech problems (the echoes of no respect coming from the Ts the game before), about suspension, and about being treated like a child. Except he keeps acting like one and leaves nobody any choice. When you let your frustration boil over and become everybody else's problem that's a me decision. That's a selfish decision. And now the mature thing to do is go apologize about it. The petulant thing to do will be to dig in, sulk, and complain about how everybody has it out for you. The evidence does not support that contention DeMarcus.
Not to quote myself, but just a further note after some additional research via

FGA/per 48 in the clutch (defined as 4th quarter or OT, less than 5 minutes left, neither team up more than 5):
DeMarcus 26.2 FGA/48
Tyreke 25.1 FGA/48

So we have a rookie with maturity issues going off about lack of respect/shots when he in fact takes more shots than anybody else on the team, AND takes more shots than anybody else on the team down the stretch of games, AND was drawn up as one f the primary options on the play he complained about. There is no defense for this.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
They did with Martin.
That was not working at all with an established losing vet. This team with two of the youngest stars in the league has been working at levels far beyond that pairing with every bit of promise for the future. Your trade Reke fantasies aside, clearly this incident isn't going to break up this duo and you really are just going to have to start getting used to it. DeMarcus ony breaks up this team with years more of childishness, or by becoming a 25-10 franchise center that can call the shots. The front office gets it more than that.
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I think DMC means more lack of use than lack of shots. He does get shots up, close to Reke. He just isn't used all that well and he should realize that pretty much nobody on the team is utilized all that well either. If DMC had less shots but the offense went through him 80% of the time then I don't think he'd be as upset. I also think the offense may look better since he passes well.
Good on DMC - this whole team, including Westphail, needs a kick in the rear. If this sorry excuse for a coach can't (won't) light a fire under this team, perhaps DMC can.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Two Alpha males locking horns. The thing I like about Boogie is he has The Fire and wants the balll and wants to win more than some of these no-balls benchwarmers. Tyreke is selfish and dumber than a box of rocks, judging by what he does on the floor and says off the floor. Personally, I won't watch tonight's Phoenix game because Boogie is the only reason for watching this pathetic group. Westphal's love affair with Tyreke is a complete joke.
I may have missed who else was playing the alpha male in this one. Donte? And if DeMarcus had a problem with Tyreke, then if you're alpha maling it you go talk to Tyreke. This is at best alpha child behavior. Grownups do work. Children can't control their emotions and throw tantrums. DeMarcus is going to have to choose which one he is going to be.
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This wasn't about Cuz getting more shots was it? It was about Tyrekes late game decision making / ball hogging, and Donte ignoring Cuz inside.

Basically, the coach and team are good with one of the worst shooters on our team jacking a last second 3 from a couple feet behind the line when a 2 would have sent things to overtime.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
This wasn't about Cuz getting more shots was it? It was about Tyrekes late game decision making / ball hogging, and Donte ignoring Cuz inside.

Basically, the coach and team are good with one of the worst shooters on our team jacking a last second 3 from a couple feet behind the line when a 2 would have sent things to overtime.
Tyreke's late "game ball hogging" almost singlehandedly resulted in a 12-2 run to close this game and make the victory possible. That's a B.S. complaint. Evan's late game play in this one was not only unexceptionable, it was clutch. Nor was anything about that final shot on Reke either -- it was an option play. He got the ball as an option, and took a good looking shot as an option. There was no decision to be made by him -- if Cousins was open at all it was for a brief moment on the inbounds from Donte. There was never any chance for Reke to get it to him.

There is no merit to your line of attack at all this game. You want to play that card you have to go season long.
I agree with D13. Everyone remembers Tyreke's 3 game winners, but no one remembers the other10+ game "losers" he's attempted. Every game winner he made was a drive to the basket, now we expect our worst three point shooter to mae a three for the win? That's just stupid coaching.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I agree with D13. Everyone remembers Tyreke's 3 game winners, but no one remembers the other10+ game "losers" he's attempted. Every game winner he made was a drive to the basket, now we expect our worst three point shooter to mae a three for the win? That's just stupid coaching.
You do realize that a pass into Cousins in the post was an option on this play right? And that there were 6 secodns left to run the whole thing, right? And you do realize that Evans was sitting on 30pts on 11-21 shooting and had been huge in the final minutes of the game, right? And that Cousins was 5-14, and Omri 5-13, and Jason was 1-7, and Beno didn't even want to shoot, and that basically your only other player who had shown an ability to hit anything consistently was Landry, right?

There is indeed stupidity involved in this debate. However its got nothign to do with the coaching.
Tyreke's late "game ball hogging" almost singlehandedly resulted in a 12-2 run to close this game and make the victory possible. That's a B.S. complaint. Evan's late game play in this one was not only unexceptionable, it was clutch. Nor was anything about that final shot on Reke either -- it was an option play. He got the ball as an option, and took a good looking shot as an option. There was no decision to be made by him -- if Cousins was open at all it was for a brief moment on the inbounds from Donte. There was never any chance for Reke to get it to him.

There is no merit to your line of attack at all this game. You want to play that card you have to go season long.
We've lost 5 in a row now by close games spured by one player or another (heck even Sammy kept us in a game). I don't care how much Reke kept us in it, we lost again, and it will keep happening as long as our go to guy, Reke, is making bad end of game choices under pressure.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
We've lost 5 in a row now by close games spured by one player or another (heck even Sammy kept us in a game). I don't care how much Reke kept us in it, we lost again, and it will keep happening as long as our go to guy, Reke, is making bad end of game choices under pressure.
Our go to guy, Reke did NOT make a bad end fo game choice under pressure.

If you didn't watch the game you shouldn't even be in this coversation. If you did, saw that final play, and think anything in it was on or about Reke's decisionmaking, you just don't understand the game. In the final 2:20 seconds of this one before that final shot, Tyreke shot 4-4 from the field and drew a foul out behind the 3pt line. There were no turnovers, no mistakes except one of the 3 FTs rolling off. It was 10pts in 2 minutes and bigtime clutch. And the final play was not his decision at all -- he was an option, and given the huge clutch run a pretty damn good option that any coach in the league would have had right at the top of his list.
Despite agreeing with DMC about Reke's play, I don't think that final shot was so bad. The main problem is that Reke had been having one of his worst outside shooting nights of the season. He was scoring, but all on drives. Everything from the outside was crap. The last shot was his best looking shot of the night and his defender was playing off him. Was it a good last second play? Probably not. Did Cousins have something better in the post? I'm not sure. Would I have them run that play again? Nope.

I think its built up frustration with Cousins and the whole situation with the team, and not just one play that angered him.
We've lost 5 in a row now by close games spured by one player or another (heck even Sammy kept us in a game). I don't care how much Reke kept us in it, we lost again, and it will keep happening as long as our go to guy, Reke, is making bad end of game choices under pressure.
Tyreke has the worst-looking outside shot in the NBA, at his position. It's embarrassing. Kings need a legit point guard who can pass and shoot. Until Tyreke develops a consistent outside shot, defenses will continue smothering him in the paint. That type of one dimensional scorer is not a go-to player at the buzzer. The Kings players seem to realize this, but Westphal and Tyreke seem clueless.
Our go to guy, Reke did NOT make a bad end fo game choice under pressure.

If you didn't watch the game you shouldn't even be in this coversation. If you did, saw that final play, and think anything in it was on or about Reke's decisionmaking, you just don't understand the game. In the final 2:20 seconds of this one before that final shot, Tyreke shot 4-4 from the field and drew a foul out behind the 3pt line. There were no turnovers, no mistakes except one of the 3 FTs rolling off. It was 10pts in 2 minutes and bigtime clutch. And the final play was not his decision at all -- he was an option, and given the huge clutch run a pretty damn good option that any coach in the league would have had right at the top of his list.
Don't agree, and calling me out as if i didn't watch the game is cheap... I've hardly ever miss a game in years... and now I've watched that last play mutliple times because of this whole fiasco (the vid is up on Tyreke didn't make any play at all other than to put it up. It could of went many different ways, one being a plan to get inside... but Reke was way out on top with no intention of passing. He could have immediately caught and heaved it inside to Cuz who was about 10 feet out back to basket. Reke could of driven in a little closer and put the same prayer up. It could have went lots of ways, but didn't... it ended with the same usual thing I think we have all got to be sick of by now.