nickmcclure said:
I know I tend to be a bit negative but if we're going to remain content with this and not let this team know the fans are fed up then touche Maloofs.
A bit negative? Are you kidding me? Thats about all that comes out of your mouth. You seldom find anything to say soomething good about. You claimed on another thread that you were one of three real kings fans. Hopefully your were being sarcastic. I've been with the Kings from day one and I don't need you or anyone to question my loyality to the team. Do you think that I, or Cruzdude or any of us that are tying to look at the positiive side, like the losing? Don't you think were in just as much pain with each loss as you claim to be.. Do you really think that your enlightening us with your posts.
I've been watching NBA and college basketball for over 50 years. I doubt that there's anything you can tell me about basketball that I don't know. I know when a team is playing badly. I know when they stink. I don't need you or anyone else on this fourm to enlighten me on the poor play. As matter of fact, the last thing I need sometimes, is to listen to a bunch of negative posters pontificate on every stinking bad thing they can think of, and pretend they have special insights that the rest of us don't have. Who the hell do you think your preaching to?
Do you think Petrie is listening in? That he's going to become enthralled with your vision of the Kings? I mean just what is your purpose. To just ***** about everything? What the hell does that help. The only people that enjoy it are your fellow bitchers. I love talking about the things that are wrong. What needs to change in order for the team to become a contender. But the discussion has to based in some sort of reality for me, or its just pointless. We can agree or disagree on anything, but please give me solid arguments other than the whole team is just crap, and there's no hope because Petire is crap and the Maloof's are crap.
I know I'm exaggerating a little. But after a while all this negativism gets tiresome. And make no mistake, being critical of the team or the coach, or a particular player isn't necessarily being negative. I've done my share of being critical of Westphal. But I give my reasons for being critical. And I'm sure there are many that disagree with me. And thats alright. But with some of you guys, the whole sky is falling. How do you have an intelligent conversation about how to stop the sky from falling?
Four years ago, maybe less. Almost everyone on this fourm was screaming for the team to stop using its mid level exception year after year, and to start the rebuild. Stop trying to recapture the glories of the past, and clean out the house. Get rid of all the big salaries that weren't leading us anywhere and get under the cap so when the time presented itself, we would have the money to make a significant move. To rebuild through the draft. At least start there. I and many others warned at the time that it would require patience. That it would get worse before it got better.
The problem with rebuilding through the draft is that it takes time. There aren't any quick fixes, unless you luck out and get a couple of your important pieces in the same year, the way the Thunder did with Durant and Green. Then it might move a little faster. Especially if one of them turns out to be a superstar, a status that Durant is approaching rapidly.
My point is, that this is what I expected. I expected us to have brainless moments on the court. I expected last minutes losses because of mistakes. Maybe I didn't expect it to be quite this bad, but I'm not shocked by it. And if you are, then you just have yourself to blame for having too high of expectations. Because this is what a rebuild looks like. Its no accident that almost all the bottome dwellers are mostly young teams without experience. Now those are the facts! You can howl at the moon all your want, but its not going to change anything. Only time and reasonable additions to the team will. If you don't have the patience for that, then I have nothing for you other than go find another team to root for. But I hope you don't do that.
I've said this before, so sorry if it bores you. But we have a saying in the Marine Corps. Its used on people we really trust. " I'll share my foxhole with you anytime". I'll tell you this. The last person I want in my foxhole with me is someone thats yelling "Were all going to die".