
Cousins' former high school basketball coach Otis Hughley was brought in for one reason - obviously. It seems FO won't exactly admit that reason but I recall reading a blog at the time (below) and then Kings press release (same link) announcing the rather odd hire thinking, well, they're trying everything imaginable to avoid a DMC disaster. I don't think we have a disaster at this point, but no one can deny it's brewing at a certain uncomfortable temperature in Sac.
The Kings control Cousins minutes and can help or hurt his reputation around the league, which means they can have a lot of sway over his future income. Instead of trading him for 40 cents on the dollar or allowing him to "work it out" slowly. They can harshly use his minutes and the local press and see if he either "grows up" or flames out. If you can't lead the horse to water, at some point you have to try to break him. If progress is made, he's probably a keeper. And if not, you didn't lose a ton - because a lot of teams won't give up much to take on that task themselves. This is what the Kings potentially signed up for when they drafted him. Time to either enable his poor behavior or start the dirty work. I think the story from this weekend shows the kid gloves are starting to come off.

Enough of the "what if we treated every 20 year old this way" blah blah. Teams often pass over players with these issues in the draft, there were a lot of issues around this player before the draft, the Kings took the risk, and we are already seeing problems. That's the issue - not jails, Evans, ect.
The Kings control Cousins minutes and can help or hurt his reputation around the league, which means they can have a lot of sway over his future income. Instead of trading him for 40 cents on the dollar or allowing him to "work it out" slowly. They can harshly use his minutes and the local press and see if he either "grows up" or flames out. If you can't lead the horse to water, at some point you have to try to break him. If progress is made, he's probably a keeper. And if not, you didn't lose a ton - because a lot of teams won't give up much to take on that task themselves. This is what the Kings potentially signed up for when they drafted him. Time to either enable his poor behavior or start the dirty work. I think the story from this weekend shows the kid gloves are starting to come off.

Enough of the "what if we treated every 20 year old this way" blah blah. Teams often pass over players with these issues in the draft, there were a lot of issues around this player before the draft, the Kings took the risk, and we are already seeing problems. That's the issue - not jails, Evans, ect.
If we were the Spurs, Lakers, Jazz, ect I would have no problem with this approach.

Are you ( or anyone ) confident that this team, under this coaching staff, have any idea what they are doing? Im not.

The Kings have been misdandling young players since Adelman left. Douby never got a chance to play. Thompson was much better than Mikki Moore as a rookie, but we started Moore anyway. We are always yanking young guys for mistakes, yet leave vets in when they make those same mistakes ... the way we have handled Donte Greene was just plain stupid.

The only guy I can say we handled right from the get go was Evans, and it worked out. However, after a year of coaching from these guys he doesnt look like the same player he was last season. Im not foolish enough to blame it all on the Kings, but I cant ignore the fact that this coaching staff might just suck.


if we were the spurs, lakers, jazz, ect i would have no problem with this approach.

Are you ( or anyone ) confident that this team, under this coaching staff, have any idea what they are doing? Im not.

The kings have been misdandling young players since adelman left. douby never got a chance to play. Thompson was much better than mikki moore as a rookie, but we started moore anyway. We are always yanking young guys for mistakes, yet leave vets in when they make those same mistakes ... The way we have handled donte greene was just plain stupid.

The only guy i can say we handled right from the get go was evans, and it worked out. However, after a year of coaching from these guys he doesnt look like the same player he was last season. Im not foolish enough to blame it all on the kings, but i cant ignore the fact that this coaching staff might just suck.
I guess Cousins isn't getting the reason he dropped in the draft. Also we as haven't helped him out offensively, too much high post stuff for a guy his size.
At they've already removed Cousins or at least put him in the background. Main page promoting tix sales has huge images of Tyreke and Donte with no DeMarcus anywhere to be found.
I wouldn't read too much into that, the rotate those kind of things all the time. It works espescially good right now since Reke is still Reke despite his production and Donte is very much a fan favorite.


Hall of Famer
Let me see if I've got this straight. Its OK for the Kings to publicly throw Cousins under the bus. And to be honest, I don't really know that they intentionaly did. This may have come out accidently. But if they did it on purpose, then they're idiots. It helps no one, including Cousins. As I recall, Hawes was severly punished for making public statements to the press about Westphal. Funny thing is, Tyreke made statements very similar and no punishment was forthcoming. But from Westphal's reaction you would assume that he perfered to keep things in house, and if you violated that code you were punished.

I guess that rule only works one way, and only for certain players. A little hypocritical me thinks. There's a lot more going on here than just Cousins mouthing off. There's a bomb ticking, and sooner or later its going to go off. Let me ask you something. If they truely did intentionly make this public, and I do hope it was an accident, how do you think the rest of the players on the team feel about having one of their teammates publicly embarrased. Knowing that they could be next. This is not how you gain trust as a coach. And if you think it is, then you've never played team sports. I seriously doubt that Petrie is happy about this. No one tries to keep things in house more than Petrie. Can you imagine how many phone calls he's getting from reporters around the country. Something he doesn't need.
Let me see if I've got this straight. Its OK for the Kings to publicly throw Cousins under the bus. And to be honest, I don't really know that they intentionaly did. This may have come out accidently. But if they did it on purpose, then they're idiots. It helps no one, including Cousins. As I recall, Hawes was severly punished for making public statements to the press about Westphal. Funny thing is, Tyreke made statements very similar and no punishment was forthcoming. But from Westphal's reaction you would assume that he perfered to keep things in house, and if you violated that code you were punished.

I guess that rule only works one way, and only for certain players. A little hypocritical me thinks. There's a lot more going on here than just Cousins mouthing off. There's a bomb ticking, and sooner or later its going to go off. Let me ask you something. If they truely did intentionly make this public, and I do hope it was an accident, how do you think the rest of the players on the team feel about having one of their teammates publicly embarrased. Knowing that they could be next. This is not how you gain trust as a coach. And if you think it is, then you've never played team sports. I seriously doubt that Petrie is happy about this. No one tries to keep things in house more than Petrie. Can you imagine how many phone calls he's getting from reporters around the country. Something he doesn't need.
Many practices are conducted with media generally around the area either before, during, after, etc. There is no format for the Kings to call up the AP and say Cousins got kicked out of practice early. It is without a doubt the product of media sniffing this out/seeing it unfold/watching Cousins mope out of the practice facility.
I blame the coaching staff. They are not utilizing our players the right way. They are yanking the youngins when they make a mistake and let guys like Landry stay on the floor. There's a lot of frustration building with the team. Players calling out the offensive system(if it even is a system). Cousins is a kid that wears his heart on his sleeve. A little too much sometimes. But I would not be surprised that his outburst was more due to the fact that he doesn't like what the coaching staff is trying to accomplish with the TEAM rather than this being about himself.


TO BAJADEN : Let me say i have no agenda and thanks for not using "stupid". I f you go back I was simply responding to a post. I didnt start the thread. The purpose of this forum is expression. Certainly I am not the sole basher of DMC. Like you I have seen many years of Bball and am entitled to note my personal perception of this player. I wont rehash dont worry, but count the posts on this forum of DMC negative posts. The fact is we are Kings fans and you obviously will stick up for him as long as he is a King. Kudos for that. However by doing just that you sometimes accept who he is and look the other way as he is one of your own. Fact is if he was a Grizzlie or Hornet I believe you and most people on here would at least be open to think differently of his negative impact on a team.In other words Objectivity. I dont believe you will actually look at him objectively as long as he is a King. Im assuming you yourself has a Line of tolerance for his actions and i would be interested to learn what they are. If I were to bet Im sure he will cross your self professed line before his rookie contract is up and Then I would ask you if you would then at least entertain the thought of a trade back in 2010-2011. Im saying if a team was willing to offer their first round pick in this years draft id be all over it. I seriously doubt however that can even be accomplished at this point. Instead we will be stuck with his antics and then take back 20cents on the dollar for him in 3 years. Im sorry you dont agree with my take,but if we all did that make for a pretty boring forum. Im not trying to iritate you or anyone else intentionally. As Ive said before of all players in this league with a history, you would just think he would do whatever necessary to dispel those characteristics , especially this early into his first season and unfortuanately its been the opposite and I expect it to get worse
TO BAJADEN : Let me say i have no agenda and thanks for not using "stupid". I f you go back I was simply responding to a post. I didnt start the thread. The purpose of this forum is expression. Certainly I am not the sole basher of DMC. Like you I have seen many years of Bball and am entitled to note my personal perception of this player. I wont rehash dont worry, but count the posts on this forum of DMC negative posts. The fact is we are Kings fans and you obviously will stick up for him as long as he is a King. Kudos for that. However by doing just that you sometimes accept who he is and look the other way as he is one of your own. Fact is if he was a Grizzlie or Hornet I believe you and most people on here would at least be open to think differently of his negative impact on a team.In other words Objectivity. I dont believe you will actually look at him objectively as long as he is a King. Im assuming you yourself has a Line of tolerance for his actions and i would be interested to learn what they are. If I were to bet Im sure he will cross your self professed line before his rookie contract is up and Then I would ask you if you would then at least entertain the thought of a trade back in 2010-2011. Im saying if a team was willing to offer their first round pick in this years draft id be all over it. I seriously doubt however that can even be accomplished at this point. Instead we will be stuck with his antics and then take back 20cents on the dollar for him in 3 years. Im sorry you dont agree with my take,but if we all did that make for a pretty boring forum. Im not trying to iritate you or anyone else intentionally. As Ive said before of all players in this league with a history, you would just think he would do whatever necessary to dispel those characteristics , especially this early into his first season and unfortuanately its been the opposite and I expect it to get worse
We're all entitled to our opinions. What you did was come out and basically say "Cousins is a bust, a cancer, he's no good for the team and we should trade him ASAP". You made this deductive, substantiated claim with Cousins having played less than 20 games, and with 2 minor issues with the team (you first made your début Cousins post before him getting kicked out of practice).

You want to talk about looking at things objectively? There have been reports about Cousins being a quick learner, a tad immature, but a good guy overall. Coach Cal, who supposedly is Cousins arch-enemy or something openly said that Cousins was an intelligent player and would do as told if you explained it to him. As far as I know he did not openly voice strong displeasure with Cousins' attitude, but I'll admit that I didn't follow his entire college career so I don't really have a lot of knowledge about that. Some posters here have even had personal interaction with Cousins and his family, and frankly speaking I find these posters more credible than some media heads. At the same time, no one is calling Cousins the model player, and he has been given his fair share of criticism for his hot-headed actions and over reactions on the court. But again, it's early in his career, and here you are already labelling him as a team cancer, as someone who isn't going to help the team.

Even if Cousins were on another team, if I was well informed about his history and the current spats I would not go so far as to call him a bust etc etc. I would say he needs to learn to control his emotions and learn his place, and I said that about him in the Grant's Rant thread, despite him being on the team I support. But you know what I am happy about? I'm happy that his response to the whole issue was very satisfactory. He owned up for his mistakes and play, said that he was going to buy into the team system, said that Westphal was entirely right for throwing him out and said that he would try his best to change. I have not even seen that kind of responsibility from Tyreke. Everytime I read or watch the postgame comments, Tyreke NEVER takes ownership of his bad play. It's always a "we came out flat", "we didn't focus". I don't recall a time where he just flat out says "I've been playing badly, I need to share the ball more, take better care of the ball", though I may be wrong or have a bad memory. Point is, it's early, and Cousins has made some regrettable mistakes, but it's very, very myopic to label and predict that he'll be such and such.

Give more evidence to support your stand, and people will actually give your perspective some respect.
At least he came out infront of the cameras and admitted he stepped out of line... he also put in his best scoring performance of the season.

He said he needs to be humble...

I'm sure we'll see plenty more of these stories but maybe the situation boiling over wasn't such a bad thing... time to evaluate his behaviour.
We're all entitled to our opinions. What you did was come out and basically say "Cousins is a bust, a cancer, he's no good for the team and we should trade him ASAP". You made this deductive, substantiated claim with Cousins having played less than 20 games, and with 2 minor issues with the team (you first made your début Cousins post before him getting kicked out of practice).

You want to talk about looking at things objectively? There have been reports about Cousins being a quick learner, a tad immature, but a good guy overall. Coach Cal, who supposedly is Cousins arch-enemy or something openly said that Cousins was an intelligent player and would do as told if you explained it to him. As far as I know he did not openly voice strong displeasure with Cousins' attitude, but I'll admit that I didn't follow his entire college career so I don't really have a lot of knowledge about that. Some posters here have even had personal interaction with Cousins and his family, and frankly speaking I find these posters more credible than some media heads. At the same time, no one is calling Cousins the model player, and he has been given his fair share of criticism for his hot-headed actions and over reactions on the court. But again, it's early in his career, and here you are already labelling him as a team cancer, as someone who isn't going to help the team.

Even if Cousins were on another team, if I was well informed about his history and the current spats I would not go so far as to call him a bust etc etc. I would say he needs to learn to control his emotions and learn his place, and I said that about him in the Grant's Rant thread, despite him being on the team I support. But you know what I am happy about? I'm happy that his response to the whole issue was very satisfactory. He owned up for his mistakes and play, said that he was going to buy into the team system, said that Westphal was entirely right for throwing him out and said that he would try his best to change. I have not even seen that kind of responsibility from Tyreke. Everytime I read or watch the postgame comments, Tyreke NEVER takes ownership of his bad play. It's always a "we came out flat", "we didn't focus". I don't recall a time where he just flat out says "I've been playing badly, I need to share the ball more, take better care of the ball", though I may be wrong or have a bad memory. Point is, it's early, and Cousins has made some regrettable mistakes, but it's very, very myopic to label and predict that he'll be such and such.

Give more evidence to support your stand, and people will actually give your perspective some respect.
Slow clap............

Thread winner!
At least he came out infront of the cameras and admitted he stepped out of line... he also put in his best scoring performance of the season.

He said he needs to be humble...

I'm sure we'll see plenty more of these stories but maybe the situation boiling over wasn't such a bad thing... time to evaluate his behaviour.
I don't know if he's actually bi-polar, but dramatic swings like these wouldn't be unexpected if he was. In any case, Cousins is definitely both a hothead and a sensitive softie. Those personality traits are not mutually exclusive.


We're all entitled to our opinions. What you did was come out and basically say "Cousins is a bust, a cancer, he's no good for the team and we should trade him ASAP". You made this deductive, substantiated claim with Cousins having played less than 20 games, and with 2 minor issues with the team (you first made your début Cousins post before him getting kicked out of practice).

You want to talk about looking at things objectively? There have been reports about Cousins being a quick learner, a tad immature, but a good guy overall. Coach Cal, who supposedly is Cousins arch-enemy or something openly said that Cousins was an intelligent player and would do as told if you explained it to him. As far as I know he did not openly voice strong displeasure with Cousins' attitude, but I'll admit that I didn't follow his entire college career so I don't really have a lot of knowledge about that. Some posters here have even had personal interaction with Cousins and his family, and frankly speaking I find these posters more credible than some media heads. At the same time, no one is calling Cousins the model player, and he has been given his fair share of criticism for his hot-headed actions and over reactions on the court. But again, it's early in his career, and here you are already labelling him as a team cancer, as someone who isn't going to help the team.

Even if Cousins were on another team, if I was well informed about his history and the current spats I would not go so far as to call him a bust etc etc. I would say he needs to learn to control his emotions and learn his place, and I said that about him in the Grant's Rant thread, despite him being on the team I support. But you know what I am happy about? I'm happy that his response to the whole issue was very satisfactory. He owned up for his mistakes and play, said that he was going to buy into the team system, said that Westphal was entirely right for throwing him out and said that he would try his best to change. I have not even seen that kind of responsibility from Tyreke. Everytime I read or watch the postgame comments, Tyreke NEVER takes ownership of his bad play. It's always a "we came out flat", "we didn't focus". I don't recall a time where he just flat out says "I've been playing badly, I need to share the ball more, take better care of the ball", though I may be wrong or have a bad memory. Point is, it's early, and Cousins has made some regrettable mistakes, but it's very, very myopic to label and predict that he'll be such and such.

Give more evidence to support your stand, and people will actually give your perspective some respect.
Yes, and again those are my opinions. Furthermore If you think him being on TV wasnt orchestrated by the Kings as a publicity ploy youre very being blind, sure great words and I hope he truly learns from his mistakes, but that was not DMC who came to the interview, that was the Kings idea for sure,obviously.

you cant even compare Tyreke to Cousins, youre getting mixed up with what im saying, forget production, im not talking about production,in fact i also said he couold very well end up 20/10 like zach randolph,derrick coleman,benoight benjamin. Hes the the number 5 pick and we expect franchise changing attributes from this guy, im saying hes not that guy. He will let us down and has and will continue to do so.You and I expect our 5 pick to be a star, the consement professional and lead us to the promised land. Look at all the current playoff teams right now, name one star of those teams who has ever had this rep who has been successful in the way we need it. there isnt one, because Its leadership qualities,chemistry issues, teammate spats,maturity,dedication to team first etc. that I think he lacks. The things he lacks right now i just listed do not or have not made up one player from any current playoff team who is their leader. Why???? cuz players like DMC are never the "franchise" it will always be DMC first , us and you making excuses for him. Sure he could get his 18/10 or 20/8 or whatever,but at the expense of a victory, just like Zach Randolph. How many playoffs has been in, or Derrick Coleman. I ask you the same question, what is your line for him to cross before you feel its time to move on, what is it??? I'd like to know and monitor it because it will be crossed, im sure.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Yes, and again those are my opinions. Furthermore If you think him being on TV wasnt orchestrated by the Kings as a publicity ploy youre very being blind, sure great words and I hope he truly learns from his mistakes, but that was not DMC who came to the interview, that was the Kings idea for sure,obviously.

you cant even compare Tyreke to Cousins, youre getting mixed up with what im saying, forget production, im not talking about production,in fact i also said he couold very well end up 20/10 like zach randolph,derrick coleman,benoight benjamin. Hes the the number 5 pick and we expect franchise changing attributes from this guy, im saying hes not that guy. He will let us down and has and will continue to do so.You and I expect our 5 pick to be a star, the consement professional and lead us to the promised land. Look at all the current playoff teams right now, name one star of those teams who has ever had this rep who has been successful in the way we need it. there isnt one, because Its leadership qualities,chemistry issues, teammate spats,maturity,dedication to team first etc. that I think he lacks. The things he lacks right now i just listed do not or have not made up one player from any current playoff team who is their leader. Why???? cuz players like DMC are never the "franchise" it will always be DMC first , us and you making excuses for him. Sure he could get his 18/10 or 20/8 or whatever,but at the expense of a victory, just like Zach Randolph. How many playoffs has been in, or Derrick Coleman. I ask you the same question, what is your line for him to cross before you feel its time to move on, what is it??? I'd like to know and monitor it because it will be crossed, im sure.
How about him being old enoguh to drink for starters?

One of the consequences of the straight from high school trend, thankfully slightly alleviated by the 1yr college rule, is that the league is annually flooded by a rush of players who 5 years ago thought girls had cooties. Sometimes, like Tyreke, they seem mature beyond their years (until you put them behind the wheel of a car). Sometimes they are rapantly immature, as many a 19-20yr old sophomore in college might be. We've got one of the latter. But what you are at 19/20 does not remotely have to be what you are at 25.

Let me tell you a tale about this incredibly skilled multitalented big man who comes inot the league, feuds with his coach, demands a trade, after getting traded gets accused of rape (turned out to be a hoax), accused of having weed in his luggage (not a hoax), gets traded again, is not happy about it...turns 25, grows up, and leads the modern renaissance of a folorn team into an annual championship contender as the face of the franchise. Webb says hi.
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Hall of Famer
Yes, and again those are my opinions. Furthermore If you think him being on TV wasnt orchestrated by the Kings as a publicity ploy youre very being blind, sure great words and I hope he truly learns from his mistakes, but that was not DMC who came to the interview, that was the Kings idea for sure,obviously.

you cant even compare Tyreke to Cousins, youre getting mixed up with what im saying, forget production, im not talking about production,in fact i also said he couold very well end up 20/10 like zach randolph,derrick coleman,benoight benjamin. Hes the the number 5 pick and we expect franchise changing attributes from this guy, im saying hes not that guy. He will let us down and has and will continue to do so.You and I expect our 5 pick to be a star, the consement professional and lead us to the promised land. Look at all the current playoff teams right now, name one star of those teams who has ever had this rep who has been successful in the way we need it. there isnt one, because Its leadership qualities,chemistry issues, teammate spats,maturity,dedication to team first etc. that I think he lacks. The things he lacks right now i just listed do not or have not made up one player from any current playoff team who is their leader. Why???? cuz players like DMC are never the "franchise" it will always be DMC first , us and you making excuses for him. Sure he could get his 18/10 or 20/8 or whatever,but at the expense of a victory, just like Zach Randolph. How many playoffs has been in, or Derrick Coleman. I ask you the same question, what is your line for him to cross before you feel its time to move on, what is it??? I'd like to know and monitor it because it will be crossed, im sure.
I don't know about his line in the sand, but I can tell you mine. Its when I stop seeing effort and desire out of him. When I feel that he's just going through the motions and doesn't really care anymore. You really need to do your homework before making outrageous statements. Personallity wise he's nothing like Coleman or Randolph. Coleman was one of the most gifted PF's I ever saw come out of college. But he was content to just get by on the natural gifts he had. If he had gone the extra mile he could have been one of the all time greats. He just didn't have that desire. Despite that he was still one hell of a player.

Randolph came into the league in a similar fashion as Cousins. Everyone knew he had talent. He also had the misfortune to go to the Portland Jailblazers. The bad boys of the NBA. We'll never know what might have happened if he had gone to the Lakers or some other good team and had been surounded by a different atmosphere. But no one has ever questioned his talent or skill level.

Cousins, in my opinion had just one major problem coming out of college, and that was his immaturity along with his inablilty to control his emotions at times. But he has a natural talent you just don't find very often in bigs at his age. At Kentucky I never once saw lack of desire, and lack of effort was only there as a result of running out of gas. If you were to go and watch old highschool film on Cousins, when he only weighed around 220 or so pounds, he never ran out of gas then. Naturally he was also quicker and could jump higher. But he kept growing, and unlike other prize athlete's, he didn't go to one of the top basketball academy's, where yes, they pamper you and tell you how great you are, but also monitor your conditioning and what you eat etc.

No, he was winging it on his own. Most of what he knows how to do on the court is self taught by watching other players like Gasol play. Thats why his post game has a rough edge to it. Only when he and his mom moved to Memphis did he get into one of the top highschool programs in the state. He got lucky there. As I pointed out, his only father figures have been his head coaches. When he hit Kentucky it was the first time he had ever been introduced to a training program and a weight room. So he was late to the table when it came to conditioning. One thing I can tell you about him, he hates to lose. And he wants to be great. He wants to be the best center in the NBA. Derrick Coleman never wanted that. If anything he ran away from the mantle that everyone else was trying to put on him. I doubt that Cousins will run away from anything.

I think he has a chance to be one of the top five centers in the league. That doesn't make it so. Its all up to him to make it happen. And his biggest enemy is himself. If something isn't working, he wants to fix it, even if its not his job to fix it. And that has constantly got him into trouble. There's a difference between someone thats just a trouble maker for the sake of being a trouble maker and someone that gets into trouble for wanting to help the team win, but oversteps his bounds while doing it. In one the intentions are good, but very misplaced. In the other, the intentions are just bad.

Its not going to be a cake walk with him. He has a lot to learn both about how to play in the NBA and emotionaly. But the reward can be great, and I believe he wants to be what everyone see's he can be. Its just going to take time, and patience.

My problem with your statements is that you just want everything to be black and white with Cousins. He's either going to be great, or he's going to be a bust. There's no in between with you. You seem to know nothing of his background, and I'm not sure if you even saw him play in college. But you paint him with one broad stroke of your brush, as a total bust who will never be any good. And your doing this to a 20 year old kid. Now I don't know about you, but I'm far and away a different person than I was at 20 years of age. And thank god, because I didn't like me at age 20, and I might add a lot of other people didn't either. I would think that most of us that are older can reflect back and think of what idiots we were at that age. So to make a blanket statement that what you see with Cousins is exactly all your going to get with him is extremely shortsighted, and frankly, just doesn't make any sense. Unless, as I said, you have an agenda. I'am currently treating you like you don't. And if I'm wrong, well then congrats, you've made an a$$ out of me for doing so.
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Hall of Famer
I know its been a while, but the Kings had another player on the team that the phrase Hot Head really applied to. One Jason Williams. Both on and off the court and sometimes at the same time, AKA Warrior game when he feuded with a fan sitting behind the Kings bench. I personally saw him go off on a waitress at the Outback resturant on sunrise blvd. I was sitting in the booth across the isle from him. I also remember one game when my son and I had tickets directly behind the Kings bench. J Will and Funderburke were cominig off the floor and as they were approaching the bench Funderburke said something to Williams. Williams face got as red as a fire engine and suddenly started heading toward Funderburke. I remember thinking at the time, WoW, were going to have a fight right here in front of the bench. Of course out of nowhere came Vlade who got both players in a headlock and started talking to them. After a couple of minutes, he had both players shaking hands and sitting down.

J. Will was a problem child, but the team managed him, and in his short stay with the team he helped push them back into the limelight. I suspect that J. Will was more of a problem than Cousins will ever be. Lets not forget that J. Will was kicked out of a couple of colleges because of his actions. I will admit that it didn't hurt to have guys like Vlade and Webb around to calm things down.
...I will admit that it didn't hurt to have guys like Vlade and Webb around to calm things down.
This team needs veteran leadership just like Vlade. Landry is actually a great lead by example guy. You need those, but I don't think he's the vocal leader. It's amazing what Vlade did for that team's chemstry.

Tyreke and Counsins, the two pillars of the franchise, are not capable of leading a team right now, nor should we expect them to be.

Unfortunately, Vlade's are rare.


Hall of Famer
you cant even compare Tyreke to Cousins, youre getting mixed up with what im saying, forget production, im not talking about production,in fact i also said he couold very well end up 20/10 like zach randolph,derrick coleman,benoight benjamin. Hes the the number 5 pick and we expect franchise changing attributes from this guy, im saying hes not that guy. He will let us down and has and will continue to do so.You and I expect our 5 pick to be a star, the consement professional and lead us to the promised land. Look at all the current playoff teams right now, name one star of those teams who has ever had this rep who has been successful in the way we need it. there isnt one, because Its leadership qualities,chemistry issues, teammate spats,maturity,dedication to team first etc. that I think he lacks. The things he lacks right now i just listed do not or have not made up one player from any current playoff team who is their leader. Why???? cuz players like DMC are never the "franchise" it will always be DMC first , us and you making excuses for him. Sure he could get his 18/10 or 20/8 or whatever,but at the expense of a victory, just like Zach Randolph. How many playoffs has been in, or Derrick Coleman. I ask you the same question, what is your line for him to cross before you feel its time to move on, what is it??? I'd like to know and monitor it because it will be crossed, im sure.
Payton was tough to coach and had run ins with coaches early in his career. Made it to the finals.

Rondo has been tough to coach, had problems with teammates, almost traded after championship season, and has played in the finals.

Kidd was tough to coach early on, had run ins with coaches, ran a coach out of town, and played in the finals.

JWill, the wild child, was tough to coach early on, had numerous run ins with coaches and fans, and was the starting pg on a championship team.

Shaq has never been easy to coach, had countless problems in Orlando, and then with Kobe and Phil, yet his success speaks for itself.

Rasheed Wallace, with all his problems, was the starting pf on an nba champion team.

Others have already mentioned Webber.

Look over at the NFL right now and look at what Vick is doing, after his release from prison.

If you think you can write off someones future from your keyboard, and speak in absolutes about what the future holds for a 20 yr old, you are extremely short on both common sense and life experience. The only way you can logically think something like that is if you're about 13 years old.