


I told ya, I said before christmas this loser would do something stupid. Get rid of him, hes a cancer. lopes up and down the court with an adenda. A DMC agenda. Run ins with coaches and players will define his career. Underachiever , horrible body language "i aint get no respect" attitude follows this dude.


Hall of Famer
On the one hand:

I dont really like a policy of adhering to the whims of pouty players. Even though Westphal is a turrible coach, he's coach. You have to listen to him until he gets canned for his turribleness. Cuz should be benched, and hopefully he's mature enough to move past this and grow from it. Pretty concerning. All the red flags are a waving a full mast right now. Snickering around the league. Just not good at all for this struggling franchise.

On the other hand:

I dont blame him for blowing up at Westphal. There is a lot of discontentment on the team. Im not one to scapegoat, but all signs do point to coaching. Its usually not until closer to the Allstar break that coaches start getting canned, but I feel like its a tight race between Westphal and Spoelstra (sp?) as to who gets the axe first.

Sigh. This sucks. But we knew what we were getting into. I still like Cousins more than any of the other bigs from this last draft, he's barely 20, and just needs to mature up a bit. Of course most guys dont start maturing until 24/25. Young millionairs sometimes never mature (See: Arenas).
Ouch! That's not very cool of you to attack my boy like that. What did he ever do to you? He is what he is, a goof ball.


sorry, ive seen enough of this guy, he's got Benoit Benjamin written all over him. Yes he will have some good games here and there that will get your hopes up but he'll be this perennial underachiever who never lives up to expectations, battling weight issues and conflicts with coaches,teammates etc. He just has this aura of me, me ,me and not team team team. He'll self destruct and cause chemistry issues until his rookie scale contract is up, then demand a max contract for a mid-level performance and then ***** about respect when we offer him less. Iv seen this type before. He's not a winner, he's immature. When he reaches the point of scoring 20 pts and 10 rebounds in a game he'll rest on his laurels instead of trying to become even better, he'll follow it up with a 6 pt 3 reb game 4 fouls and then complain in the press about playing time. Ive seen his kind before. I hope they trade him while he still has value. I mean can you honestly see this guy and his personality leading this team to the promised land, I dont. He's a run of the mill big man with "potential" cuz he is 20. He's bad for this team, watch.
lets revisit my post. You can make excuses for him all you want. Fact is this dude is a loser. I reiterate get rid of this cancer


Hall of Famer
Ouch! That's not very cool of you to attack my boy like that. What did he ever do to you? He is what he is, a goof ball.
He didnt do anything to me personally, but come on... He poops in rookie's shoes, while hilarious, that act doesnt exactly scream mature. Plus there was that whole gun thing :p

As for trading Cuz, I dont think we'll get much for him at this point in his career. If down the road he's a 20/10 malcontent...Then maybe you trade him (hopefully to a team coached by Adelman!), and maybe get something worthwhile back. Fact is, he still has a crazy high ceiling (we've seen flashes), and he might settle down if the team starts showing some kind of improvement/with age.

Lordy, we've gone from an optimistic summer to a **** storm of a season.


Hall of Famer
He didnt do anything to me personally, but come on... He poops in rookie's shoes, while hilarious, that act doesnt exactly scream mature. Plus there was that whole gun thing :p

As for trading Cuz, I dont think we'll get much for him at this point in his career. If down the road he's a 20/10 malcontent...Then maybe you trade him (hopefully to a team coached by Adelman!), and maybe get something worthwhile back. Fact is, he still has a crazy high ceiling (we've seen flashes), and he might settle down if the team starts showing some kind of improvement/with age.

Lordy, we've gone from an optimistic summer to a **** storm of a season.
He might not be the most mature person in the league. But you gotta admit, he is one of a kind :). That's what makes him so unique, I just love it! As for the gun incident, that was just a mistake, I don't think that's something you can view him by. It did happen, don't get me wrong, but he isn't a bad guy as he is made out to be by the media & other fans.

Regarding Cousins, he does have a high ceiling. Most definently. I see his production somewhere along the lines of a Zach Randolph, not much lift, use your body to get rebounds and shoot jumpers. Not exactly a player you build around, but a nice guy to have as your second option.


Not sure what you mean, if you mean Kentucky won and therfore DMC is a winner because he was on that team ? they had 4-5 first round picks on that team, it certainly wasnt all him. Im saying that man by himself is a loser who was surrounded by good people while at Kentucky, it was masked. Now that he is being worshipped here comes expectations that are far too big for him to fill. He will always be a moper with body bad body language who feels slighted until he gets his due respect, its about DMC for DMC. Hes not a leader or ever will be , he doesnt know what it means "for the good of the team" doesnt have that winner intangible that you can build around. If you hope he is that poster child to save the franchise you are sadly mistaken and if you continue to give him excuses you will look back one day ,miserable, and asking why we drafted him.
I told ya, I said before christmas this loser would do something stupid. Get rid of him, hes a cancer. lopes up and down the court with an adenda. A DMC agenda. Run ins with coaches and players will define his career. Underachiever , horrible body language "i aint get no respect" attitude follows this dude.
Exactly. Which is why all the Kentucky fans warned us incessantly about Cousins.
All I'm going to say at this time is give the dude a chance. How many games have we played so far? I agree that he has issues, but don't throw him out so quickly. Come on.


He might not be the most mature person in the league. But you gotta admit, he is one of a kind :). That's what makes him so unique, I just love it! As for the gun incident, that was just a mistake, I don't think that's something you can view him by. It did happen, don't get me wrong, but he isn't a bad guy as he is made out to be by the media & other fans.

Regarding Cousins, he does have a high ceiling. Most definently. I see his production somewhere along the lines of a Zach Randolph, not much lift, use your body to get rebounds and

shoot jumpers. Not exactly a player you build around, but a nice guy to have as your second option.

Zach Randolph???

yes like Zach Randolph, who also is a loser whos been a part of 5-6 teams. Great numbers on paper but his teams dont win.Not a leader. Exactly who I compared him to a few weeks back on here. I retract that though as he will get himself suspended or pulled and sulk before he puts up 20/10 like Zachory.
Chill, hes only 20 years old.
I used to be in a band with a guy who played for the San Francisco 49ers at one time who reminds me a lot of Cousins. Sensitive, tempermental type. Very passionate and emotional. A big teddy bear with amazing gifts. Cousins is getting on my nerves right now, but I truly believe he will be okay. INDEED, HE'S 20 YEARS OLD!


All I'm going to say at this time is give the dude a chance. How many games have we played so far? I agree that he has issues, but don't throw him out so quickly. Come on.
someone on here earlier compared DMC to JaMarcus Russell, that was a perfect comparison. I kept thinking of comparable NBA players, buy Jruss is perfect. Drafted high, huge expectations, had the rep of someone who didnt try hard, overweight,has his money. Never takes blame, its always someone elses fault.Loser. The Kings had good intentions but this guy is going to let everyone down. This recent thing is minor, no question, but only if it happened to someone else.Not DMC, coming n with his reputation of a malcontent, with his people surrounding him, you would think he would be on his BEST behavior to dispel those misconceptions and he still cant do it. This is the second public incident in a month we know about. Im sure there are several more we havent. If he'd kept his trap shut for a year and was a model teammate we could forgive this one incident, but this crap just follows him. They should call those 3 teams that inquired about him a few weeks ago and complete a trade for their first round draft pick unprotected while he still has value,although now hes screwed that up to. Can you imagine if we had two top 8 picks in this draft. Get chemistry guys. Id do it in a heartbeat
someone on here earlier compared DMC to JaMarcus Russell, that was a perfect comparison. I kept thinking of comparable NBA players, buy Jruss is perfect. Drafted high, huge expectations, had the rep of someone who didnt try hard, overweight,has his money. Never takes blame, its always someone elses fault.Loser. The Kings had good intentions but this guy is going to let everyone down. This recent thing is minor, no question, but only if it happened to someone else.Not DMC, coming n with his reputation of a malcontent, with his people surrounding him, you would think he would be on his BEST behavior to dispel those misconceptions and he still cant do it. This is the second public incident in a month we know about. Im sure there are several more we havent. If he'd kept his trap shut for a year and was a model teammate we could forgive this one incident, but this crap just follows him. They should call those 3 teams that inquired about him a few weeks ago and complete a trade for their first round draft pick unprotected while he still has value,although now hes screwed that up to. Can you imagine if we had two top 8 picks in this draft. Get chemistry guys. Id do it in a heartbeat
Can you at least give this poor guy a full season in the NBA, and then let's see where he stands?


Disgruntled Kings Fan
Unfortunately, Cousins has come into a very bad situation and I'm not sure if he will be able to climb out.

ON a side related note, it is similar to players on bad teams that get traded but do not perform on good teams, due to the organization, bad habits, etc.. like some kind of curse, players from the clippers.. players from the Wizards.. etc.

I cannot remember when a young player has come into a very bad situation like the kings (arena problems, team moving, shuffling rotation, team chemistry issues) and has prospered on that same team with that same organization, later on they tend to be traded or major changes happen to the team/organization.. The player just seems to have a lackluster career..


Hall of Famer
Unfortunately, Cousins has come into a very bad situation and I'm not sure if he will be able to climb out.

ON a side related note, it is similar to players on bad teams that get traded but do not perform on good teams, due to the organization, bad habits, etc.. like some kind of curse, players from the clippers.. players from the Wizards.. etc.

I cannot remember when a young player has come into a very bad situation like the kings (arena problems, team moving, shuffling rotation, team chemistry issues) and has prospered on that same team with that same organization, later on they tend to be traded or major changes happen to the team/organization.. The player just seems to have a lackluster career..
Why do you feel you need to attack the Wizards situation?


Hall of Famer
Zach Randolph???

yes like Zach Randolph, who also is a loser whos been a part of 5-6 teams. Great numbers on paper but his teams dont win.Not a leader. Exactly who I compared him to a few weeks back on here. I retract that though as he will get himself suspended or pulled and sulk before he puts up 20/10 like Zachory.
When I said Z-bo, I meant production wise. Not off the court issues. If he indeed is like Zach on and off the court, then we might be looking for trouble. On the other hand, Zach has calmed himself down since maturing his way into the league.
Someone on here earlier compared DMC to JaMarcus Russell, that was a perfect comparison. I kept thinking of comparable NBA players, buy Jruss is perfect. Drafted high, huge expectations, had the rep of someone who didnt try hard, overweight,has his money. Never takes blame, its always someone elses fault.Loser. The Kings had good intentions but this guy is going to let everyone down. This recent thing is minor, no question, but only if it happened to someone else.Not DMC, coming n with his reputation of a malcontent, with his people surrounding him, you would think he would be on his BEST behavior to dispel those misconceptions and he still cant do it. This is the second public incident in a month we know about. Im sure there are several more we havent. If he'd kept his trap shut for a year and was a model teammate we could forgive this one incident, but this crap just follows him. They should call those 3 teams that inquired about him a few weeks ago and complete a trade for their first round draft pick unprotected while he still has value,although now hes screwed that up to. Can you imagine if we had two top 8 picks in this draft. Get chemistry guys. Id do it in a heartbeat
Out of all the things that I heard about Demarcus before the draft I never heard that he didn’t try hard. Yeah the guy needs to be in the gym much more but from what I’ve heard, he’s working on his body/game.

Didn’t you read his quote on the very first page – look the first topic in this thread. He wants to get better and he’s admitting his mistakes, what part of that says that he doesn’t want to work on his game and become better?

It’s amazing how quick some people are ready to pull the trigger on some players…I don’t agree with how Demarcus has handled the situation with Coach but at the same time I totally understand where he’s coming from. I just wish he’d handle it a little different and that might take some time with Demarcus but I think that’s all he needs – time…I watch the games and I see him in the paint and the other guys ignore him, he doesn’t get the touches – yes, sometimes he’s not in the best position and sometimes he is a little far from the basket but when he’s down low and he has a shot or a opportunity to pass it out to another player then you utilize him; and I don’t see that happening a lot.

And the guy is a rookie, a 20 year old player who needs time to develop and there’s people who are willing to just get rid of him. Give the guy a break and just wait and see how he turns out.
20 isn't 15

I think at that age he should be able to bite his tongue at least once in a while.

When I played high school ball and I thought the coach was on my back I used to take it out on the punch bag in the gym. But it was always yes coach on the court.


Hall of Famer
I don't know if this has been posted yet, at least not as a thread starter, so here it is.

I want to say this to NBA Fan. And this is just my personal opinion. You make blanket statements about players. In this case your condemming a 20 year old. To criticize him for his immature actions is certainly warranted. To condemn for life is either ourright ignorance, or you have an agenda. If you have an agenda, then crawl back under the rock you crawled out from. That leaves ignorance. And I'm being kind with that word. I could have use stupidity, which would mean your incapable of learning.

If every 20 year old was judged as harshly as your willing to judge Cousins, we'd have a lot more young people selling drugs on street corners, or in prison. Not only do you have to give young people the chance to improve, in many cases you have to help them. Help can come in many fashions. Disclipine is certainly one way. You don't reward bad behavior. But you don't throw them into the trash pile either. Which is what you want to do. Whether you like it or not, and this applies to anyone else of like mind as yours. The Kings have a lot of their future tied up in Cousins and Evans. And in many ways, the two are very similar. They may be polar opposites when it comes to personality, but their actions on the court aren't all that different. Both think they have to personally win the game. Both try to make it happen all by themselves. And both make mistakes as a result of that kind of thinking. Certainly Evans has been far more successful at this point. But the mentality of both players is very similar, even if the results aren't.

Both players are used to winning, contrary to what you might think. And also contrary to what you might think, Cousins was a huge part of Kentucky's success. You can argrue that Wall was the main cog of that team, but without a doubt, Cousins was the next go to guy on the team. He was the best per minute rebounder to come out of college in the last 10 years. There is one thing thats a given. You don't become a good rebounder by not giving effort. There are a lot of things that can come naturally in basketball where you can just skate by on talent. But rebounding takes effort and desire. I watched him play 24 times last year, (Yep, I'm getting tired of saying it, but hey, I've already watched Terrence Jones 5 times this year) and the only time I saw subpar effort from Cousins was when he ran out of gas. Which was perhaps too often. But it was something I knew could be remedied in the NBA.

I'm not excusing him. He needs to be straightened out and put on the right path. But I think there's a deeper problem on this team and Cousins is just the tip of the iceberg. Cousins is the only one thats immature enough to say, what perhaps others are thinking. What you have is a 20 year old rookie thats immature and who has a temper, thats probably listening to others in the locker room complain about Westphal. Thats not the best inviorment for someone like Cousins. All that would do is reinforce his own feelings about his coach. Which obviously aren't very positive right now by all accounts.

Think about this for a moment. Calapari is noted for getting right in a players face. Which I witnessed many times while watching Kentucky play. Thats his style. One of the reasons that some on this fourm didn't think he would be a good NBA coach. And they could be right, although he wouldn't be the first head coach in the NBA to get in someone's face. But my point is that he and Cousins had a good relationship despite it. Cousins has great respect for Calapari. However it has been rumored, that Evans would prefer not to play for Calapari if he had the choice. Don't know if thats true or not, or if said, the context of how it was said. But my point is that Westphal is known as a so called players coach, whatever the hell that means. So was Adelman, and other than demeanor, I see no comparison between the two. So Westphal, who is susposed to be a laid back type of coach, is the one that Cousins has issues with, while Calapari who gets in his face is the one he doesn't have issues with. Something doesn't jell with me. I think there's big trouble in little china.

But while these things may be connected, they are separate issues, and the Cousins issue must be delt with promptly and properly. You need to get his attention, and whatever you do, you don't reward his behavior. Now this is where it gets tricky. What if on one hand, and I'm speaking as management, your hearing a lot of unrest from the troops. And perhaps you feel that Westphal isn't doing the job properly. So here's the question, and this question has been complicated by Cousins actions. If you fire Westphal, are you in some way rewarding Cousins actions in his mind? If so, thats not a good thing. The last thing you would want to do is let Cousins believe he had any part in your decision to let Westphal go. So the irony of the situation, is that Cousns by his actions, may have extended the stay of his coach. Unless you can somehow convince the world and Cousins that your decision was based on the total unrest and direction of the team,

In short, and I'll close now because I've gone on far to long here. This is turning into a mess. And the ship needs to be righted and redirected, and quickly, or the entire season and the promise it held just a few weeks ago will be gone. And by the way, you don't start to do that by throwing our 5th round draft pick into the trash pile as NBA fan suggested.
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Re: Paul Westphal style. I recall Charles Barkley saying that Westphal in Phoenix was a very demanding coach, tough at times, who was not afraid at all to have it out with players (including him) but mostly behind closed doors. Later, it was said that Gary Payton did not take well at all to Westphal's decision making in Seattle on occasion (becoming a war of words) and that's said to have been part of the reason he lost his head coaching job up there. He may be a so-called "players coach" but he's no pushover as head man. Anyone who remembers Westphal as a player knows the guy was no patsy and in fact was an all star off guard who did it at a high level for more than a decade in the NBA.
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So Westphal, who is susposed to be a laid back type of coach, is the one that Cousins has issues with, while Calapari who gets in his face is the one he doesn't have issues with. Something doesn't jell with me.
This one actually makes a lot of sense. Players generally will have a lot more respect for a coach that tells it like it is and doesn't try to suck up to them. To gain the players' respect a coach needs to make sure his players know exactly what they need to do and why they need to do it, and also make the consequences of them not doing their job very clear ahead of time.


Hall of Famer
Re: Paul Westphal style. I recall Charles Barkley saying that Westphal in Phoenix was a very demanding coach, tough at times, who was not afraid at all to have it out with players (including him) but mostly behind closed doors. Later, it was said that Gary Payton did not take well at all to Westphal's jumping on him in Seattle on occasion and that's said to have been part of the reason he lost his head coaching job up there. He may be a so-called "players coach" but he's no pushover as head man. Anyone who remembers Westphal as a player knows the guy was no patsy and in fact was an all star off guard who did it at a high level for more than a decade in the NBA.
No arguement form me. I watched Westphal play. There's no doubt that he was a hardnosed player. In a way your making my point. I was saying that the perception of Westphal is that of a laid back players coach. But in reality I think he also has a temper. I don't know how quick it is, but I'm sure he'll get in the face of any player. There are times when he's doing his press conference that you can see anger boiling beneath the surface in his eyes and sometime curt remarks. Not that I blame him. He's certainly had thngs to be angry about. But add a 20 year old immature rookie with a temper into the mix and sometimes your going to get fire.

When he went off on Calapari during a game, Calapari would tell him to sit down and shut up. And after Cousins had time to calm down, Calapari would go sit next to him and talk to him for a while. In other words he would disfuse the situation first, and then instruct. Two things I think I know about Cousins. He needs someone with an iron hand in charge of him. And that someone has to be someone he respects. You can't let him get away with anything. Not during a game or during practice. He's basicly a self taught player. He didn't have the advantage of going to the basketball academies that some of the other highschoolers, like LeBron did. He grew up with no authority figure other than his mother. For the most part the only male authority figures he's had in his life are coaches.

Now the Kings only have two choices. They can either trade him to another team, or they can find a way to make it work. He's very talented and has a lot of qualities you want in a player. One is that he's extremely competitive and wants to win. The Kings have to find a way to channel all that fire into a productive outcome. There's too much at stake here for the Kings to take anything less than a aggressive approach to finding the right solution for Cousins and the team in general.