
After seeing how willing, indeed eager, DeMarcus was to pass in summer league, could it be coincidence that he, like virtually every other King, magically seems to have grown selfish/not be able to find anybody in our offense? Passing was always going to be a problem for us as a team, but even our guys who should be able to pass just cant find anybody out there.

I don't know what it is about this offense that attracts Westphal, but he needs to let it go. Here I do miss Adelman, who once famously told his Artest Kings that he knew every offense that had ever been run in the NBA, and if thye didn't ant o run our Princeton, he could swap in another one. May have been hyperbole of course, but Rick's teams always could score, and he asn't a Princeton guy until he got here. I would love to see some of that kind of encyclopedic knowledge and flexibility show up in Westphal.
Passing is contagious so is hogging the ball. If you dont think you will get it back again then your not going to pass it. If you think you will get it back then you will pass more.

They have also stopped feeding the post to both landry and cousins, they better not feed Dalmbert ever again. It's back to guard domination offense. Doesnt matter if they arent scoring in the post you still have to feed it. They are still better shots then constant jumpers.


Hall of Famer
Passing is contagious so is hogging the ball. If you dont think you will get it back again then your not going to pass it. If you think you will get it back then you will pass more.

They have also stopped feeding the post to both landry and cousins, they better not feed Dalmbert ever again. It's back to guard domination offense. Doesnt matter if they arent scoring in the post you still have to feed it. They are still better shots then constant jumpers.
We agree again. Its either feast or famine with bigs. They don't have the luxury of touching the ball unless a guard passes it to them. Also why its hard for a big to win ROY unless he very special and the team realizes it as well and makes sure he's a major part of the offense. Since I don't know what kind of offense were running, or even if we are running one, I can see where Cousins might think he'll never touch the ball again for another 15 or 20 minutes.

The other night Casspi came into the game and made two quick baskets. He never touched the ball again after that, and finally went to the bench. Most teams will feed a player if they think he might be hot. AKA, C.J. Miles for Utah. How many times have you seen a player on a breakaway feed the trailers on the play? If its Tyreke, its almost never. Beno, sometimes, but mostly not. If your going to run the floor on the break, and your never fed the ball, after a while you quit running the floor. In the game against the Suns they passed the ball to Cousins in the post and he had Frye guarding him. He scored easily and it was apparent we had a huge mismatch there. How many times did they go back to that play? Zero!!!.

This team has no discipline. It doesn't play as a team. And yet it has talent. We can argue about how much, but I doubt the talent has changed much since the beginning of the season when most of us were optimistic.. Suddenly seems like a long time ago.
Apparently he was kicked out of practice today according to Jason Jones.

Wonder what thats about.
Man, what is going on here? Is DMC out of control? Is the team just out of the control of Westphal and Co.? I see myself as one of the bigger Cousins optimists, but I'm a little wary these days since that's the second run in he's had with the coaches in what seems like as many weeks. Got to find out more.


Hall of Famer
Can't say I'm too surprised by this. You could see in the last game he was just getting very very frustrated and did not want to listen to the coaching staff when they tried to calm him down. As I've mentioned in another thread, he really needs somebody to calm him down and show him the way, apparently the coaching staff does not have the power to do that. So maybe a player can do that for him, whether that will happen, unlikely, but it's just a thought.
Can't say I'm too surprised by this. You could see in the last game he was just getting very very frustrated and did not want to listen to the coaching staff when they tried to calm him down. As I've mentioned in another thread, he really needs somebody to calm him down and show him the way, apparently the coaching staff does not have the power to do that. So maybe a player can do that for him, whether that will happen, unlikely, but it's just a thought.
Maybe we're about to lure Sheed out of retirement to be his mentor?:eek: *horrified*
I thought he was doing pretty good with his behavior, except for the past couple of games. His body language has been horrible as of late. I think him being a kid plays into that a bit, but so does the media. The media says hes immature, has behavior problems and all that stuff. To Cousins, being the kid he is, he probably allows it to enable him to act that way (when hes frustrated), kind of like "if yall think im a hot head **** it ill be a hothead then."
From Amick

Cousins not happy, and it's showing. Source close to team says he had numerous arguments w/ Westphal today at practice that led to booting.
6 minutes ago via Twitterrific
Sam Amick said:
Cousins not happy, and it's showing. Source close to team says he had numerous arguments w/ Westphal today at practice that led to booting.

Here's the thing, the team should be unhappy, they are 4-11. However, Demarcus is immature and doesn't know how to approach the situation the right way. The Kings knew the risks when they drafted him, they brought in his old coach for the sole reason of dealing with him. I guess they'll just have to take another approach...


Hall of Famer
Without knowing all the facts its hard to know what to say. Other than its not good. Young people have a tendecy to say whats on their mind, and sometimes to the wrong person at the wrong time. But hey, you can't talk back to the coach. Especially when you haven't earned your spurs yet. Hopefully he'll learn to air his differences in the privicy of the coaches office in the future. Probably mean more minutes for Thompson at center if Cousins gets put in the doghouse. I can guarantee you one thing. After talkiing to his mom at summer league, he's going to be in more than one doghouse.


Hall of Famer
This is what worried me about Cousins. It's not when the team is winning. It's when the team is losing and when he's not playing well. Perfect conditions to set off Cousins. Both conditions were absolutely predictable for this young team and the young Mr. Cousins. So, now the Kings organization is going to have to discipline him and have him take stock of his immature actions. There has got to be a pretty strong price to pay for insubordination of this kind.
Grant weighed in on the situation, echoing the report from Sam Amick, saying that Cousins needs to keep his mouth shut and not mouth off at teammates and coaches. That he needed to be kicked out of practice and next should be a suspension.


Hall of Famer
Grant weighed in on the situation, echoing the report from Sam Amick, saying that Cousins needs to keep his mouth shut and not mouth off at teammates and coaches. That he needed to be kicked out of practice and next should be a suspension.
Well Grant always takes the side of management in these types of things. Cousins wouldn't be the first player that Grant threw under the bus. Anyone remember Bobby Jackson. I like Grant and used to listen to him all the time, but he should be the last one to tell someone to keep his mouth shut.


Hall of Famer
This is what worried me about Cousins. It's not when the team is winning. It's when the team is losing and when he's not playing well. Perfect conditions to set off Cousins. Both conditions were absolutely predictable for this young team and the young Mr. Cousins. So, now the Kings organization is going to have to discipline him and have him take stock of his immature actions. There has got to be a pretty strong price to pay for insubordination of this kind.
I think we all knew that Cousins was immature and it was going to be a learning process for him. The problem with youngsters is that they have a tendecy to lose patience. As far as a suspension goes. I think we have to wait and see exactly what happened. If we ever know what happened.
This is a long time coming. That DMC is the one to speak up out of turn first shouldn't be surprising. He should be disciplined, but really, PW is losing this team (or should be...he's already lost the fans).

First the Omri/Donte madness. Then the stagnating (non-)offense. Then Beno spoke out publicly, questioning the Kings offense.

Maybe Demarcus is finally saying what everyone's thinking (maybe inarticulately). If this was being arrogant or lazy, we should be concerned. But frustration with the coach is building from all sides, and his days are looking numbered.


Hall of Famer
I agree with alot of this. Yes the coach is being an idiot. But Demarcus homie fellow alabamian. Until you can do a better job on the court just shut up. I am a supporter of Demarcus but he has played like crap lately.
We have heard of the Coleman comparison before but who does Cousins really compare to? Is there a player out there that has had hissy fits ruin his career or severly damage it? Brainy eccentric types with me against the world attitudes usually take forever to mature. Regardless, I wanted him with the 5th pick and hope he gets knocked upside the head and starts man'in up.


Hall of Famer
On the one hand:

I dont really like a policy of adhering to the whims of pouty players. Even though Westphal is a turrible coach, he's coach. You have to listen to him until he gets canned for his turribleness. Cuz should be benched, and hopefully he's mature enough to move past this and grow from it. Pretty concerning. All the red flags are a waving a full mast right now. Snickering around the league. Just not good at all for this struggling franchise.

On the other hand:

I dont blame him for blowing up at Westphal. There is a lot of discontentment on the team. Im not one to scapegoat, but all signs do point to coaching. Its usually not until closer to the Allstar break that coaches start getting canned, but I feel like its a tight race between Westphal and Spoelstra (sp?) as to who gets the axe first.

Sigh. This sucks. But we knew what we were getting into. I still like Cousins more than any of the other bigs from this last draft, he's barely 20, and just needs to mature up a bit. Of course most guys dont start maturing until 24/25. Young millionairs sometimes never mature (See: Arenas).