what was the last movie you watched?

Eat, Pray, Love - I expected more after all the hype. It was still a good movie though.
The Expendables - Better then I expected, kinda died down towards the middle, they lost the sense of humor and timing, became more bangem up, could have been an excellent movie instead of a good one.
Marley and Me - what a downer of a movie.
Dead Zone- Christopher Walken should NOT have gotten that role.



Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pt 1 - It has been forever since I read the book so I really can't speak to how well it follows the story details. The books and movies get "darker" as they go along and this is no exception. Unlike previous HP films, this one takes place almost entirely outside or in locations other than Hogwarts. Pretty well acted overall, obviously as a "part 1" movie it leaves off with most questions unanswered.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Watched the new Tron movie. Visually beautiful but the story is kinda meh. But on the flip side it wasn't a complete bastardization of the original that I loved as a child so any Tron fan should be pleased.
The Clearing with Robert Redford and Willem Dafoe. Former employee Arnold Mack (Dafoe) kidnaps Wayne Hayes (Robert Redford), a wealthy businessman, for a ransom. During all of this Wayne Hayes' wife Eileen (played by Helen Mirren) discovers, through the help of the FBI investigating the kidnapping, that Wayne had cheated on her. Very good movie.
Watched the new Tron movie. Visually beautiful but the story is kinda meh. But on the flip side it wasn't a complete bastardization of the original that I loved as a child so any Tron fan should be pleased.
I loved it. According to News 10, it grossed $43.6 million. Second place was Yogi the Bear at $16.7 million.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Saw Nightmare Before Christmas for the first time - didn't think it was all that and a bag of chips. Lots of folks seem to love it though.

The new Narnia movie - if you liked the first two you will like this one as well, however be warned that two of the 4 kids are barely in it at all if it matters to you.
Saw Nightmare Before Christmas for the first time - didn't think it was all that and a bag of chips. Lots of folks seem to love it though.

The new Narnia movie - if you liked the first two you will like this one as well, however be warned that two of the 4 kids are barely in it at all if it matters to you.
I'm waiting to see it. The reason they aren't in it is because they are too old. ;)


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I loved it. According to News 10, it grossed $43.6 million. Second place was Yogi the Bear at $16.7 million.
First place is good but those numbers are pretty unspectacular which can't be good for prospects for another sequel which I think was clearly planned.
They introduced a bunch of stuff at the start that wasn't really revisited and I thought the first movie did a better job interfacing the real world with the virtual one and perhaps a third movie would fix that. The filmmakers faced a pretty tough hurdle having to appeal to fans of the original while creating their own world, I think they did a nice job setting that up but the story seemed all too familiar and a follow up would enable them to truly expand the universe without having to invest story time with gladatorial disc combat and light cycles and other wink and nods to things we've seen before (not that that stuff isn't totally awesome, because it totally is).


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Tron Legacy - Took our little guy and my Father-In-Law. We all enjoyed it. Not necessarily the most original story, but I thought it worked for the movie. Special effects were darn well done.
True Grit and Black Swan -- Both are very good. And very different (from each other as well as from my expectations of each film). Great performances across the board in both films, though.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I took an extra day off to recover and watched a lot of movies/tv today.

Watched Beauty and the Beast with TJ. He thought it was scary. I had never actually seen it. I guess that's another classic I can check off my list.

Then after watching the last few episodes of Dexter I watched The A-Team. Thought this did a very good job of honoring the tv show while opening the potential for a future series of movies. Gotta hand it to Quinton Jackson who had very big shoes to fill and did so more than admirably.
I took an extra day off to recover and watched a lot of movies/tv today.

Watched Beauty and the Beast with TJ. He thought it was scary. I had never actually seen it. I guess that's another classic I can check off my list.

Then after watching the last few episodes of Dexter I watched The A-Team. Thought this did a very good job of honoring the tv show while opening the potential for a future series of movies. Gotta hand it to Quinton Jackson who had very big shoes to fill and did so more than admirably.
How far are you on Dexter so far?


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I liked it. Not as much as seasons 1 and 4 but probably more than 2 and definitely more than 3 which I really disliked. There were plot holes galore (mostly in the form of the Miami Metro "closing" things that seemed entirely unresolved) and it would have been nice to get more of a backstory on a few of the characters which is where I think it stumbled a bit. But I liked Julia Styles and Jonny Lee Miller, and even some of the smaller players quite a bit and thought they did a real good job growing the main characters without abandoning their essence (my issue with season 3). So all in all, good. More than a few of my friends hated it though so I wonder if I went in with diminished expectations, afterall season 4 was going to be impossible to top.