Carmello to the Kings?

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Nuggets probably want Cousins/Casspi Package
The funny thing is that as soon as I heard that Anthony was on the block, I immediately thought of New Jersey as a perfect destination because they had the cap space to absorb a lot of Anthony's contract, no obvious answer at the 3, and a young first-rounder in Favors to make the deal happen. I figured New Jersey would happily dump Favors for Anthony.

But we're in the same place: cap space to absorb the contract, no obvious answer at the 3, and a young first-rounder in Cousins...and no way I send Cousins to get Carmelo. So maybe New Jersey wouldn't be quite so eager to offer up Favors after all.

Note that this report suggests that the Nuggets want to deal Carmelo to teams with cap space, which suggests they won't want big contracts back.
I'd say that New Jersey should be well in the lead here, since of the three Brooklyn is where Carmelo would be most likely to want to go, and he'd likely sign an extension which would make the Nets more eager to bring him back. Still, if Carmelo would sign the extension in Sacramento as a condition of the trade (I'm not sure I buy that he would), expensive as it would be (reportedly about $65M/3 years) Carmelo would instantly vault us into the playoffs. I'd have Cousins and Tyreke off the table, and probably start the offer at (Landry or JT) + (Casspi or Greene) + a future first and see where it went from there.
I don't know.. It depends on how much the Nuggets ask for.

They're not in a power position in my opinion, cause I don't see Anthony agreeing to go to the Nets for example - cause I have no idea what they'll offer, but whatever it is, it means Anthony doesn't really have a championship chance like if he goes to the Knicks.

So I think it's not realistic untill we know what Melo has in mind.. like I said I can't see him agreeing to move to any of the teams mentioned, and he would rather wait it out and go to the Knicks.

I'm a bit biased here but hey :D


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
We shouldn't touch those sorts of packages unless Denver gets completely stonewalled and has to settle back for just 1 kid SF an ender and a future pick. And frankly I'm probably still not that interested because I think that Melo is both a fake superstar and part of that same snake in the grass disloyal crowd that started collecting up in Miami. No way I want him here whispering to our kids and bringing "World Wide Wes" into the building.

New Jersey is in a different position with an impatient billionaire owner in an impossibly demanding market moving into a new building and having made promises to win a title in 5 years. And that's before we get to the fact that melo actually wants to strongarm his way back into that market so he can play wannabe gangster with his homies and the wifey can try to get cast as Contestant #8 in Miss Congeniality 3. He could stay there, or at least credibly lie to them about it. In Sacramento he'd better show up in town having already signed a new LONG TERM extension (not this three year crap that these ****s are using to try to control the league now) and having not just torn apart our extremely promising young team to get here. Otehrwise this is dumb.


Hall of Famer
Just to add fuel to the fire....

Everything I've read in the Denver papers says that their looking for some young prospects and cap room. So I'm sure they'll try and include Smith or Billups in the deal. I'd be willing to give up one of our young SF's and Landry or Thompson, and a first round pick for Anthony. They would be getting two young players and a first rounder plus cap relief. If thats not good enough for them, then let them shop somewhere else..
Note that this report suggests that the Nuggets want to deal Carmelo to teams with cap space, which suggests they won't want big contracts back. I'd say that New Jersey should be well in the lead here, since of the three Brooklyn is where Carmelo would be most likely to want to go, and he'd likely sign an extension which would make the Nets more eager to bring him back. Still, if Carmelo would sign the extension in Sacramento as a condition of the trade (I'm not sure I buy that he would), expensive as it would be (reportedly about $65M/3 years) Carmelo would instantly vault us into the playoffs. I'd have Cousins and Tyreke off the table, and probably start the offer at (Landry or JT) + (Casspi or Greene) + a future first and see where it went from there.
The thing is, he's not in as strong of a position to demand where he gets shipped as he would be in other years. A big part of this whole thing may be that he's unhappy in Denver and just wants out. All indications are that he wants out and isn't necessarily demanding going to a contender or a specific team. It seems like he would be fine playing out his last year then leaving as a FA but is afraid of losing out on $$$ under the new CBA. In other words, if he wants to get paid, he's gotta play ball with Denver and wherever they're willing to trade him, or he can just stay in Denver and gamble that the CBA isn't as bad for players as people are saying it will be. one scenario, the Nets may offer one package and the Kings a better one. Carmelo may prefer the Nets, while Denver may prefer Kings. Denver is then in a very strong position to tell Carmelo to either sign an extension in Sacramento or pound sand, as the alternative is they can just ship him somewhere for cheap, leaving him out in the cold next summer. Even if a team knows Carmelo is a 1-year rental, Denver can still get some value for him, which amounts to huge leverage. Denver can live without Carmelo. It's going to be a lot tougher for Carmelo to forego millions by refusing to cooperate now.
I think if Petrie has interest in Carmelo, then he'd only want him to add alongside Tyreke and Cousins. Most likely if they're asking for either of those guys Petrie has already thrown his cell phone off a bridge. But we could still put together a pretty attractive offer without Tyreke or Cousins. As has been mentioned already, something like Casspi, Thompson, Garcia and a 1st would be a deal I'd strongly consider, but only if Melo agrees to the extension


Hall of Famer
I'd rather we ship out Landry than JT if something happens. Landry/Cisco/one of our young SFs for Melo would be alright.

I really see him as a rich man's Kevin Martin though. One dimensional all offense guy, whose guady ppg numbers dont really translate into the amount of Ws you'd think they would.

If we lose more than one kid in a deal, I'll be disappointed.
I'd rather we ship out Landry than JT if something happens. Landry/Cisco/one of our young SFs for Melo would be alright.

I really see him as a rich man's Kevin Martin though. One dimensional all offense guy, whose guady ppg numbers dont really translate into the amount of Ws you'd think they would.

If we lose more than one kid in a deal, I'll be disappointed.
I tend to agree with this. It's definitely undervaluing Melo from a numbers stand point, but I just don't care to pay full price for a player who might decide he hates Sacramento and demand a trade in two years (his ego says this is quite possible). Plus, I don't think he'd come here (or, sign an extension to come here) in the first place. DeMarcus could walk on the floor and be Moses Malone, or more likely, he might need to take some time (four or five years) to develop. The only legitimate star on this team is Tyreke, and he's only in his second year. I don't think Carmelo is looking for a team, in a small market, to 'grow' with. I don't want to deal with the mess that promises to become.
I'm pretty torn. Its hard to ignore the obvious risks and possible problems he could create. I'm a big fan of his game and as long as Evans and Cousins are still around it pretty much guarantees many years of deep playoff contention. I'm kind of with everyone else, if he sees this team is going to be a winner and is willing to sign an extension, then lets get it done. If not, stay far away. Don't even think about trading Tyreke or Cousins either.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Upon further consideration, and after reading about what Denver wants etc. (replacement PF for Martin, youth, capspace (Melo puts them into taxland), this is basically my offer (and so uneager am I that I am not terribly flexible about it): Casspi, Landry, up to 2 #1s (presumably now in the 20s and hence not that valuable).

1) Why Casspi instead of Donte? Two reasons: 1) Donte has more of the build of aplayer who could come off the bench as a do it all defnsive roleplayer. Backup Melo, play alongside him at either PF or SG. Defend the guys Melo won't. and 2) the Syracuse connection, might helop Melo integrate, and 3) Casspi's ego. I'm not sure he would adjust well to permanently being pinned behind a perennial All Star type guy. Greene seems more likely to accept that role. denver either gets a fiery melo replacemnt, or can try to three way Casspi into a market where his nationality really carries some punch in exchange for even better goodies.

2) Why Landry instead of JT. Landry is good people. I think people underestimate his importance as we are currently constructed, and losing his classy vet presence to bring in an essentially selfish player like Melo gives me the uhoh chemsitry willies. But once you have Melo Landry becomes truly superflorous -- his best trait is his scoring in the post, which is exactly what Melo brings. And a starting lineup with both Reke and Melo as well as potentially Cousins is not going to need offense or a guy who needs shots. You are better off then with rebounders/defenders up front, and JT could continue to play within himself like he did late last year and not have to worry about doing much outside his box on offense. Denver gets a very cheap Martin replacement this eyar (the very cheap mattering to them), and wiht Martin finally coming off the books, could look to resign him for next year.

3) the picks are because Denver does not want to take salary back, and I think they likely end up being #20 or later if Melo comes in good faith (and if he does not.

All of the above clarifies the SF platoon, clarifies the PF position, and probably clarifies what to do with Dalembert next year (try to resign him as a backup if he will come). There are still ways it can go wrong -- Landry and Casspi are good hardworking competiive fire guys, and if Melo comes in as anything else, a prima donna, a coast along guy on defense, we will rue the day. But with those exact moves the end result team on paper (stressing the on paper part) makes sense. All the pieces fit the roles you need from them.

Bigs: Dalembert, Thompson, Cousins, Whiteside -- 3 10rpg type guys,. 2 shotblockers, 1 scorer/passer
SF: Melo, Greene -- big weapon 1a backed up by do it all 6th man roleplayer
Guards: Reke, Cisco, Beno -- big weapon 1b in a three man rotation with two roleplaying vets who's job it is to stick the jumper and move the ball.

Its a real risk, but that team could be a threat assuming Melo is not a walking chemsitry issue.
^^^ See, that is a trade that I would do as we arent losing TOO much, but the HUGE risk in getting Melo is that he is a one and done. I just have a feeling he would leave after one year and screw us over even more by us losing Omri and Landry who are both pretty god offensive players.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
^^^ See, that is a trade that I would do as we arent losing TOO much, but the HUGE risk in getting Melo is that he is a one and done. I just have a feeling he would leave after one year and screw us over even more by us losing Omri and Landry who are both pretty god offensive players.
You would just absolutely have to have him signed to an extension before you could make a deal for him. Signed to an extension, and signing off on coming. Anything thing else would just be nuts.
If we bring in Carmelo, I feel it would send us into "win now mode" - perhaps to the detriment of our younger players whose talents may not yet be ripe enough to compete for a championship at this point.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
If we bring in Carmelo, I feel it would send us into "win now mode" - perhaps to the detriment of our younger players whose talents may not yet be ripe enough to compete for a championship at this point.
It should be noted here I guess, that in the proposed deal I made above, Melo is actually the same age as Landry -- 4 months younger in fact (and seemingly 26 years old going on 19 sometimes in maturity). So we'd barely be getting older (excepting the loss of Casspi of course). So to whatever degree it would change our youth focus, it would be more a mental thing than a physical age thing. We'd still be extremely young.
No Trade !
i think sac should keep the money for resigning contracts of ther own players
and maybe bring Gallinari a team that stays togetor a long time always becomes exellent
and we have what to build on ( Tyreke DMC casspi green JT)
thats what i think
melo is uber talented but my gut tells me not to gut the team for him. there are obvious pluses in acquiring him however the risks of him destroying the chemistry and wanting to become the first option kinda stinks. i hope the maloofs/petrie pass on this guy.
Upon further consideration, and after reading about what Denver wants etc. (replacement PF for Martin, youth, capspace (Melo puts them into taxland), this is basically my offer (and so uneager am I that I am not terribly flexible about it): Casspi, Landry, up to 2 #1s (presumably now in the 20s and hence not that valuable).

1) Why Casspi instead of Donte? Two reasons: 1) Donte has more of the build of aplayer who could come off the bench as a do it all defnsive roleplayer. Backup Melo, play alongside him at either PF or SG. Defend the guys Melo won't. and 2) the Syracuse connection, might helop Melo integrate, and 3) Casspi's ego. I'm not sure he would adjust well to permanently being pinned behind a perennial All Star type guy. Greene seems more likely to accept that role. denver either gets a fiery melo replacemnt, or can try to three way Casspi into a market where his nationality really carries some punch in exchange for even better goodies.

2) Why Landry instead of JT. Landry is good people. I think people underestimate his importance as we are currently constructed, and losing his classy vet presence to bring in an essentially selfish player like Melo gives me the uhoh chemsitry willies. But once you have Melo Landry becomes truly superflorous -- his best trait is his scoring in the post, which is exactly what Melo brings. And a starting lineup with both Reke and Melo as well as potentially Cousins is not going to need offense or a guy who needs shots. You are better off then with rebounders/defenders up front, and JT could continue to play within himself like he did late last year and not have to worry about doing much outside his box on offense. Denver gets a very cheap Martin replacement this eyar (the very cheap mattering to them), and wiht Martin finally coming off the books, could look to resign him for next year.

3) the picks are because Denver does not want to take salary back, and I think they likely end up being #20 or later if Melo comes in good faith (and if he does not.

All of the above clarifies the SF platoon, clarifies the PF position, and probably clarifies what to do with Dalembert next year (try to resign him as a backup if he will come). There are still ways it can go wrong -- Landry and Casspi are good hardworking competiive fire guys, and if Melo comes in as anything else, a prima donna, a coast along guy on defense, we will rue the day. But with those exact moves the end result team on paper (stressing the on paper part) makes sense. All the pieces fit the roles you need from them.

Bigs: Dalembert, Thompson, Cousins, Whiteside -- 3 10rpg type guys,. 2 shotblockers, 1 scorer/passer
SF: Melo, Greene -- big weapon 1a backed up by do it all 6th man roleplayer
Guards: Reke, Cisco, Beno -- big weapon 1b in a three man rotation with two roleplaying vets who's job it is to stick the jumper and move the ball.

Its a real risk, but that team could be a threat assuming Melo is not a walking chemsitry issue.
That's exactly the type of deal I had in mind--given that he signs at least a 3-year extension, of course. Especially when it comes to keeping Casspi vs. Greene. Donte could also back up PF some, and considering we'd be looking a little thin there (unless DMC can swing to the 4 some, which I hope he can, or if Whiteside is truly ready) that would be truly helpful.


Hall of Famer
Upon further consideration, and after reading about what Denver wants etc. (replacement PF for Martin, youth, capspace (Melo puts them into taxland), this is basically my offer (and so uneager am I that I am not terribly flexible about it): Casspi, Landry, up to 2 #1s (presumably now in the 20s and hence not that valuable).

1) Why Casspi instead of Donte? Two reasons: 1) Donte has more of the build of aplayer who could come off the bench as a do it all defnsive roleplayer. Backup Melo, play alongside him at either PF or SG. Defend the guys Melo won't. and 2) the Syracuse connection, might helop Melo integrate, and 3) Casspi's ego. I'm not sure he would adjust well to permanently being pinned behind a perennial All Star type guy. Greene seems more likely to accept that role. denver either gets a fiery melo replacemnt, or can try to three way Casspi into a market where his nationality really carries some punch in exchange for even better goodies.

2) Why Landry instead of JT. Landry is good people. I think people underestimate his importance as we are currently constructed, and losing his classy vet presence to bring in an essentially selfish player like Melo gives me the uhoh chemsitry willies. But once you have Melo Landry becomes truly superflorous -- his best trait is his scoring in the post, which is exactly what Melo brings. And a starting lineup with both Reke and Melo as well as potentially Cousins is not going to need offense or a guy who needs shots. You are better off then with rebounders/defenders up front, and JT could continue to play within himself like he did late last year and not have to worry about doing much outside his box on offense. Denver gets a very cheap Martin replacement this eyar (the very cheap mattering to them), and wiht Martin finally coming off the books, could look to resign him for next year.

3) the picks are because Denver does not want to take salary back, and I think they likely end up being #20 or later if Melo comes in good faith (and if he does not.

All of the above clarifies the SF platoon, clarifies the PF position, and probably clarifies what to do with Dalembert next year (try to resign him as a backup if he will come). There are still ways it can go wrong -- Landry and Casspi are good hardworking competiive fire guys, and if Melo comes in as anything else, a prima donna, a coast along guy on defense, we will rue the day. But with those exact moves the end result team on paper (stressing the on paper part) makes sense. All the pieces fit the roles you need from them.

Bigs: Dalembert, Thompson, Cousins, Whiteside -- 3 10rpg type guys,. 2 shotblockers, 1 scorer/passer
SF: Melo, Greene -- big weapon 1a backed up by do it all 6th man roleplayer
Guards: Reke, Cisco, Beno -- big weapon 1b in a three man rotation with two roleplaying vets who's job it is to stick the jumper and move the ball.

Its a real risk, but that team could be a threat assuming Melo is not a walking chemsitry issue.
With reservations, this is exactly the trade I would make. Once again I don't think Melo is a superstar. He's an average defender at best, and everyone with the moniker of superstar is superior at both ends of the court. I think we should be clear about what we would be getting . He's a scorer and a pretty darn good one averaging over 20 pt's per game for his career and 28.2 PPG last year. But most of his scoring comes within 16 feet of the basket. As does Tyreke's, and as will Cousins.

Last year Tyreke suffered some criticisim for dominating the ball. Well Evans had a 26.2% usage rate while on the floor. That means the ball was in Evans hands 26.2% of the time that he was on the floor. Last year Melo had a 31.1% usage rate. That means together Tyreke and Melo would dominate the ball 57.3% of the time. When you add Cousins into that equation, it doesn't leave a lot of touches for the rest of the team does it?

Melo has shot only 30.8% from behind the arc for this career, so he's not going to scare anyone out there. In giving up Casspi were giving up one of our better 3pt shooters, who shot 37.0% last year and over 40% in summer league. In Landry were giving up a young PF that averaged 18 PPG last year in 38 MPG while averaging just over 6 RPG. But his overall shooting Percentage is 55.7%, which is excellent. Thats compared to Melo's which is 45.9%. So going on stats alone, Your gaining Melo and his 28 PPG, just over 6 RPG along with whatever intangables he brings, such as credibility, name recognition, etc.. In Landry and Casspi combined your losing 28 PPG, close to 11 RPG, and some of what little 3pt shooting we had on the team, which is critical in trying to spread the floor.

Lets be clear. Anthony is a volume shooter. He takes alot of shots. Last year he took 1,502 FGA's. Out of those only 187 were 3pt attempts. By comparison Casspi took 672 FGA's and of those, 203 were 3pt attempts. When combining both Landrys and Casspi's FGA's, which includes Landry's time at Houston, they add up to 1,603 FGA's.

Even as I type this, I've become more sketpical about whether Melo would improve the team enough to make the move worth while. When you consider what we would be giving up, along with the the salary commitment for the future, I'm not sure its in our best interest. I know there's a lot more than stats to be considered when looking at a player. Let me put it this way. I could see Anthony as a better fit on the Warriors with Curry and Ellis, than I can with the Kings along with Evans and Cousins. Sometimes its all about fit, and I don't think Anthony is the perfect fit for this team. When you consider the price and the commitment, I think he needs to be.
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I'm a fan of Anthony's game. He has improved his defense over the last two years or so (though no-where to the extent of being an impact player of LeBron's or Wade's level) and I like his offensive game.
He's not a 3pt shooter, but is a very good mid-range shooter, and he's so physical as a SF that he can dominate most defenders in the post.

As bajaden just mentioned, he isn't going to be able to stretch the floor as much as someone like Peja, but with the team we're building, I like Melo's ability to dominate the ball inside against weaker opponents.

If you look at the team we're trying to build and you add Anthony to the mix you have:

1.) Most physically imposing PG in the league who can score at the rim at will.
2.) One of the most physically imposing SFs in the league who is one of the best post players and an outstanding mid-range shooter.
3.) One of the most offensively dominant Centers in the league who hopefully will develop into one of the top 3-5 Centers in the league.

So you take those three guys and you just pound the ball inside, again, and again and you wear your opponents out.
We know that Anthony has the mid-range shot to spread the floor. We know that Cousins can pass out of the high-post and looks to be able to develop a reliable mid-range jumpshot.
We all pray that Tyreke can develop his jumpshot to also spread the floor.

Anyway, on paper it's a recipe for ultimate success.

With all that said...I would only be willing to make such a deal with Denver if the price was right, because as has been mentioned, there is a ton which could go wrong.

I agree that a Casspi/Landry/future picks would be the type of price I'd be willing to pay. I like Landry a lot, but even if we don't acquire Anthony, I'm just not certain that we'll keep him, especially if Cousins is able to dominate in the low post while keeping his rebounding at an elite level.
If we obtained Anthony then we'd have to let one of Casspi or Donte go, and I think that Donte's ability to play some stretch-PF gives him the edge for our team, but I'd be willing to trade Donte instead of Casspi if that were the asking price.

So let's say that the price is right and we got Anthony to agree to the extension. My biggest fear would be one of chemistry.
Our team is so young and oozing with potential, my fear would be that adding Anthony to the mix would somehow disrupt the team, and prevent the team from ever reaching it's full potential.
I'm not usually averse to adding talent to the team, but for some reason, at this stage of our team's development, the possibility of ruining a good thing seems higher than normal.

But if it all works out.
If Anthony comes in ready to play with the team rather than thinking of himself as the team...
If Anthony and Tyreke can form a strong bond and develop chemistry...
If Cousins can take that chip he has on his shoulders to propel him to work on becoming the best big-man in the game both on the offensive and defensive side of the ball....
If Tyreke can get his jumpshot to the point where opponents can't play off of him...

If it all works out, then this team would catapult itself into the upper echelon of the league.

Anthony is young, and our window for winning would be very large, and if things don't work out perfectly, you'd have Anthony's expiring around the time you'd be wanting to pay major money to Tyreke and Cousins.

I'd make the trade, if the price is right, but I'd still only be cautiously optimistic until I could see for myself how well the pieces actually fit together.
In my opinion, Landry + Casspi + Future picks is cheap for a player of Melo's caliber. Even if he ends up being a terrible mix with our team, we could probably trade him to another team for better assets than what we gave up.

However, I don't see how Carmelo really fits our mold. Do him and Tyreke have complimenting skillsets?


Hall of Famer
As far as money goes. To me as soon as you trade for Melo and can put him and Tyreke and Cousins on the floor well you are looking at 41 sellouts the next years. Then you have the money to extend Tyreke and Cousins.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
In my opinion, Landry + Casspi + Future picks is cheap for a player of Melo's caliber. Even if he ends up being a terrible mix with our team, we could probably trade him to another team for better assets than what we gave up.

However, I don't see how Carmelo really fits our mold. Do him and Tyreke have complimenting skillsets?
I think that "complimenting skillsets" thing is often overstated.

When you look at the title teams over the years, their stars have NOT had complimentary skillsets as a rule. Certinaly not in an in/out sense. You had Shaq )(inside) and Kobe (at that age a slasher), Duncan (inside) and Parker (slashing driver), Wade (slasher) and Shaq (inside), Jordan (slasher/post guy) and Pippen (Slasher) etc.. An inside/outside pairing where the inside guy stays inside and the outside guy shoots jumpers has been very rare amongst top teams, and I think the conclusion to be drqawn is that amongst your stars "complimentary skillsets" is not the way to go. What you want/need to do is establish dominance in one arena, and very specifically, down inside. You want to dominate the game down in the paint.

And that is something that a Reke/Melo/Cousins trio could most certaonly do. It could win the games down where they matter.

Now it is certianly true however that after those past title teams, or a Reke/Melo/Cousins team are put together, thnat the focus then has to be on picking up complimentary roleplayers -- I think that is where you compliment -- with the roleplayers, not the stars. So you get guys who can drain all the open jumpers your main thumpers create for them. In the short term it would make Beno and Cisco and Greene (in my proposal) important pieces, as well as it being important for JT/Whiteside to be able to hit little facing jumpers. But I think overall the title.contender history of the league suggests that piling up stars who beat you inside, near the rim, is actually exactly the way to go about things, and the jumpshooters then are added as roleplayers later.

My larger concerns with Melo are just attitude/selfishness, and his committment to doing the little things, playing defense etc. He'd come in as our oldest star, and have a lot of influence. I would like that player to be driven, not lazy or sloppy or selfish. Remember when he and A.I. teamed up it didn't really take Denver to another level because both guys just sort of took turns on offense, and neither was terribly interested in playing the other side. Of course that's A.I., but it sill gives pause when you are talking about a pure scorer like Anthony. Somebody earlier called him a rich man's Kevin Martin, and that is somewhat correct I think. Does his damage inside, which is more valuable, but he's still just a high end "just a scorer" guy. You need those guys to do other things when they aren't shooting the ball or thye are just empty stats.
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Hall of Famer
Thats why he is paired with guys like Tyreke, Cousins, Garica, Greene, and Thompson. Intead of Brad Miller, Kenny Thomas, Beno, Nocioni. Carmellos weaknesses won't be near as highlighted as Martins were.
If we were to have a tyreke/anthony/dmc trio...when games were on the line, I think I'd want the ball and last shot to be tyrekes. I feel like he has the potential to be the most unstoppable but I suspect Carmelo wouldn't be cool with this.
Kings need to win now to pack the house - getting Melo will bring the excitment back to Sac. Although we all like what is going on, this team still needs 2-3 years to make a real impact. Getting Melo (and not giving up the house) would turn some heads NOW.

I am not sure if Sacramento has 2-3 years anymore. This team may be gone by the time all the bandwagoners decide to come to games...
I'm a fan of Anthony's game. He has improved his defense over the last two years or so (though no-where to the extent of being an impact player of LeBron's or Wade's level) and I like his offensive game.
He's not a 3pt shooter, but is a very good mid-range shooter, and he's so physical as a SF that he can dominate most defenders in the post.

As bajaden just mentioned, he isn't going to be able to stretch the floor as much as someone like Peja, but with the team we're building, I like Melo's ability to dominate the ball inside against weaker opponents.

If you look at the team we're trying to build and you add Anthony to the mix you have:

1.) Most physically imposing PG in the league who can score at the rim at will.
2.) One of the most physically imposing SFs in the league who is one of the best post players and an outstanding mid-range shooter.
3.) One of the most offensively dominant Centers in the league who hopefully will develop into one of the top 3-5 Centers in the league.

So you take those three guys and you just pound the ball inside, again, and again and you wear your opponents out.
We know that Anthony has the mid-range shot to spread the floor. We know that Cousins can pass out of the high-post and looks to be able to develop a reliable mid-range jumpshot.
We all pray that Tyreke can develop his jumpshot to also spread the floor.

Anyway, on paper it's a recipe for ultimate success.

With all that said...I would only be willing to make such a deal with Denver if the price was right, because as has been mentioned, there is a ton which could go wrong.

I agree that a Casspi/Landry/future picks would be the type of price I'd be willing to pay. I like Landry a lot, but even if we don't acquire Anthony, I'm just not certain that we'll keep him, especially if Cousins is able to dominate in the low post while keeping his rebounding at an elite level.
If we obtained Anthony then we'd have to let one of Casspi or Donte go, and I think that Donte's ability to play some stretch-PF gives him the edge for our team, but I'd be willing to trade Donte instead of Casspi if that were the asking price.

So let's say that the price is right and we got Anthony to agree to the extension. My biggest fear would be one of chemistry.
Our team is so young and oozing with potential, my fear would be that adding Anthony to the mix would somehow disrupt the team, and prevent the team from ever reaching it's full potential.
I'm not usually averse to adding talent to the team, but for some reason, at this stage of our team's development, the possibility of ruining a good thing seems higher than normal.

But if it all works out.
If Anthony comes in ready to play with the team rather than thinking of himself as the team...
If Anthony and Tyreke can form a strong bond and develop chemistry...
If Cousins can take that chip he has on his shoulders to propel him to work on becoming the best big-man in the game both on the offensive and defensive side of the ball....
If Tyreke can get his jumpshot to the point where opponents can't play off of him...

If it all works out, then this team would catapult itself into the upper echelon of the league.

Anthony is young, and our window for winning would be very large, and if things don't work out perfectly, you'd have Anthony's expiring around the time you'd be wanting to pay major money to Tyreke and Cousins.

I'd make the trade, if the price is right, but I'd still only be cautiously optimistic until I could see for myself how well the pieces actually fit together.
so we'd be paying melo 20+ mill a year, basically superstar $$$. once his contract 3yr 65 mill is up, how much is he going to be asking to stay on the team? 25+ mill per year? if we are going to keep our core intact we'd be paying lux. tax very early in our quest for a ring. if he was asking 10 mill per year, i think we could figure something out.

here are some rough #s for our team
demarcus if he pans out will get a hefty contract in the 10 mill per year range
reke will get the max lol, no question about it. 10+ mill per year
melo 20+ mill per year (when reke/demarcus needs extensions melo will probably be commanding 23-25/yr)
JT/Donte/whietside get the table scraps of maybe mid level. thats already 50 mill tied into a few players. i don't see how its feasible to bring melo in unless we dump alot of players onto denver leaving us w/ a gutted team.
what players will want to come play in sac for cheap? we aren't exactly a prime destination for players.
Kings need to win now to pack the house - getting Melo will bring the excitment back to Sac. Although we all like what is going on, this team still needs 2-3 years to make a real impact. Getting Melo (and not giving up the house) would turn some heads NOW.

I am not sure if Sacramento has 2-3 years anymore. This team may be gone by the time all the bandwagoners decide to come to games...
what do you mean sac has 2-3 yrs? where are you getting this prediction