Updated Lineup

That's because they won't have a problem guarding Power forwards. Having watched Dalembert play, I just don't see him having any problem. He came out of college at 225 lbs and now is at 250 lbs. He's lean and quick. All of the championship teams I mentioned have a pair of big guys (>250 lb, 6'11") that basically roamed the paint on defense. They didn't have trouble stopping opposing PF. Elite teams killed us in our down years with their PF and Center shooting and dunking over us in the paint to 15' out after inlet pass or rebound. That's Dally's territory.
The only exception to the Championship teams without pair of Big guys in the middle are the teams with Shaq. Shaq is so big at 335 lbs that he basically can man the paint all by himself. I don't know if we're going to see somebody like Shaq for a long time
I'm sorry, but you lost me there.
i agree with most posters that Dally/Cousins shouyld share the Center position for most of the Games

However, I would look at the other team bigs to decide who I want to match up

If lakers were rotating Bynum, Gasol, Ratcliff

I would counter with Cousins,Dally, JT

I hate seeing all those shots by Gasol down low shooting 7 ft shots over everones head
and goobling up rebounds down low with Bynum being occupied by our Center

I think Dally could bother gasols shots, Cousins could bang with Bynum and if Lakers rotated in Ratcliff
I would put JT on him

If the other team was rotating 4 bigs that were all 6 11 or 7 ft
I would either rotate our three bigs as above or even use Whiteside for spot minutes

Yes I love Landry's game but I was so sick of tall PF's negating his jump shots
and shooting over him with ease in certain games last year

Now that we got some bigs lets use them when we need too!!!!


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Here is my starting lineup:
Saw a Kings blurb on Facebook today and this was Jerry's projected starting lineup. You were the first to list it I think. Still have to see what happens after training camp, etc.
Saw a Kings blurb on Facebook today and this was Jerry's projected starting lineup. You were the first to list it I think. Still have to see what happens after training camp, etc.
Dumb lineup. Gasol is going to shoot free throws and dunk over Landry all day long. Bynum is going to push Dally out of the way, grab every rebound and dunk it all day long.
Dumb lineup. Gasol is going to shoot free throws and dunk over Landry all day long. Bynum is going to push Dally out of the way, grab every rebound and dunk it all day long.
Yes, because this is a 2 team league. Don't be pissed if the Kings don't have your wet dream frontcourt of Dally and Cousins together.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Dumb lineup. Gasol is going to shoot free throws and dunk over Landry all day long. Bynum is going to push Dally out of the way, grab every rebound and dunk it all day long.
Actually, for the beginning of the season it is a lineup that makes perfect sense. I don't think it should necessarily be the lineup at the end of the season, however.
Last years small forward problem is this years big man problem. We survived it last season because Mason was released after a few weeks, Garcia got hurt, and Nocioni was traded by the deadline. Now I consider this year's problem to be even worse, because ALL of these guys need minutes, were last year it was clear Mason and Nocioni had no future on this team.

How will it get handled? I dont know. Im willing to bet Cousins gets the least amount of PT out of Dally, JT, and Landry .. at least to open the season.

I also think one of Landry or Dally could will be dealt by the deadline. I would love to keep Landry, but he's going to get paid this offseason .. Not sure it if will be worth it for us.


Hall of Famer
Last years small forward problem is this years big man problem. We survived it last season because Mason was released after a few weeks, Garcia got hurt, and Nocioni was traded by the deadline. Now I consider this year's problem to be even worse, because ALL of these guys need minutes, were last year it was clear Mason and Nocioni had no future on this team.

How will it get handled? I dont know. Im willing to bet Cousins gets the least amount of PT out of Dally, JT, and Landry .. at least to open the season.

I also think one of Landry or Dally could will be dealt by the deadline. I would love to keep Landry, but he's going to get paid this offseason .. Not sure it if will be worth it for us.
I'm actually really hoping he gets delt for this reason. We shouldnt tie ourselves down with any long term contracts until after the new CBA, plus we have to think about the future and resigning of our young studs. Someone is going to give Landry starter money, and I really dont think the guy is starter quality. He's kinda the Kevin Martin of PFs...Great on offense, but doesnt give much else. He's scrappy, but too short to play good D, and he is weaksauce on the boards. I like JT more longterm. Better rebounder, fullsize, less of a black hole offensively. I think Landry and Dally compliment each other really well though (as starters or off the bench).

I'm worried about the passing there though (in the lineup a few posts up). Reke tends to overdribble and dominate the ball, Landry can be a total black hole (I dont think I've ever seen the guy pass once he gets the rock), Casspi has shown little flashes of selfishness from time to time, and Philly fans claim that Dalembert can also be a black hole on offense (with not so good results. At least Mandry tends to convert). I feel we're going to see a lot of iso.

I'd like to see Reke/Beno/Greene/JT/Dally starting. I think that lineup has good balance. We know that Tyreke and Beno play great together. Greene can hopefully be that utility guy who gives us D and 3s, and his weak SF rebounding will be covered by the glass dominance we'd get out of JT and Dally (who, as a pair, should also be good for at least 3 bpg). Then we'd have Landry, Omri, Cisco and Cousins coming off the bench destroying other team's second units.

As for the Cuz/Dally frontcourt pairing....Could work in small doses. I'm sure Westphal will mess around with it some, but I'm not getting my hopes up for it being very solid.
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I am looking forward to seeing what Garcia can do along side Tyreke. His natural inclination and skill-set all work as a good complimentary player to Evan's skills... if he can step up into this role, they could be a sweet combo. This has Beno as a REALLY good first back-court option off the bench.

I also see Landry moving back to his 6th-man type role, as instant O coming off the bench. given the depth that the kings suddenly have (and the lack of seperation between between players 2-5 and players 6-9) the kings line-ups and depth charts will be ALL about complimentarity and match-ups, and much less about absolute "best players" as is usually the case. You HAVE to have Evans on the floor, and work around his strengths and weaknesses, there is no other Kng that you can say this about.

i am basically undecided between Caspi and Greene as "starter" although the possiblilty for a homerun is greater with Greene is higher, they are fairly equal in my eyes at this point (so once again its all about who can comliment the players around them better WHEN they are on the court).

I have to say, I am really looking forward to some bruiser defensive line-ups of the kind the kings NEVER get a chance to put out before :)


Yes, because this is a 2 team league. Don't be pissed if the Kings don't have your wet dream frontcourt of Dally and Cousins together.
No doubt! Because the Kings only play the Lakers 82 games and no one else. Get off the Lakers nuts. There are 30 teams in the NBA, the Lakers are only ONE of them. They might be the defending champs but they are not the only team to beat.
Now here's another interesting front court pairing we might toy with. One with insane shotblocking potential, and possibly more suited to being able to guard the PF spot... wait for it....

Whiteside and Dally

Oh it's just so fun having this much length and shot blocking ability to tinker and think though different pairings and such. It's really what's getting me through tdos.

Of course it's a little limited offensively, but if Whiteside can learn the offense, and find the flow, and it turns out he can hit that 15 footer consistently... we could get by on offense. But on defense? Can you say "get that **** outta here"?
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My ideal starting lineup is: Bench:
tyreke Beno
cisco omri
donte thompson
landry cousins
I honestly do not want beno to start because i want point guards to be forced to guard tyreke. That will create more matchup problems. Also, beno coming off the bench brings a different dynamic to the team and that will make opposing teams adjust to the different playing styles. As much as i love whiteside, i don't see coach putting him in for significant minutes unless there's an injury or he is trying to change things up when nothing is working.

This starting lineup makes landry our post guy with dalembert only having to worry about doing the dirty work, then off the bench u bring cousins and thompson whom are great rebounders and cousins replacing landry as our post go to guy off the bench.
I see this lineup at the start of the season;

Last year Cisco didn't play very well next to Evans, but it might have been a "getting used to playing" thing after his injury. With a full training camp with Evans I believe he should do fine. Cisco seems like a high BBall IQ type person to me (except when out of control going into the lane which he had cut down on).

The lineup I would LOVE to see on the floor at the start of the season (which probably wont happen);

The only issue with that lineup is the lack of 3pt shooting which would have to come from the bench. If we moved Evans to PG, and brought in Garcia to play SG I can see the 3pt% getting better, but we would lack a specialist from the bench (Greene isn't ready).
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I like the lineup too. Pretty much thats the lineup i put with the exception of donte over caspi. I just think caspi's energy fits perfectly coming off the bench. Again beno playing with tyreke doesn't cause the matchup problems that the kings' need to exploit.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The lineup I would LOVE to see on the floor at the start of the season (which probably wont happen);

The only issue with that lineup is the lack of 3pt shooting which would have to come from the bench. If we moved Evans to PG, and brought in Garcia to play SG I can see the 3pt% getting better, but we would lack a specialist from the bench (Greene isn't ready).
Oh no, the other issue with this lineup is that it is just about our worst defensive team, and much of this team's reemergence is going to depend on getting better defensively. In fact for everything else that has gone on, you can almost track both our rise and fall over the years just by looking at our defensive rankings. Now its time to rise again, and that means no more being casual about defense and just throwing 5 offensive players on the court and hoping for the best.


Hall of Famer
Oh no, the other issue with this lineup is that it is just about our worst defensive team, and much of this team's reemergence is going to depend on getting better defensively. In fact for everything else that has gone on, you can almost track both our rise and fall over the years just by looking at our defensive rankings. Now its time to rise again, and that means no more being casual about defense and just throwing 5 offensive players on the court and hoping for the best.
I Have to agree. I do think Cousins is going to be a better defensive player than some think right now, but it will take some time for him to adjust. If you were going to start Cousins, then I'd rather have Thompson at PF because he's a better defender away from the basket than he is under it. However, I think Dalembert will be the starter at the beginning of the year and I think Cisco will start at the SG position.

After watching Casspi and Greene in the summer league, I think Casspi is the better all around player right now. The only edge I give Greene is on defense, and I'm still not sold that he's a difference maker there. But the difference between the two is small, so I think its a crap shoot as to who starts. One thing is for sure. Westphal has a lot of options this year. If the team comes together quickly they could surprise some people. But in any event, long term I think its a team to reckoned with.

By the way. I saw Thompson up close and personal at summer league. And for what its worth, he must have been doing some serious lifting because the dude is seriously buff. To bad they don't give you points for that. He has a lot to prove this year. It would be nice to see him have a breakout year. Especially with Landry in the last year of his contract.
By the way. I saw Thompson up close and personal at summer league. And for what its worth, he must have been doing some serious lifting because the dude is seriously buff. To bad they don't give you points for that. He has a lot to prove this year. It would be nice to see him have a breakout year. Especially with Landry in the last year of his contract.
Yeah, JT has always had a pretty large frame, it has always been about filling up that frame. Previously, he has been known to get beaten around in the paint so hopefully with this added muscle, he can improve in that area.
Oh no, the other issue with this lineup is that it is just about our worst defensive team, and much of this team's reemergence is going to depend on getting better defensively. In fact for everything else that has gone on, you can almost track both our rise and fall over the years just by looking at our defensive rankings. Now its time to rise again, and that means no more being casual about defense and just throwing 5 offensive players on the court and hoping for the best.
I don't think we can put out a defensive team and compete offensively right now. Maybe in a year or two, but I think we have to mix and match until then.. Plus, we could put out a defensive team after about 6 mins of play if we are just sucking it up..
I don't think we can put out a defensive team and compete offensively right now. Maybe in a year or two, but I think we have to mix and match until then.. Plus, we could put out a defensive team after about 6 mins of play if we are just sucking it up..
Are you nuts?


What the hell do you call that?

With that you've got TWO of the best defenders in the league at their respective positions (Evans, Dally), you've got two high quality perimeter defenders, one that showed flashes of defensive brilliance last year and then grew an inch (Greene), a solid PF perimeter defender (Thompson) and Paint Patrol (Dally). Decent amount of firepower in that lineup, too. With the exception of a few opponents, I don't see that lineup having trouble scoring, defending, or rebounding.









Heck, even throw Beno into some of the above lineups and I think we are still pretty good defensively. People still may be having a hard time mentally adjusting to the massive step forward we took this offseason in defense, and especially interior defense. I think we can fairly expect Evans, Greene, and Casspi to have improved on defense, as well.


Hall of Famer
Are you nuts?


What the hell do you call that?

With that you've got TWO of the best defenders in the league at their respective positions (Evans, Dally), you've got two high quality perimeter defenders, one that showed flashes of defensive brilliance last year and then grew an inch (Greene), a solid PF perimeter defender (Thompson) and Paint Patrol (Dally). Decent amount of firepower in that lineup, too. With the exception of a few opponents, I don't see that lineup having trouble scoring, defending, or rebounding.









Heck, even throw Beno into some of the above lineups and I think we are still pretty good defensively. People still may be having a hard time mentally adjusting to the massive step forward we took this offseason in defense, and especially interior defense. I think we can fairly expect Evans, Greene, and Casspi to have improved on defense, as well.
No offense, but I think Gary did say something about mixing and matching....
Are you nuts?


What the hell do you call that?

With that you've got TWO of the best defenders in the league at their respective positions (Evans, Dally), you've got two high quality perimeter defenders, one that showed flashes of defensive brilliance last year and then grew an inch (Greene), a solid PF perimeter defender (Thompson) and Paint Patrol (Dally). Decent amount of firepower in that lineup, too. With the exception of a few opponents, I don't see that lineup having trouble scoring, defending, or rebounding.









Heck, even throw Beno into some of the above lineups and I think we are still pretty good defensively. People still may be having a hard time mentally adjusting to the massive step forward we took this offseason in defense, and especially interior defense. I think we can fairly expect Evans, Greene, and Casspi to have improved on defense, as well.
You are mixing and matching. Exactly what I said is the only way we would get a defensive team out there. Can't say Thompson, or Greene are starting this year. It's still early, but I still believe that none of those lineups that you put up there will be the starting lineup this year. That's what I meant above in the message you quoted.
No offense, but I think Gary did say something about mixing and matching....
I was responding to the fact that he said we couldn't put out a good offensive team that could compete defensively. By tinker, I took him to mean get by on offense or defense, but not be good at both. Each of the lineups I was demonstrating are at LEAST adequate on defense and are good on offense too. We don't have to sacrafice one for the other at this point.
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