Wayne Chism?


Hall of Famer
I think New Jersey is just a bunch of lunatics rather than Wayne getting cut after 2 days. Total scrubs make summer league teams. For them to cut him so soon it shows they're either crazy or he didn't fit into what they were trying to do, not that he wasn't good enough to play for them in Orlando.
I can't comment on the Nets. I have no idea what their mind set is. But its a tough call for Chism. I think he's good enough to play in the NBA. But even if he gets an offer from the Kings, his playing time, barring injuries, would be zero. From the Kings point of view, he would be nice insurance to have around, and cheap at that. But if I had a nice offer from europe, I think I'd have to take it. Of course, there's always that, out of sight, out of mind factor. Tough call.. I wish him luck.


Hall of Famer
Well it looks like Chism decided on the sure thing and is going to play in Turkey. Oddly enough on the same team as Downey. I can't blame him. Apparently the Kings were going to give him some showing up money, but no guarantee's of a contract. I wish him well. Maybe next year. Who knows what the future holds..
That was the best move for Chism.

He was solid in summer league, and with the loss of Brockman I would have perfectly fine adding him to our team. If this had been last year, I think he would have had a better chance making the team, but with our current front-court depth, I think it would have been too large of a gamble for him to take. With Landry, Dalembert, Cousins, and Whiteside all on the roster this year, he's better off getting the guaranteed money, working on his game for a year, and showing up next year to demonstrate what he's learned.


Hall of Famer
looks like Caracter might not be signed. He was teh second best big in summer league. We should see about him.
I was very, very impressed with Caracter. I watched him play quite a bit at UTEP and I can tell you right now, that I didn't see him being that good. One has to remember that he was one of the best highschool players in the nation before enrolling at Louisville. Of course that lasted only one year with Caracter and Pittino locking horns. In fairness to Caracter, Pittino has always been in love with guard play, and his teams reflect that. I'd love to have him on the team, but he'd be looking at the same situation that Chism was looking at. And I'm sure he'd want a guaranteed contract from the outset.
looks like Caracter might not be signed. He was teh second best big in summer league. We should see about him.
Caracter should definitely make an NBA squad. I just don't think that the Kings is a good team for him, unless we sign him to a multi-year contract, and are planning on not re-signing Landry next offseason.

His biggest strength is his post game. He's got a big body and has a real good feel for using good foot work and body control to clear out space in the lane to give him the space to get off his quick hooks.
The problem is that Cousins is bigger and better than Caracter in the post-scoring department. And at the moment Landry is far more polished and explosive as a post-scorer as well.
Caracter is a far better rebounder than Landry, but as long as Landry is on the roster with Cousins I don't see Caracter getting much playing time to develop on this King's team.

Caracter's biggest problem in my mind is just going to be getting his post-scoring against bigger, longer defensive players. He did well in summer league, and I think that it could translate over to the NBA, but I do have some doubts.

So he should be in the NBA, but I just don't think he fits with this roster very well. Last year he would have been great for this team, but this year...not so much.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
looks like Caracter might not be signed. He was teh second best big in summer league. We should see about him.
Having a hard time figuring why they wouldn't sign him, unless some of those old character (character, get it! haha!) issues have popped up again.
Having a hard time figuring why they wouldn't sign him, unless some of those old character (character, get it! haha!) issues have popped up again.
Same here. If you're a talented player available on a cheap rookie contract, and RonRon's team declines you, that's a very worrisome sign.


Hall of Famer
Same here. If you're a talented player available on a cheap rookie contract, and RonRon's team declines you, that's a very worrisome sign.
Yeah, I don't get it. He was one of the players that everyone was talking about in Vegas. I'm sure that if they want to relinquish his rights, someone will snatch him up. Could be their getting calls from other teams and trying to work something out.