The Jon Brockman Free Agency Tracker

I don't get why he's automatically at the bottom of the rotation. He can clearly make contributions ala Birdman and Lou in PHX. The guy deserves minutes, even if it's just 10-15 a game.
I don't get why he's automatically at the bottom of the rotation. He can clearly make contributions ala Birdman and Lou in PHX. The guy deserves minutes, even if it's just 10-15 a game.
I like Brockman a lot, and do hope that we re-sign him. But if there is one player who I hope gets 10-15 minutes a night at the PF spot I'd want that to be Whiteside not Brockman.
I'm completely on board with slowly working with Whiteside to see if he can become an elite defensive player at the PF spot while providing just enough scoring to not grind our offense to a halt. If Whiteside can become that player, and earn a spot as the starting PF then the Kings get that much better when looking towards title contention.

I would not like to see those minutes for Whiteside's development taken and given to Brockman, and I just don't think there is any minutes in the rotation for both of these guys to get 10-15 minutes a night.

I love what Brockman brings, but if he's playing major minutes at the 4 spot, I think it means that the frontline is in trouble.


Hall of Famer
Lets say cousins hits his potential early and needs 30 35 min a game and Whiteside also reaches his potential who does Brockman take minutes from. You say 10-15 a game out of 96 possible. We have replaced Hawes with 2 guys now that both should be above Brockman in Dalembert and Cousins. Not to mention the huge potential of Whiteside.

Based on min last year

Thompson 31
Landry 37
got to asume
Cousins at least 25 to start
Dalembert 25
got to see what whiteside has in garbage time 5 min at least

thats 123 min out of possible 96. drop Landry and Thompson down to only 25 and its still over drop them down further and you garuntee no more landry after this year and a pretty pissed off Thompson. Also the hopes of all Kings Fans is Cousins will be up over 30 himself by Christmas. now Where does Brockman get the 10-15 again.

I like Brock but lets face it he has alot of DNP's in his future baring injury and it may take more than 1 injury. Garbage time only.
If the case was that Whiteside and Cousins reached their potential then I'm pretty sure it would be Thompson and Landry as the ones not only out of the rotation but off the team. Both have to either be re-signed or extended and if Whiteside and Cousins reach their potential then it's probably not worth the cost of bringing either back as a backup.
I don't get why he's automatically at the bottom of the rotation. He can clearly make contributions ala Birdman and Lou in PHX. The guy deserves minutes, even if it's just 10-15 a game.
I think we all hope that we can get that kind of production out of Whiteside this season, but I don't think we can just hand those minutes to him without him earning them to some degree. One of Whiteside's problems last year was looking completely lost out on the floor from time to time. If he gets lost in a college game, he will likely get even more lost during an NBA game. It will take him some time to get up to the speed of the game IMO. Look how long it has taken others to slow the game down for themselves. JT appeared to finally get it the second half of last year. There are countless big men who take anywhere from a year to 4 years to get it. I hope his learning curve is on the fast side, but I think we all have to expect him to take at least a year or 2 to really be productive for the Kings. I hope he comes along faster than I expect, but I'm just not holding my breathe.


Hall of Famer
This is what really makes no sense.

So explain to me what it is about the concept of "Perhaps" Whiteside progresses faster than thought, that makes no sense to you. I did use the word perhaps. That means its a possibility, but not a certainty. Is it that you think Whiteside is incapable of progressing faster? I was proposing a hypothetical. So far all you've done is make snide remarks, and offered nothing to the orginal question. Its called a conversation, or a debate if you will. Don't just take pop shots at peoples posts. Offer a counter argument.
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Hall of Famer
If the case was that Whiteside and Cousins reached their potential then I'm pretty sure it would be Thompson and Landry as the ones not only out of the rotation but off the team. Both have to either be re-signed or extended and if Whiteside and Cousins reach their potential then it's probably not worth the cost of bringing either back as a backup.
I don't see both Landry and Thompson off the team. It would be one or the other in my opinion. Regardless of how Whiteside progresses, you still have to have a backup PF on the team. Ditto the center position. Thats one of the reasons I think Thompson has the best chance of being the guy that stays. he can backup both positions. Landry can't. Plus, based on current performance, Thompson would probably be cheaper as well. No one knows what the future holds. Whiteside may take three years to develop. He may be a bust who never reaches his potential. I'm not saying thats what I think will happen, I'm saying that we just don't know. Who knows, in the next draft we may get lucky again and draft a great PF, making Whiteside, Landry, and Thompson all irrelevant. Just kidding about that last part.....
I don't see both Landry and Thompson off the team. It would be one or the other in my opinion. Regardless of how Whiteside progresses, you still have to have a backup PF on the team. Ditto the center position. Thats one of the reasons I think Thompson has the best chance of being the guy that stays. he can backup both positions. Landry can't. Plus, based on current performance, Thompson would probably be cheaper as well. No one knows what the future holds. Whiteside may take three years to develop. He may be a bust who never reaches his potential. I'm not saying thats what I think will happen, I'm saying that we just don't know. Who knows, in the next draft we may get lucky again and draft a great PF, making Whiteside, Landry, and Thompson all irrelevant. Just kidding about that last part.....
Maybe, but with the way dudes are getting paid lately they'll be wanting 10 million + a season. That's a lot for a backup.
now this from Brockman's twitter:
Looking for wool you can wear in the summer? Thanks to All Season Wool I can even workout wearing wool! #ad
8:15 AM Jul 12th via Sponsored Tweets
A new kind of wool? This is going to be a long summer of waiting for Brockman to sign a deal. He appears to be in Washington state somewhere... (probably with bigfoot and a thunderbird) He should be signed and playing summer league! C'mon!
Maybe he still waiting to make sure no other team wants him. The thing is if he signed with us, he won't have much playing time. Not enough playing time = short NBA career.
From Brockman's Twitter:
Hanging with my pup at Willis Tucker Dog park. This place is awesome!
about 15 hours ago via UberTwitter
He is in Snohomish, WA; why isn't he in Las Vegas at least training with the team?!?!?
Most guys that are waiting out free agency interest don't want to risk getting seriously hurt. I can't blame them.

It doesn't mean he's not working out individually.
I would just think, like Sean May last season, since a lot of the GMs are in town, might be a good place for a free agent to hang around and be in the gym.

Why isn't Brockman in the summer league? And a few other notes

Posted by Bob Condotta

The links here yesterday noting that a few former Huskies are playing in the NBA Summer League caused one reader to ask why Jon Brockman isn't participating.

The answer is that Brockman is technically a free agent at the moment. You'll note that he's designated as such on the Kings' official roster. So since he's not under contract to the Kings at the moment, he's not eligible to be on their summer league team.

However, Brockman is expected to be back with the Kings next year as he was recently extended a qualifying offer by the Kings, meaning the team can match any other offer Brockman might receive.

I don't profess to understand all the ins and outs of the NBA salary cap, but I'm sure that probably factors into all of this somehow.