Anyone else worried on how the 2010 free agency effects the Kings future title hopes?

yeah when were really firing in a few seasons, this miami team will be either blown up or coming to its demise. Lets not underestimate the potential of 3 egos to dismantle this.

If anything this just makes us more reserved in spending our money, stockpiling talent through the draft and continually adding talent through those means
The real suck is that we are cut from Cleveland cloth as a market, and its not even as if Reke has the same hometown attraction LeBron should have had.

I'm hoping that Durant's decision gets a lot of positive play as a contrast to all this.
I get what youre saying, but Sacramento > Cleveland. Sacramento is in California. The only reason Cleveland isnt the worst big city is because Detroit still exists.
Certainly when you first see the names Lebron, Wade, and Bosh on the same roster, you immediately think unstoppable, but when they fill out the other 8 roster spots with Kwame Browns and have zero depth, maybe people will then realize that yes, they will win a lot of games, but a championship is not guarenteed. As much as I dislike LA, I still think they are a better team than Miami because they atleast have somewhat of a bench with Brown and Odom. Plus they also won't have the supporting cast that the big 3 in Boston has/had with Rondo, Big Baby, Robinson, and O'Neal and during their title run with House and Posey.
The real suck is that we are cut from Cleveland cloth as a market, and its not even as if Reke has the same hometown attraction LeBron should have had.

I'm hoping that Durant's decision gets a lot of positive play as a contrast to all this.

That's my concern also. These kids look up to LBJ, who just ditched the adoring hometown family in favor of his personal championship ambitions. There will be a lot of people courting Reke when the time comes, and most certainly before. On the other hand, this whole thing has been a good object lesson in the dangers of throwing everything you've got (including your future) at the feet of one player.

Im not worried one bit if anything this just is a reality check for me personally for how we go about building our team around Reke. The Cavs made every move possible to help Lebron and have given themselves arguably the worst cap in the whole league, along with a bunch of really untradeable pieces just terrible contracts. I feel bad for them really they went all in for a title and got deserted to a better situation.

This free agency doesn't impact us really at all, Ive known all along we wouldnt be in the hunt for any big name and if we got a lower tier name we would have to over pay and I'm straight with giving Rudy Gay or Boozer max money deals. We are set in our route going about winning the OKC way it's gonna be fun. If we build a winning TEAM here we wont have to worry one bit about one of our stars(when it becomes reality) leaving.


Hall of Famer
The real suck is that we are cut from Cleveland cloth as a market, and its not even as if Reke has the same hometown attraction LeBron should have had.

I'm hoping that Durant's decision gets a lot of positive play as a contrast to all this.
Yes, I noticed that as well. It was nice to see Durant make that commitment. Without the fanfare. Without the hype. I'd like nothing better than to see OKC whip Miami next year.
I get that if you're a vet you might want to buy the pawnshop ring and go to Miami. But for the minimum? To be the towel carriers for the Chosen Ones?
Miller signed for 5yrs/30mil. JWill came out of retirement last year to play for Orlando, so I can see him signing for the minimum with Miami.
I'm actually not to worried about it. If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best. If we really want to win a title at some point in the future, we're going to have to go through some really good teams anyway. Also, let's see how this all shakes out before we crown them perennial title contenders. There's only one ball, and three very large egos.


Hall of Famer
Yup. And we have to move very fast for that Championship.

We have 2 superstars in the making. And that's 2 superstars who will be riped for picking by bigger teams down the road.

Evans to the Lakers and Cousins to the Knicks.

Oh gosh, I hope not.
I think you have to remember that the entire landscape of freeagency might be entirely different after a new CBA is put in place. So trying to predict what might happen in the future is like shooting arrows in the air. It behove's the Kings to play it smart when it comes to the salary cap. And being as far under it as possible would be playing it smart.


Hall of Famer
Certainly when you first see the names Lebron, Wade, and Bosh on the same roster, you immediately think unstoppable, but when they fill out the other 8 roster spots with Kwame Browns and have zero depth, maybe people will then realize that yes, they will win a lot of games, but a championship is not guarenteed. As much as I dislike LA, I still think they are a better team than Miami because they atleast have somewhat of a bench with Brown and Odom. Plus they also won't have the supporting cast that the big 3 in Boston has/had with Rondo, Big Baby, Robinson, and O'Neal and during their title run with House and Posey.
I don't think its as bad as you might think. Obviously they have Bosh, Wade and LeBron. They also have Chalmers at the point. It looks like Miller is going to sign with them and J. Will may as well. Joel Anthony is a restricted freeagent, so they'll probably match any offer for him. That would bring them to seven players. The Heat also played it smart in the draft getting rid of any 1st round picks which count against the cap and aquiring more second round picks that don't count until they're signed. So in the second round, they drafted Dexter Pittman, Jarvis Varnado and Da'Sean Butler. A center, a PF and a SG/SF. That brings us to 10 players. I don't think they'll have any trouble filling in the last few spots with players that would be leaping at the chance to play on that team. Who knows, maybe they'll even reunite Wade and Shaq again.


Hall of Famer
I get that if you're a vet you might want to buy the pawnshop ring and go to Miami. But for the minimum? To be the towel carriers for the Chosen Ones?
In fairness to J. Will and Miller, or any other vet that they might sign, none of these guys are going to win a championship unless they're on a good team. And right now, at least on paper, Miami looks like a pretty good team. I mean let me think. Do I go and play in Minny for 30 mil, or do I go play for the Heat in the beautiful sunshine for 30 mil. Thats not a hard decision.
well I haven't read the other posts, but the thing I am worried about is how does this affect the way teams will pursue FA in the future. I mean like, the teams that got 'left out' this year may try to get some of there own stars through FA, so does that increase the odds Evans and Cousins will get better offers from other teams?

I'm not worried about it though, they should be able to love it here and resign, especially if we win a title :p


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Do I go and play in Minny for 30 mil, or do I go play for the Heat in the beautiful sunshine for 30 mil. Thats not a hard decision.
Its not. I go to play in Minnesota rather than put up with that disgusting mugginess in Florida. I detest that weather.

And Minnesota is no walk in the park -- lived in Mineapolis for half a year as a child (the cold half too).

Now I suppose on the other hand if I'm a millionaire young athlete looking to score with a different supermodel quality honey every night, Miami might have its attractions. But we are staying inside, and the air conditioning is staying near max. :p
I worry when the front splash page of has wade, LBJ and Bosh in pictures bigger than Cousins and Whiteside offering some insane "Lebron season pass" :confused::rolleyes:


Hi,I'm an italian fan...First of all i'm sorry for my orrible english...second thing: i think it's too early to be worry about our hopes to win a championship-we haven't reached the playoff yet( but i'm hopeful for the next season)....also in the case tyreke e demarcus will be up to expectations ,the kings could have the best duo of the entire league for a long time...