Anyone else worried on how the 2010 free agency effects the Kings future title hopes?

I mean we have young talent, rebuild is coming to a end and possibly once we got some key guys next free agency we are going to be set.

However hearing these rumors about how 3 superstars are going to load up on one team, anyone else think that we are in for another long and painful "close but not enough" period?

I surely hope the the egos come into play and the talents spread out, whats everyone thoughts on this ? Is it too soon to worry or does it matter at all ?
I mean we have young talent, rebuild is coming to a end and possibly once we got some key guys next free agency we are going to be set.

However hearing these rumors about how 3 superstars are going to load up on one team, anyone else think that we are in for another long and painful "close but not enough" period?

I surely hope the the egos come into play and the talents spread out, whats everyone thoughts on this ? Is it too soon to worry or does it matter at all ?
Too early to worry. But I also see us being in a much better position than any of those teams that may land the group of big talent. We have a ton of young talent right now, AND we have capspace. We will have more capspace after next year. I'm not sure what GP is going to do in free agency. He may feel like he needs to add that piece right now in order to make the rebuild complete, start winning, and putting butts in seats, or he may feel that it's better to let this group play together for a year, maybe add a minor piece this year, and then add the big final piece once the the new CBA is settled and we've gelled a bit. In either case, I'm not worried about missing out on big talent at all. Reke and Cousins are going to be two of the top 5 players in the league in two years. We wouldn't have room for another superstar anyway. All we need to add is another "star" type veteran, but then again, Donte may blow up to be that guy anyway. Seriously we are unbelievably stacked with young talent. All we need is time, and maybe two more pieces, one of which may or may not need to be another star, depending on how our guys develop, and we'll have the money in place to get that guy should we need to. I'm not worried at all. We are incredibly well positioned, and have about as many options as you could ask for. It may not have dawned on the rest of the league yet, but we are the envy of the NBA. Retarded national journalists are too busy making up false angles on the stories about our draft picks and made up attitude problems to write that we have just hit consecutive grand slams in the last two drafts, and then with the brilliant Dally trade, and clearing some capspace with the Martin trade. GP has been brilliant over the last 12 months. Absolutely brilliant. Not a single person in their right mind can deny that.
Lebron's going to be a concern wherever he lands. At least most of his likely destinations are in the East. The rumors of Lebron, Wade and Bosh ending up together aren't great, but nothing we can do about it.
I feel if multiple superstars go to one team it would be better ... only got one team to worry about than multiple ones. Plus they will most likely end up in the east.
Lebron's going to be a concern wherever he lands. At least most of his likely destinations are in the East. The rumors of Lebron, Wade and Bosh ending up together aren't great, but nothing we can do about it.
I agree, at least the teams in contention for multiple max level free agents are in the eastern conference. There's no shame in losing to a loaded team like that in the NBA finals :D.
Nah, those guys are all old. By the time the Kings are ready to win a championship, they'll be heading downhill and the championship will be even sweeter because we'll be the ones to dethrone the superstar trio/duo/whatever juggernaut.
Nah, those guys are all old. By the time the Kings are ready to win a championship, they'll be heading downhill and the championship will be even sweeter because we'll be the ones to dethrone the superstar trio/duo/whatever juggernaut.
I could see that happening in three to four years.
As long as we sweep the 7akers in a playoff series and refuse to shake their hands ill be happy. Actually, The Kings need to win a championship for me to be happy.


Hall of Famer
When Tyreke and Cousins are 25 and 24, respectively, Lebron will be 30, Wade will be 33, and Kobe will be 36. By the time Tyreke and Cousins are entering their prime, the othr guys will be on the downside, and will have been for a year or two. Lebron will only be 30, but most guys who came out of highschool don't do well in their 30's. Just too much mileage. But I'm not about to attempt to project how good Lebron will be in his early 30's.

If Tyreke and Cousins become as good as everyone thinks they can, and Omri, Donte, and Whiteside develop, and we add more pieces, we'll be in the conversation. IMO, it's way too early to say anything else. Injuries, trades, and guys like Durant will all come into play to. But I know one thing. The formula for a championship starts with a dominant big man, and an allstar guard that can get his shot when needed. We have that, or will down the road as these two mature. We also have some very talented young players who can develop into a great supporting cast in 3-5 years.

But hey, to be the best you have to beat the best, right? I'm not worried. Will Tyreke bring a championship to Sac? I don't know. Who does. But he'll get a chance, and probably more than one. Unless something changes, Lebron won't have a Cousins type center to throw the ball into, ever. Neither will Durant.

And a side note. All bigs Lebron might pair himself with, such Amare, Bosh(likely), or Boozer, I'm assuming Dirk isn't in the coversation, but IMO Cousins will be more dominant than any of them. None of those guys are a Duncan, Gasol, or Dirk, who IMO are the best pf's in the league. None are dominant. None play defense. So anyone Lebron will pair himself with will of course be a verydangerous combo, but I trully believe and Tyreke/Cousins combo could be just as much of a threat down the road.
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I mean we have young talent, rebuild is coming to a end and possibly once we got some key guys next free agency we are going to be set.

However hearing these rumors about how 3 superstars are going to load up on one team, anyone else think that we are in for another long and painful "close but not enough" period?

I surely hope the the egos come into play and the talents spread out, whats everyone thoughts on this ? Is it too soon to worry or does it matter at all ?

I'm not worried. It all comes down to how those stars compliment each other. kobe is a lucky SOB for getting Gasol, his perfect compliment. If you have Wade + LeBron together, I don't see them winning anything. It'll depend on the other 9 or 10 guys also. 2 or 3 stars with a bunch of junk will not get it done.
It's way too soon to be saying Tyreke and Cousins will be 2 of the top 5 players in the league soon. Nobody was excited as I was to hear Cousins name called on draft night, but he may not fulfill his potential. I don't think he's gonna be a bust, but it's too early to tell (since he hasn't played a game yet) if he's gonna live up to his ridiculous potential.
Even if Wade, LeBron, and Bosh end up in Miami, I just don't see how the Heat would have the money to surround them with enough role players. I don't care if you have Magic, Kareem, and MJ on the floor, three guys can't win an NBA title with a bunch of $500k guys. SOMEONE will get injured, SOMONE will have a bad game, SOMEONE will get in foul trouble, etc
Even if Wade, LeBron, and Bosh end up in Miami, I just don't see how the Heat would have the money to surround them with enough role players. I don't care if you have Magic, Kareem, and MJ on the floor, three guys can't win an NBA title with a bunch of $500k guys. SOMEONE will get injured, SOMONE will have a bad game, SOMEONE will get in foul trouble, etc
They'll split up the mid level exception and the veteran exception among two or three players. They had three 2nd round picks who were 4 year seniors, Pittman, Varnado, and D'Sean Butler. They also have Chalmers who I think will be very good as jyst a spot up shooter and defender.

That's really all they need. Part of what makes Wade, Bosh and LeBron so good is they contribute in all phases of the game. They can all pass, score, rebound and defend at elite levels. The only question is size. If they met the Lakers in the finals and Bynum, Gasol and Odom were healthy they might have a matchup problem.
They'll split up the mid level exception and the veteran exception among two or three players. They had three 2nd round picks who were 4 year seniors, Pittman, Varnado, and D'Sean Butler. They also have Chalmers who I think will be very good as jyst a spot up shooter and defender.

That's really all they need. Part of what makes Wade, Bosh and LeBron so good is they contribute in all phases of the game. They can all pass, score, rebound and defend at elite levels. The only question is size. If they met the Lakers in the finals and Bynum, Gasol and Odom were healthy they might have a matchup problem.
Mid level exception applies to teams only over the cap, so teams coming into free agencey with money would not get it.
I have to say I am not worried at all about the Kings or would I worry if I was a fan of the Lakers, Magic, or any other "good" team, since top talent doesn't want to play for chicken scraps even if it does come with an NBA title. Way to much money out there this year for players to even consider taking vet min. I also think it will take longer than people think to build a good team around 3 Max contracts.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Lebron will only be 30, but most guys who came out of highschool don't do well in their 30's. Just too much mileage.
I am going to have to disagree with this statement. Since Garnett (now 33) led the recent charge of high schoolers into the NBA, there haven't been a lot of examples. Obviously Garnett is slowing down, but Garnett's career Win Shares/48 is .191, and his age 30+ WS/48 is 0.199. Hard to argue that he's gotten that much worse. Kobe? Career .187, 30+ .183. Jermaine O'Neal: Career .117 vs. 30+ .097, and there you've got an argument for a guy who has slowed down. T-Mac was done at 30. Rashard Lewis' age-30 season was .132, vs. .139 career. And that's it for U.S. high school guys going straight to the NBA who have played their age 30 season.

Five guys, three have maintained their production (though Garnett is finally slowing down at 33 - but still good enough to lead his team to the Finals), one has slowed down a bit, and one is done. So it looks like most of the high school guys (3 of 5) have been very good in their early 30s, and there aren't so many basketball players at all that are great in their mid-late 30s, no matter how long they were in college.
I mean we have young talent, rebuild is coming to a end and possibly once we got some key guys next free agency we are going to be set.

However hearing these rumors about how 3 superstars are going to load up on one team, anyone else think that we are in for another long and painful "close but not enough" period?

I surely hope the the egos come into play and the talents spread out, whats everyone thoughts on this ? Is it too soon to worry or does it matter at all ?
Honestly, I'd be more afraid of a team like the Thunder who seem to have all of the right ingredients for a long title run in the coming years than a team loaded with superstars.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Too early to worry.

But yes I don't like this whole everybody become a FA and then get together and pick a team and let's teammup to be unbeatable thing that is going on. Feels too much like playground ball where all the best players will choose to get together on one team and nobody else has a chance. Its cheap on the playground, but after the novelty wears off just bad in a league that is supposed to be balanced. That multiple small markets may get stripped of their superstars to make it come about only makes it worse.

Not our problem though for some years now however, and who knows how it will have shaked out by then?
Nah not worried.

We got the best young combo available right now. A rare inside out 1-2 punch. Thats 2 superstars in the making. We also have so many young talents on the team. In about 2-3 yrs, I expect to make deep playoff runs.
Before we worry about that, let's worry about becoming the team that needs to worry about the Heat. And before we worry about that, let's worry about making the playoffs. And before we worry about that, let's worry about cracking 30 wins.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Unless they come here, right?
The real suck is that we are cut from Cleveland cloth as a market, and its not even as if Reke has the same hometown attraction LeBron should have had.

I'm hoping that Durant's decision gets a lot of positive play as a contrast to all this.


I dont the Kings got much to worry about. Lets be real here, if Cousins becomes who they hope he does then no one on Miami or LA will be able to handle him. Tyreke is in a class of his own at the moment and if the Kings can get Greene to fill out his potential, damn. Its only looking good for the Kings.
The real suck is that we are cut from Cleveland cloth as a market, and its not even as if Reke has the same hometown attraction LeBron should have had.

I'm hoping that Durant's decision gets a lot of positive play as a contrast to all this.

I think we have the owners that will go out out for a player they would like to keep. They are charismatic, and they have a casino with one of the most popular night clubs in Vegas. We are a small market, but we have large market owners.
Nah not worried.

We got the best young combo available right now. A rare inside out 1-2 punch. Thats 2 superstars in the making. We also have so many young talents on the team. In about 2-3 yrs, I expect to make deep playoff runs.
Yup. And we have to move very fast for that Championship.

We have 2 superstars in the making. And that's 2 superstars who will be riped for picking by bigger teams down the road.

Evans to the Lakers and Cousins to the Knicks.

Oh gosh, I hope not.