The Jon Brockman Free Agency Tracker

We need someone to watch his EVERY MOVE.

WHERE IS HERE NOW?!? and NOW!?! and NOW!?!
I agree. I need updates. This is not cool. Why haven't we signed him yet??? I know he was at the meetings with Lebron. If they snatch him out from under us I will be royally pissed. ROYALLY.
Thank god for this thread. This is my big free agent concern for the free agent period. I want the Brockness Monster to stay in Sacramento!
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From his twitter account:

2:18 PM Jun 29th via UberTwitter: I'm eating lunch at Capitol Casino while my truck gets serviced and no joke there are two grown men playing with magic cards behind me...

7:33 PM Jun 29th via UberTwitter : Sacramento is the only place I have ever been where I have to wait for my shower to cool off... This heat is out of control!!!

about 15 hours ago via UberTwitter : My parents got Droids, don't know how I feel about them having better phone than me but very entertaining watching them try to figure it out
From SacTown Royalty
by Aykis16 on Jun 25, 2010 11:46 PM PDT

According to Twitter (link here), Paul Westphal came onto 1140 today and said that the Brock Ness Monster has been given a Qualifying Offer, officially making him a Restricted Free Agent. This means that the Kings can match any offers from other teams, or retain him for that amount ($937,195). It's not a surprising move, Nessie is a great guy to have around the locker room and an extremely hard worker. I'll update this with the "official" link when its announced.
Brockman fits this team even better this season. You team him with a tall center and let him do the dirty ground work. He's going to have a good year if he signs with the Kings - although his minutes will fluctuate from nil - 20 minutes max, unless there is an injury.
Brockman fits this team even better this season. You team him with a tall center and let him do the dirty ground work. He's going to have a good year if he signs with the Kings - although his minutes will fluctuate from nil - 20 minutes max, unless there is an injury.
This is fantastic news.

Brockman is an IDEAL player to go with our shiny new front line. IDEAL. I seriously can't think of a better player to fill that role. I mean practice squad value, character guy value, leadership by example value, community involvement value. He's simply the best. The ultimate scrapper. Beat the **** out of other teams bigs value, the list goes on. I want Brock a King for life, and I think it's highly possible. The guy is the ****.
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To me, the biggest role Brockman plays with the Kings is he toughens up all the Kings in practice. Now with DMC in the mix, our practices might be black and blue, but ain't nobody going to out-tough us in games. On a slightly more serious note, the coaches have been working with Brockman this summer on his shooting. Hope it helps get him some playing time, as I really like his hustle and "toughness".
Seriously though, Brock needs to stay, I think he's worth more than the min. for his talent level.
His talent is but I'm not certain it is to our situation. As much as I love Brock I have a feeling it might be better for him to go elsewhere, but I sure would like him back if Sammy isn't here next year. That's too much to ask though.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
There are absoilutely zero minutes for Brockman this year, and yet I still want him back on a minimum deal just as a steady lockerroom and practice presence. Those sorts of guys can help shore up an organization even if they nver set foot on the floor.

With our major frontcourt scores this year Brockman may never again be good enough to be in our main rotation (which is a good thing for us) -- we'd have to really screw up and lose a ton of talent for him to be relevant on the court again. But I've said before I think he makes a near perfect perennial 11th-12th man type. Good guy, works hard, crowd favorite, there whenever you need him because of injuries etc., comes cheap.