Johnny Flynn?

I don't know if anyone has seen the trade rumor about what the Timberwolves are offering to the Pacers for the 10th pick, but it got me wondering if they are that much wanting to pick up another top 10 pick why not trade with us. Trade us Johnny Flynn that 16th and 23rd pick for our 5 and we keep 33. That would leave us with a great back up to Tyreke the 16th pick for a project big maybe shooting guard and the 23rd and 33rd pick. I'm no gm and it might be wishful thinking but they seriously want to trade Flynn and damn near all their picks for just the 10th pick?? What do you guys think


Northernmost Kings Fan
No thanks to Jonny Flynn, his defense is weak and at 4.4 assists/2.9 TO that isn't terribly impressive either. He can score some, though. I'd rather take my chances with a big at #5.
Flynn reminds me of Bobby Jackson more than any player I've seen. I think you're going to get that kind of career out of him and he should be used the same ways Bobby was. We loved having Bobby on the squad and I think we'd love having Flynn on it too.
Flynn reminds me of Bobby Jackson more than any player I've seen. I think you're going to get that kind of career out of him and he should be used the same ways Bobby was. We loved having Bobby on the squad and I think we'd love having Flynn on it too.
except Bobby was a great defensive player

Hell no to Johnny Flynn..

Is abortively useless without having the ball in his hands(similiar to Tyreke in a way) except Tyreke is much much better..

there's only 1 basketball though.
I just kind of like the idea of having multiple picks for Petrie to play around with I'm not saying the trade is worth it, but seems like they were willing to give up a lot just for the 10th pick.
Thank god your not our GM!
Jefferson > JT
Flynn > Beno (and cheaper) as a backup PG

Garcia makes salaries match; pick swaps even things out a bit (otherwise, why would Minny do this)?

AND we still save our cap room after this trade to try to get quality free agent(s)...

So why not?
Johnny Flynn could be good sixth man down the line, but we already have too many of those as it is, and there's no way I want him starting next to Tyreke. He's a midget and apparently has weaker NBA PG skills than does no. There's really nothing compelling about him.
I know Flynn was the 6th pick last year, but I thought that was pretty high for him honestly. And considering the talent dropoff at 5 in this year's draft, I think I'd have to say no. You want to trade our #5 for someone to BACK UP Tyreke? The picks make it tempting at least, but I'll pass considering the dropoff in talent.

I'd like to add though that that's a decent deal for Indiana, who've basically been looking for a PG since Mark Jackson retired. The Pacers are one of the teams I cheer for besides the Kings (really like Danny Granger) so I don't think I'd mind seeing that happening


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
I'll buy that.
Flynn > Beno (and cheaper) as a backup PG

Garcia makes salaries match; pick swaps even things out a bit (otherwise, why would Minny do this)?
Why would we do it? It's absurd to think that Flynn would be a good pairing with Tyreke. You're putting waaay too much value into Flynn. He's not worth Beno AND Garcia AND...
Beno has already shown himself to be a pretty good complement to Tyreke. You know what? Garcia's game is going to be a pretty good complement as well.


Hall of Famer
This is getting pretty rediculous. How many people are going to post a thread wanting to trade our #5 pick for a pg. We already have a damn pg!

Seriously. Anyone who thinks acquiring Flynn fills a bigger need than getting either Favors/Cousins/Monroe/Johnson, is well, not a very astute basketball fan to put in nicely. There's a greater chance I will get struck by lightning before draft night than there is of Petrie trading the #5 for Flynn.

The #5 for a backup pg? Wow.
This is getting pretty rediculous. How many people are going to post a thread wanting to trade our #5 pick for a pg. We already have a damn pg!

Seriously. Anyone who thinks acquiring Flynn fills a bigger need than getting either Favors/Cousins/Monroe/Johnson, is well, not a very astute basketball fan to put in nicely. There's a greater chance I will get struck by lightning before draft night than there is of Petrie trading the #5 for Flynn.

The #5 for a backup pg? Wow.
Seriously. Im a little disappointed that so many people understand so little.
The point really is using #5 and some of our talent to acquire a quality player (Jefferson), while allowing us to retain cap space for a big signing...

Not sure why everybody is obsessing over Flynn - he's there to be a BACKUP PG since in this scenario we'd be trading Beno and Cisco (again, so salaries MATCH and we can get Jefferson AND still have cap room to make a bid for a top free agent).
The point really is using #5 and some of our talent to acquire a quality player (Jefferson), while allowing us to retain cap space for a big signing...

Not sure why everybody is obsessing over Flynn - he's there to be a BACKUP PG since in this scenario we'd be trading Beno and Cisco (again, so salaries MATCH and we can get Jefferson AND still have cap room to make a bid for a top free agent).
Read the first post
You wonder why the Twolves were so terrible last year? Look no further than Jonny Flynn. His defense was atrocious for them--flat out atrocious. Ramon Sessions outplayed him by a wide mile and then some yet Kurt Rambis insisted on letting the "rookie gain some experience." Small wonder why, with Rubio incoming and with Sessions the backup, the Twolves are willing to trade Flynn and other picks for the 10th overall with Indy.

To give some credit back to Flynn, he can create tons of shots for himself. But that's about where the credit ends--he operated halfway between PG and SG, was massively turnover prone, showcased a below-average finishing game and only has a middling perimeter game. He's more comfortable in the mid-range than three point range as well, and probably will have to improve his finishing ability or be more comfortable from distance to gain traction as a scoring PG.

Overall, unless he miraculously improves his scoring game/improves his passing skills/improves his defense, it's tough to see him as a long-term starter. Bobby Jackson type? Certainly, if he develops that killer instinct, jumper, and the defense. But that's still a long way for him to travel.
I like Flynn.. I think he could become our Fisher more so than Beno filling the role. He's got a lot of upside and he was turning it up more so late in the year although Minny didn't win at all.

I wouldn't mind bringing him in if the price is right to go behind Beno for a year or two, but if it is going to cost us a 1st rounder I say no. He's kinda crappy defensively though. I do like Sessions more as well than I do Flynn.. So let's try to pry away Sessions and I will definitely jump at that :)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Johnny Flynn is going to have to take a major step forward next year or find himself reduced to career backup status. He largely sucked, and his only portfolio is scoring, which is all too common amongst backup PG types. No way in hell I burn a #5 pick for him, no matter how many lower picks you throw in. #5 is a potential star, or can bring a potential star.

Flynn > Beno (and cheaper) as a backup PG
Now I liked Flynn coming out of college, but he was NOT better than Beno last season. Beno was better than him in evert statistic except pts, and that was because he took fewer shots. And while defense is a weakness of Beno, I think he played better defense than Flynn did last year.

Garcia makes salaries match; pick swaps even things out a bit (otherwise, why would Minny do this)?
While Garcia is not the player I hoped he might become, he is too good to be a player thrown in to make a trade work. You have to get more value for him.

AND we still save our cap room after this trade to try to get quality free agent(s)...
This is an assumption that we all want to be true. But getting quality FAs to come to Sac is not an easy thing to do.
I don't know if anyone has seen the trade rumor about what the Timberwolves are offering to the Pacers for the 10th pick, but it got me wondering if they are that much wanting to pick up another top 10 pick why not trade with us. Trade us Johnny Flynn that 16th and 23rd pick for our 5 and we keep 33. That would leave us with a great back up to Tyreke the 16th pick for a project big maybe shooting guard and the 23rd and 33rd pick. I'm no gm and it might be wishful thinking but they seriously want to trade Flynn and damn near all their picks for just the 10th pick?? What do you guys think
This thread reminds me of that not-so-smart thread proposing we let go of the 5th pick in exchange for another smallish guard Collison. That Collison thread btw is even worse than this one because it was proposed before we even got our defensive BIG in Dalembert.

I hope you realize that some quality BIGs can be had at #5. You can argue that we already have a quality big in Dalembert, but the reality is Dalembert may end up to be a one-year rental for the Kings. Also, at 29 years old we can hardly consider Delembert the future center for this very young team.

In short, Flynn is not Derron Williams, Rajon Rondo, or CP3. He is not good enough in exchange for letting go of that young quality BIG that could be acquired at #5. Actually, even a small forward in Johnson is better than having Flynn.
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This thread reminds me of that not-so-smart thread proposing we let go of the 5th pick in exchange for another smallish guard Collison. That Collison thread btw is even worse than this one because it was proposed before we even got our defensive BIG in Dalembert.

I hope you realize that some quality BIGs can be had at #5. You can argue that we already have a quality big in Dalembert, but the reality is Dalembert may end up to be a one-year rental for the Kings. Also, at 29 years old we can hardly consider Delembert the future center for this very young team.

In short, Flynn is not Derron Williams, Rajon Rondo, or CP3. He is not good enough in exchange for letting go of that young quality BIG that could be acquired at #5. Actually, even a small forward in Johnson is better than having Flynn.
