Tyreke Evans detained by CHP this evening for reckless driving


Hall of Famer
Everyone of us has made stupid mistakes when we were young. I know I made my share. Some I got away with, and some I didn't. But I can assure you that when I did get caught, no one read about it in the Bee, or heard it on the 6 o'clock news. Nope, my judge and jury was either my family or the U. S Marine corps. No pat on the back or hugs and kisses from the corps.

So I was able to keep my embarassment and shame contained to a select few. And truthfully, those were the few that mattered. Being famous has its perks, but it also has its downside. When your famous, everything you do becomes plubic knowledge. And whether you like it or not, one of those things will be something you regret. And now you have a jury of thousands. Many who have done similar things themselves, but aren't reluctant to start throwing stones.

I'd like to think that everyone is well intended. But experience tells me that they're not. People are going to attach their own personna to their judgement. Their own inhibitions and failures. Thats the window they're going to look through. Actually quite normal. We always tend to base our judgements on our own life experiences. However, that doesn't mean its fair. The court of public opinion seldom is. Thats why we don't have lynch mobs anymore.

He did a dumb thing. Probably a thoughtless thing. It could be that he was just a 19 year old trying to see just how fast his new car would go. Or it could have been a 19 year old that was late for a basketball appointment at the park. In the end, it really wouldn't matter if the result had been different. But it wasn't. I feel confident that you'll never see Evans repeating this experience.

We always seem to come down harder on those we hold to a higher standard. But just remember whose doing the holding. Whose creating the standard. And if your angry or upset about his actions. Ask yourself. Are you angry because he failed himself, or because he failed you, and the image of him you created?
You really shouldn't make light of what happened and be so dismissive of consequences. For every knucklehead who is as lucky as Reke was not to harm someone, another young guy "testing" a new car ruins lives every day.

I sometimes forget to click my seatbelt. Is it any less stupid because I have never gotten hurt? Think Bobby Hurley would disagree?

Just because Reke wasn't hurt, and didn't hurt others, doesn't change the fact that it was a dumb decision. The fact that he was young and the fact that he was a driving a new car doesn't make it less stupid. The fact that other people do it doesn't make it less stupid. It just makes Reke, and some random motorist/family driving near Reke, lucky.

I am glad he apologized, and I hope he learns his lesson, but it was still stupid.
I'm not being dismissive of consequences. I said from my first post -- as everyone else has -- that it's incredibly stupid to drive at excessive speeds. But at what point do we say "okay, you just did something really dumb, don't do it again, okay?" and move on?

I mean, do we really have to list all the bad things that could have happened? Isn't it clear already?

Someone could have died. Absolutely. So what are we supposed to do about it? The kid got pulled over, got a ticket, will pay the ticket, and hopefully he won't do this again. We're all fortunate that no one was hurt, or worse. So can we just say that, and wag our finger at the 20 year old kid that made a stupid mistake, and hope he learned the lesson? Do we have to dwell on the fact that someone "could have" died, even though no one was hurt? Do we have to analyze the hypocrisy in noting that he made a stupid mistake in his car, when we've all made stupid mistakes in our cars?

I'm just sayin', he did something dumb, he got a ticket, shame on you, Tyreke, glad no one was hurt, see you in October.
I don't think people are saying it is a "big f***** deal." People are saying it is stupid, and that those of you who are saying "it is no big deal" shouldn't give him a free pass.
Who said it's no big deal?

By the way, whenever you start talking about "I know people who have lost their kids", you're really ramping it up a notch.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I can give you names of some people that lost their kids because some idiot was trying to "test" a new car.

I would like to see you explain that to them:rolleyes:
I lost several friends to idots being irresponsible with their cars. Drunk driving, drag racing etc.

Taking your car up over 100mph on the freeway is dumb and dangerous, but its such a common experiment amongst yougsters that you'd have to arrest half this board if it were a capital case. And its not nearly as dangerous as the above activities which show an active sort of selfishness and disregard for others. If the report was that he was weaving in and out of traffic racing a Porsche, then yeah we need to have a talk. This on the other hand clearly sounds like the same thing so many of us have done when we were young and dumb -- whoopee! I'm going fast! Let's see how far I can push this puppy! etc. Its dumb, its irresponsible, but the reckless malice of a DUI or drag racing on a surface street doesn't seem to be there (heck in Germany it would be legal behavior). Nor would you expect it to be with Reke as we've known him.

As for the punishment/reaction, Reke already knows. He got pulled over, actually had guns drawn on him, got cuffed, and had to sit in the back of a cruiser. For a young man in his position and with aspirations that had to be both scary and humiliating in a what the **** have I done sort of way. And from what we know of his brothers + family he's going to be mea culpaing all summer. As with many strupid activities kids take, you almost have to wait to see if their is a repeat to tell if you have a problem. He took his car up to speed, probably had that same is this fun or is this really stupid moment many of us had where you realize that if you lose control you are toast, then to top it off got pulled over, had a gun drawn on him, got cuffed, and made the frontpage of the newspaper. That's before he had to face his brothers. It should be out of his system. So you give him a little dressing down, tell him you were an idiot at that age too but he can't afford to be in his position, and just assume he's learned his lesson.
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You don't have to be going 120MPH to cause a bad accident. If he was going 90, it would have been serious also.

That may be true, but a normal 20 yr old driver with limited driving experience has a much higher chance of wrecking at 120MPH than at 90MPH. Its a fact. Try making a turn at 60MPH as oppose to 30MPH and see how much 30MPH makes. The pavement on public roads are not made for you to go that fast. While the S550 is an expensive car, the set up is not made to drive 120mph on a public road safely.

"According to Dutton, once Evans hit I-80 at Madison Avenue, he increased his speed to 120 mph and began weaving in and out of traffic."

That sounds dangerous and if he keeps it up, he may not be lucky one day. Thats the very point. No one wants to grill Reke to death because of this. Everyone who is saying Tyreke should take this seriously just wants him to learn.
Michael Smith got the facetime on Around the Horn today and he mentioned this incident, but his focus was more on telling everyone to slow down and not speed and not to text either.
That may be true, but a normal 20 yr old driver with limited driving experience has a much higher chance of wrecking at 120MPH than at 90MPH. Its a fact. Try making a turn at 60MPH as oppose to 30MPH and see how much 30MPH makes. The pavement on public roads are not made for you to go that fast. While the S550 is an expensive car, the set up is not made to drive 120mph on a public road safely.

"According to Dutton, once Evans hit I-80 at Madison Avenue, he increased his speed to 120 mph and began weaving in and out of traffic."

That sounds dangerous and if he keeps it up, he may not be lucky one day. Thats the very point. No one wants to grill Reke to death because of this. Everyone who is saying Tyreke should take this seriously just wants him to learn.
That includes me, the purported hypocrite.

You're right about the 30 MPH. It's a significant difference. But if the speed limit is 60MPH, and you're doing 90MPH, you're essentially driving recklessly. Who here has done 90? So we're all hypocrites, right?

Now, Tyreke doubled it up. No excuse. Just plain stupid. But let's just be glad that he didn't get into an accident, or worse. Let's not send him to the gallows.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
By this logic, next time, he might be speeding away as a getaway driver after a bank heist, smuggling illegal immigrants across the border, whilst simultaneously not wearing his seatbelt and talking on his cell phone.
Wait...I'm confused...they're going to rob the bank of its illegal immigrants? :p
That includes me, the purported hypocrite.

You're right about the 30 MPH. It's a significant difference. But if the speed limit is 60MPH, and you're doing 90MPH, you're essentially driving recklessly. Who here has done 90? So we're all hypocrites, right?

Now, Tyreke doubled it up. No excuse. Just plain stupid. But let's just be glad that he didn't get into an accident, or worse. Let's not send him to the gallows.

I'm seeing this the same as you Supe.

Fact is we're all right here- we're right that it was no big deal because no one got hurt and we're right that it is a big deal because look at what happened to Bobby Hurley and Jay Williams and we're right to think that he owes us and others to keep himself safe and we're right to think that this is normal for a young man in his situation and that maybe we should be concerned if this didn't happen and we're right that it's his life he should be able to live it and we're right that he has a lot of responsibility here and should be more mature and we're right that he's only 23 or whatever so how mature can he be etc....
Agreed with the stupidity...I take back what I said about no big deal.

But it was still easily forgivable and we shouldn't judge his character base on this speeding incident.

20 and reckless...something I hope he will grow out of soon.


Hall of Famer
Has nothing to do with the Rubio syndrome. It is relevant to the argument that had Tyreke's maturity influencing Cousins. That was recently discussed, wasn't it?
I don't believe that I mentioned Tyreke. I believe that I said the Kings were a young team and seemingly a bunch of good guys and would have a lot in common with Cousins. Implying that if you hang out with a bunch of good guys your more likely to have less problems in life than if you hang out with a bunch of gang bangers.

My point to you is that Cousins isn't revelant to this conversation unless you want to use it for your own person vendetta against Cousins. The point of the thread was about the actions of Evans. I have yet to hear one positive thing out of you about Cousins. Only negatives. OK, we get it. You don't like him and he'll probably be breaking rocks in some prison soon.

Evans made a mistake. But thats not good enough for you. To make your point, your now implying that Evans wouldn't be a good role model for Cousins, even saying the next time Evans might be on drugs or alcohol. I'm starting to think you'd throw your own mother under the bus to win your point. Pretty sad...


Hall of Famer
The term "reckless driving" is sort of ambiguous. Some people are guilty of reckless driving even if they're not breaking any laws, just because they're incredibly bad drivers. Whereas someone else can handle their vehicle at high speeds without a problem.

But when you get behind the wheel with your senses impaired, you can be as careful as you want, but your reflexes are slower and you're not as alert. It's probably easier to drive at high speeds sober than it is to drive at normal speeds when you're under the influence.
I was sited for reckless driving because 1. I was doing 90 mph, and 2. I was changing lanes while doing it. Now at the time, I didn't realize I was going as fast as I was. No excuse! And I don't think I endangered anyone's life by how I was driving as opposed to the speed I was driving. But I think its the patrolman's call. But excessive speed along with constant lane changing is likely to be called reckless driving. Whereas the same lane changing at the speed limit might not be. I don't know the exact law, so I could be wrong. Just a guess..
But he was drunk right?? ..no? Then he must have been high? ...no?? ..Then he must have been with a prostitute?? ..no???

Wait...so this is just about a 20 year old speeding on a freeway in his new car? During a holiday weekend night? This should be filed under 'not a big deal'.
Yeah, but at the same time lets not downplay the dangers of speeding though.
I think the Kings should fine Tyreke $10,000 (or ask him to make a donation to some local safe driving organization or something), then he should make an appearance at a local high school where he talks about the dangers of reckless driving, and then he should do a PSA commercial to the same effect, maybe even with someone who's life has been affected by reckless driving. They can make this a teaching experience for him and those who he has an impression on.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I think the Kings should fine Tyreke $10,000 (or ask him to make a donation to some local safe driving organization or something), then he should make an appearance at a local high school where he talks about the dangers of reckless driving, and then he should do a PSA commercial to the same effect, maybe even with someone who's life has been affected by reckless driving. They can make this a teaching experience for him and those who he has an impression on.

I love how we always do this to celebs. We've all been there, actually scratch that, many of us have been there at the same age, but a celeb does it and they have to cough up huge sums of cash, issue public apologies, speak to kids, join organizations, and apply to the the pope for a pardon. A little something would be nice since most 20 year olds aren't the faces for multimillion dollar organizations. But in the end this was a 20 yr old mistake, not a celebrity mistake, not a malicious mistake. A mistake kids make, learn from, and if they're a decent kid rather than a self involved ****, never repeat. So let's treat it as such and move on.

Now hopefully he's past the experiment with drugs age and somebody has talked to him about wearing protection with girls. We already know he's learned his lesson about hanging out with the wrong sorts and all the dumb guns and gangsters stuff. After that, time will do the rest as it did with most of us.
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I agree with you, Brick. I don't need a public apology and all that. But apparently, some people do. For me, Tyreke saying "damn, I messed up, sorry, won't happen again" is enough. Not for everyone, though.

Having him jump through hoops would assuage some of those who think that this is a really, really serious deal because of the potential harm that could have been done. It acknowledges and addresses his really stupid mistake. And it would lead to some positive press for the Kings, for Tyreke, and for the local schools and authorities. Yeah, Tyreke parts with $10k (if he does the donation, it's tax deductible), but that's his fault for driving 120MPH. The rest of it is win/win. Positive spin, positive message, positive outcome.
Again, I wonder who called it "no big deal".
Quite a few, actually:

DC13 - "Part of growing up."
joejoe - "He just got caught, that's all."
The Hammer - "Get over it. Big whoop."
r3ali5t - "In my eyes, it's not really a big deal."
Mealodon - "This is a non issue for me."
TTown Kings - "Not a big deal."
Rookie - "Thye kid got pedal happy with his new ride...big deal."
Arco Arena - "Thei should be filed under 'not a big deal'.
Andre87 - "big deal."
Gudmundur - "Haha, who cares?"


I agree with you, Brick. I don't need a public apology and all that. But apparently, some people do. For me, Tyreke saying "damn, I messed up, sorry, won't happen again" is enough. Not for everyone, though.

Having him jump through hoops would assuage some of those who think that this is a really, really serious deal because of the potential harm that could have been done. It acknowledges and addresses his really stupid mistake. And it would lead to some positive press for the Kings, for Tyreke, and for the local schools and authorities. Yeah, Tyreke parts with $10k (if he does the donation, it's tax deductible), but that's his fault for driving 120MPH. The rest of it is win/win. Positive spin, positive message, positive outcome.
I did this when I was young. Would you have wanted me to fork out $10K as a 21 year old flying low in a 2001 Eclipse? I was EASILY doing 120, RACING a Mustang. Almost every 20 year old at some point decides to see what their ride 'can do'. This is a non-issue. Learn from it, move on. And I'm sure he will.
That is exactly the wrong attitude. It IS a big deal. He easily could have killed himself and others. It was dangerous, reckless, and stupid. If he had hit another car he would have gone to jail, and if someone had died could easily have been convicted for involuntary manslaughter. Just because you don't hit anyone with a bullet doesn't make firing a loaded gun into a crowd "not a big deal."

I get it- we have all been there before. We all speed, we all do dumb things when we are 20. I did something similar to Tyreke's incident when I was about his age. It is part of being young, but you have to learn from it.

Having people tell him "it is no big deal" is no help. He needs people to tell him "you freaking moron, why the hell would you do that. Just because you are young, rich, and the face of the city doesn't make you immune to things like this." He needs to be embarrassed and ashamed. That is how you learn from something like this. If everyone says it is no big deal, he will think he can do it again.

He is a good kid, and I think has the right frame of mind to learn from this. He also got lucky as hell that something more didn't come of this. maybe my perspective is different as a parent, but I would go through four stages on hearing this news: 1) thank god he is alright, 2) thank god he didn't hurt anyone else, 3) hope that he is not so stupid again, and 4) dress him down as much as possible to damn well make sure it doesn't happen again. I certainly would not tell him it is "no big deal..."

Amen Brother.....
Hey Tyreke , you listening. Grow up you knucklehead.
I don't think people are saying it is a "big f***** deal." People are saying it is stupid, and that those of you who are saying "it is no big deal" shouldn't give him a free pass.

Well I'm more or less going to give him a break on this one as long as he learns from it whether you say anything or not, so that sucks for you I guess.
Quite a few, actually:

DC13 - "Part of growing up."
joejoe - "He just got caught, that's all."
The Hammer - "Get over it. Big whoop."
r3ali5t - "In my eyes, it's not really a big deal."
Mealodon - "This is a non issue for me."
TTown Kings - "Not a big deal."
Rookie - "Thye kid got pedal happy with his new ride...big deal."
Arco Arena - "Thei should be filed under 'not a big deal'.
Andre87 - "big deal."
Gudmundur - "Haha, who cares?"
And I bet these are the ppl that still drive way too fast routinely.

I have to admit when I first read about the incident, my first thought was the same as this group; BUT after reading this thread and reflecting on it some more... the take away I got was: this serves as a nice reminder to slow down out there people. There is absolutely no place I need to be in such a hurry that may possibly result in the "what ifs" this thread brings up by speeding excessively.
I wasn't much upset before. I just wanted him to learn from the experience - like most of the rest of us have managed to do from our youthful mistakes. But now that he's made his apology, can we note that he failed to apologize to the general public??? Apologizing to fans, to the Kings and to his family is a start, but he hasn't learned his lesson until he realizes he needs to apologize to the other 99.9%.
Holy s***
Quite a few, actually:

DC13 - "Part of growing up."
joejoe - "He just got caught, that's all."
The Hammer - "Get over it. Big whoop."
r3ali5t - "In my eyes, it's not really a big deal."
Mealodon - "This is a non issue for me."
TTown Kings - "Not a big deal."
Rookie - "Thye kid got pedal happy with his new ride...big deal."
Arco Arena - "Thei should be filed under 'not a big deal'.
Andre87 - "big deal."
Gudmundur - "Haha, who cares?"

However, only about half of those you quoted actually fall under the category of "no big deal". I certainly don't.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Quite a few, actually:

DC13 - "Part of growing up."
joejoe - "He just got caught, that's all."
The Hammer - "Get over it. Big whoop."
r3ali5t - "In my eyes, it's not really a big deal."
Mealodon - "This is a non issue for me."
TTown Kings - "Not a big deal."
Rookie - "Thye kid got pedal happy with his new ride...big deal."
Arco Arena - "Thei should be filed under 'not a big deal'.
Andre87 - "big deal."
Gudmundur - "Haha, who cares?"
Let's name more names! Condemnation! To the pillory! If so, I want in.
I think the greater message is that in the grand scheme of things, this is not something you use to run someone out of town. C'Mon Ultraman - the Science Patrol needs you.
Didnt Kevin Martin get in trouble for speeding over 100mph when he was a rookie or sophomore? As long as Tyreke learn his lesson, I don't see what the big fuss is.