Why did you become a Kings fan?

Not really sure if such a topic belongs here or if similar threads were created in the past (most probably). Anyway, since it's TDOS I wanna ask all you people, who's posts I read everyday, why did you become a Kings fan?

For some perhaps it's a hometown thing, others perhaps a certain player went over to the Kings. I'd like to know what made you support the Kings in the first place!

So to start the ball rolling ... I was a young kid much interested in basketball but had never watched an NBA game and didn't have much knowledge about the NBA either. I basically only knew of the Bulls because of Jordan. One day my friend said that he liked the Sacramento Kings (this was in ... 2001 or 2002)...but at that point in time I had no clue who the Kings were.

When I bought NBA Live 2003 (It was the one with Kidd on the cover. can't remember which year but I think it was 2003) I started my 'campaign' with the Kings and got to know the players' names through the game. Later on I then started following the Kings games (just watching highlights and checking boxscores) on NBA.com... that was around the 03 playoffs I think. And since then I've been following the Kings as closely as I can. Only recently with NBA international leaguepass broadband have I been able to watch most of the Kings games. I used to get maybe 1 game a year on my country's ESPN. I recall one playoff game against the Sonics where Bibby got owned by Ridnour ... It was rather frustrating.

Anyway, that's my story. Hope to hear yours.
Not really sure if such a topic belongs here or if similar threads were created in the past (most probably). Anyway, since it's TDOS I wanna ask all you people, who's posts I read everyday, why did you become a Kings fan?

For some perhaps it's a hometown thing, others perhaps a certain player went over to the Kings. I'd like to know what made you support the Kings in the first place!

So to start the ball rolling ... I was a young kid much interested in basketball but had never watched an NBA game and didn't have much knowledge about the NBA either. I basically only knew of the Bulls because of Jordan. One day my friend said that he liked the Sacramento Kings (this was in ... 2001 or 2002)...but at that point in time I had no clue who the Kings were.

When I bought NBA Live 2003 (It was the one with Kidd on the cover. can't remember which year but I think it was 2003) I started my 'campaign' with the Kings and got to know the players' names through the game. Later on I then started following the Kings games (just watching highlights and checking boxscores) on NBA.com... that was around the 03 playoffs I think. And since then I've been following the Kings as closely as I can. Only recently with NBA international leaguepass broadband have I been able to watch most of the Kings games. I used to get maybe 1 game a year on my country's ESPN. I recall one playoff game against the Sonics where Bibby got owned by Ridnour ... It was rather frustrating.

Anyway, that's my story. Hope to hear yours.
Your entry leads me to assume that you are not a native Sacramentan, not a native Californian, probably not a native American, maybe not even from this continent. If all or most of that is true then it really is amazing that you might be a Kings fan. It seems that many of our posters, maybe most, are not now residents of Sacramento. In that sense my Kings fanhood is rather boring, I was born here during the depression (if any of you remember or ever heard of that) and I really enjoyed playing basketball. So the Kings arrival in 1985 was a natural for me --- and I could afford season tickets and I can drive to Arco in 15 minutes.
I was born in Houston, TX so naturally a Rockets fan early on - but also Astros and Oilers. My youth was spent moving around a lot, including overseas as a military brat but I remained loyal to my then home state/town teams. Now that I've lived in Northern California for over half my life I have long ago let slide my Rockets and Astros mania - my beloved Oilers abandoned me when they became the Titans. Became a Kings fan in 1985 but prior was a big Warriors fan while living in Bay Area and before Kings arrived in Sac.

Lastly, the biggest reason I hate (and don't use that word often) Grant Napear is that he's 50 years of age (about same as me) and has lived in Sacramento area for 23 years - yet he still roots louder, in your face more than ever for his New York sports teams. He openly brags he's not a SF 49ers, Oakland Raiders, Oakland A's, SF Giants, or San Jose Sharks fan - he's a NY Yankess, NY Giants and NY Rangers fan. For years he insulted the local audience same way about Sacramento Kings, saying he was just their TV broadcaster and not particularily a fan of the team. Now he realizes that's going too far so he's retracted that one with a much more pro-Maloof/Kings stance. Sorry for anti-Peaches rant but he deserves it ever chance it gets.
Born a Sac Valley kid... reared in the Sac Valley... started going to games when they first came to town and have been going ever since.
As you can imagine from my nickname, I'm from Italy. I started to like the Kings since the Richmond era, I don't know why, I was just a kid (13/14 yrs old), but I always liked playing with the Kings with my NBA Live 96 or 97. I remember that team, Rauf, Richmond, Polynice etc.

Then, in 2000 I decided to study for a year in the USA, and I got lucky, because I came close to Sacramento (it was not my decision, I could not decide where to go. So maybe it was my lucky day). That year I saw maybe 70 games, more or less 10 at the Arco Arena, and I definetly felt in love with the Kings. J-Will, Christie, Peja, Webber, Vlade, Hedo, Pollard, Bobby... Great team. The only bad memory about that year is from game 4 of the playoff, against LA: I was at the Arco, and the Kings lost and ended their season.

Anyways, after that year I came back to Italy and I've been following the Kings through the internet. Now with the NBA league broadband international pass I can see every game.
Well here it goes ...

I am 17, so not all that old, but I remember going to a game at Arco when I was just a little kid and watching a Kings vs Lakers game. Ever since then I watched the Kings but had little to no basketball knowledge and didn't even watch the playoffs ... ( hey I as like what? 7 ?) So until this year I slowly stopped watching, partly because they sucked, partly because nobody else in my house likes sports. But anyways I moved in with my grandparents who are huge sports fans and fallin in love with all my teams again as in I'm watching them everyday. So I was basically born into the Kings and I live in NorCal.
It started out as a home-town thing. I loved Richmond as a kid, but the Kings were always so bad that my only real attachment was the home-town thing. There were some tough times back in those days that some of the longer-term fans remember. I was a kid, so I only have vague recollections of some of the bad stuff, but the Bobby Hurley accident sticks out in my mind.

Then J-Will and Chris, and Vlade came along. It seemed like the whole city was excited about our team. Then Bibby, and championship runs. And well, it was the glory years that really cemented me as a Kings fan por vida. :cool:

This website has also helped me be a Kings fan. I remember the year when the Kings didn't get a tv deal and VF21 was writing all the play-by-play game threads that helped keep me in the loop. And of course Brick's grades were so helpful that year. There's been a lot of tough times, but it seems like we always help each other get through them!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I was hiking along one day, and lo! there was a burning bush. And the bush said "here, take this heavy *** stone tablet and hearken onto it and stuff." And I took the heavy *** stone tablet and said, "O bush, have you ever considered using paper? How about papyrus?" And the bush said "hearken!" And so I hearkened. And the first commandment on the heavy *** stone tablet said "thou shalt watch the Kings!" And I said "I shalt?" And the bush said "thou shalt," so I did.

Then the second commandment said "thou shalt not consume the chocolate," and I said "screw you bush", peed on it, and left.


And then the third commandment "Thou shalt stone thy Shaq-us and Kob-me when thy villainous scourge shalt appear", and a foul burger was served.
I grew up as a nerd, outcast, and I hated jocks and sports. I was really into music ( still am) and thought sports were for idiot-meatheads. I was hanging around the living room one day, and my sister and her bf were watching a kings game (year 2001) and I just glimpsed for about 5 minutes. I saw the incredible passing and teamwork and chemistry that team had -- even though I knew nothing about basketball; it seem that this team played a lot different than their opponent, and I KNEW they were special.

As a musician, the one thing I look for in an artist, is PASSION. That's what I saw on the court with that Kings team. I saw them, not as meatheads, but as artists, in their respective sport. That's what made me become a kings fan. I think I went from a self-described "sports hater" to one of the most knowlegeable sports fan (well just baskteball) in my town in a few weeks.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
They moved to my hometown, I became a fan. Pretty simple. I'm not sure it was a complete love affair at first, but I had access to great seats so I'd attend a couple games every year and my dad's restaurant was a popular pre/post Arco destination and so I'd always talk Kings with the line cooks when I worked there. When I moved away from Sac I think I became an even bigger fan since it was a nice way to represent the home town.
Grew up in Modesto, and loved basketball. My family knew nothing about basketball, nor cared...and so my only option was watching the Kings on channel 31. Loved Walt Williams, then Tisdale, then an almost unhealthy obsession with Richmond...then Chris Webber and Jason Williams. That was the point where all the Bulls fans in Modesto, who made fun of me for loving the Kings and wearing a Richmond jersey, were suddenly Kings fans. Having moved to Portland recently, I've been following the Blazers pretty closely, and like them...but the Kings will always be my team, so I hope that counts for something...
I was born and raised in Sac and was a basketball fan. I was listening to the radio (KFBK) when they announced that a group lead by Greg Lukenbill bought the KC Kings. I remember bringing my dad to the first game at the old Arco, sat up in section 222. I was hooked… man did that place rock! 10,222 crazy fans. I didn’t have tix to the next game against Houston and could not afford the scalpers prices but took my wife to the arena anyway. I first guy I asked for tix said he had two extras because his partners could not make it and I could have them:D. I paid him face value. The next year I bought season tix and had them for over 20 years. For many of those years friends and coworkers begged for tix and there were a few years I had a hard time giving them away. A few years ago I moved away from Sac. And when someone asks me, “what is your favorite sports team?” I reply, “Kings”. They say, “Oh, you are a hockey fan”. I’m thankful for this forum and frequently lurk here to keep up to date on my team.


Hall of Famer
I was standing on top of this hill trying to scribe some words onto a stone tablet when this drunk came along and muttered something about a bush, took my stone tablet, and then peed on my leg.

OK, seriously. I was born in St. Louis Missouri. My parents then boarded a wagon train heading west. Well, I exaggerated slightly. Lets just say I grew up with the St. Louis Hawks. Yes sports fans, they were in St. Louis before Atlanta. And, they were better then too. Bob Pettit, Easy Ed McCauley, Slater Martin, Cliff Hagen, and more players that most of you have never heard of. And I watched them lose in the finals every year to Bill Russell and company. I saw Wilt, up close and personal. And I was lucky enough to accidently become friends with Bob Pettit.

My Hawks left for greener pastures and I moved to Sacramento in 1966. Needing someone to follow, I became a Warriors fan and remained one up until the Kings came to town. I was lucky enough to be a Warrior fan when they won their one and only championship in San Francisco. That was a true cinderella team that came out of nowhere.

I've been a Kings fan ever since. Although I must admit, it was hard not switching back to the Warriors at times. For a period of time, the Kings were the most underfunded and poorly run organization in all of the NBA. Thank you Joe Axelson. You destroyed the Cincinnatti Royals and then came full circle to try and finish the job here in Sacramento. Well done there! May you rest in peace...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I reply, “Kings”. They say, “Oh, you are a hockey fan”. I’m thankful for this forum and frequently lurk here to keep up to date on my team.

I am not surprised -- you're way up in hockey country.

P.S. Is that lake the crazy lake with all the Model Ts on the bottom from dufuses trying to drive over the ice?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I was standing on top of this hill trying to scribe some words onto a stone tablet when this drunk came along and muttered something about a bush, took my stone tablet, and then peed on my leg.
I'm telling you man, look into papyrus! Its the wave of the future.

P.S. One of my brother's best friends was Joe Axelson's nephew. He got to sit courtside a few times because of it.
My Hawks left for greener pastures and I moved to Sacramento in 1966. Needing someone to follow, I became a Warriors fan and remained one up until the Kings came to town. I was lucky enough to be a Warrior fan when they won their one and only championship in San Francisco. That was a true cinderella team that came out of nowhere.

I've been a Kings fan ever since. Although I must admit, it was hard not switching back to the Warriors at times. For a period of time, the Kings were the most underfunded and poorly run organization in all of the NBA. Thank you Joe Axelson. You destroyed the Cincinnatti Royals and then came full circle to try and finish the job here in Sacramento. Well done there! May you rest in peace...
That's where my NBA fanhood began. Listening on the radio at home to SF Warriors games for several years and them 'Bingo!' the Warriors came from nowhere and won the championship. That was a real thrill. And oh yes I too remember the awful Axelson era and, having season tickets, I had to watch it.... and I admit loving it (the Kings games not Axelson).
-Jordans last year with Bulls vs. the Jazz I was amazed.
-season after I was in the mood for BB so turned on the local TV and the Kings were on and a fan was born.
-Born in L.A. and rest of family are Laker fans lol
Living in Kansas at the time, I got hooked when i first saw j-will, webber, stojakovic and divac all play together.......so much excitement and such an entertaining brand of basketball.......i love the sacramento kings
Let's see....... I'm 17, just a young'un lol. I was born in Vancouver, WA, which is right across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon. Granted, i was a huge Blazers fan. Those were the days of Damon Stoudemire, Steve Smith, Sabonis, Pippen, Dale Davis, etc. Moved down here when i was 10/11 around 2003. Continued to watch games, but mostly only the "good" teams and the playoffs.

How i became a Kings fan? quite bizarre actually. It started just last summer. I got a phone from my brother, and during my summer college class i would go on the internet on it. I decided to look up basketball news and decided to get news about the Kings (them being local and all). Then the lottery came around, watched it, then the actual draft, watched it. The i really started to get intrigued by the organization. Ever since then, i have watched almost every single game at home, except for a few where the schedule clashed with another event. I really like that i get every single game because i live in Folsom (not too far from Sac) and it's on CSN....


Hall of Famer
I'm telling you man, look into papyrus! Its the wave of the future.

P.S. One of my brother's best friends was Joe Axelson's nephew. He got to sit courtside a few times because of it.
I'm glad that Joe was able to do some good for somebody... Have you been to Wal Mart by the way. They have a bunch of crap they call paper. It looks promising. Hard to hit someone over the head with it though..:rolleyes:
Michael Jordan drew me into basketball. The first game I ever saw was game 6 of the NBA finals between the Suns and Bulls. Michael Jordan was phenomenal. I grew up in Northern California, but my parents weren't really into basketball until I showed the interest in junior high. While I knew who the Kings were, we didn't have TV, so I couldn't watch any of their games and I didn't really know who anyone was on the team because they didn't get much national coverage. Once we finally got a TV I could watch some local games, and I began to root for the Kings due to their proximity. I remember their win against Seattle in the 1st round series with Richmond and Grant, but it wasn't for another 2 years that I really started to watch the team consistently.

Proximity made me a Kings follower (Grass Valley), and the lock-out year team made me a Kings fan (J-Will + Peja + Webber + Vlade = Magic). The continued development of that group made me even want to spend money and go to their games, and their deep playoff runs cemented them as my team for life. All throughout high school and college I faithfully followed the Kings every move, and lived and died with their 4th quarter runs and shortcomings.

As an aside...I was so sick from their loss in game 6 of the WCF that I decided not to even watch game 7. I drove out to Colorado to go visit a friend in Gunnison. We drove Hwy 50 all the way out, the loneliest road in America...About the time that game 7 was going into overtime, we reached the Utah border. There was a sign that read "Welcome to Utah", and below it was a sign that said "Caution, now entering floodplane". Being June, I didn't take much notice, however, there were some storm clouds above and it began to rain...The rain came down like it was hail, and the water stayed on the road. I was driving 80+ MPH trying to get past the floodplane, and we finally made it into the neighboring hills.

Unfortunately, summer thunderstorms are common in Utah, and lightning was flashing pretty good. You could feel the hair on your arms prick up as the charge in the air was alternating. It was pretty exhilarating driving the windy mountain road. I saw lightning strike behind my car at least 4 times, and finally it actually hit my car! The lightning balled around it and I could see it both in front of me and out the rear view mirror. That was the craziest thing I've ever experienced in my life. The car was grounded, and all the windows were up, so I actually didn't feel anything above a light charge as the bolt passed through the tires down to the road. It did knock out my tail light though. After we arrived in Colorado that morning I heard about the Game 7 results, and pieced together that the lightning strike occurred around the same time as the overtime final :eek:. Since then I make sure to catch as many Kings games as I can...