2009-10 Kings draft position thread

I'm positive, its a guaranteed loss against the Lakers. Lakers want to keep the lead if Orlando clinches the final from the east to have the home court advantage. With Rockets... no idea.


I have a feeling Kmart will score 35pts tomorrow. I am going to the game. It will be our last game as Sacramentians.....if I spelt that right. My wife and I are moving to Texas on april 28th.
Wow, good luck in Texas. Are you going to convert to a Mavs fan?
With Rockets... no idea.
If I had a way to contact Adelman and beg him to beat us, for the sake of the fans who believed in him, and for his old buddy/teammate Geoff, I would do that. I'm hoping that he'll decide it on his own. It won't make much difference for the Rockets, but for us it is a very big deal.
This has been an incredible turn of events. Were right back in that Cousins, Wall, Turner range ..

That being said, I see us beating the Rockets tomorrow night. Arco will be full ( or close to it ) and our guys will want to give the fans something to look forward to next year. We'll see, it will be interesting.
I also think we have a good shot at beating the Rockets. The Kings are at home and the Rockets dont have a shot blocker to alter Tyrekes layups. Shane Battier wont be around to harrass Evans either. However, the Kings are terrible and the Rockets are decent. God i hope we lose! lol
I have a feeling Kmart will score 35pts tomorrow. I am going to the game. It will be our last game as Sacramentians.....if I spelt that right. My wife and I are moving to Texas on april 28th.

I'm going too. Good luck out in Texas, heard it don't cost much to live there. At least, not as much as it costs to live out here. CA is a money pit.
This has been an incredible turn of events. Were right back in that Cousins, Wall, Turner range ..

That being said, I see us beating the Rockets tomorrow night. Arco will be full ( or close to it ) and our guys will want to give the fans something to look forward to next year. We'll see, it will be interesting.
Well we will have better chance of getting cousins or turner if we lose tomorrow.. that's what I'm looking forward to see next season..So please lose kings!!
Anyone know how the lottery tiebreaker system works?

I remember we got shafted in 2007 in a three way tie, but not sure what the specifics/rules are or how the process works...
That year, they put three ping pong balls in a bowl, then the order they were picked out of there was the draft order.


Hall of Famer
Lakers are better without Hoagie Bryant. I expect Pau to put up a 30/20 game on us in a Lakers win.

Worry not! I think we're gonna finish up the season sans woss.
Seriously. And why still cry over the Clippers who brought nothing to the table that day? If anything, how about that Bulls game where the Kings were down 35 points and won? Or how about GSW's win against the Clippers? And if only Tyreke hadn't proven to be so clutch. There's probably 3 more game winning plays he made easy that he should have missed.
well, that game vs the bulls early in the season can't count because we weren't mathematically eliminated from the playoffs. there is a difference when you KNOW you won't make the playoffs (definitely going to be a lottery team) vs being .500 where dreams can be reality.
The Kings just picked up Westphal's option for 11-12, which could be organizational-speak for, "You're our guy, now go do us all a big favor and lose the last two games."
Wow wash gives up a 10 point lead and lins against the knicks. Awesome (insert sarcasm here). And then Detroit gets destroyed by Toronto (I am rooting for the Bulls to get that final playoff spot). Kings, this is must lose, we can't rely on the Dubs beating the Jazz, or the Wizards beating Indiana. Heck I could see Detroit linning against Minny, yes they are that bad.