Tyreke Evans ROTY & 20/5/5 Watch


Hall of Famer
Christ those are sick numbers, wasn't this guy supposed to hit the rookie wall at some point too?

He's just a player, I don't even know what type of player he's gonna be as for position but he's gonna be great. For a guy who was supposed to be a PG project, he's shown to be able to play the position pretty damn well I can't wait to see that jumper next season then it's gonna be game over for some of these teams:)
He hasn't figured out the pick and roll yet. When he does, those assists go up, up, up...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Is is really that important if he gets some arbitrarily chosen rounder number in rebounds and assists? I mean, is stat-mongering really what we're hanging our hats on?
Of course its important. EVERYTHING is important. It puts a Kings player on the shortlist, puts them in the limelight, gets them talked about. By extension, it brings attention and glory to the franchise, OUR franchise. It raises your profile. It gets you on TV. And all of the above makes the casual fan stand up and take notice and eventually helps fill up your arena.

Stats, awards, national strories and interviews....none of it is "important", but quite obviously yes it all is.
Christ those are sick numbers, wasn't this guy supposed to hit the rookie wall at some point too?

He's just a player, I don't even know what type of player he's gonna be as for position but he's gonna be great. For a guy who was supposed to be a PG project, he's shown to be able to play the position pretty damn well I can't wait to see that jumper next season then it's gonna be game over for some of these teams:)
Tyreke Evans hit the rookie wall, merged with it and became the wall itself. Now the only ones who have to worry about a rookie wall is whoever is guarding him ;)


Is is really that important if he gets some arbitrarily chosen rounder number in rebounds and assists? I mean, is stat-mongering really what we're hanging our hats on?
If you don't understand the importance of Tyreke's hype machine......might as well trade him away for nothing now to save ourselves from coming back from the pits of despair to national prominence. People on the east coast wake up in the morning not having watched the game, but they can see the stats.
Feel free to tell your cousin that's he's an ignorant little female dog, like most Lakers fans, and consider the argument closed until its time for him to pay up. :p

Right when I read this I sent him a text message with about these exact words:p and now I that I think about it I should have done more money for the bet
Evans has hit the rookie wall in a way, but it doesn't hurt his game as much since he doesn't shoot a lot of jumpers. There is no 'dead legs' syndrome. He is looking worn at the end of the games and teeters off. No rookie comes in conditioned to play the type of minutes he does.
All of them had extreme help and weren't the superstar on the team (except Magic.. he had that other beast though..).
Except Magic........ande Isiah Thomas. Thomas was certainly the main star of that pistons team. Either way, you said point guards dont win championships and I proved otherwise. To say that any star player cant win a championship because of the position they play is narrow minded.
I think the problem is with the word "star" and how over-applied it's been the past 15 years. Everyone has been looking for the next big "star", and so few of the appointees can live up to the hype. Just three years ago, Dwayne Wade was supposed to be the best player in the NBA. LeBron was anointed as a junior in high school. We're so anxious for the next MJ (when there won't be another MJ) that we put the label on every Harold Miner, Grant Hill and Allen Iverson we can, when none of them can measure up to what a star really is. I like LeBron and D-Wade, this is not a knock against them. It's just that we dub anyone who can fill up a stat sheet a star, and most of them aren't deserving.

True stars can carry their teams to championships, or at least have them contending, no matter the position. It's the second-rate guys that fall short and need help.
Evans has hit the rookie wall in a way, but it doesn't hurt his game as much since he doesn't shoot a lot of jumpers. There is no 'dead legs' syndrome. He is looking worn at the end of the games and teeters off. No rookie comes in conditioned to play the type of minutes he does.
Last 5 games Tyreke's averaging 20.2ppg/9.2 rpg/8.0 apg/2.2 TO. If there was a wall he ran straight through it.
Of course its important. EVERYTHING is important. It puts a Kings player on the shortlist, puts them in the limelight, gets them talked about. By extension, it brings attention and glory to the franchise, OUR franchise. It raises your profile. It gets you on TV. And all of the above makes the casual fan stand up and take notice and eventually helps fill up your arena.

Stats, awards, national strories and interviews....none of it is "important", but quite obviously yes it all is.
Yeah, I'm sure him having 4.8 rebounds compared to 5 rebounds is going to be the difference in all of that :rolleyes:
NBA.com: Rookie Chatter

I wasn't sure where to put this, but here is a link from nba.com about a discussion of rookie of the year race. Vince Thomas (never heard of him before now) not only thinks Curry will be ROY but will end up in the future being the best from this class and one of the best of his era. Sometimes I wonder if they have ever watched Tyreke play. I try as best as I can to not be biased, and I just don't see how people could consider Curry better than Tyreke.. now and in the future.

Here's the link:
Yeah, I'm sure him having 4.8 rebounds compared to 5 rebounds is going to be the difference in all of that :rolleyes:
Well, in this case, yeah, it's gonna make a difference. Because if he finishes with 20/5/5, then everyone can say "Tyreke Evans is the fourth player in the history of the NBA to average at least 20/5/5 as a rookie; the other three were Oscar Robertson, Michael Jordan, and LeBron James." And that's a pretty significant accomplishment, when you think about it. To be in company with those three guys is pretty big.
Yeah, I'm sure him having 4.8 rebounds compared to 5 rebounds is going to be the difference in all of that :rolleyes:
Media eats up stats and big name; and as Brick said, it gets people talking. Reke averages 20-5-5, he's in the same company with Big O, MJ, and LBJ. He averages 20-5-5, and suddenly the company gets larger and it's not as significant of an accomplishment.
I wasn't sure where to put this, but here is a link from nba.com about a discussion of rookie of the year race. Vince Thomas (never heard of him before now) not only thinks Curry will be ROY but will end up in the future being the best from this class and one of the best of his era. Sometimes I wonder if they have ever watched Tyreke play. I try as best as I can to not be biased, and I just don't see how people could consider Curry better than Tyreke.. now and in the future.

Here's the link:

this was annoying
Last 5 games Tyreke's averaging 20.2ppg/9.2 rpg/8.0 apg/2.2 TO. If there was a wall he ran straight through it.
That is the product of benefiting from being the #1 option again, along with adjusting to defenses focused on him. He still looks dog tired at the end of games, more so than earlier in the season.

Observational analysis. Not that stat crap.
I wasn't sure where to put this, but here is a link from nba.com about a discussion of rookie of the year race. Vince Thomas (never heard of him before now) not only thinks Curry will be ROY but will end up in the future being the best from this class and one of the best of his era. Sometimes I wonder if they have ever watched Tyreke play. I try as best as I can to not be biased, and I just don't see how people could consider Curry better than Tyreke.. now and in the future.

Here's the link:

Vince ended up eating his words by the end of that. What I think is getting overlooked is the issue that Jennings is the PG of a potential playoff team. Even if it is the LEast Conference, that is still a strong statement for a PG. Not strong enough to save him though.
I wasn't sure where to put this, but here is a link from nba.com about a discussion of rookie of the year race. Vince Thomas (never heard of him before now) not only thinks Curry will be ROY but will end up in the future being the best from this class and one of the best of his era. Sometimes I wonder if they have ever watched Tyreke play. I try as best as I can to not be biased, and I just don't see how people could consider Curry better than Tyreke.. now and in the future.

Here's the link:

Sounds like he felt bad for predicting Curry will be the next Janero Pargo, so is trying to make it up to him. I like Curry but he and Tyreke is just not in the same class. Tyreke's gets the superstar treatment from opposing team with double teams and planning their whole game around stopping tyreke, whereas Curry doesn't see that type of attention.
The most interesting thing about Curry and Evans is that they'd probably work real well together. Maybe he can get in the Nellie doghouse again and we can send GS a soft 6'7 center in exchange.