Tyreke Evans ROTY & 20/5/5 Watch

MJ had the system built around him to make the most out of his ability. Kobe had the system build around him. Shaq in his prime was the player that team build their system around. Look at the Magic, they run the system that is built around Howard. Those superstars should not be fitting into the system, the system should be built around them.
Wrong. Both MJ and Kobe were forced to fit into the triangle. The triangle was designed for teams that don't have great players.
The biggest superstars in basketball did not win titles until they became team players. Adapting is a two way street. If MJ kept on playing the same way he did before he started winning championships, he would have no rings on his finger today. Same goes for Kobe of the post-shaq era. And no, racking up assists does not make you a team player. It's pretty easy to get lots of assists when the ball is in your hand on every possession. This is something you can't see on a stat sheet. There is a huge difference between a star who trusts his teammates and passes to them because he believes that good things will happen when they have the ball, and a star that passes the ball because he's "supposed to" do that from time to time.

And like I said earlier, you can't go only by history. Every championship team has in a way redefined the "formula". We are not the Lakers. We can't get our hands on any star we want. We can't even get Bosh, and even he is far from bringing us to title contention. By your logic, the Kings can't ever win a championship, because when was the last time a small market team like us ever won anything? Modeling ourselves after the Lakers is doomed to failure. We can either try to redefine how we go after the ring, or we could try to get as lucky as the Spurs got with the draft, or we could try actually playing team ball (and by team ball I don't mean Brick's definition of 5 guys who take an exactly equal amount of shots. I mean a system in which every player will feel significant enough to make a contribution and not just wait around to see what the star will do). You can actually play team ball with superstars, you know (especially as a Kings fan I would think you would know). It's just that their ego has to take a little step back. Who knows, maybe if it wasn't for that infamous game 6, other teams would've been modeling their journey to the ring based on that Kings team?
Our only hope is drafting a superstar. Hopefully it was tyreke.
This is the kind of thing that makes me really uneasy posting on this board at times. I don't think anyone here "has a problem" with Tyreke, in the sense that they are unhappy with him being a King or they want him traded. But Tyreke, just like any basketball player, including LeBron, Kobe and MJ, is NOT perfect, and therefore is the subject of legitimate criticism from time to time.

To me, though, it seems like every time someone voices the least bit of criticism of Tyreke, that poster is immediately attacked and accused of having a secret agenda. I myself have felt the need to start any post with any hint of criticism of Tyreke with something "Tyreke is a great player and will undoubtedly be the next big superstar in basketball", just to avoid those kind of attacks.

I have just recently criticized Omri pretty harshly. Does that mean I "have a problem with him"? Of course not - he is the reason I am here in the first place. I also criticized PW in the whole Spencer incident. Does that mean I want him fired? Of course not!

Tyreke is a great player (there I go again), but he is young and needs to improve on many things. It is important that he is called out on those things while he is still a rookie, because in 4-5 years, if he keeps getting the royal treatment, some of these things will become unchangeable habits.


Asaf, I agree with you that no one on the team, including Tyreke, should be excluded from constructive criticism. But there is a lot of history behind all this bickering on the board that you might not know about. The problem people have with Section101 and other "Tyreke Haters" is that they've been hating on Tyreke since the day he was drafted. That is why Section101 in particularly gets the responses he does from forum members here. Why do they hate Tyreke so much, you might ask? Did Tyreke do a bad thing? Did Tyreke beat up little kids? Is Tyreke a bad teammate? No, The reason is that Tyreke was drafted over their boy toy Ricky Rubio. Ricky was supposed to be our Golden Boy, the one Holy Grail who was supposed to turn the franchise around, and in doing so bring excitement and international fame to the Kings. The Spanish Boy King was supposed to bring brilliant, sensational flashy passes that bring grown men to tears. And at the same time, his boyish good looks and long hair was going to make the ladies' hearts flutter uncontrollably (yeah I'm talking about you Ailene Voison!) as they yearn helplessly for the young prodigal heartthrob. He was the most hyped international basketball player ever.

But then came draft day. and what happened on draft day? The Kings somehow someway drafted Tyreke Freakin Evans. How dare they draft Evans over the Spanish Boy King!? How dare them?! How dare they draft Evans over the international Spanish sensation who was going to be the next superstar Pg? The one boy with vision and passing like no one has ever seen. How dare the Kings ignore the expertise of so many Kings fans who predicted greatness for the Spanish boy King after watching youtube video highlights? This is blasphemy! Some Kings fans here tried to justify the drafting of Evans over Rubio, but to no avail. The Rubio fans would not hear it. They cannot be wrong, they are NEVER wrong. So the Kings draft Evans much to the disappointment of the Rubio fans, but that's ok. because Tyreke Evans is 2 guard and will fail miserably at point guard. Evans will be a complete bust and prove the Rubio fans right! They shall be vindicated!

But then what happens during the season? Tyreke didn't become a bust. Tyreke leads the Kings to an impressive start that had many fans dreaming of playoffs. Not willing to admit that they were wrong, Rubio fans start nitpicking Tyreke's game. "He's not a true point guard." "He makes mistakes that cost the team the game in the end." So now here we are to the present day, with Tyreke having a historic rookie season, and Rubio quietly playing in Europe for 2 years. Rubio fans still holding on, still too proud to admit fault. How could they be wrong?! It just can't be. They are NEVER wrong! Never, ever ever ever!

ps. all joking aside, I think Section101 and others are really Kings fan by heart and do want the team to succeed. But they forget this because they are blinded by their pride and desire to protect their ego.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Wrong. Both MJ and Kobe were forced to fit into the triangle. The triangle was designed for teams that don't have great players.
Kindly point out the teams that have won with the triangle without having a top 10 player. I can only think of one that won it all without having two.
Kindly point out the teams that have won with the triangle without having a top 10 player. I can only think of one that won it all without having two.
But that's exactly the point. Of course you can't win a championship in the NBA without having REALLY good players. Who ever said team ball should only be played by mediocre players?

Everyone looks at the teams who have won championships and say "oh, they have superstars, of course". But it should be a given that you need superstars to win, especially in the NBA when the competition is very tough. In fact, almost every team in the NBA has an Allstar level player. Even Minnesota has Big Al.

But look how many superstars have NOT won a championship. Iverson, Barkley, Nowitzky, Stockton, Malone (well..) to name just a few. You need to have really good players (superstars and role players) that will play in a system in which they can all thrive. Giving the keys to one guy, especially a 20 year old guy, and telling him to do as he pleases with the team is taking the Iverson road. Do we really want that?

Just for comparison, only a few centuries ago everyone would've laughed at the idea of democracy. "How would society function without a king? And how are the people qualified to vote for their leader? That makes no sense". But lo and behold, the relatively functional part of the world today is the democratic part. Things change in life, including basketball. It's important to learn from the past, but it's equally important to realize that whatever happened in the past has so many factors built into it that reaching such definitive conclusions based on the only factors we are aware of is doomed to fail.
The only reason the star driven teams win most of the rings is because it's Stern's league. The Kings team that everyone knows was amazing to watch, but ultimately it did not fit Stern's plan. I hope for the day that either Stern retires and a new way of thinking gets in charge of the NBA or the day Stern gets exposed and is forced to step down.

I think it is interesting to be a Phoenix fan right now, knowing your team isn't built in a way that will get the love from outside forces that is needed to win rings but that you get to go to a ball game and see good basketball. Compare that to being a Cavs fan, and having an excellent all around freak in Lebron James, who can make great passes and finishes, but who exists in one of the ugliest offenses in the league just because it suits the sort of game which allows Superstars to get calls/control outcomes. The Cavs, outside of James, are an ugly *** product and their style even nullifies some of what made James more compared to Magic than MJ at the start.

At a certain point, the league had its stars and its good ball. Jordan and Stern changed all that, and it can be argued that Stern changed that because ratings and interest and revenue were declining at the moment. The same thing is happening now, but I don't think Stern will be willing to change his Superstar model yet.

For the Kings success vis a vis the Superstar model, there are a few hurdles. Namely, that you don't see superstars on smaller markets getting rings often. Second, Tyreke isn't a showtime dunker and highlight guy, and that image is part of what Stern wants to sell. Third, the history of the Webber and Divac era ended in what has become a big black eye for the league's credibility. To bring Sacramento back into the spotlight is to invite comparisons and talk of that team, essentially drudging up a past that Stern would rather be forgotten.

Can the Kings and Tyreke overcome the business side of the NBA to win rings? I'm not sure. Can they bring in extra stars to a small market? If Tyreke ends up a Gilbert Arenas more than a DWade then I doubt it. Even though players understand Phoenix isn't aiming for rings, they still come just to enjoy playing. It was hard for the Lakers to lure Free Agents with Kobe. just due to Kobe's playstyle alienating others. Hell, not everybody wanted to play with MJ either.

An interesting experiment is sure to come.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
But that's exactly the point. Of course you can't win a championship in the NBA without having REALLY good players. Who ever said team ball should only be played by mediocre players?
No, that wasn't my point (or question, since I could be wrong). He specifically said the triangle was designed to be run by non-stars, if that were the case everybody would be running it and you could point to its success elsewhere. As far as I know everybody else who attempted to adopt it failed.

Look, you won't see me arguing against team ball here. I hated the 90s NBA and relish the pre-expansion NBA when there were 7 or 8 legitimate title contenders every season loaded with star talent. My post history will bear that out.

That said, I'm in Brick's camp of just wanting my team to win. I struggled to enjoy the game the past few years until this season. Even when the other team I follow won their first championship in 20 years I struggled to enjoy it because of how far the Kings had fallen. But I also think a lot of the critiques of Tyreke are unfounded. This is a guy that appears to be one of the most humble stars to come into the league in generations. He's working out his limitations in a way that isn't detrimental to our team as the only thing we are seriously contending for is a top pick in the draft. The same has happened for all the great ones.


Asaf, I agree with you that no one on the team, including Tyreke, should be excluded from constructive criticism. But there is a lot of history behind all this bickering on the board that you might not know about. The problem people have with Section101 and other "Tyreke Haters" is that they've been hating on Tyreke since the day he was drafted. That is why Section101 in particularly gets the responses he does from forum members here. Why do they hate Tyreke so much, you might ask? Did Tyreke do a bad thing? Did Tyreke beat up little kids? Is Tyreke a bad teammate? No, The reason is that Tyreke was drafted over their boy toy Ricky Rubio. Ricky was supposed to be our Golden Boy, the one Holy Grail who was supposed to turn the franchise around, and in doing so bring excitement and international fame to the Kings. The Spanish Boy King was supposed to bring brilliant, sensational flashy passes that bring grown men to tears. And at the same time, his boyish good looks and long hair was going to make the ladies' hearts flutter uncontrollably (yeah I'm talking about you Ailene Voison!) as they yearn helplessly for the young prodigal heartthrob. He was the most hyped international basketball player ever.

But then came draft day. and what happened on draft day? The Kings somehow someway drafted Tyreke Freakin Evans. How dare they draft Evans over the Spanish Boy King!? How dare them?! How dare they draft Evans over the international Spanish sensation who was going to be the next superstar Pg? The one boy with vision and passing like no one has ever seen. How dare the Kings ignore the expertise of so many Kings fans who predicted greatness for the Spanish boy King after watching youtube video highlights? This is blasphemy! Some Kings fans here tried to justify the drafting of Evans over Rubio, but to no avail. The Rubio fans would not hear it. They cannot be wrong, they are NEVER wrong. So the Kings draft Evans much to the disappointment of the Rubio fans, but that's ok. because Tyreke Evans is 2 guard and will fail miserably at point guard. Evans will be a complete bust and prove the Rubio fans right! They shall be vindicated!

But then what happens during the season? Tyreke didn't become a bust. Tyreke leads the Kings to an impressive start that had many fans dreaming of playoffs. Not willing to admit that they were wrong, Rubio fans start nitpicking Tyreke's game. "He's not a true point guard." "He makes mistakes that cost the team the game in the end." So now here we are to the present day, with Tyreke having a historic rookie season, and Rubio quietly playing in Europe for 2 years. Rubio fans still holding on, still too proud to admit fault. How could they be wrong?! It just can't be. They are NEVER wrong! Never, ever ever ever!

ps. all joking aside, I think Section101 and others are really Kings fan by heart and do want the team to succeed. But they forget this because they are blinded by their pride and desire to protect their ego.

OH MY GOD!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Post of the 2009-2010 season ladies and gents! I nominate this post for the hall of fame.


Oh, and as for you Asaf. A lot of Kings fans are moping around that we lost Gerald Wallace who, after 8 years, is finally living up to his immense potential. A player drafted from Alabama after his one and only season there. This guy is a STUD, doing everything and anything to help his team win.

There is a similar guy the Kings have, whom they drafted out of college after his one and only season, who is performing at a clip that only an elite few have ever done, whose rookie season is still 'in-progress', who has displayed an amazing work ethic and talent level, and you want this individual to perform at the level of an 11-12 year veteran? Please, ask yourself what your true intentions are. Evans has (health permitting) another 13+ years left in the nba. Don't ya think you might give him, hmm, at least until year THREE before throwing him under the bus for making legitimate rookie-future-superstar mistakes?
Oh, and as for you Asaf. A lot of Kings fans are moping around that we lost Gerald Wallace who, after 8 years, is finally living up to his immense potential. A player drafted from Alabama after his one and only season there. This guy is a STUD, doing everything and anything to help his team win.

There is a similar guy the Kings have, whom they drafted out of college after his one and only season, who is performing at a clip that only an elite few have ever done, whose rookie season is still 'in-progress', who has displayed an amazing work ethic and talent level, and you want this individual to perform at the level of an 11-12 year veteran? Please, ask yourself what your true intentions are. Evans has (health permitting) another 13+ years left in the nba. Don't ya think you might give him, hmm, at least until year THREE before throwing him under the bus for making legitimate rookie-future-superstar mistakes?
Ugh, I said I would bow out of this discussion, because I REALLY have more important things to do right now, but I must respond to this one, and this is DEFINITELY going to be my last post, at least for tonight...

This is EXACTLY what I was talking about when this discussion started. I challenge you to find ONE post in which I so much as implied that I want Tyreke "thrown under the bus". I think Tyreke is one hell of a player (although it is becoming quite annoying to have to repeat this every time in order to avoid being branded a Tyreke hater) and I am happy he is a King. Pointing out a player's flaws and expressing hope that he will fit a style of play that in my view is more beneficial to the team does NOT equal wanting him to be traded. I pointed out Casspi's flaws in the rookie wall thread, pretty harshly I might add. Does that mean I want him traded? Do you think I want PW fired because I thought he overreacted in the case of the incident with Spencer? Are we really becoming like Kobe fans where everything that comes out of anyone's mouth that is not along the lines of "he is greater than Michael" is considered hating on the guy?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The only reason the star driven teams win most of the rings is because it's Stern's league. The Kings team that everyone knows was amazing to watch, but ultimately it did not fit Stern's plan. I hope for the day that either Stern retires and a new way of thinking gets in charge of the NBA or the day Stern gets exposed and is forced to step down.

I think it is interesting to be a Phoenix fan right now, knowing your team isn't built in a way that will get the love from outside forces that is needed to win rings but that you get to go to a ball game and see good basketball. Compare that to being a Cavs fan, and having an excellent all around freak in Lebron James, who can make great passes and finishes, but who exists in one of the ugliest offenses in the league just because it suits the sort of game which allows Superstars to get calls/control outcomes. The Cavs, outside of James, are an ugly *** product and their style even nullifies some of what made James more compared to Magic than MJ at the start.

At a certain point, the league had its stars and its good ball. Jordan and Stern changed all that, and it can be argued that Stern changed that because ratings and interest and revenue were declining at the moment. The same thing is happening now, but I don't think Stern will be willing to change his Superstar model yet.

For the Kings success vis a vis the Superstar model, there are a few hurdles. Namely, that you don't see superstars on smaller markets getting rings often. Second, Tyreke isn't a showtime dunker and highlight guy, and that image is part of what Stern wants to sell. Third, the history of the Webber and Divac era ended in what has become a big black eye for the league's credibility. To bring Sacramento back into the spotlight is to invite comparisons and talk of that team, essentially drudging up a past that Stern would rather be forgotten.

Can the Kings and Tyreke overcome the business side of the NBA to win rings? I'm not sure. Can they bring in extra stars to a small market? If Tyreke ends up a Gilbert Arenas more than a DWade then I doubt it. Even though players understand Phoenix isn't aiming for rings, they still come just to enjoy playing. It was hard for the Lakers to lure Free Agents with Kobe. just due to Kobe's playstyle alienating others. Hell, not everybody wanted to play with MJ either.

An interesting experiment is sure to come.

That's all semi-well thought out, and also unfortunately mostly baloney.

Here is why the superstar model works, and its got nothing to do with Stern or favorites or anythng other than basketball dynamics.

1) first, obviously there are two sides of the ball, offense and defense, as there is in virtually every sport. The critical difference between the sides of the ball is this:

2a) on offense, you are limited becasue there is only a single ball. Only one offensive player can play with the ball at a time. This is however also a big advantage -- it means that if you have 1 or 2 dominant offensive players you can keep forcing the ball to them, and the other players do not need to be as skilled. You are in control.

2b) defense is the opposite -- the opposing team controls where it attacks, so you need as many good defensive players over there as you can get, since any one of them may be attacked on any possession. If you have a weak defender out there, the opposing team can focus its attack on them.

here is how that comes together:

3) the problem is that many, or even most, defensive specialist type players lack offensive skill, just as many, if not most, offensive players lack defensive skill. Obviously players that have both are actually star level guys.

4) so, you need as many defensive guys you can get on the floor in order to play top defense, because of the 2b siutation (i.e. because opposing offenses can attack any one of them). But if you put defensive specialists all over the floor, you can't score anymore. Your option is to put in offensive players all over the floor, but then of course your defense suffers.

5) enter the superstar. Because of 2a, that is because there is only one ball on offense and you control who it goes to, one highly skilled offensive player can in fact dominate a basketball game by himself. You keep sending the ball to him, and if he is a superstar level guy, either his man can't guard him, or they double him or trap him or otherwise run extra people at him, which leaves others open, and allows less talented teammates open looks to score.

6) so what does that do? Well because you have this one dominant offensive player, all of a sudden you can afford to put defensive specialists on the floor (typically armed with a limited aresenal, often a standstill three point shot), because the one dominant offensive player takes care of the offense for you. In essense he "buys" you roleplayers/defensive specialists.

7) so now your superstar takes care of the offense, the defensive roleplayers take care of the defense (aided by the superstar -- one of their key traits is they are strong on both ends), and you are set to be a top team.

8) meanwhile teams without superstars are caught in a zero sum situation where they can't have both offense and defense at the same time. They have to choose. To get enough offense they have to put offensive players at every position, but then their defense sucks. Or they can play it the other way, throw all defensive personnel out there, but without a superstar to pick up the scoring burden, they can't score. Either way they are between a rock and a hard place.

9) Cleveland's offense is ugly. But what you are missing is that the offense is not the point. What they have "bought" with LeBron is defense, defense, and more defense. And LeBron's job is just to try to keep them scoring enoguh that the defense will carry them. And as their 52-15 record shows, oh boy does it.
Most of your post doesn't really address my points, so I'll ask you this.


Would you agree that in a match-up of two superstar teams that both feature defensive ability, that the team with better talent would win? Why or Why not?
For the Kings success vis a vis the Superstar model, there are a few hurdles. Namely, that you don't see superstars on smaller markets getting rings often
San Antonio. I know Duncan has never had a superstar persona, but it would be hard to argue he isn't one. He's the player San Antonio built itself around. Webber waas Sacramento's superstar. Just an unlucky in body star.

Also, don't forget that the Kings knew they needed to upgrade their defense, if they ever wanted to win a championship. So in 02/03 they were arguably the best defensive team in the league. People seem to like to forget that.
Well, I think you just excluded about 90% of the posters here from haing any fruitful discussion with you. If that's the way you view things, then everyone has an agenda, including me and you. Here are some examples:
We do have an agenda...it's getting the Kings to be a competitive team and hopefully win a championship by all means necessary. (Beside cheating of course ;)) Any other agenda shall be sneer and make fun of. :cool:

I confess, I really like team basketball. I would take the Detroit model or the old Kings model over the Lakers model any day.
And that is one of the agenda that Brick listed. You should realized that while it would be fun to watch team style bball, it's not that important to most of us, we just want our Kings to succeed. Whether it's team type or superstar type, both have proven to succeed. One more so than the other but of course that is a debate that you can debate with others. I really don't care much about it.

I am also a player fan. The only reason I became a Kings fan is because they drafted Omri Casspi.
At least you know your viewpoint has bias in it. Most of us, while we love what Evans doing and giving us hope, if he for any reason can't get the job done, we will be shipping him off like everyone else. Kings first, player second.

You make very clear cut assumptions about people. Have you considered the fact that some people might think that the fact that Tyreke is a great player does not mean that Rubio isn't? Is it not possible that the Kings could've drafted Rubio and been just as satisfied with his contribution (assuming he would've come to the NBA)?
Rubio is or isn't are both assumptions. We really don't care about that because it is not real. But we're happy with what we got and very pleased. To have a MVP in the rookie game, 20/5/5 rookie player, and possible ROY (definitely high end candidate) and anyone questioning that would most likely be on Brick's list of agenda. They're too blind with their ambition to see it.

And as for the "antis", you might want to consider that some people do view basketball, and everything else in the world for that matter, quite differently than most people. I, for one, think they should be entitled for their opinions.
Everyone is entitle to their opinion, but they shouldn't ignore facts. If they can't understand why fans are happy with Tyreke then they're ignoring all the facts. They trying to justified their opinion with speculations and all the little specs of error that still exist. Opinion like that should be ridicule.

Having said all that, I am not saying that there are NO trolls or blind player fans on this board. I am just saying that most regular posters here, even if they do have what you perceive as an agenda, are intelligent enough to take other things into consideration and disagree with each other in a respectful manner. It is when you treat these posters in a condescending manner that the atmosphere on the board becomes unpleasant.
The Mods have been doing pretty well with this site, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Just my weird self:
Intelligent or not, if they're agenda is not to make the Kings better it shall be sneer, mock and make fun of. That should be the law around here. :p

PS I like ElRey's post too.

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MJ was the best player in basketball pretty much since he set foot in the NBA. Still, it took him seven years to win his first ring because he needed to learn that he can't win it alone, even if he is Michael Jordan. One of the things I like about LeBron is that he is basically spending the entire regular season trying to involve his teammates as much as possible to get them to a place where they could help him win in the playoffs. He knows too that he can't do it alone.
This. You admit that it took MJ 7 years before he hit paydirt, yet whining about Tyreke in his FIRST year in the league. I'm telling you to be patient and let him evolve as a basketball player too. All you can do however is defend yourself and keep saying you are not calling for Tyreke to be traded. You just want him to pass the ball to your favorite player more, right?
I do, however, think that it would be beneficial to a team with a superstar to have that superstar play within a team frame. MJ was the best player in basketball pretty much since he set foot in the NBA. Still, it took him seven years to win his first ring because he needed to learn that he can't win it alone, even if he is Michael Jordan.
That isn't what happened. Michael's game remained the same, but his teammates, Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant just got better. Not because Michael "made" them better through team play. Better because they went from young 22 year old prospects to 25 year old young studs entering their prime.
Did anyone else get annoyed during the Lakers/Warriors introduction on ESPN stating that Curry is a rookie of the year candidate? It's not a contest in my opinion. Not taking anything from Curry, but it irritates me that Sacramento gets no national attention (which is key for the ROY). I hope the Warriors get exposed as the stat padders that they are.
You think that's bad? I'm listening to the pregame warmup show before the game yesterday on my way home from work, and they are interviewing the Warriors play-by-play guy, and he says: "If Steph Curry doesn't win Rookie of the Year, then there's something screwy going on with the voters." :eek: Seriously, I almost crashed into the center divider. I don't know what planet this guy is on, but if Tyreke Evans doesn't win Rookie of the Year, then there's something screwy going on with the voters. It's not even close.
Oh I am sorry are you actually saying that MJ's and Kobe's games have never fit the triangle offence!

Your ignorance is truly amazing!
I never said they dont fit. You said that the offense for them was designed for them. It was in fact not designed for them. They had to learn to play within the offense as designed.
You think that's bad? I'm listening to the pregame warmup show before the game yesterday on my way home from work, and they are interviewing the Warriors play-by-play guy, and he says: "If Steph Curry doesn't win Rookie of the Year, then there's something screwy going on with the voters." :eek: Seriously, I almost crashed into the center divider. I don't know what planet this guy is on, but if Tyreke Evans doesn't win Rookie of the Year, then there's something screwy going on with the voters. It's not even close.

Wow seriously....that's some funny stuff. :D

Not the almost crashing stuff.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
You think that's bad? I'm listening to the pregame warmup show before the game yesterday on my way home from work, and they are interviewing the Warriors play-by-play guy, and he says: "If Steph Curry doesn't win Rookie of the Year, then there's something screwy going on with the voters." :eek: Seriously, I almost crashed into the center divider. I don't know what planet this guy is on, but if Tyreke Evans doesn't win Rookie of the Year, then there's something screwy going on with the voters. It's not even close.

Well, that was the Warriors play by play guy. :p

Sounds pretty much exactly like something Grant or Jerry would say.
From an expert's standpoint Mark Stein said it best in his weekly power rankings:
22 (24)Kings 23-44
Tyreke is still averaging 20, 5 and 5, something only Oscar Robertson, Michael Jordan and LeBron James did as rooks. Which is why Tyreke is still the ROY favorite ahead of his fast-charging Golden State neighbor.
25 (27)Warriors 18-47
I suspect it isn't branching out onto the most dangerous limb to suggest that Steph Curry trying to chase down Tyreke Evans in the ROY race holds Oaktown's interest more than Don Nelson versus Lenny Wilkens.
Well, that was the Warriors play by play guy. :p

Sounds pretty much exactly like something Grant or Jerry would say.
Except Grant or Jerry would be right. I don't think they would say it if the tables were turned and Steph Curry was running away with it. They might call him "our rookie of the year" or something like that, but they wouldn't go as far as this Warriors shill did... would they?
Except Grant or Jerry would be right. I don't think they would say it if the tables were turned and Steph Curry was running away with it. They might call him "our rookie of the year" or something like that, but they wouldn't go as far as this Warriors shill did... would they?
I doubt it...if anything Fans would call in and tell Grant he's crazy for not defending our guy.
This. You admit that it took MJ 7 years before he hit paydirt, yet whining about Tyreke in his FIRST year in the league. I'm telling you to be patient and let him evolve as a basketball player too. All you can do however is defend yourself and keep saying you are not calling for Tyreke to be traded. You just want him to pass the ball to your favorite player more, right?
This is ridiculous. If after nearly 300 posts of what I thought was me contributing to an intelligent discussion, my motives are still in question and my opinions are marked with an asterisk, I really see no point in continuing to post on this board. Feel free to enjoy your consensus. Good thing you are nothing like those Kobe fans...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
This is ridiculous. If after nearly 300 posts of what I thought was me contributing to an intelligent discussion, my motives are still in question and my opinions are marked with an asterisk, I really see no point in continuing to post on this board. Feel free to enjoy your consensus. Good thing you are nothing like those Kobe fans...
No actually yours are not. You have your prejudices, but so does almost everyone. But you aren't a one issue poster -- a sure sign of eventual trouble. You may have come here for Casspi's sake, but you have taken an interest in the team as a whole.