Kevin martin traded to rockets

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I'm thinking of pulling an all-nighter. I'm too pumped to go to sleep. :D
I've been considering the same thing, but since I'm willing to bet that it's going to be mostly speculation for the next few hours, I think I'm going to take my chances and try and get some sleep.
If we can get two 1st round picks and Jordan Hill for TMAC, then I like this trade. That would set up the future and get Landry + Hill to help our bigs. Hill hasn't really played enough in NY to develop. He can be a decent player. I wouldn't be surprise if he is better than JT if developed.
Judging by how many people are viewing this forum...looks like none of us are even thinking of sleeping. Have any of you seen the rockets forum? had over 2,000 viewers at one point. :eek:

No...that wasn't a typo. Holy crap.
kmart will do great on the rockets, GP could well be on his way to doing it again. Only a few more parts to ship off and you'd say were on the cusp of something very special depending on what we get in return.
This might have already been stated a few times... but I wish WISH we would include Jason Thompson in this trade. I'd rather keep Sergio on our team :confused: It's nice to see Kenny Thomas finally get sent off though. I can't believe how long he actually stayed with our team!
Just a real quick comparison of Landry, and I hope I'm not too far off base with this, but he's always reminded me of Michael 'The Animal' Smith(healthy years)with a more polished offensive game. His hustle and tenacity are infectious, especially on the offensive he blocks shots too. 6'9/250...he is the beast that is Mandry!!

Edit: For all the people that wished Jon Brockman was a couple inches taller and could ya go!:D
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Huge influence to do what? Become rookie of the year? He's already there. There aren't many positive influences i can see McGrady bringing.
He could influence Evans to look at one defender with one eye, and another defender with the other eye. THATS what McGrady can bring to the table! You see that dudes eyes? :eek:
BTW, this is too cool...I can't remember the last time I was up at 3:30am talking Kings and was in a GOOD mood about doing it! My wife will get a kick out of it in the morning when I tell her.:D
Just a real quick comparison of Landry, and I hope I'm not too far off base with this, but he's always reminded me of Michael 'The Animal' Smith(healthy years)with a more polished offensive game. His hustle and tenacity are infectious, especially on the offensive he blocks shots too. 6'9/250...he is the beast that is Mandry!!

Edit: For all the people that wished Jon Brockman was a couple inches taller and could ya go!:D
Minus the rebounding of course (Brockman reference) but he is a beast on the offensive boards and I believe he averages 6ppg on putbacks alone... He's more athletic than Smith was too.. But it's not a bad comparison.. I have been thinking of who he reminds me of all night, and cannot really come up with anything good. I do believe though He will be able to play with Evans. I am just trying to get over the pissed off attitude I have now because of Martin being traded. :mad: It had to be done though because Evans is the better all around player and things just weren't clicking.
SAC fans are actually a bunch of downers.
They claim that K-Mart was and KT were there best chips, and they shouldn't have traded for Mac's expiring. Well guess what, we lost our main man in Landry for those suckers.
HAHA. Sacramento Website crashed

Quote:Originally Posted by theclash4u5
Did we crash this site? Takes like 20 minutes to load a page! O_O

I'm not sure, but this board has easily handled way more traffic than this before...

Well guess what, Clutchfans pwns all your nooby fansites.

Hahahaha!! So nice of them to notice and pay attention to us in Sac.:D
houston could have thrown in rights for sergio llul for us.

landry expires next year if we spend the 9mil or 6 mil on him this offseason i will be disappointed but we get a lot of capspace this summer (22 mil? off mcgrady and 3 off landry so 25 all in all?) we can sign quality players

PLEASE not boozer :D
SAC fans are actually a bunch of downers.
They claim that K-Mart was and KT were there best chips, and they shouldn't have traded for Mac's expiring. Well guess what, we lost our main man in Landry for those suckers.
HAHA. Sacramento Website crashed

Quote:Originally Posted by theclash4u5
Did we crash this site? Takes like 20 minutes to load a page! O_O

I'm not sure, but this board has easily handled way more traffic than this before...

Well guess what, Clutchfans pwns all your nooby fansites.

Hahahaha!! So nice of them to notice and pay attention to us in Sac.:D


lets thank them for donte and casspi while were at it :D
Yeah no kidding!!:D. Imagine that Rockets team with Casspi right now? And Donte too?!?Scary!!! Oh well, their loss!:D

adelman is getting the rockets Ws on his shear brilliance alone.. he is doing a helluva job there.

but true we might get the upper hand on the rockets for the second straight season...

is the deadline passed? we have a very valuable trading chip in tmac. if we can snag jordan hill from nyk geoff is a freakin genius
I like Landry, I do ... but part of me feels like this isnt enough for Kmart.

On the other hand, IF we make that deal with NY, your looking at a pick ( or 2 ) Landry, and Jordan Hill for Kmart... thats not bad. I just we wish we could have unloaded Nocioni, but I guess there is still time for that.

I didnt realize Landry averaged 16 ppg. Thats a lot more than I thought .. not the greatest defensive rebounder though.
adelman is getting the rockets Ws on his shear brilliance alone.. he is doing a helluva job there.

but true we might get the upper hand on the rockets for the second straight season...

is the deadline passed? we have a very valuable trading chip in tmac. if we can snag jordan hill from nyk geoff is a freakin genius

nope, the deadline is 3pm eastern time I believe.
noc can go to boston for scalabrine and some fillers and a pick... or some playoff contending team with a low lottery pick.

look on the brightside people

TROY MURPHY wont be a king
nope, the deadline is 3pm eastern time I believe.
if newyork wants that capspace they better give us something in return lol

it would be really funny if no star signs with them i loved the newyork fans faces when steph curry got drafted just before them the looks were priceless.

new york is that desperate to getting capspace yes?
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